In no particular order
add: cleanup scrip to add reputation points based on active time on site
report comments not working correctly
fix: iphistory.php
update: blocks to include cooker
update: upload to look to recipes in cooker
add: notifications to cooker
fix: parallax scrolling in firefox
check: upload/download peers speed showing 0
update: "Signups are Invite Only" to "Invalid or expired promotion link"
update: user info for paranoia
replace or fix cookie consent, seems lifetime doesn't set or stay set correctly
update code to use freetorrent and doubletorrent instead of free and double
remove all cacheing from peers table, neither ocelot nor xbt can read from or update the cache
finish: offers, requests, upcomin and bot replies
add: script to check cheaters, make request to client to get random chunk, validate chuck against hash, update db for success, failure to validate, empty response and no response
remove: need for session in announce.php scrape.php
check: $torrent_updateset['times_completed'] = $torrent['times_completed'] + 1; announce.php
check: thanks
fix: forum topic rating
update admin/shit_list.php
finish: casino.php rewrite
remove the need for using global $mysqli
remove the need for using global $CURUSER
find and update all users "Pending"
finish replacing homespun user create/delete/etc
add torrent client ban pages, started in demo site
finish cache inbox_ and messages_stuff
fix birthday cleanup
fix karma cleanup
user blocks AVATAR is only used in userdetails.php, check to see if useful elsewhere in code
replace mysql full text search with elasticsearch
add language to staff.php
replace current authentication system
replace current session handler
add ip login/seedbox restrictions
finish/update/replace breadcrumbs
replace page refresh with ajax for clickable items
add live search (look ahead) to all search blocks
add bot replies
add lyrics api musiXmatch
add music api spotify/
replace paypal with stripe
merge thanks and thankyou tables/code
update headers: location
what is cache userstatus
update queries for user, get/set cache instead of query to get, only to set
update caches replace delete with proper update
add daily, weekly, monthly to top 10 stats page
finish torrent blocks in userdetails, add pagination, initially closed on page load
remove begin_table and end_table functions
remove begin_frame and end_frame functions
remove begin_main_frame and end_main_frame functions
remove/replace function textbbcode calls, doesn't exist
replace mysqli commands with pdo/fluentpdo
format tables using main_table function
format divs using main_div function