A command line tool for working with EarthFast.
To install in an npm project
npm install earthfast-cli
This can also be used standalone in a command line like
npx earthfast-cli
For all available commands and options run npx earthfast-cli --help
. For help on individual commands append --help
to a command, for example npx earthfast-cli project create
Once the static assets for a site have been built and are ready for bundling, run the following command to generate an EarthFast-compatible archive. This can be done manually, or by a CI system:
Bundle archive:
npx earthfast-cli bundle create <name> <build-dir>
# Example: `npx earthfast-cli bundle create my-site-v1.0.0 ./dist`
Bundle Checksum:
npx earthfast-cli bundle checksum <bundle-zip-file>
# Example: `npx earthfast-cli bundle checksum my-site-v1.0.0.zip`
Once the bundle has been made available on a publicly accessible URL, such as Github Releases or S3, it can be published on the EarthFast. This can be done by a DAO vote, for example through Tally, or manually like this:
npx earthfast-cli project publish <project-id> <bundle-url> <bundle-checksum>
Example: npx earthfast-cli project publish 0x123abc... https://.../my-site-v1.0.0.tgz 0x456def...