Note: This design is EXPERIMENTAL.
This LEON3 design is tailored for the Altera Cyclone V SX SoC on the Criticallink 5CSX-42A board synthesizable with Quartus II 16.1
Design utilises:
- LEON3 running at 50 MHz
- 256 GiB DDR3 running at 300 MHz using Altera UniPHY memory controller IP
- FPGA2HPS bridge allowing the LEON3 system to access the hard processor address space.
- HPS2FPGA bridge allowing the hard processor system to access the LEON3 address space.
- JTAG debug port connected to on-board USB blaster II (currently not working properly)
- UART debug port
- 2 peripheral UART ports (1 for system console, 1 extra)
- CAN controller connected to the dev board's second CAN interface
- GPIO controller
- Routing to the dev board's LEDs and Push Buttons
- HPS-FPGA H2F GPIO routing for ease of controlling the SoC from HPS
Information about the hard processor system can be found in:
- The HPS (Hard Processing System) part of the system requires ARM-processor to be booted. If the HPS system is not booted, the bridges will not work.
- This project was designed having in mind a Linux image delivered with the board.
- The JTAG debug link requires a system clock frequency several times
higher than the JTAG clock to function properly. To reduce the
chance of any synchronization errors it is possible to lower the
altera JTAG clock frequency by using the command:
Available options for clock freq are 6M, 16M and 24M where 24M is the default value. If you unplug the USB Blaster II cable the value will be reset to 24M.
jtagconfig --setparam <cable number> JtagClock <clock freq>
- Criticallink MitySOM-5CSx Development Kit with 5CSX-42A SOM
- TDRB-HTG (M) HSMC P0033 adapter
- Minimum 2 of USB-UART 3.3V bridges
3 LEDs (LED1-LED3) and 3 push-buttons (SW1-SW3) are connected to HPS and exposed to the FPGA through IO Loaner interface.
LED assignments:
- LED3 (red) - CPU in error mode
- LED2 (yellow) - DSU active
- LED1 (green) - Main PLL LOCK
Push button assignments:
- SW3 - DSU break
- SW2 - Reset LEON system
- SW1 - unused
Additional ports (for debugging purposes only):
- HSMC1_TX15 (out) - CLK2DDR (100MHz) divided by 2^26. Approx. 1.5Hz.
- HSMC1_TX14_N (in) - see below
- HSMC1_TX14 (out) - logical AND of HSMC1_TX14_N input with signal seen on HSMC1_TX15
GRGPIO IP-core in the design has 16 pins, out of which 8 are mapped to the FPGA pins. Remaining 8 are connected to HPS-FPGA interface. Pins 0-11 of the pins are capable of generating an interrupt.
GRGPIO port mapping:
- GPIO[0] - HSMC_TX0
- GPIO[1] - HSMC_TX0_N
- GPIO[2] - HSMC_TX1
- GPIO[3] - HSMC_TX1_N
- GPIO[4] - HSMC_TX2
- GPIO[5] - HSMC_TX2_N
- GPIO[6] - HSMC_TX3
- GPIO[7] - HSMC_TX3_N
- GPIO[8] - H2F GPO[8] (input only)
- GPIO[9] - H2F GPO[9] (input only)
- GPIO[10] - H2F GPO[10] (input only)
- GPIO[11] - H2F GPO[11] (input only)
- GPIO[12] - H2F GPI[12] (output only)
- GPIO[13] - H2F GPI[13] (output only)
- GPIO[14] - H2F GPI[14] (output only)
- GPIO[15] - H2F GPI[15] (output only)
CAN pins routing is done through HPS->FPGA loan IO, the IP-Core is Gaisler wrapper for OpenCores CAN (documentation in grip.pdf)
CAN port mapping:
Debug UART port mapping:
Peripheral UART ports mapping:
- UART1 TX (console stdout) - HSMC1_RX10_N
- UART1 RX (console stdin ) - HSMC1_RX10
HPS-FPGA control signals:
- LEON CPU starts in reset mode, controlled by HPS.
- LEON system active high reset is controlled by HPS using H2F General Purpose Output signal GPO[0].
- LEON CPU active low reset is controlled by HPS using H2F General Purpose Output signal GPO[1].
It allows writing to the LEON memory from HPS side before releasing the CPU reset.
GPO control register address on HPS bus is 0xFF706010.
To set the bus reset - write value 0x1 to the control register.
To release the CPU reset - write value 0x2 to the control register.
In general, leon-loader application should be used on the HPS side (see Booting Hello World on LEON from HPS).
peekpoke -b 0xFF706010 w.l 0x0 0x2
LEON AHB Memory Map:
- 0x00000000 - PROM, size 1 Mbyte, cacheable, prefetch
- 0x20000000 (Simulation only) - Test report module, size 1 Mbyte
- 0x40000000 - Avalon-MM memory controller, size 256 Mbyte
- 0x80000000 - AHB-APB bridge, size 1 Mbyte
- 0x80000100 - Generic UART, size 256 byte
- 0x80000200 - Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl., size 256 byte
- 0x80000300 - Modular Timer Unit, size 256 byte
- 0x80000700 - AHB Debug UART, size 256 byte
- 0x80000800 - General Purpose I/O port, size 256 byte
- 0x90000000 - LEON3 Debug Support Unit, size 256 Mbyte
- 0xc0000000 - AMBA AHB/AXI Bridge, size 256 Mbyte
- 0xfffc0000 - OC CAN AHB interface, size 256 byte
The access to the LEON peripherals from HPS is done through AXI2AHB bridge mapped in HPS under 0xC0000000 - 0xFBFFFFFF address space, with dynamic address translation of 4 memory regions:
- 0xC0000000 -> 0x40000000 (RAM)
- 0xD0000000 -> 0x50000000 (RAM)
- 0xE0000000 -> 0x80000000 (APB peripherals)
- 0xF0000000 -> 0x90000000 (DSU) The LEON bus reset has to be programatically released before issuing any reads on HPS-FPGA bridge. Otherwise the system will freeze.
The access to the HPS peripherals is given an offset in the AHB2AXI bridge (example: 0xCF700000 translates to 0xFF700000). This can be modified in the design config.
- 2 - APB UART1 (console)
- 3 - APB UART2
- 7 - AHB status register (disabled in the default config)
- 8 - Timer
- 13 - CAN_OC
- GRGPIO can generate signal on any of the LEON IRQ lines.
The standard GRLIB flow with "make vsim" and then "vsim testbench" can be used to simulate the design. The simulation uses a simplified DDR3 controller.
To synthesize the design (requires Quartus II 16.1), first build the megafunctions using "make qwiz", then use the "make quartus" command to synthesize. To synthesize in the Quartus II gui use "make quartus-launch".
Use "make quartus-prog-fpga" to program the FPGA. Make sure that the JTAG CHAIN SW on the board is set to "00", otherwise the programming will fail.
The project includes an application allowing to boot software on LEON from linux running on HPS.
Compile it using:
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc leon-loader.c -o leon-loader
Then copy leon-loader to the target board filesystem.
Compile Hello World using:
sparc-gaisler-elf-clang -g -Wall -msoft-float hello_world.c -o hello_world.exe
If FPU has been enabled in the project config, use:
sparc-gaisler-elf-clang -g -Wall hello_world.c -o hello_world.exe
Note: This will not work with the default project configuration (FPU is disabled by default for licensing reasons).
For use with Bare-C Cross Compiler System v1, replace "sparc-gaisler-elf-clang" with "sparc-elf-gcc"
Copy hello_world.exe to the target board and invoke there.
leon-loader -f leon_software.exe -br
It causes loader to reset LEON bus, put CPU into reset, load the software through shared memory and release CPU reset.
Alternatively, grmon can be used (see Program Load)
JTAG interface to the DSU does not work - UART connection is required.
There is a bug within ahb2avl bridge, used to bridge LEON to the DDR3 UniPHY controller. It does not properly handle long burst transfers where the slave can introduce a gap into the responses. It can cause a cache line corruption and an undefined behavior. This has been mitigated by reducing the burst size on the DDR interface to 2 AVL words. Otherwise, the recommended burst size is to match the cache line size (8 AVL words).
While H2F GPO pins can trigger interrupt on LEON side using GRGPIO functionality, the F2H GPI pins are not capable of triggering interrupt on HPS side. This can be improved by hooking F2H GPI lines to dedicated HPS_F2H IRQ lane.
System images of RTEMS do not work out of the box (i.e. no UART output is produced) when executed directly from system reset (using only
). A workaround for that involves: connecting to the target using a debugger (e.g.grmon
), which initialises the peripheral interfaces (i.e. clocks, etc), then loading the image throughleon-loader -bf
and either detaching the debugger, or resuming the execution, if the use of debugger is desired. Further tackling this issue could involve performing all the proper initialization in the ROM code.
Debugging can be done over the debug UART interface (JTAG currently does not work properly).
CPU reset has to be released (HPS2FPGA GPO[1] set to high) before running software on the core.
Recommended way is to run leon-loader -b
on HPS system before initializing grmon connection.
(replace /dev/ttyUSB2 with the port assigned to the USB-UART converter connected to the LEON DSU port)
user@OSMitySOM:~$ grmon -uart /dev/ttyUSB2
GRMON2 LEON debug monitor v2.0.86 64-bit eval version
Copyright (C) 2017 Cobham Gaisler - All rights reserved.
For latest updates, go to
Comments or bug-reports to [email protected]
This eval version will expire on 06/03/2018
Detected frequency: 50 MHz
Component Vendor
LEON3 SPARC V8 Processor Cobham Gaisler
AHB Debug UART Cobham Gaisler
JTAG Debug Link Cobham Gaisler
AMBA AXI/AHB Bridge Cobham Gaisler
Generic AHB ROM Cobham Gaisler
AHB/APB Bridge Cobham Gaisler
LEON3 Debug Support Unit Cobham Gaisler
Avalon-MM memory controller Cobham Gaisler
AMBA AHB/AXI Bridge Cobham Gaisler
Generic UART Cobham Gaisler
Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl. Cobham Gaisler
Modular Timer Unit Cobham Gaisler
Use command 'info sys' to print a detailed report of attached cores
grmon2> info sys
cpu0 Cobham Gaisler LEON3 SPARC V8 Processor
AHB Master 0
ahbuart0 Cobham Gaisler AHB Debug UART
AHB Master 1
APB: 80000700 - 80000800
Baudrate 115200, AHB frequency 50.00 MHz
ahbjtag0 Cobham Gaisler JTAG Debug Link
AHB Master 2
adev3 Cobham Gaisler AMBA AXI/AHB Bridge
AHB Master 3
adev4 Cobham Gaisler Generic AHB ROM
AHB: 00000000 - 00100000
apbmst0 Cobham Gaisler AHB/APB Bridge
AHB: 80000000 - 80100000
dsu0 Cobham Gaisler LEON3 Debug Support Unit
AHB: 90000000 - A0000000
AHB trace: 64 lines, 32-bit bus
CPU0: win 8, hwbp 2, itrace 256, V8 mul/div, srmmu, lddel 1
stack pointer 0x5ffffff0
icache 2 * 4 kB, 32 B/line
dcache 2 * 4 kB, 32 B/line, snoop tags
ahb2avla0 Cobham Gaisler Avalon-MM memory controller
AHB: 40000000 - 60000000
AHB: FFF00000 - 00000000
SDRAM: 512 Mbyte
adev8 Cobham Gaisler AMBA AHB/AXI Bridge
AHB: C0000000 - D0000000
uart0 Cobham Gaisler Generic UART
APB: 80000100 - 80000200
IRQ: 2
Baudrate 38343, FIFO debug mode
irqmp0 Cobham Gaisler Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl.
APB: 80000200 - 80000300
gptimer0 Cobham Gaisler Modular Timer Unit
APB: 80000300 - 80000400
IRQ: 8
8-bit scalar, 2 * 32-bit timers, divisor 50
grmon2> load hello_world.exe; verify hello_world.exe; run
40000000 .text 23.7kB / 23.7kB [===============>] 100%
40005ED0 .data 2.7kB / 2.7kB [===============>] 100%
Total size: 26.38kB (107.10kbit/s)
Entry point 0x40000000
Image /home/user/leon/grlib-repo/designs/leon3-criticallink-5csx/hello_world.exe loaded
40000000 .text 23.7kB / 23.7kB [===============>] 100%
40005ED0 .data 2.7kB / 2.7kB [===============>] 100%
Total size: 26.38kB (53.78kbit/s)
Entry point 0x40000000
Image of /home/user/leon/grlib-repo/designs/leon3-criticallink-5csx/hello_world.exe verified without errors
Program exited normally.