$ go run . -d data/test
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A Breez SDK Go CLI
backup start a backup of the local data
buy_bitcoin generate a URL to buy bitcoin
check_message verify a signed message
clear clear the screen
close_lsp_channels close all LSP channels
connect initialize an SDK instance
connect_lsp connect to another LSP
disconnect stop the SDK instance
execute_dev_command execute a low level node command (used for debugging)
exit exit the shell
fetch_onchain_fees fetch the current fees for a reverse swap
help use 'help [command]' for command help
in_progress_reverse_swaps fetch the in-progress reverse swaps
in_progress_swap fetch the in-progress swap
list_lsps list available LSPs
list_payments list and filter payments
list_refundables list refundable swap addresses
lnurl_auth authenticate using LNURL-auth
lnurl_pay send payment using LNURL-pay
lnurl_withdraw receive payment using LNURL-withdraw
lsp_info get the latest LSP information
max_reverse_swap_amount calculate the maximum amount for a reverse swap
node_credentials get the node credentials
node_info get the latest node state
open_channel_fee calculate the open channel fee
parse parse text to get its type and relevant metadata
payment_by_hash fetch a payment by its hash
prepare_redeem_onchain_funds calculate the fee for a potential transaction
prepare_refund prepare a refund transaction for an incomplete swap
receive_onchain receive on-chain using a swap
receive_payment generate a bolt11 invoice
recommended_fees list recommended fees based on the mempool
redeem_onchain_funds send on-chain funds to an external address
refund broadcast a refund transaction for an incomplete swap
report_payment_failure send a payment failure report
send_onchain send on-chain using a reverse swap
send_payment send a lightning payment
send_spontaneous_payment send a spontaneous (keysend) payment
service_health_check fetch the latest service health check
set_api_key configure the Breez API key
sign_message sign a message
static_backup fetch the static backup data
sync sync local data with remote node