Magento 2 BynderDAM Extension gives you a great opportunity to upload more “images”, “videos” and “documentation” to the BynderDAM Media Library next to the Magento admin.
How to Install extension using Manual Installation? 1.1. Download the BynderDAM extension 1.2. Unzip the file in a temporary directory/folder with name as BynderDAM. 1.3. Put Admin IP Restriction directory as per this folder structure: project_root/app/code/ DamConsultants / BynderDAM 1.4. Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder 1.4.1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade 1.4.2. php bin/magento setup:di:compile 1.4.3. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Using Composer composer require damconsultants/bynderdam:1.0.16