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Translating from Erlang to Haskell

AP previously used the Erlang programming language for some course components. In 2024, we use only Haskell. If you previously followed the course, but didn't pass, and are attending the exam this year, you will need to adapt your knowledge about concurrency from Erlang to Haskell. The best way to do so is to follow the course, attend the lectures, and complete the assignments. But as a special help, this work-in-progess document describes how to translate aspects of concurrent Erlang to concurrent Haskell.


We use the Haskell modules Control.Concurrent and Control.Concurrent.Chan. The latter is implicitly re-exported by the former. The following import should give you everything you need in most cases:

import Control.Concurrent
  ( Chan,

Processes and Threads

In Erlang, processes communicate by directly sending asynchronous messages to each other. In Haskell, the equivalent of an Erlang process is a thread. To create a new thread in Haskell, we use the forkIO function, similar to using spawn in Erlang for creating processes. The forkIO function has the following type:

forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadId

In other words, to create a thread we pass forkIO an action of type IO (), meaning a monadic computation in the IO monad. Typically, this will be some kind of potentially infinite loop that receives and handles messages, just as in Erlang. The thread will continue to run until this action terminates.

The forkIO function returns a ThreadId that can be used for interacting with the thread in low level ways, although we will not make much use of that in AP. Instead, we will communicate using channel-based messaging.

Channels and messages

In Erlang, if we have a process ID, we can send a message to that process. In Haskell, communication is done via channels. A channel is created using the newChan action:

newChan :: IO (Chan a)

The newChan action produces a channel that can be used for sending and receiving messages of type a. The precise type of a will be inferred by the compiler. This is also a deviation from Erlang, where messages are untyped.

Whenever we create a thread, we will also create a channel through which we can communicate with the thread, as shown in below (assuming the existence of a function threadLoop):

do c <- newChan
   forkIO $ threadLoop c

Now, both the new thread and we have a reference to the channel (c).

Messages can be both read and written to a channel, corresponding to receiving and sending messages, using the following two functions:

writeChan :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
readChan :: Chan a -> IO a

Conceptually, a channel is an unbounded queue of messages. Writing to a channel is an asynchronous operation - it immediately and always succeeds. Reading from a channel retrieves the oldest message in the channel. If the channel is empty, reading blocks until a message is available.

Single-reader principle: we adopt the rule that a channel may have only a single reader, meaning only a single thread is allowed to call readChan on any given channel. This is typically the thread that we created the channel for. This is not enforced by the Haskell type system, and there are indeed forms of concurrent programming that are more flexible, but they are outside the scope of this note.

It is perfectly acceptable (and often necessary) for a channel to have multiple writers.

If we call readChan on a channel where we hold the only reference (meaning we would in principle wait forever), the Haskell runtime system will raise an exception that will cause the thread to be terminated. This is a natural and safe way to shut down a thread that is no longer necessary, assuming the thread does not hold resources (e.g., open files) that must be manually closed. Handling such cases is outside the scope of this note.

Thus, we have the following correspondences between Erlang and Haskell:

  • Sending messages: In Erlang, we send a message (to a process) with the operator !. For example, Pid ! Msg sends Msg to the process identified by Pid. In Haskell, we send a message (to a process via a channel) with the function writeChan.

  • Receiving messages: In Erlang, the recieve ... end-expression is used for receiving messages. It not only waits for a message but also performs pattern matching on the received message to decide on the appropriate action. To do the same in Haskell, we first use the readChan function to receive a massage, and then do pattern matching with a case-expression.

Basic Example

The following Erlang example:

ex1() ->
  C = spawn(fun threadLoop/0),
  C ! 0,
  C ! 1.

threadLoop() ->
  Msg = receive N -> N end,
  io:format("Got message ~p~n", [Msg]),

Can thus be translated to the following Haskell code:

ex1 :: IO ()
ex1 = do
  c <- newChan
  _ <- forkIO $ threadLoop c -- Ignore return value.
  writeChan c 0
  writeChan c 1

threadLoop :: Chan Int -> IO ()
threadLoop c = do
  msg <- readChan c
  putStrLn $ "Got integer: " <> show msg
  threadLoop c

Remote procedure calls (RPC)

Just as in Erlang, the Haskell message passing facility is asynchronous. To implement synchronous (RPC) calls, where we wait for a response after sending a message, we need to invent a bit of machinery on top. The way we make it work is by creating a new channel that is used for transmitting the result. This channel is then sent along as part of the message.

The starting point (and always good practice) is to define an explicit type for the messages we would like to send.

data Msg = MsgInc (Chan Int) Int

We then define our thread loop as follows:

threadLoop :: Chan Msg -> IO ()
threadLoop c = do
  msg <- readChan c
  case msg of
    MsgInc reply_chan x ->
      writeChan reply_chan (x + 1)
  threadLoop c

Given a handle to a channel of type Chan Msg, we can then send a message, and wait for a response, as follows:

performRPC :: Chan Msg -> Int -> IO Int
performRPC c x = do
  reply_chan <- newChan
  writeChan c $ MsgInc reply_chan x
  readChan reply_chan

And tying it all together:

ex2 :: IO ()
ex2 = do
  c <- newChan
  _ <- forkIO $ threadLoop c
  print =<< performRPC c 0
  print =<< performRPC c 1

Counter Server Example

Let's consider a more comprehensive Erlang example, where we use a process to create a server that maintains a counter:

counter()         -> spawn(fun () -> counter_loop(0) end).
incr(Cid)         -> request_reply(Cid, incr).
decr_with(Cid, N) -> request_reply(Cid, {decr, N}).
get_value(Cid)    -> request_reply(Cid, get_value).

request_reply(Pid, Request) ->
    Pid ! {self(), Request},
        {Pid, Response} -> Response

counter_loop(State) ->
      {From, incr} ->
        {NewState, Res} = {State + 1, ok},
        From ! {self(), Res},
      {From, {decr, N}} ->
        {NewState, Res} = {State - N, ok},
        From ! {self(), Res},
      {From, get_value} ->
        {NewState, Res} = {State, {ok, State}},
        From ! {self(), Res},

To translate this example to Haskell, the first step is to make a type for the messages that will be send to the server. Again, we use the pattern where we make constructor for each kind of message, and the last argument for each constructor is a channel for sending back the response:

data Msg = Incr     (Chan ())
         | Decr Int (Chan ())
         | GetValue (Chan Int)

Here we use the Haskell type () (unit) in lieu of the Erlang atom ok.

Next, we declare a type alias Counter for representing a counter server, here just the input channel, and a function for creating a new counter server:

type Counter = Chan Msg

counter :: IO Counter
counter = do
  input <- newChan
  _ <- forkIO $ counterLoop input 0
  return input

Like in the previous section, we define a function to abstract the communication pattern where we send a message and then wait for an reply:

requestReply :: Counter -> (Chan a -> Msg) -> IO a
requestReply cnt con = do
  reply_chan <- newChan
  writeChan cnt $ con reply_chan
  readChan reply_chan

Note that the second argument of the requesReply function is a function that constructs a Msg value.

Now we can use the requestReply function to define the three API functions incr, decrWith and getValue for a counter server:

incr cnt = requestReply cnt Incr
decrWith cnt n = requestReply cnt $ Decr n
getValue cnt = requestReply cnt GetValue

Finally, we define the internal server loop function:

counterLoop input state = do
  msg <- readChan input
  case msg of
    Incr from -> do
      let (newState, res) = (state + 1, ())
      writeChan from res
      counterLoop input newState
    Decr n from -> do
      let (newState, res) = (state - n, ())
      writeChan from res
      counterLoop input newState
    GetValue from -> do
      let (newState, res) = (state, state)
      writeChan from res
      counterLoop input newState


The channel abstraction does not directly support timeouts for RPC calls. However, we can build our own support for timeouts. The technique we employ is to allow the reply to be either the intended value or a special timeout value. When we perform an RPC, we then also launch a new thread that sleeps for some period of time, then write the timeout value to the channel. If the non-timeout response is the first to arrive, then the timeout value is ignored and harmless.

First we must import the threadDelay function.

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)

Then we define a type Timeout with a single value Timeout.

data Timeout = Timeout

Then we define a message type (in this case polymorphic in a) where the reply channel accepts messages of type Either Timeout a.

data Msg a = MsgDoIt (Chan (Either Timeout a)) (IO a)

A Msg a denotes a request to perform some impure operation IO a (perhaps a network request), then reply with the resulting value of type a.

We can use this to build a facility for performing an action with a timeout:

actionWithTimeout :: Int -> IO a -> IO (Either Timeout a)
actionWithTimeout seconds action = do
  reply_chan <- newChan
  _ <- forkIO $ do -- worker thread
    x <- action
    writeChan reply_chan $ Right x
  _ <- forkIO $ do -- timeout thread
    threadDelay (seconds * 1000000)
    writeChan reply_chan $ Left Timeout
  readChan reply_chan

You will note that this is not a server in the usual sense, as it does not loop: it simply launches two threads.

One downside of this function is that the worker thread (the one that runs action, and might take too long) is not terminated after the timeout. This is a problem if it is, for example, stuck in an infinite loop that consumes ever more memory. To fix this, we can have the timeout thread explicitly kill the worker thread. First we have to import the killThread function.

import Control.Concurrent (killThread)

Then we can use it as follows.

actionWithTimeout2 :: Int -> IO a -> IO (Either Timeout a)
actionWithTimeout2 seconds action = do
  reply_chan <- newChan
  worker_tid <- forkIO $ do
    -- worker thread
    x <- action
    writeChan reply_chan $ Right x
  _ <- forkIO $ do
    -- timeout thread
    threadDelay (seconds * 1000000)
    killThread worker_tid
    writeChan reply_chan $ Left Timeout
  readChan reply_chan

Note that killing a thread is a dangerous operation in general. It may be the case that the worker thread is stuck in some loop or waiting for a network request, in which case it is harmless, but killing it may also leave some shared state in an unspecified state. We will (hopefully) not encounter such cases in AP, but it is something to be aware of in the future.