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[{"Id":872,"Title":"ADHD and Me: How neurodivergence serves my testing","Abstract":"Hi there - *wave* - I’m neurodivergent! That means my brain works in, let’s just say…interesting ways…compared to what some people would call baseline or average. Don’t get me started on how weird the idea of NORMAL is…we’ll be here all day.\r\n\r\nBrains are weird, neat, squishy things. Mine has been diagnosed with conditions like ADHD, anxiety, and depression, with a list of common behaviors that go along with it. To some people, this might sound like terrible news. But, I have a different take on my particular collection of mental conditions. To me, they’re my Super Powers!\r\n\r\nWhen looking at the challenges that I face as a software tester, I want to present you with some examples of how neurodivergence can be harnessed to work for me - instead of against me. Come listen to these stories of how these super powers help boost my curiosity, empathy, and effectiveness. You may just learn something about your own brain along the way.\r\n\r\nMy squad who fights for software quality justice:\r\n- ADHD inspires in me a curiosity to dig below the surface \r\n- Anxiety helps me to empathize with user experience\r\n- Depression/manic cycles train me to use my energy wisely, at the right time","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":44,"Text":"Non-Technical : Other"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":63,"Tags":[{"Id":28,"Text":"Testing"},{"Id":34,"Text":"Personal Growth"},{"Id":36,"Text":"Life Hacks"},{"Id":50,"Text":"Keynote"},{"Id":73,"Text":"Mental Health"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":501,"DisplayName":"Karen Todd"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T14:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T15:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 9:00 AM"}},{"Id":881,"Title":"Tracking Aircraft with Streams + Software-Defined Radio","Abstract":"Aircraft are everywhere. Knowing exactly where is paramount as it’s considered bad form for two aircraft to be in the same place at the same time. To avoid this, aircraft worldwide constantly and publicly broadcast their location, heading, and all sorts of other data using a system called ADS-B or Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast.\r\n\r\nThis data is a natural fit for an event stream. After all, it’s a constant stream of data that is literally being broadcast in real-time. But how can we capture these broadcasts and the data within? Surely it must require expensive hardware and special tools!\r\n\r\nNot so much. It turns out that we can capture ADS-B data easily using a combination of a cheap radio dongle and free software—a combination called software-defined radio. From there we can store it in an event stream and consume, transform, and publish it at our leisure. Cool, right?\r\n\r\nIn this session, you’ll learn how software-defined radio works (and not just for ADB-S), how to receive and store ADS-B data in event streams, and how to use those streams to build a map showing real-time flight data using Node.js, Redis Streams, and whatever front-end JavaScript framework happens to be popular that day!","Room":"Ballroom 1","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":1,"Text":"Languages : JavaScript"},"RoomId":1,"TimeSlotId":64,"Tags":[{"Id":20,"Text":"IoT"},{"Id":29,"Text":"Database"},{"Id":99,"Text":"javascript"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":389,"DisplayName":"Guy Royse"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":959,"Title":"AI for developers: Making your application smarter with Azure Cognitive Services.","Abstract":"Do you want to add AI capabilities to your application but find the prospect of creating your own models overwhelming? Azure Cognitive Services is a great alternative that allows you to bring AI to your application without the extra work. In this talk, we will explore the APIs available and some scenarios they can be applied to; we will then look at a demo application that uses some of these services so you can see how easy it is to integrate them. You will leave this talk confident you can add AI capabilities to your application without having to train a flexible and performant machine learning model.","Room":"Ballroom 2","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":45,"Text":"AI : Data Science"},"RoomId":2,"TimeSlotId":64,"Tags":[{"Id":17,"Text":"Azure"},{"Id":30,"Text":"AI"},{"Id":110,"Text":".Net"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":483,"DisplayName":"Samuel Gomez"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":929,"Title":"Getting Good (or Better) at Code Reviews","Abstract":"If you write code, you should review code. \r\nThat's it. \r\nThat's the talk. \r\n\r\nThere are quite a few \"reasons\" why developers at various levels find themselves code-review averse: impostor syndrome, time constraints, and area of expertise are a few I've heard. For code owners and project leads, it's a constant battle.\r\n\r\nBut it shouldn't be! It doesn't have to be! \r\n\r\nLet's discuss the benefits of reviewing code, what it is, what it isn't, and how to make it more than the blind rubber stamp approvals we've grown used to. I'll show you my process and things that have helped me cultivate totally awesome code reviewers!","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":39,"Text":"Management : Other"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":64,"Tags":[{"Id":25,"Text":"Code Review"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":438,"Text":"Process & Methodologies"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":493,"DisplayName":"Rhia Dixon"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":954,"Title":"Health: The Most Important Tech Tool","Abstract":"Working in the tech industry often involves spending long hours sitting down, staring at a screen, consuming copious amounts of pizza and caffeine. The work is mentally demanding and can be stressful. In the rush to get everything done, it can be easy to neglect our health. But a healthy body and mind are necessary for effective performance. Based on HR training, research, and personal experience, this session provides realistic suggestions for managing your well-being at work. It covers the connection between physical and mental health, as well as how to discuss these topics with your employer. You’ll leave with a better idea of how to take care of yourself and be a happier, healthier, more productive person.","Room":"Ballroom 4","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":42,"Text":"Non-Technical : Self-Care"},"RoomId":4,"TimeSlotId":64,"Tags":[{"Id":73,"Text":"Mental Health"},{"Id":379,"Text":"Non-Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":162,"DisplayName":"Cassandra Faris"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":876,"Title":"Development without Downloads: Using Online Developer Tools 2023","Abstract":"Tired of being chained to your desktop? Don’t want to lug around a doorstop laptop? You needn’t look further than your web browser. It’s possible to prototype and even develop real world applications using online tools. This session will show how to use services from Github like Codespaces and Actions along with Microsoft Azure App Service, CosmosDB and Cognitive Services to build web applications. And they can be used for free! You don’t need to download, install or pay for anything!","Room":"Ballroom 5","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":30,"Text":"Information Technology : Other"},"RoomId":5,"TimeSlotId":64,"Tags":[{"Id":17,"Text":"Azure"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":54,"DisplayName":"Douglas Starnes"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":917,"Title":"Design Patterns: Not Just for Architects","Abstract":"Design patterns are not just for architects. In fact, you already use Design Patterns but probably don't know it. Observer, Facade, Iterator, Proxy - these are all patterns that allow us to better communicate our ideas with other developers. And once we understand the patterns, we can use solutions that people way smarter than us have already implemented. In this session, we'll take a look at several Gang of Four patterns that we regularly use without realizing it. Don't know who the Gang of Four is? Join us to find out.","Room":"Ballroom 1","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":35,"Text":"Architecture : Other"},"RoomId":1,"TimeSlotId":65,"Tags":[{"Id":44,"Text":"Design"},{"Id":56,"Text":"Patterns"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":135,"DisplayName":"Jeremy Clark"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":873,"Title":"You're Not Alone","Abstract":"Growing throughout your career can be daunting. Lots of times people feel like they are alone in their struggles but at the end of the day, everyone deals with the same shit. This keynote talk is an encouraging word for folks to get out there and be fearless and take their career and lives by their own hands and lean on others to get to where they want to go.","Room":"Ballroom 2","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":40,"Text":"Non-Technical : Job Placement"},"RoomId":2,"TimeSlotId":65,"Tags":[{"Id":379,"Text":"Non-Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":130,"DisplayName":"Taylor Desseyn"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":934,"Title":"Building Great Libraries","Abstract":"“Bad libraries build collections; good libraries build services; great libraries build communities.” Whether you are building a class library containing common functionality to use within your company’s products, a class library for your customers to be able to use your services, or the next great open-source project; you should take great care when building a class library so that it is easy to use and widely adopted. During this session, we will talk about coding standards you should apply, documentation, dependencies, publishing, versioning, and handling breaking changes so that you can build class libraries that developers will enjoy using instead of those they curse at.","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":35,"Text":"Architecture : Other"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":65,"Tags":[{"Id":24,"Text":"Clean Code"},{"Id":41,"Text":"C#"},{"Id":51,"Text":"Best Practicies"},{"Id":54,"Text":"Architecture"},{"Id":56,"Text":"Patterns"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":132,"DisplayName":"Chad Green"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":912,"Title":"Demystifying the Cloud: Unlocking Rapid Development with Firebase","Abstract":"Join me for an engaging session where we delve into the power of Firebase, the cloud platform that empowers developers to swiftly build robust applications. In this presentation, we'll explore how Firebase dramatically reduces the barrier to entry for cloud development, allowing developers of all levels to seamlessly embark on their cloud journey.\r\n\r\nThroughout the session, we'll deep-dive into the four key components of Firebase that fuel rapid development: Firestore, Authentication, Functions, and Storage. Discover how Firestore enables scalable and real-time data management, Authentication provides secure user identity management, Functions empowers serverless microservices, and Storage offers efficient file storage and retrieval.\r\n\r\nMoreover, we'll uncover Firebase's real-time update capabilities, showcasing how its real-time database and synchronization features ensure seamless data propagation and live collaboration among users.\r\n\r\nWhether you're a beginner seeking an accessible entry point into the cloud or an experienced developer looking to expedite application development, this session will equip you with the knowledge and insights to leverage Firebase's core components effectively. Unleash the true potential of the cloud and witness how Firebase accelerates your development journey while reducing complexities.","Room":"Ballroom 4","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":30,"Text":"Information Technology : Other"},"RoomId":4,"TimeSlotId":65,"Tags":[{"Id":137,"Text":"Cloud"},{"Id":159,"Text":"firebase"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":482,"DisplayName":"Timothy Franzke"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":920,"Title":"SQL Server Game Show - Developer Edition: Part II","Abstract":"At DevSpace 2018, I presented a fun and informational session built around a set of questions related to SQL Server development. Based on the highly-positive feedback from that session, this year I present an all-new series of questions. Test your knowledge of SQL Server development (both on-prem and Azure) and compete against your fellow attendees! In the process, we'll pause and discuss how to write better queries that perform and design better systems. Who says learning can't be fun?","Room":"Ballroom 5","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":21,"Text":"Database : SQL"},"RoomId":5,"TimeSlotId":65,"Tags":[{"Id":29,"Text":"Database"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":380,"Text":"SQL Server"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":498,"DisplayName":"Breanna Hansen"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":885,"Title":"Critical Security Mistakes in Frontend Applications","Abstract":"In modern web development, we often forget the importance of Security and rely upon the frameworks we use to keep out attackers, which are getting more and more creative. \r\n\r\nIn this talk, I would talk about the most common vulnerabilities in modern front-end applications and how to combat them.","Room":"Ballroom 1","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":24,"Text":"Information Technology : Security"},"RoomId":1,"TimeSlotId":66,"Tags":[{"Id":12,"Text":"Security"},{"Id":23,"Text":"Web"},{"Id":43,"Text":"FrontEnd"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":497,"DisplayName":"Dan Neciu"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":900,"Title":"ActivityPub, Mastodon, and the Fediverse","Abstract":"The great #twittermigration is underway, as people leave Twitter for Mastodon. But, really, what’s interesting about that!? Well, underpinning Mastodon is a networking protocol— ActivityPub. And that can make some pictures of other people’s lunches more interesting. ActivityPub does more than enable Mastodon. ActivityPub interconnects the entire social media Fediverse, slightly but fundamentally changing how social media networks operate. Come find out how you can run your own little corner of the Fediverse on ActivityPub.","Room":"Ballroom 2","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":30,"Text":"Information Technology : Other"},"RoomId":2,"TimeSlotId":66,"Tags":[{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":423,"Text":"ActivityPub"},{"Id":424,"Text":"Fediverse"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":127,"DisplayName":"Andy Cowell"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":925,"Title":"Deleting Production","Abstract":"How to develop a production environment that in AWS, and can be deleted on the fly. I will cover the core concept of how to develop software to be cloud native, core concepts to follow to make a flexible environment, and most importantly why you should be able delete it with out losing information. This takes chaos engineering to the extreme and prevent you from staying up late at night. \r\n\r\nI plan on showing the practices across software development, operations, and project planning that make this possible. ","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":27,"Text":"Information Technology : AWS"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":66,"Tags":[{"Id":13,"Text":"DevOps"},{"Id":63,"Text":"AWS"},{"Id":67,"Text":"Python"},{"Id":84,"Text":"Backend"},{"Id":109,"Text":"Docker"},{"Id":157,"Text":"Infrastructure As Code"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":491,"DisplayName":"Matt Vail"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":946,"Title":"Getting Started with Graph Databases and Graph Query Languages","Abstract":"Data sets are not getting any smaller. Dealing with complex queries across highly-connected elements with varying dimensions and types of relationships is non-trivial in traditional systems. In this session, we will look at a new means to store and query highly-connected data via the use of graph data platforms. We'll cover the basics of using a graph database, the most common graph query languages, and how to apply graph algorithms. \r\n\r\nGraph computation becoming more common in applications used to detect fraud, cyber security risks, and for better understanding customer interactions. Attendees of this session will come away with a base knowledge of how graphs can be used in each of these use cases and how they can start applying graph for their organizations.","Room":"Ballroom 4","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":23,"Text":"Database : Other"},"RoomId":4,"TimeSlotId":66,"Tags":[{"Id":29,"Text":"Database"},{"Id":111,"Text":"Open Source"},{"Id":144,"Text":"GraphDB"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":480,"DisplayName":"Taylor Riggan"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":966,"Title":"A Practical Guide to Surviving and Thriving After Attempted Character Assassination","Abstract":"One unfortunate reality of the tech community is that we're as susceptible to the worst of human nature as any other field. One particularly dangerous example is the intentional attempt to ruin someone's reputation as frequently seen in politics: character assassination. A successful attack can have serious and lasting consequences for the victim. With the benefit of hindsight this talk will look at possible motivations, methods, and responses to both quick opportunistic attacks and deliberate efforts spanning years. The conversation will cover warning signs to watch for and defenses ranging from the generally successful to definite antipatterns.","Room":"Ballroom 5","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":42,"Text":"Non-Technical : Self-Care"},"RoomId":5,"TimeSlotId":66,"Tags":[{"Id":4,"Text":"Soft Skills"},{"Id":33,"Text":"Career"},{"Id":95,"Text":"Culture"},{"Id":364,"Text":"Communication"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":117,"DisplayName":"Branden Schwartz"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":907,"Title":"Modernizing Data Transformations with dbt","Abstract":"dbt is a free and easy to use data transformation tool that is exploding in popularity, transforming the landscape of data and analytics platforms across the world. The transformation (T) step in your extract-load-transform (ELT) process can often be seen a bottleneck, requiring specialized skills, rigorous testing and an extensive deployment process to handle even minor changes. dbt focuses on the transformation step, making it super easy to transform data already in your database or data warehouse. No specialized skills required; all you need with dbt is to write a Select statement. In other words, dbt takes the SQL skills that data analysts and engineers are already comfortable with and enables them to build their own analytics engineering workflows. This session is intended for anyone new to dbt who wants to know if it is right fit for their organization. We will cover the dbt viewpoint, the fundamental uses of the tool, and demo several features so that you can get started right away creating automated analytics engineering workflows.","Room":"Ballroom 1","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":23,"Text":"Database : Other"},"RoomId":1,"TimeSlotId":67,"Tags":[{"Id":17,"Text":"Azure"},{"Id":29,"Text":"Database"},{"Id":63,"Text":"AWS"},{"Id":68,"Text":"Data Science"},{"Id":77,"Text":"Big Data"},{"Id":122,"Text":"google"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":425,"Text":"Snowflake"},{"Id":426,"Text":"Databricks"},{"Id":427,"Text":"Redshift"},{"Id":428,"Text":"Synapse"},{"Id":429,"Text":"BigQuery"},{"Id":430,"Text":"Lakehouse"},{"Id":431,"Text":"Data Lake"},{"Id":432,"Text":"dbt"},{"Id":433,"Text":"Data Factory"},{"Id":434,"Text":"AWS Glue"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":490,"DisplayName":"Dustin Dorsey"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":889,"Title":"Vue and TailwindCSS - A Great Combination or the Greatest Combination?","Abstract":"While TailwindCSS is knows as a popular CSS utility class tool, using it in Vue can really accellerate your development. In this talk, Shawn Wildermuth will add TailwindCSS to a Vue project and show you how to use it inside of your Single File Components","Room":"Ballroom 2","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":18,"Text":"Design : Web"},"RoomId":2,"TimeSlotId":67,"Tags":[{"Id":172,"Text":"VueJS"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":13,"DisplayName":"Shawn Wildermuth"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":957,"Title":"ARM, Bicep, knees and toes! Infrastructure as code for beginners.","Abstract":"Infrastructure as code allows you to deploy consistent and stable environments in an automated fashion eliminating the need for manual configuration. Tools like ARM, Bicep and Terraform are used to build templates that make these deployments possible, but the syntax of some of them can make it challenging to get started. In this talk, we will explore the differences between these tools and how you can deploy resources using each of them. By the end of this talk you’ll be ready to create your own templates and deploy your resources to the cloud.","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":30,"Text":"Information Technology : Other"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":67,"Tags":[{"Id":13,"Text":"DevOps"},{"Id":17,"Text":"Azure"},{"Id":137,"Text":"Cloud"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":483,"DisplayName":"Samuel Gomez"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":921,"Title":"Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Deliberate Practice","Abstract":"Today’s programmers are constantly sprinting towards deadlines. The typical programmer spends their day in meetings and then it’s back to working on user stories. They never get the time to grow, learn, and reflect because of the constant grind and pressure that is placed on them. Although some companies do offer time for developers to learn on the clock, the sad truth is that most don’t. \r\n\r\nI’m lucky to be on a team that embraces learning. We meet for Learning Hour sessions where we explore technical practices such as refactoring, TDD, clean code, and evolutionary design. Coding together during these sessions have improved our morale and overall effectiveness.\r\n\r\nIn other professions, such as pilots, surgeons, and athletes they all schedule deliberate practice. Practice ensures that our actions during game-time will be second nature. By drilling small techniques and conditioning ourselves, we gain more confidence to face the unknown challenges of working on production code.\r\n\r\nIn my talk, I will go over some strategies developers can use to improve their technical skills like:\r\n\r\n- how to find time to practice using your slack time\r\n- how to create a culture of learning and trust\r\n- how to introduce Learning Hours to your team (Samman Technical Coaching Society)\r\n- how to use ensemble programming as a learning tool","Room":"Ballroom 4","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":41,"Text":"Non-Technical : Job Advancement"},"RoomId":4,"TimeSlotId":67,"Tags":[{"Id":8,"Text":"Agile"},{"Id":170,"Text":"Learning"},{"Id":379,"Text":"Non-Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":485,"DisplayName":"Steven Diamante"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":968,"Title":"Professional Content Creation 101","Abstract":"Over the last few years, I switched my business from outbound/cold calls to content creation. With that transition came a lot of learning lessons and a lot of interest from others on how I got started. This talk is focused on everything I have learned over the last few years to encourage others to get started creating content on their own. In this talk I will specifically focus in on how to start creating content, which platforms are best to start your journey on, and how to execute day in day out to stay consistent.","Room":"Ballroom 5","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":40,"Text":"Non-Technical : Job Placement"},"RoomId":5,"TimeSlotId":67,"Tags":[],"Speakers":[{"Id":130,"DisplayName":"Taylor Desseyn"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-23T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-23T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Monday, October 23 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":964,"Title":"Destroy Data Capitalism for funsies with Veilid, a distributed app framework built by the Cult of the Dead Cow","Abstract":"The Cult of the Dead Cow invites YOU to help build the private, accessible, user-focused internet we should have had all along! \r\nVeilid is an open-source, peer-to-peer, mobile-first networked application framework, with a flagship secure messaging application named VeilidChat. Veilid is conceptually similar to IPFS + Tor, but faster and designed from the ground-up to provide all services over a privately routed network. The network also enables development of distributed applications without a 'blockchain' or a 'transactional layer' at their base. Veilid can be included as part of user-facing applications or run as a standalone server for power users who wish to help build the network.\r\n\r\nArchitecturally, it is written in Rust, uses strong encryption, and nodes can run on Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, iOS, and in-browser WASM. Low-level protocols over UDP, raw TCP, Websockets and Secure Websockets. Nodes are optimized for low latency, high node churn, and are particularly capable of dealing with low level network changes, such as switching from cellular to wifi networks mid-communication.\r\n\r\nThis talk will focus on:\r\n* How Veilid works as a protocol\r\n* How it leverages strong cryptography to provide private communications\r\n* How it provides decentralized storage and cryptographically sound data structures\r\n* How applications are written to leverage the Veilid Network\r\n*How others can get involved in the project \r\n*The ideals and intentions of the project\r\n*Inviting others to join our community and help us change the internet","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":24,"Text":"Information Technology : Security"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":68,"Tags":[{"Id":12,"Text":"Security"},{"Id":50,"Text":"Keynote"},{"Id":75,"Text":"Accessibility"},{"Id":96,"Text":"Rust"},{"Id":111,"Text":"Open Source"},{"Id":154,"Text":"dart"},{"Id":155,"Text":"flutter"},{"Id":178,"Text":"Hacking"},{"Id":443,"Text":"Cult of the Dead Cow"},{"Id":444,"Text":"Hacker History"},{"Id":445,"Text":"Hacktivism"},{"Id":446,"Text":"Peer To Peer"},{"Id":447,"Text":"Privacy"},{"Id":448,"Text":"Veilid"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":505,"DisplayName":"Katelyn Bowden"},{"Id":506,"DisplayName":"Christien Rioux"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T14:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T15:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 9:00 AM"}},{"Id":897,"Title":"Built It, Deliver It, Your Professional Brand","Abstract":"Branding can feel fake, phony, and even disingenuous. The reality is everyone has a brand whether they realize it or not. To use that brand to our benefit we need to be intentional about building it and delivering it. I believe everyone can build a truly authentic brand that communicates who they are. Our brand can make all the difference in how we are perceived and recognized. In this session and with the practical guide, we will cover what you need to know to build your brand and the steps to deliver it.","Room":"Ballroom 1","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":44,"Text":"Non-Technical : Other"},"RoomId":1,"TimeSlotId":69,"Tags":[{"Id":33,"Text":"Career"},{"Id":36,"Text":"Life Hacks"},{"Id":379,"Text":"Non-Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":492,"DisplayName":"Richard Miller Wimmer"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":922,"Title":"Let's Make Long Methods a Thing of the Past!","Abstract":"Developers write code as a form of communication. The code they write should tell a story and be self-explanatory. Unfortunately, there is a lot of codebases containing long, complex and hard to read methods. Developers spend a significant amount of their time reading code. The easier it is to read than the more time they can focus on delivering business value to customers. \r\n\r\nIn this talk, attendees will learn how to recognize long methods and code paragraphs using the Sparrow Decks technique developed by Llewellyn Falco. Additionally, they will learn about simple refactoring techniques to make the code easier to understand. This session will be highly collaborative and relies heavily on crowd participation.\r\n\r\nAttendees will come away from this session with the ability to\r\n\r\n- identify long methods\r\n- refactor long methods to cleaner code\r\n- improve naming","Room":"Ballroom 2","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":30,"Text":"Information Technology : Other"},"RoomId":2,"TimeSlotId":69,"Tags":[{"Id":24,"Text":"Clean Code"},{"Id":170,"Text":"Learning"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":436,"Text":"Refactoring"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":485,"DisplayName":"Steven Diamante"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":913,"Title":"Supercharging Development: Exploring Chat GPT and Copilot as Essential Tools for Modern Developers","Abstract":"Join us for an exciting session where we dive into the future of development and discover how Chat GPT and Copilot are revolutionizing the way we build applications. In this presentation, we'll explore these cutting-edge AI-powered tools and how they can become indispensable additions to your toolbox of CLI tools, Stack Overflow searches, and more.\r\n\r\nDuring the session, we'll provide an in-depth exploration of Chat GPT and Copilot, unveiling their capabilities and discussing how they leverage machine learning to enhance the development experience. Discover how these tools remember state, offering a personalized touch and streamlining your workflow. We'll showcase how they assist in code completion, providing intelligent suggestions and reducing manual effort in writing code.\r\n\r\nFurthermore, we'll explore how Chat GPT and Copilot offer guidance on application structure, helping you architect projects efficiently. Witness their ability to accelerate development by leveraging contextual information and previous interactions, ensuring faster and more accurate code generation.\r\n\r\nTo demonstrate the practical application of these tools, we'll embark on an exciting challenge of building an Angular application in just 60 minutes. We'll showcase how Chat GPT and Copilot assist throughout the process, from scaffolding the project and handling mock API calls to implementing key features.\r\n\r\nDon't miss this opportunity to embrace the future of development with Chat GPT and Copilot. Unlock their potential to boost productivity, streamline coding workflows, and build applications more effectively. Join us for an engaging session that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to leverage these cutting-edge tools and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of software development.","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":47,"Text":"AI : Generative AI"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":69,"Tags":[{"Id":30,"Text":"AI"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":482,"DisplayName":"Timothy Franzke"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":884,"Title":"Memory First: An Introduction to Redis","Abstract":"Odds are, you’ve heard of Redis. Maybe you’re a total noob and want to learn all about it. Maybe you’ve used it to cache an API call or some JSON strings and want to know what else it can do. Maybe you *haven’t* heard of Redis and are curious what all the fuss is about.\r\n\r\nWanna find out? Join me as I explain what Redis is—a wicked-fast, memory-first database—and why you should care. I’ll share with you what it can store, how you can access it, and how you can make sure that what’s in memory is still there when the power goes off. We’ll explore how you can extend Redis—adding new commands, new data structures, and new capabilities. And, we’ll do it both from the command line and from code with examples in C#, Java, JavaScript, and Python.\r\n\r\nWhen we’re done, you’ll know what Redis is and what all the fuss was about. But, more importantly, you’ll know how to put memory first to build fast applications and faster experiences.","Room":"Ballroom 4","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":23,"Text":"Database : Other"},"RoomId":4,"TimeSlotId":69,"Tags":[{"Id":29,"Text":"Database"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":389,"DisplayName":"Guy Royse"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":951,"Title":"Neurodiversity and Productivity – A Survival Guide","Abstract":"We live in a world where it’s easy to be overstimulated and distracted. The more virtual our world becomes, the harder it is to focus, communicate, and complete tasks. This is especially challenging for people with neurodiversities such as ADHD, Autism, and Dyslexia, and those that support them. The tech industry has a higher than average neurodiverse population, creating a unique set of time management and communication challenges. In this session, you’ll learn what it means to be neurodiverse and how it affects people at work. Based on scientific research and firsthand experience, we’ll discuss methods for maximizing productivity and focus. You’ll also learn how to communicate more effectively when everything feels overwhelming so you can get the support you need. While the focus is on neurodiversity, this session is designed for anyone who needs help navigating our increasingly distracting world. By the time you leave, you’ll have tools and techniques you can use to be more productive and less stressed - yes, that’s possible!","Room":"Ballroom 5","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":44,"Text":"Non-Technical : Other"},"RoomId":5,"TimeSlotId":69,"Tags":[{"Id":36,"Text":"Life Hacks"},{"Id":73,"Text":"Mental Health"},{"Id":107,"Text":"Community"},{"Id":379,"Text":"Non-Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":162,"DisplayName":"Cassandra Faris"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T16:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T17:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 11:00 AM"}},{"Id":880,"Title":"Multidevice Applications with Flutter","Abstract":"If you are building modern applications, they are expected to run on multiple devices. You have to design responsive applications for different screen sizes and devices. You have to consider phones and tablets. And you have to consider desktops as well. Developing and designing each of these applications is difficult since you need different languages, different frameworks and you can't even use the same tools. Flutter is a cross platform application platform that lets you use a single API, language and tool and target mobile applications as well as the web and even desktop applications. In this session, you'll see examples of each and how to reuse code between them. At the end of the session you'll be ready to build your next multi-device application.","Room":"Ballroom 1","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":32,"Text":"Architecture : APIs"},"RoomId":1,"TimeSlotId":70,"Tags":[{"Id":155,"Text":"flutter"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":54,"DisplayName":"Douglas Starnes"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":898,"Title":"What is the AWS Cloud Development Kit?","Abstract":"The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open source project that allows you to create your infrastructure in a major programming language of your choice, such as Python, Java, Javascript, or C#/.Net. This allows you to build and use high level constructs of infrastructure with sensible defaults, package it in reusable modules, and track versions of your architecture as it changes. A single line of code can deploy extremely complex infrastructure changes that have already been reviewed and approved. Come learn the basics of AWS CDK!","Room":"Ballroom 2","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":27,"Text":"Information Technology : AWS"},"RoomId":2,"TimeSlotId":70,"Tags":[{"Id":13,"Text":"DevOps"},{"Id":41,"Text":"C#"},{"Id":45,"Text":"Animation"},{"Id":54,"Text":"Architecture"},{"Id":56,"Text":"Patterns"},{"Id":63,"Text":"AWS"},{"Id":67,"Text":"Python"},{"Id":100,"Text":"typescript"},{"Id":110,"Text":".Net"},{"Id":157,"Text":"Infrastructure As Code"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":127,"DisplayName":"Andy Cowell"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":874,"Title":"A Manifesto in Hiring","Abstract":"This is a checklist that every leader in an organization needs to check out to be successful in scaling their company when it comes to hiring.","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":40,"Text":"Non-Technical : Job Placement"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":70,"Tags":[{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":419,"Text":"hiring"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":130,"DisplayName":"Taylor Desseyn"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":965,"Title":"The Benefits of a Mob Programming Mentality","Abstract":"What if there were a way to improve the flow of ideas during development, make tedious code less painful to write, and help new developers get familiar with your codebase quickly? Imagine that the same approach could save time on code reviews and strengthen the team's communication and collaboration skills. Would you be surprised to learn that you don't need to add people or new tools to start improving morale and writing better software? In this talk we'll discuss the advantages and potential pitfalls of mob programming and step through some group exercises that are suitable for any experience level, including those with no programming experience.","Room":"Ballroom 4","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":2,"Text":"Languages : .NET"},"RoomId":4,"TimeSlotId":70,"Tags":[{"Id":9,"Text":"Methodology"},{"Id":10,"Text":"TDD"},{"Id":182,"Text":"Interactive"},{"Id":185,"Text":"Continuous Improvement"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":117,"DisplayName":"Branden Schwartz"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":914,"Title":"Get Func-y: Understanding Delegates in C#","Abstract":"Delegates are the gateway to functional programming. So lets understand delegates and how we can change the way we program by using functions as parameters, variables, and properties. In addition, we'll see how the built in delegate types, Func and Action, are waiting to make our lives easier. We'll see how delegates can add elegance, extensibility, and safety to our programming.","Room":"Ballroom 5","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":2,"Text":"Languages : .NET"},"RoomId":5,"TimeSlotId":70,"Tags":[{"Id":41,"Text":"C#"},{"Id":110,"Text":".Net"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":135,"DisplayName":"Jeremy Clark"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T18:00:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T19:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 1:00 PM"}},{"Id":909,"Title":"Finding Frank - A Look at using the Spotify API","Abstract":"APIs are ubiquitous, but they can also be fun! In this talk, we'll take a look at using the Spotify API and Developer Portal to put together a simple app - finding Frank Sinatra's top 5 song. We'll learn about using APIs, how to connect when Authentication is necessary, and what to do with an API payload.","Room":"Ballroom 2","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":30,"Text":"Information Technology : Other"},"RoomId":2,"TimeSlotId":71,"Tags":[{"Id":54,"Text":"Architecture"},{"Id":162,"Text":"Ruby"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":484,"DisplayName":"PJ Hagerty"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":887,"Title":"The Bare Minimum: Accessibility In Web","Abstract":"More and more people are using the web every day, and we have to do at least, AT LEAST, the bare minimum to make sure everyone can use our websites. In this talk, I will explain what and how we should be required to implement. ","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":18,"Text":"Design : Web"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":71,"Tags":[{"Id":43,"Text":"FrontEnd"},{"Id":75,"Text":"Accessibility"},{"Id":99,"Text":"javascript"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":497,"DisplayName":"Dan Neciu"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":937,"Title":"Time Travelling Data: A Quick Overview of SQL Server Temporal Tables","Abstract":"Often customers will ask what the data looked like on a particular date and you might have built completed triggers and procedures to track that history. But SQL Server and Azure SQL already have a solution built-in, and it's straightforward to use. During this quick overview, you will understand what Temporal Tables are, the key scenarios around their use, and how to use built-in query syntax to retrieve the values of database records at a point in time. We will also look at how Entity Framework Core makes this even easier now with Temporal Table support.","Room":"Ballroom 4","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":21,"Text":"Database : SQL"},"RoomId":4,"TimeSlotId":71,"Tags":[{"Id":29,"Text":"Database"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":380,"Text":"SQL Server"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":132,"DisplayName":"Chad Green"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":967,"Title":"DevSpace: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly","Abstract":"This session is your opportunity to give back. I will spend a few minutes talking about what it took to organize on the conference. Then, I want to go around the room and hear what everyone thought was the good, the bad, and the ugly. What worked and what did not. This is your chance to give feedback straight to the conference.","Room":"Ballroom 5","SessionLength":30,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":44,"Text":"Non-Technical : Other"},"RoomId":5,"TimeSlotId":71,"Tags":[{"Id":27,"Text":"Operational Insights"},{"Id":33,"Text":"Career"},{"Id":34,"Text":"Personal Growth"},{"Id":35,"Text":"Leadership"},{"Id":36,"Text":"Life Hacks"},{"Id":57,"Text":"Business"},{"Id":72,"Text":"Big Picture"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":1,"DisplayName":"Chris Gardner"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T19:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T20:00:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 2:30 PM"}},{"Id":918,"Title":"Catching Up With C# Interfaces: What You Know May Be Wrong","Abstract":"C# 8 & C# 11 brought new features to interfaces, including default implementation, access modifiers, and static members. We'll look at these new features, and see where they are useful and where they should be avoided. The world of interfaces has changed; the line between interfaces and abstract classes has blurred; and C# now has multiple inheritance (sort of). With some practical tips, \"gotchas\", and plenty of examples, we'll see how to use these features effectively (and safely) in our code.","Room":"Ballroom 1","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":2,"Text":"Languages : .NET"},"RoomId":1,"TimeSlotId":72,"Tags":[{"Id":41,"Text":"C#"},{"Id":110,"Text":".Net"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":135,"DisplayName":"Jeremy Clark"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":906,"Title":"Considerations for Building your First Cloud Data Warehouse","Abstract":"Whether you are looking at migrating from an existing data warehouse or your company is working down the path of building their first, a cloud solution should be a top consideration. The ever-evolving cloud puts limitless analytic capabilities within just a few clicks so that we can focus on building the solutions needed to answer critical business questions. However, it can get really overwhelming with the number of solutions out there so where do you start and how do you figure out what is best for you? In this session, we will look at the top considerations needed to be able to answer that question. We will look at all the major cloud providers, the main solutions they offer, common architectural approaches, and the factors that may influence your decision on each of these. This session will not a technical deep dive, but a guide to help point you the right direction for your next data warehouse. ","Room":"Ballroom 2","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":23,"Text":"Database : Other"},"RoomId":2,"TimeSlotId":72,"Tags":[{"Id":17,"Text":"Azure"},{"Id":29,"Text":"Database"},{"Id":63,"Text":"AWS"},{"Id":67,"Text":"Python"},{"Id":68,"Text":"Data Science"},{"Id":77,"Text":"Big Data"},{"Id":122,"Text":"google"},{"Id":137,"Text":"Cloud"},{"Id":140,"Text":"spark"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":425,"Text":"Snowflake"},{"Id":426,"Text":"Databricks"},{"Id":427,"Text":"Redshift"},{"Id":428,"Text":"Synapse"},{"Id":429,"Text":"BigQuery"},{"Id":430,"Text":"Lakehouse"},{"Id":431,"Text":"Data Lake"},{"Id":432,"Text":"dbt"},{"Id":433,"Text":"Data Factory"},{"Id":434,"Text":"AWS Glue"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":490,"DisplayName":"Dustin Dorsey"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":891,"Title":"Design Your APIs First: Creating APIs That Have Longevity","Abstract":"Are you embarking on creating an API for your website or mobile app? If so, just striking forward with your API could be a mistake. In this talk, Shawn Wildermuth will design an API so you can see how REST really works and everything you need to consider before you deploy your first API.","Room":"Ballroom 3","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":32,"Text":"Architecture : APIs"},"RoomId":3,"TimeSlotId":72,"Tags":[{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":13,"DisplayName":"Shawn Wildermuth"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":956,"Title":"Introduction to SQL Server Machine Learning Services: Let's predict baseball!","Abstract":"Starting several years back, Microsoft began adding machine learning services directly into both the on-premises and Azure managed instance SQL Server products, with additional functionality in each subsequent version. This feature allows for efficient in-database processing of the source data without the need to move it across the network.\r\n\r\nIn this session, we'll take a closer look at ML Services: what it takes to set it up, how it works, what languages are compatible, options available, and the advantages to using in-database processing.\r\n\r\nFinally, we'll apply what we've learned and use SQL ML Services to try and predict major league baseball scores based on historical data.","Room":"Ballroom 4","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":2,"Text":"Intermediate"},"Category":{"Id":48,"Text":"AI : Other"},"RoomId":4,"TimeSlotId":72,"Tags":[{"Id":31,"Text":"Machine Learning"},{"Id":378,"Text":"Technical"},{"Id":380,"Text":"SQL Server"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":498,"DisplayName":"Breanna Hansen"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 3:30 PM"}},{"Id":910,"Title":"Collaborative Developer Experience: Working Effectively with Others","Abstract":"How many people do you interact with in your organization? Just a few? Tens? Hundreds? More? Software Engineering involves a lot of people; the days of the lone wolf hacking away are mostly gone.\r\n\r\nSo much revolves around how we all work together in a shared environment, but we rarely think about how our work impacts those around us. There are concrete steps that you can take that won't only improve your development skills, but those around you as well.\r\n\r\nThis talk will break down how we can improve our collaborative skills with technical practices. I'll go through the entire lifecycle of an engineer's interaction with their work, starting from onboarding the very first day to wrapping up features and putting the bow on a mature project. I'll cover codebase etiquette, feedback solicitation, developer communities, post-mortems, and more. Each topic will have guiding advice relevant to junior engineers and senior engineers alike.","Room":"Ballroom 5","SessionLength":60,"EventId":2023,"Level":{"Id":1,"Text":"Beginner"},"Category":{"Id":41,"Text":"Non-Technical : Job Advancement"},"RoomId":5,"TimeSlotId":72,"Tags":[{"Id":9,"Text":"Methodology"},{"Id":51,"Text":"Best Practicies"},{"Id":379,"Text":"Non-Technical"}],"Speakers":[{"Id":66,"DisplayName":"Pat Viafore"}],"TimeSlot":{"StartTime":"2023-10-24T20:30:00","EndTime":"2023-10-24T21:30:00","DisplayDateTime":"Tuesday, October 24 at 3:30 PM"}}]