Note: This list is broken on Github (they should really update
org-ruby). Please use the ‘Raw’ link on the right.
Auto-Monitor ‘old’ buffers
Sometimes buffers from an earlier connection remain in Emacs, never
getting updated again
Close this right before 0.2 release so it’s consistent.
[#A] Fix missing highlights in Queries etc.
Use new `ping’ command for weechat 0.4.2
We might have to move the ping stuff to weechat.el to implement
this in a clean way
Measure network delay and add configurable hooks for different delays
This is useful to trigger a reconnect or warn the user when the
delay gets too big.
Stop auto-reconnect after manual connect
Different `weechat-tracking-types’ for different channels
Option to truncate long nicks
Test compatibility with 0.4.2
Don’t kill undo-history on buffer change (annoying when you’re typing sth.)
Mode-Line Tracking Indicator [3/3]
[X] Store more change-metadata in buffer-hash
[X] Don’t use faces in weechat-tracking.el
[X] Merge branch ‘tracking’
Add a prefix-arg to weechat-reload-buffer
…to load prefix-argument lines
Handle ‘sync’ events [7/15]
[X] _buffer_opened
[X] _buffer_closing
[X] _buffer_renamed
[X] _buffer_title_changed
[X] _buffer_localvar_added
[X] _buffer_localvar_changed
[ ] _buffer_localvar_removed
[ ] _buffer_type_changed
[X] _buffer_line_added
[ ] _buffer_moved
[ ] _buffer_merged
[ ] _buffer_unmerged
[ ] _nicklist
[ ] _upgrade
[ ] _upgrade_ended
Mark channel as “read” from Emacs
send command: “input 0x10f29d0 /input set_unread_current_buffer”
This is currently broken on weechat’s side. Waiting for FlashCode.
Handle different types of messages [1/8]
Incomplete List
(Some of them can be ignored as they print fine with defaults)
[ ] Quit
[X] /me
[ ] Join
[ ] Part
[ ] ‘Day Changed’
[ ] Netsplit
[ ] CTCP
Check performance with >1000 lines and nick-buttons enabled
Request more backlog when scrolling / via shortcut
Fix failed certificate when using gnutls-cli
‘Garbage Collect’ old ids in `weechat–relay-id-callback-hash’
Currently, if the server fails to response, the callback in this
hash is never removed. This can lead to a log of garbage data.
Notify users of new monitored buffers
Wait for more stable release.
Don’t delete prompt contents on re-monitor
Handle network errors (disconnect)
Handle opening/closing of buffers (after ‘sync’)
Print ‘connection lost’ message to all buffers
List with buffers to “auto-watch”
Fill region when receiving long messages
Waiting for delta updates (WeeChat 4.1?)
Buttons for URLs and other stuff
Thanks, Rüdiger
Faces based on message type
More Notification Handlers
Buffer-local URL ring for easy access
Request all highlighted lines when coming back online
Get (max 100 (count unread)) lines
Re-Implement scrambling of passwords in lambdas
Without lexical-let:
Pass symbols around: `make-symbol’, `symbol-value’
Custom commands (defun weechat-cmd-NAME …)
Imenu support
Typing auto-focuses the “input field”
Opening buffers in Emacs should update activation state on weechat side
Tracking support similar to erc-track.
Using circe’s tracking.el is probably a good way to implement this
Module for applying s/foo/bar/ message corrections
Read passwords from ~/.authinfo