This document serves as a guide for the execution of the simulations and the processing of results related to the thesis "Sustainability of Autonomous Vehicles: An Agent-based Simulation of the Private Passenger Sector" and paper "On The Impact of Replacing Private Cars with Autonomous Shuttles: An Agent-Based Approach".
In the submodule "submodule @7c28ca1" you find the version of the Open Berlin MATSim Scenario that we used as a baseline.
In the directory Data-Preparation you find the python scripts to process the original input files of the Open Berlin Scenario to generate input files that we used for our simulations.
The "input", and describe three files to adjust extracted from the OpenBerlinScenario
Overview of changes to input files that we made:
Update config (local files with scenario settings)
Update shape file (local files with extended DRT range)
Update vehicles file (local files with increased fleet size)
Update plans file (local files with car trips replaced by DRT trips)
Update network file (local file which replaces car links by DRT mode based on the scenario setting)
With the newly generated input files, the scenarios as outlined in the thesis can be run
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
- CPU: Intel (R) Core (TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70 GHz
- Memory size: 128 GiB
Java and Eclipse (or similar IDE) openjdk 2023-08-24 // Eclipse Version: 2023-06 (4.28.0)
Python: Python 3.8.10
Python 3.8.10 Standard Packages
Python Packages Preprocessing
- pandas==2.0.3
- matplotlib==3.7.3
- requests==2.22.0
Python Packages Postprocessing
- pandas==2.0.3
- matplotlib==3.7.3
Other Font "Times New Roman" Installed on machine for heatmap generation
Install Java openjdk 2023-08-24
Install Eclipse Version: 2023-06 (4.28.0)
Clone MATSim Open Berlin Scenario According to the attached submodule:
Set Up MATSim as a Maven project in Eclipse According to the attached submodule:
Open the following .java files in your IDE
- For non SAV scenarios: src/main/java/org/matsim/run/
- For SAV scenarios: src/main/java/org/matsim/run/drt/
Execute either of the files for testing
- Clone the Data Preparation directory
Plans files
- Execute the "" file to create the plans files that include travel demand increases
- Run it 2 times in total: First set the forecast variable to "SC2", Second set the forecast variable to "SC3"
- Next, execute the "" file to create all SAV scenario plans files
- Run it 3 times in total: First set the forecast variable to "SC1", Second set the forecast variable to "SC2", Third set the forecast variable to "SC3"
- You have now succesfully created all required plans files!
Network files
Execute the "" file to create the three SAV-only network files used for all SAV scenarios
You have now succesfully created all required network files!
Clone the "Input" directory of this Git Repository and replace the "Input" directory in your matsim-berlin directory located at ./matsim-berlin/scenarios/berlin-v5.5-10pct/
Finalize Non SAV scenarios
- Move to directory ./input
- Copy&Paste the two plans files "berlin-v5.5-10pct_SC2.plans.xml.gz" and "berlin-v5.5-10pct_SC3.plans.xml.gz" into the /input directory to run the non-SAV scenarios
Finalize SAV scenarios
- Move to directory ./input/drt
- Update the directory in Line 171 of each config file by adding your filepath of the matsim-berlin clone (/ADJUSTACCORDINGTOYOURDIRECTORY/matsim-berlin/scenarios/berlin-v5.5-10pct/input/drt/SCX.X/berlin.shp)
- Note: It has to be the entire directory path of where your cloned matsim-berlin directory is located to avoid errors
- Move to each scenario directory (e.g. SC1.1)
- As noted in each readme file per scenario directory (e.g. SC1.1), copy&paste the according network and plans files into these directorys
- E.g., copy&paste "berlin-v5.5-network_SCX.1.xml.gz" and "berlin-v5.5-10pct_SC1_SCX.1.plans.xml" from the Input_Processed and Input_Processed/10pct directory to the input/drt/SC1.1 directory
Run Non SAV scenarios
- Clone the file of this Git Repository
- Move to your local directory ./matsim-berlin/src/main/java/org/matsim/run and replace the file
- You can now run the Non SAV scenarios by running this java file through Eclipse after commenting out the specific scenario to run in lines 78ff
Run SAV scenarios
- Clone the file of this Git Repository
- Move to your local directory ./matsim-berlin/src/main/java/org/matsim/run/drt and replace the file
- You can now run the SAV scenarios by running this java file through Eclipse after commenting out the specific scenario to run in lines 78ff
Run Testing Scenarios
- Clone the Input_Additional_Analyses directory from this Git Repository and replace your local drt file (under .berlin-v5.5-1pct/input/) with the drt files from the cloned Input_Additional_Analyses directory
- Add the plans file and network file as outlined in the readme within drt/SC1.3
- You can now run the testing scenarios via the same file as the 10pct version by chossing the specific config file in line 78ff
- Processed travel demand forecast and simulation results are documented in the directory results
- Python files used for additional postprocessing (e.g., to reproduce heat maps) can be found in the Data_Postprocessing directory
- The MATSim Open Berlin Scenario as well as all mentioned .java files and unprocessed input files that we used for our analyses are based on the paper:
If you found our work helpful, please cite it as follows:
title={On The Impact of Replacing Private Cars with Autonomous Shuttles: An Agent-Based Approach},
author={Daniel Bogdoll and Louis Karsch and Jennifer Amritzer and J. Marius Zöllner},
booktitle={IEEE Forum for Innovative Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS)}