Out-of-the-box ~/.vim
directory for MacVim (corresponding ~/.atom)
- MacVim with ruby/python/lua (
brew install macvim --with-lua --with-luajit && brew linkapps macvim
git clone https://github.com/dexteryy/YVim.git ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim && ./install.sh
(this step may report errors, just ignore them and pressEnter
- New tab<D-N>
- New window<D-o>
- Unite file<D-O>
- Unite directory -> Vimfiler<D-T>
- CtrlP MRU<D-w>
- Quit current buffer window<D-W>
- Close MacVim window<D-z>
- Undo<D-y>
- Redo<D-C-Space>
- Emoji & Special Characters<D-/>
- Toggle comments<D-M-[>
- Fold / Unfold<D-M-{>
- Fold All / Unfold All<D-M-,>
- Open .vimrc in new tab (Setting View)<D-M-.>
- :map (Keybinding Resolver)<D-M-i>
- Search for files (vimscripts, docs, snippets...) in runtimepath<D-\>
- Toggle NerdTree<D-f>
- CtrlP: Search for a line in all listed buffers<D-F>
- ag.vim<D-M-f>
- replace<D-p>
- CtrlP (fuzzy file finder)<D-b>
- Unite tab buffer<D-P>
- Unite (Command Palette)<C-h>
- Look up in Dash<D-E>
- Emmet expand
- CtrlP + Unite,/
- Ag / Ack,d
- Dash;
- EasyMotion.m
- :marks + ShowMarks7.n
- NERDCommenter + NERDTree.s
- session.g
- fugitive + extradite + gitgutter.t
- Tagbar, Tasklist, Tern<C-A>
- multiple cursors,q
- QuickRun<F3>
- lint<F4>
- make<F5>
- Quickfix window<F6>
- Loction List window<F7>
- add breakpoint<F8>
- add log<F9>
- remove breakpoint / log<F10>
- Gundo
- expand regioncs*
- surround<Enter>
- easy align
:tabe NewVrc.rest