A web-based application to promote open science and track science publications within Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
For now, we'll use spatie.be's excellent guidelines. Additional guidelines will be added here as we progress.
This repo has both the front end and backend code. The front end is a SPA that consumes the API backend.
- TypeScript
- Vue.js (TS with Composition API
script setup
) - Vue-i18n (app supports en-CA and fr-CA, with vite-plugin-vue-i18n,
globalInjection: true
) - Vue-Router (SPA routing)
- Pinia (State management)
- Quasar (Vite Plugin flavour - Vue.js framework component library)
Some helper libraries of note here:
- VueUse (Collection of Vue Composition Utilities)
- unplugin-auto-import
- PHP 8.1
- Laravel (framework)
- Laravel Sanctum (auth)