- Due to Canada.ca branding requirements, much of the CSS of the application will need to be changed and the Government of Canada header and footer will need to be added
- There will be stricter Government of Canada requirements when the CSA website gets merged with Canada.ca in March of 2020
- More note on Government of Canada branding can be found here: http://livelink/livelink/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=43843079&objAction=viewheader
- Due to the Government of Canada Standard on Web Accessibility, there will likely need to be changes to the frontend or CSS
- The Web Experience Toolkit can be used to help reach this standard, but it is not necessary
- More notes on accessibility can be found here: http://livelink/livelink/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=43801583&objAction=viewheader
There will need to be changes in app.py to change colours and styles of the interactive visualizations as well as the HTML layout of the page. Most other changes will just be CSS.
- The government header/footer code is saved in a separate file (header_footer.py), and is directly injected into the dash app.
Translations are tricky with Dash due to the way it renders the page. To learn how to make new translations, consult https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-xiii-i18n-and-l10n
Each text element to be translated in dash has to be given a component ID (see Dash documentation for more details on this). The component is subsequently re-rendered on language switch.