This file contains various features and project ideas for CBMC. Below this are the larger feature ideas. Smaller mini project ideas are further down.
The following are features that would be good to add to CBMC. They are listed here to gather information on them and also as a starting point for contributors who are interested in undertaking a more comprehensive project.
Task: Implement refinement-based slicing to improve the slicing of CBMC.
Background: Some patches have been considered for this, but there is not yet evidence of performance improvement. See #28
Task: Implement refinement-based reduction of partial order constraints.
Background: Some patches have been considered for this, but there needs to also be work on the performance. See #29
Task: Improve the goto-diff utility to have both syntactic and semantic diff options for goto programs.
Background: The current goto-diff
program performs only syntatic
diff of goto programs. Extensions to also consider semantic differences
would be desirable. It would be nice to include:
- deltacheck's change impact analysis
- cemc equivalence checker
See also #40
Task: Create function summaries that simplify analysis. The main goals of the function summaries are:
- context insensitivity (there is one summary applicable in any context the function is called from)
- transitive closure (effects of all callees are captured in summaries of the root caller function)
- generalised interface (suitable for many different concrete summary-computing algorithms)
- language independent (should work for Java, C, C++, ...)
This also has links to other projects (albeit some may be out of date at this stage):
- test_gen (our summaries should fit to needs of this tests generation task)
- 2ls (their summaries should also be expressible in our summaries)
- path-symex (summaries must also be usable for path-based symbolic execution)
There are also complexities related to over/under-approximation for the function summaries. For more details see #218
Task: Extend the --cover
option to add coverage goals for each
possible entry of fixed size arrays. For more details see
There is very limited knowledge about loop termination conditions and this could be improved. For example, the slicing could be improved with knoweldge regarding loop termination so that irrelevant loops can be more effectively sliced. Similarly, in goto-analyze assertions can only be false if reachable, adding termination can give crude reachability analysis.
The overall approach could be to have for each loop and/or
function information: TERMINATE
, or
Further details on possible implementations and discussion can be found here #618
The following projects are short, focussed features that give new CBMC contributors an introduction to one part of the codebase. If you're interested in contributing to CBMC, feel free to start with any of these projects!
Task: Implement a CPROVER intrinsic that assigns an expression to a dummy value, to help with debugging and tracing.
Inserting printf("value of expr: %d\n", expr);
is a common debugging
and tracing technique. The CBMC equivalent is to assign an expression to
a temporary variable and run cbmc --trace
$ cat foo.c
#define __CPROVER_print(var) { int value_of_##var = (int) var; }
void foo(int x)
assert(0); // Make CBMC halt its exploration and dump a trace up to
// this point
int main()
This has several limitations (we need different variants of the macro
for pointers, etc). It would be great to have __CPROVER_print
as a
CPROVER intrinsic, so that users don't need to do the awkward define or
manual ghost assignment in their code.
Hints: Figure out how __CPROVER_assume
and __CPROVER_assert
Then figure out how to add new instructions into a goto-program.
Task: implement a CPROVER intrinsic that tells CBMC what function a function pointer points to.
Background: CBMC often doesn't know which function a function pointer points to. If a function is called through a function pointer, CBMC currently assumes that any function that has the same signature could be called. This results in a combinatorial explosion of paths when CBMC is exploring the program. It would be useful to have an annotation that tells CBMC exactly what function a pointer is expected to point to.
Task: allow users to specify a combined bound for the sum of several loop counters.
Background: consider a program that uses several nested while-loops to move a pointer through a buffer. Each of the nested loops may advance the pointer. We want to ensure that the pointer doesn't overflow the buffer.
Unfortunately, if we specify the buffer size S
as the loop bound for
those three loops, we can still overflow the buffer because all three of
the loops can move the pointer forward S
times. What we need is to
specify that the combined loop bound for the three loops is S
The current syntax for the --unwindset
switch is
--unwindset LABEL:BOUND
You might like to generalize this so that it looks like
--unwindset LABEL<,LABEL2,LABEL3,...>:BOUND
which would have the effect that the loops with those labels would all share a bound.
The current member that stores how many times a loop has been unwound is
. Have a look at where this member is accessed, and what is done with that value (e.g. read throughsymex_bmct::should_stop_unwind()
). -
You may wish to add a map from a set of loop names to a loop bound, in addition to the current map from single loop names to loop bounds.
If a loop has an individual bound, and is also part of a set of mutually-bound loops, then we should stop unwinding it if either of those bounds is reached. Good, thoughtful test cases are essential here!
Some architectures only allow load instructions / pointer dereferencing when the
address is a multiple of the word length (i.e. 4 bytes or 8 bytes). This project
would add a new instrumentation option for cbmc
and goto-instrument
that checks
each pointer before dereference and makes sure it's correctly aligned.
This is a good way to get into goto_check
and how instrumentation of asserts
There are options for which SMT solver to run and there are ways of building with multiple SAT solvers but no command line options to pick a SAT solver. It would be nice if there were.
features an instrumentation to track cases of use-before-define,
i.e. reading of uninitialised variables. At present, the analysis does not take
into account aliasing information. As such, the following code will yield a spurious
int main()
int x;
int *ptr;
if(x < 42)
return 1;
return 0;
This should be pretty straight-forward to do with goto-analyzer --vsd
and might even
be a good intro to that code.
Read this paper and make the tests mentioned in there work.
Re-implement the algorithm described in this paper
Build an instrumenter in goto-instrument
for checking LTL (or even CTL) properties
on C code. E.g look at this paper
Please get in touch with Michael Tautschnig, who has done very similar work in FShell.
CBMC allows to choose among a selection of SMT solvers to use as solving back end.
As these tools evolve, CBMC's code for running them may need a fresh look from time
to time. After a first round of manual experiments, these tests should become part
of the routine build process on dkr-build
. (Michael Tautschnig knows how to do this.)
CProver has an interpreter for goto programs but it could be improved, for example adding support for dynamic analysis, calls to external functions and possibly even mixed concrete and symbolic execution. It would also be good to be able to interpret traces found by BMC to catch mismatches / bugs between the logical model and the bit blasting models. This would also be useful for more advanced CEGAR like techniques (also see below).
Alter the CBMC symbolic execution engine to create a dynamic symbolic execution tool similar to KLEE. Possible features include:
- Distributed and incremental support using the caching scheme here
- A feature to run BMC as you go to explore the traces 'around' the execution traces
- Use path exploration as the witness generation part of an ACDL process.
- Perform precondition inference, possibly using ACDL.
GDB implements a client-server protocol with a GDB instance acting as a server and the GUI as a client. (The documentation for that protocol may be found here.) By implementing this protocol in various places within CProver, there are various things that could be achieved.
To do some of these will require working out which functions are non-deterministic models of real functions and accounting for this. This would also be necessary for some of the preceeding ideas.
Implement a GDB server that uses a trace to 'execute' the program. This allows any GUI debugger that can talk to GDB to be used to graphically explore the trace. Particularly valuable for concurrent programs in which just reading the trace could be very hard.
An implementation of that is in the trace debugger here:
Handling the SV-COMP counter-example format (ask Michael) would probably make this tool a lot more widely usable.
Conversely, implement a GDB client that uses the trace to control a debugger. If connected to a 'real' GDB then this would allow the debugger to be set to the position that shows the error. In the case of parallel programs this avoids the need to create custom schedulers, etc. and over-all it is a much better interface – rather than generate a trace, CProver simply gives you the debugger in the state that triggers the problem.
One option would be to convert the trace to a GDB script but this misses some of the value as it would be possible to query they GDB server as the program runs to check that values really are assigned correctly. This will catch the first point at which the model and the real system diverge and allows checked 'resimulation' of the traces on a 'real' platform. If the goto-binary contains the ELF binary then this could be used directly.
An enabling tech, this would allow us to run the interpreter as a debugger back end. Combine with the trace as a GDB client, this would allow resimulation of traces, which would be useful for catching encoding bugs in CProver and ideally should be run after the decode from the solver all of the time.
Michael has a partial implementation of this. (?)
Acts as a GDB server and passes commands back to another GDB server to actually execute. Records the state changes and locations visited. This allows a test case to be 'run' and the trace / conditions on the trace to be collected and (after generalisation) be used for test case driven analysis / test case generalisation / something “concolic” like.
Acts as a GDB server and then connects (as a client) to one or more GDB servers. Commands are executed on all of these and then the state / position compared (much of the infrastructure of the previous idea could be used). Divergences of behaviour can then be found, particularly root causes can be identified by the first divergence. This may not be CProver specific but can likely be used for various projects and ideas above.
An interactive component that runs a program via a GDB server and query / interact with it. This would be useful for building a “concolic” tool, especially for running library functions that are not defined.
Valgrind and the Linux kernel both have GDB servers - what could we do with these?
It would be good to have a tool that checks for data races in a similar fashion to DRD / Helgrind. The current pointer analysis can over approximate shared variables, so possibly some combination of this, trace generation, DRD / Helgrind and then refinement of which traces to pick? Perhaps this is even something ACDL like?
Build something similar to the Q tool in SLAM. (?)
Implement k-liveness for software-liveness checking.
Turn the list of KNOWNBUG
S from the CBMC regressions into a list of open issues
in the CBMC repository issue tracker (
If you do this, make sure you target either thedevelop
branch or the latest
CBMC release.
Build instrumenters for various coding standards, e.g. AutoSar, MISRA-C, CERT-C, HIC++, etc.
Run the regressions mentioned here
and the GCC C Torture tests
with goto-cc
and a goto-program
Build instrumentation to check for unspecified behaviours in C, as per Section J.2
(and maybe also J.3) of the C standard. Some of them may be possible to handle
entirely in the front-end (for example, catching x = x++
as modifying a variable
twice between sequence points could be done in side effect removal in ansi-c), while
others may be best to be instrumentation (for example handling the unspecified nature
of the order of evaluation of function arguments).
For more information, talk to Michael Tautschnig for this item.
The Common Weakness Enumeration project seeks to classify software weaknesses and errors in a common dictionary. Reporting CWE information together with failed assertions, such as Free of Pointer not at Start of Buffer, would help both users of the tools as well as industrial partners. In the first instance, errors already caught by present instrumentation should be augmented with additional information. In a second step, instrumentation for other problems listed in the CWE database should be developed.
The refinement option enables a tactic of under and over approximation to try to solve the generated formulae more quickly. There are a large number of possible options – which operations to approximate, how much to under or over approximate them, how much to add back if this doesn't work, etc. Rather than trying to manually pick the best strategy from these, it would be good to machine learn them.
Most users of CBMC have access to multi-core machines; many have clusters available. There are a number of different approaches and a number of different levels at which the task could be parallelised; per assertion, portfolio approaches of different back-ends, parallel solvers, etc. It would be good to be able to exploit these. The caching approach suggested under “KLEE-PROVER” might be an easy route to implementing this.
Look at various efforts to model x86 assembler, e.g., Andrew Kennedy, “Formalizing .EXEs, .DLLs, and all that”, Gang Tan, “Reusable tools for formal modeling of machine code”, and check whether this can turn into a translator from x86 to goto binary.
Also look at Google's Native Client, and talk to Matt, who has tried Valgrind.
Furthermore, talk to Michael, who has got a student who made some progress on this.
And maybe have a read of Automated synthesis of symbolic instruction encodings from I/O samples.
Implement branch prediction algorithms in path-symex.
GCC has a set of 'torture tests' which are intended to stress test and find bugs in their parser and front-end. It would be good to run these through goto-cc / add them to the nightly testing and fix any bugs that arise. (Possible overlap with “Front-End Testing” above.). The same is probably also true for other compiler fuzzing tools.
Try out some of the compiler loop optimisations (hoisting invariant code, fusing sequential independent loops, etc.) and see if they improve BMC, K-Induction or loop acceleration. These should be possible to implement in goto-instrument.
C99 adds the restrict
keyword to mark unaliased pointers. This can be discarded by
the compiler and thus has no semantics, it is only an annotation. However, there are
a number of thing we could do with:
- Insert checks in calling functions to make sure that the pointers really are unaliased.
- Add an instrumentation pass that adds assumptions that restricted pointers are not aliased. This may imporve the quality of counter-examples (although at the cost of potentially missing some bugs, although not if combined with the previous technique).
C++ has annotations for what exceptions a function can throw. It would be good to be able to check / generate / minimise these and it should be possible to do this with a reasonably simple abstract domain. The CVC4 project would be interested in using this if it exists.
An old prototype of something similar is here:
CBMC's Java front-end is currently in development and will support the full Java bytecode instruction set soon. Beyond that, it would be great to support some more advanced aspects of the Java programming language semantics, such as the Java Memory Model. This will include adding models for a subset of the Java concurrency packages in the Java Runtime Library.