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SQL Server Input Plugin

The sqlserver plugin provides metrics for your SQL Server instance. It currently works with SQL Server versions 2008+. Recorded metrics are lightweight and use Dynamic Management Views supplied by SQL Server.

Additional Setup:

You have to create a login on every instance you want to monitor, with following script:

USE master;
CREATE LOGIN [telegraf] WITH PASSWORD = N'mystrongpassword';


# Read metrics from Microsoft SQL Server
  ## Specify instances to monitor with a list of connection strings.
  ## All connection parameters are optional.
  ## By default, the host is localhost, listening on default port, TCP 1433.
  ##   for Windows, the user is the currently running AD user (SSO).
  ##   See for detailed connection
  ##   parameters.
  # servers = [
  #  "Server=;Port=1433;User Id=<user>;Password=<pw>;app name=telegraf;log=1;",
  # ]

  ## Optional parameter, setting this to 2 will use a new version
  ## of the collection queries that break compatibility with the original
  ## dashboards.
  query_version = 2

  ## If you are using AzureDB, setting this to true will gather resource utilization metrics
  # azuredb = false

  ## If you would like to exclude some of the metrics queries, list them here
  ## Possible choices:
  ## - PerformanceCounters
  ## - WaitStatsCategorized
  ## - DatabaseIO
  ## - DatabaseProperties
  ## - CPUHistory
  ## - DatabaseSize
  ## - DatabaseStats
  ## - MemoryClerk
  ## - VolumeSpace
  ## - PerformanceMetrics
  # exclude_query = [ 'PerformanceCounters','WaitStatsCatagorized' ]


To provide backwards compatibility, this plugin support two versions of metrics queries.

Note: Version 2 queries are not backwards compatible with the old queries. Any dashboards or queries based on the old query format will not work with the new format. The version 2 queries are written in such a way as to only gather SQL specific metrics (no disk space or overall CPU related metrics) and they only report raw metrics, no math has been done to calculate deltas. To graph this data you must calculate deltas in your dashboarding software.

Version 1 (deprecated in 1.6):

The original metrics queries provide:

  • Performance counters: 1000+ metrics from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
  • Performance metrics: special performance and ratio metrics
  • Wait stats: wait tasks categorized from sys.dm_os_wait_stats
  • Memory clerk: memory breakdown from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks
  • Database size: databases size trend from sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats
  • Database IO: databases I/O from sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats
  • Database latency: databases latency from sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats
  • Database properties: databases properties, state and recovery model, from sys.databases
  • OS Volume: available, used and total space from sys.dm_os_volume_stats
  • CPU: cpu usage from sys.dm_os_ring_buffers

If you are using the original queries all stats have the following tags:

  • servername: hostname:instance
  • type: type of stats to easily filter measurements

Version 2:

The new (version 2) metrics provide:

  • AzureDB: AzureDB resource utilization from sys.dm_db_resource_stats
  • Database IO: IO stats from sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats
  • Memory Clerk: Memory clerk breakdown from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks, most clerks have been given a friendly name.
  • Performance Counters: A select list of performance counters from sys.dm_os_performance_counters. Some of the important metrics included:
    • Activity: Transactions/sec/database, Batch requests/sec, blocked processes, + more
    • Availability Groups: Bytes sent to replica, Bytes received from replica, Log bytes received, Log send queue, transaction delay, + more
    • Log activity: Log bytes flushed/sec, Log flushes/sec, Log Flush Wait Time
    • Memory: PLE, Page reads/sec, Page writes/sec, + more
    • TempDB: Free space, Version store usage, Active temp tables, temp table creation rate, + more
    • Resource Governor: CPU Usage, Requests/sec, Queued Requests, and Blocked tasks per workload group
  • Server properties: Number of databases in all possible states (online, offline, suspect, etc.), cpu count, physical memory, SQL Server service uptime, and SQL Server version
  • Wait stats: Wait time in ms, number of waiting tasks, resource wait time, signal wait time, max wait time in ms, wait type, and wait category. The waits are categorized using the sasme categories used in Query Store.

Version 2 queries have the following tags:

  • host: Physical host name
  • sql_instance: Physical host and instance name (hostname:instance)