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SmallRye OpenAPI Maven Plugin

This maven plugin allows you to generate the OpenAPI Schema on build.

Using the Maven plugin

Add this to your pom.xml:

    <!-- Uncomment the dependency overrides for JDK 1.8 compatibility: -->

The schema will appear as target/generated/openapi.yaml and target/generated/openapi.json by default.

m2e integration

This plugin offers integration with M2Eclipse. Incremental compilation is supported. This allows to instantly see any changes made to the schema, without manually triggering maven.

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Configuration options

Any option of type List<String> has to be specified as follows. The child elements name is the same as the parents, without the s. E.g. for includeDependenciesScopes could be configured as:

  • outputDirectory (String) - To override the default target/generated/ outputDirectory where the json and yaml files will be created.

  • schemaFilename (String) - To override the default openapi filename. This will be the name without the extension.

  • scanDependenciesDisable (boolean, default: false) - Disable scanning the project’s dependencies for OpenAPI model classes too

  • includeDependenciesScopes (List<String>, default: compile, system) - If the above scanDependenciesDisable is true, you can control what scopes should be included.

  • includeDependenciesTypes (List<String>, default: jar) - If the above scanDependenciesDisable is true, you can control what types should be included.

  • configProperties (String) - Load any properties from a file. Example ${basedir}/src/main/resources/

  • attachArtifacts (boolean, default: false) - Attach the built OpenAPI schema as build artifact.

  • skip (boolean, default: false) - Skip execution of the plugin.

  • encoding (String) - Encoding of output OpenAPI files.

  • outputFileTypeFilter (String, default: ALL) - Set this to YAML in order to let the generation process produce just *.yaml output, JSON to obtain *.json files only. The default is ALL, which will generate both file types.

  • scanners (List<String>) - Names of the AnnotationScanner implementations that should be executed. If omitted or an empty list, all scanners will be executed. The names of the scanners available by default are JAX-RS, Spring, and Vert.x.

MicroProfile OpenAPI Properties

All properties from the MicroProfile OpenAPI Spec is supported. Properties set here will override the properties from configProperties.

  • modelReader (String) - Configuration property to specify the fully qualified name of the OASModelReader implementation.

  • filter (String) - Configuration property to specify the fully qualified name of the OASFilter implementation.

  • scanDisabled (boolean) - Configuration property to disable annotation scanning.

  • scanPackages (comma-separated Strings) - Configuration property to specify the list of packages to scan. If a String starts with ^ and ends with $, it’s treated as regex. Otherwise it corresponds to the MP OpenAPI specification.

  • scanClasses (comma-separated Strings) - Configuration property to specify the list of classes to scan. If a String starts with ^ and ends with $, it’s treated as regex. Otherwise it corresponds to the MP OpenAPI specification.

  • scanExcludePackages (comma-separated Strings) - Configuration property to specify the list of packages to exclude from scans. If a String starts with ^ and ends with $, it’s treated as regex. Otherwise it corresponds to the MP OpenAPI specification.

  • scanExcludeClasses (comma-separated Strings) - Configuration property to specify the list of classes to exclude from scans. If a String starts with ^ and ends with $, it’s treated as regex. Otherwise it corresponds to the MP OpenAPI specification.

  • servers (List<String>) - Configuration property to specify the list of global servers that provide connectivity information.

  • pathServers (List<String>) - Prefix of the configuration property to specify an alternative list of servers to service all operations in a path

  • operationServers (List<String>) - Prefix of the configuration property to specify an alternative list of servers to service an operation.

SmallRye OpenAPI Properties

All properties from the SmallRye OpenAPI Implementation is supported. Properties set here will override the properties from configProperties.

  • customSchemaRegistryClass (String) - Fully qualified name of a CustomSchemaRegistry, which can be used to specify a custom schema for a type.

  • applicationPathDisable (boolean, default: false) - Disable scanning of the (and for the application path.

  • openApiVersion (String, default: 3.0.3) - To specify a custom OpenAPI version.

  • infoTitle (String)

  • infoVersion (String)

  • infoDescription (String)

  • infoTermsOfService (String)

  • infoContactEmail (String)

  • infoContactName (String)

  • infoContactUrl (String)

  • infoLicenseName (String)

  • infoLicenseUrl (String)

  • operationIdStrategy (METHOD/CLASS_METHOD/PACKAGE_CLASS_METHOD) - Configuration property to specify how the operationid is generated. Can be used to minimize risk of collisions between operations.

  • METHOD - The method name is used as operationId.

  • CLASS_METHOD - The class name and method name is used as operationId.

  • PACKAGE_CLASS_METHOD - The fully qualified class name and method name is used as operationId.

  • scanProfiles (List<String>) - Profiles which explicitly include operations. Any operation without a matching profile is excluded.

  • scanExcludeProfiles (List<String>) - Profiles which explicitly exclude operations. Any operation without a matching profile is included.