- Wiki - Information Retrieval
- Gensim - Introduction (Concepts)
- Gensim - Tutorial (example about TF-IDF)
Four characters in Information Retrieval Model
$D$ : Documents -
$Q$ : Query -
$F$ : Framework (i.e. chosen Model) -
$R(q_i, d_j)$ : Ordering (Ranking) funciton
Relevant Searching
(usually work with unstructured text document)
Set-theoretic Models:
Set-theoretic models represent documents as sets of words or phrases. Similarities are usually derived from set-theoretic operations on those sets.
- Boolean Model
- Boolean Retrieval (standard)
- Ranked Retrieval (can be called extended)
- Fuzzy Retrieval (can be called extended)
- Fuzzy Set Model
- Extended Boolean Model (introduce the conepts of vector space)
Algebraic Models:
Algebraic models represent documents and queries usually as vectors, matrices, or tuples. The similarity of the query vector and document vector is represented as a scalar value.
- Vector Space Model - has many kinds of similarity
- Extended Boolean Model
- Generalized Vector Space Model
- (Enhanced) Topic-based Vector Space Model
- Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) aka. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (潛在語意分析)
Probabilistic Models:
Probabilistic models treat the process of document retrieval as a probabilistic inference. Similarities are computed as probabilities that a document is relevant for a given query. Probabilistic theorems like the Bayes' theorem are often used in these models.
- Binary Independence Model
- Probabilistic Relevance Model (on which is based the okapi (BM25) relevance function)
- Uncertain Inference
- Language Models
- Divergence-from-randomness Model
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Image
- Audio and Music
- Video
- Set-Based Measures
- Precision
- Recall
- Fall-out
- Miss
- F-score / F-measure
- Average precision
- R-Precision
- Mean average precision
- User-Oriented Measures
- coverage ratio
- novelty ratio
- relative recall
- recall effort
- Discounted Cumulative Gain
- nDCG
- Others
- A/B testing
- Pooling Method
Standard Relevance Benchmarks
- The TREC Web Collections
- Reuters, OHSUMED, NewsGroups
- GOV2
- Treat all the words in a document as index terms for that document
- Assign a weight to each term based on its importance
- Disregard order, structure, meaning, etc. of the words
- This approach think IR is all (and only) about mathcing words in documents with words in queries (which is not true)
- But it works pretty well
- "Bags of words" can be represented as vectors
- For computational efficiency, easy of manipulation
- Geometric metaphor: "arrows"
- A vector is a set of values recorded in any consistent order
The definition of term depends on the application. (Typically terms are single words, keywords, or longer phrases.)
- Each dimension corresponds to a separate term.
- If a term occurs in the document, its value in the vector is non-zero.
- If words are chosen to be the terms, the dimensionality of the vector is the number of words in the vocabulary (the number of distinct words occurring in the corpus).
document | text | terms |
doc1 | ant ant bee | ant bee |
doc2 | dog bee dog hog dog ant dog | ant bee dog hog |
doc3 | cat gnu dog eel fox | cat dog eel fox gnu |
query | content |
q | ant dog |
Term incidence matrix (in Term vector space (No weighting)):
doc | ant | bee | cat | dog | eel | fox | gnu | hog |
doc1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
doc2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
doc3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
(boolean model)
Unnormalized Form of Term Frequency (TF) (weighting):
(Weight of term td) = frequency that term j occurs in document i
doc | ant | bee | cat | dog | eel | fox | gnu | hog | length |
doc1 | 2 | 1 | |||||||
doc2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | |||||
doc3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Calculate Ranking:
(cosine) Similarity of documents (vector space model)
- |doc1|doc2|doc3 ----|:--:|:--:|:--: doc1| 1 |0.31| 0 doc2|0.31| 1 |0.41 doc3| 0 |0.41| 1
Similarity of query to documents
- |doc1|doc2|doc3 ----|:--:|:--:|:--: q |0.63|0.81|0.32
Methods for Selecting Weights:
Test a large number of possible weighting schemes with actual data
Model based
Develoop a mathematical model of word distribution and derive weighting scheme theoretically. (e.g Probabilistic model)
- Terms that appear often in a document should get higher weights
- The more often a document contains the term "dog", the more likely that the document is "about" dogs
- Terms that appear in many documents should get low weights
- Words like "the", "a", "of" appear in (nearly) all documents
- Terms that appear often in a document should get higher weights
Weighting scheme
- bianry (i.e. term incidence matrix)
- row count (i.e. unnormalized form of term frequency)
- term frequency (the following thing...)
- log normalization
- double normalization 0.5
- double normalization K
- ...
- TF stands for Term Frequency
- IDF stands for Inverse Document Frequency
- A term that appears many times within a document is likely to be more important than a term that appears only once
Normalization (for Free-text document):
Key: Length of document
- a term frequency in different length of document may have different importance
Maximum Normalization:
$$ tf(t, d) = \frac{f_{t, d}}{\text{maximum frequency of any term in document}d}= \frac{f{t, d}}{\max_{t' \in d}(f_{t, d})} = \frac{f_{t, d}}{m_d} $$
Augmented Maximum Normalization: (for Structured Text)
(Salton and Buckley recommend K = 0.5)
Cosine Normalization:
- A term that occurs in only a few documents is likely to be a better discriminator that a term that appears in most or all documents
A Simple Method: use document frequency
(the simple method over-emphasizes small differences) => use logarithm
A Standard Method: use log form
The weight assigned to term
$$ \mathit{tf.idf}(t, d, D) = \underbrace{\frac{f_{t, d}}{m_t}}{tf(t, d)} \times \underbrace{(\log(\frac{N}{n_t}) + 1)}{idf(t, D)} $$
Brief description:
- Based on notion of sets
- Documents are retrieved only if they satisfy boolean conditions specified in the query
- No ranking on retrieved documents (can't have order)
- Exact match (don't support fuzzy match)
Similarity of documnet and query:
(Boolean operators approximate natural language)
- AND: discover relationships between concepts
- OR: discover alternate terminology
- NOT: discover alternate meaning
The Perfect Query Paradox
- Every information need has a perfect set of documents
- If not, there would be no sense doing retrieval
- Every document set has a perfect query
- AND every word in a document to get a query for it
- Repeat for each document in the set
- OR every document query to get the set query
but can users realistically be expected to formulate this perfect query? => perfact query formulation is hard
Why Boolean Retrieval Fails
- Natural language is way more complex
- AND "discovers" nonexistent relationships
- Terms in different sentences, paragraphs, ...
- Guessing terminology for OR is hard
- e.g. good, nice, excellent, outstanding, awesome, ...
- Guessing terms to exclude is even harder
- e.g. democratic party, party to a lawsuit, ...
Pros and Cons
- Strengths
- Precise
- if you know the right strategies
- if you have an idea of what you're looking for
- Efficient for the computer
- Precise
- Weaknesses
- User must learn boolean logic
- Boolean logic insufficient to capture the richness of language
- No control over size of result set (either too many documents or none)
- When do you stop reading? All documents in the result set are considered "equally good"
- What about partial matches? Documents that "don't quite match" the query may be useful also
Arranging documents by relevance
- Closer to how humans think
- some documents are "better" than others
- Closer to user behavior
- users can decide when to stop reading
- Best (partial) match
- documents need not have all query terms
Similarity-Based Queries
- Replace relevance with similarity
- rank documents by their similarity with the query
- Treat the query as if it were a document
- Create a query bag-of-words
- Find its similarity to each document
- Rank by sorting the document with similarity
Brief description:
- Based on geometry, the notion of vectors in high dimensional space
- Documents are ranked based on their similarity to the query (ranked retrieval)
- Best / partial match
Postulate: Documents that are "close together" in vector space "talk about" the same things
Therefore, retrieve documents based on how close the document is to the query (i.e. similarity ~ "closeness")
Similarity of document and query:
Fuzzy Set:
${\displaystyle \forall x\in {U}:\mu _{\neg {A}}(x)=1-\mu _{A}(x)}$ - AND
${\displaystyle \forall x\in {U}:\mu _{A\cap {B}}(x)=t(\mu _{A}(x),\mu _{B}(x))}$ - OR
${\displaystyle \forall x\in {U}:\mu _{A\cup {B}}(x)=s(\mu _{A}(x),\mu _{B}(x))}$
The weight of term Kx associated with document dj is measured by its normalized Term frequency
P-norms (
$L^\textit{p}\text{-norm}$ ): extends the notion of distance to include p-distances, where 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ is a new parameter- p = 1, similarity like vector space model
- p = ∞, similarity like fuzzy set model
Euclidean distances similarity
- Include boolean, vector space, fuzzy set in one model (framework)
$$ {\displaystyle sim(d_{k},q)={\frac {\sum {j=1}^{n}\sum {i=1}^{n}w{i,k}\times wgma{j,q}\times t_{i}\cdot t_{j}}{{\sqrt {\sum {i=1}^{n}w{i,k}^{2}}}\times {\sqrt {\sum {i=1}^{n}w{i,q}^{2}}}}}} $$
Dimensionality reduction using truncated SVD (aka LSA)
In particular, truncated SVD works on term count/tf-idf matrices. In that context, it is known as latent semantic analysis (LSA).
This estimator supports two algorithms: a fast randomized SVD solver, and a “naive” algorithm that uses ARPACK as an eigensolver on (X * X.T) or (X.T * X), whichever is more efficient.
Doc-Term Matrix (like User-Item Rating Matrix in Recommendation System)
Ranked similarity by TF-IDF
Wiki - Evaluation measures (information retrieval)
What IR evaluate for?
- Efficiency
- retrieval time
- indexing time
- index size
- Effectiveness
- how "good" are the documents that are returned?
- system only / human + system
- Usability
- learnability
- frustration
- novice vs. expert users
- Others
- coverage
- update frequency
- visit rate
- ...
Test collection: a laboratory environment that doesn’t change
- determine how well IR systems perform
- compare the performance of the IR system with that of other systems
- compare search alghoritms and strategies with each other
The Cranfield Paradigm: provided a foundation for the evaluation of IR systems => Precision ration and Recall ratio
Answer \ Relevant element | Relevant | Not relevant |
Retrieved | True Positive (TP) | False Positive (FP) |
Not Retrieved | False Negative (FN) | True Negative (TN) |
$R$ (Relevant documents) =$TP + FP$ -
$A$ (Answer, Retrieved docuemtnt) =$TP + FN$ (documents which we thought to be the answer) - Collection size =
$TP + FP$ +$FP$ +$TN$ =$R\cup A$
- the fraction of documents retrieved that are relevant
- the fraction of relevant documents retrieved
- hard to compute (need to know all the relevant document) => Pooling Method
Miss =
- the inverse of precision
False alarm (fallout) =
Precision at n
- P@5, n = 5
- P@10, n = 10
- P@20, n = 20
- Consider user usually only care the first page (or the top n) search result
Precision-Recall Curve
- The idea here is to average the precision figures obtained after each new relevant document is observed
- For each query, we calculate precision for each recall
- Each time we found a new relevent document => get a new recall
- Precision = # of Relevent / Current found documents
- For relevant documents not retrieved, the precision is set to 0
- Invoke average at the end
- Interpolation
- Fill the recall to 10% 20% ... 100% base
Mean of every query's AP
- System comparison
$$ {\text{MRR}}={\frac {1}{|Q|}}\sum {{i=1}}^{{|Q|}}{\frac {1}{{\text{rank}}{i}}} $$
The traditional F-measure or balanced F-score (F1 score) is the harmonic mean of precision and recall
The general formula for positive real β
Their relationship is
Wiki - Discounted cumulative gain
CG (Cumulative Gain)
$$ {\mathrm {CG_{{p}}}}=\sum {{i=1}}^{{p}}rel{{i}} = rel_1 + rel_2 + \dots + rel_p $$
$$ {\displaystyle \mathrm {DCG_{p}} =\sum {i=1}^{p}{\frac {rel{i}}{\log {2}(i+1)}}=rel{1}+\sum {i=2}^{p}{\frac {rel{i}}{\log _{2}(i+1)}}} = rel_1 + \frac{rel_2}{\log_2 3} + \dots + \frac{rel_p}{\log_2 p+1} $$
NDCG (Normalized DCG)
where IDCG is ideal discounted cumulative gain, ${\displaystyle \mathrm {IDCG_{p}} =\sum {i=1}^{|REL|}{\frac {2^{rel{i}}-1}{\log _{2}(i+1)}}}$ and
The technique of assessing relevance
The set of relevant documents for each topic is obtained from a pool of possible relevant documents
- This pool is created by taking the top K documents (usually, K = 100) in the rankings generated by various retrieval systems
- The documents in the pool are then shown to human assessors who ultimately decide on the relevance of each document
- Authority
- Authorities stemmed from a particular insight into the creation of web pages when the Internet was originally forming
- Hub
- A certain web pages, known as hubs, served as large directories that were not actually authoritative in the information that they held, but were used as compilations of a broad catalog of information that led users direct to other authoritative pages
- Summary
- In other words, a good hub represented a page that pointed to many other pages, and a good authority represented a page that was linked by many different hubs.
Authority update rule
Hub update rule
- Modern Information Retrieval - The Concepts and Technology behind Search
- Ch 3 Modelling
- Ch 3.2.2 Boolean Model
- Ch 3.2.6 Vector Space Model
- Ch 3.2.5 Document Length Normalization
- Ch 3.3.2 Expended Boolean Model
- Ch 3.3.3 Model based on Fuzzy Set
- Ch 3.4.1 Generalized Vector Space Model
- Ch 3.4.2 LSI Model
- Ch 3.2.3 Term weight
- Ch 3.2.4 TF-IDF
- Ch 4 Evaluation
- Ch 4.2 The Cranfield Paradigm
- Ch 4.3 Measures
- Ch 4.3.1 Precision / Recall
- Ch 4.3.2 Single Value Summaries
- Ch 4.3.3 User-Oriented Measures
- Ch 4.3.4 Discounted Cumulative Gain
- Ch 4.4 The Document Collections
- Ch 4.4.1 The TREC Web Collection
- Ch 11.5.2 Sorting based on link
- Ch 3 Modelling
Download all the slides
curl -O http://www.just.edu.jo/\~hmeidi/Teaching/CS721/slides_chap\[01-17\].pdf
- Introduction to Information Retrieval
- Ch 1.2 A first take at building an inverted index
- Ch 1.4 The extended Boolean model versus ranked retrieval
- Ch 6.2 Term frequency and weighting
- Ch 6.2.1 Inverse document frequency
- Ch 6.2.2 Tf-idf weighting
- Ch 6.4 Variant tf-idf functions