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F# Setup

Thomas Viesmose Birch edited this page Mar 16, 2022 · 6 revisions

F# Setup

F# > version 4.1 is required for running DAXIF. Follow the instructions on the following page for installing: Use F# on Windows.

Visual Studio 2019 comes with F# support in all its editions

If you are still using Visual Studio 2017, you can enable this in the Visual Studio installer:

In the “Individual components” tab: under the “Development activities” category, check “F# language support”.

If you are using Visual Studio 2022, you need to disable Use .Net Core Scripting

This is done by opening VS2022 and go to the “F# Interactive” tab: under the Tools, Options, F# Tool, F# Interactive and changing Use .Net Core Scripting to False. Reset VS2022 or right-click F# Interactive window and select Reset Interactive Session.