- video from Sharon and Snorre (thank you!): https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/Odde2vHfpmMNYmO2pmE2iNXgM0P8VHu-Zrn4WZ2W6iZrZ7dWhyc0D20_l13yCar2.QlFAtLOyMZETgcH3?startTime=1665347874000
- interest from Alex and crew, Indicio
- An overview of recent happenings in DIDComm land (either WG or UG)
- spec for v2 released
- work on rich chat (incl at RWOT)
- various PRs
- work on message queues (Yasiru)
- discussions about DIDComm v2 in AFJ, ACAPY
- Alex's question about mediators
- diagram we discussed: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1YSNiL0BUMWJe4huBjTEkLLu-dTfhA-KqUtabubM5nK8/edit
- Steve McCown: ICEIS to solve encryption more elegantly than multiplex
- Rodolfo show and tell
- OWF and protocol definitions