Collection of general purpose tools to iterate. Currently it simply reexports itertools.
#[ cfg( feature = "itertools" ) ]
use iter_tools::*;
/* standard functions */
let vec = vec![ 5, 1, -2 ];
let min = min( &vec );
assert_eq!( *min.unwrap(), -2 );
/* non standard functions */
let vec = vec![ 5, 1, -2 ];
let added = vec![ "a", "b", "c" ];
let mut result = vec![];
let zipped = zip( &vec, &added );
for ( left, right ) in zipped
result.push( ( *left, *right ) );
assert_eq!( result, vec![ ( 5, "a" ), ( 1, "b" ), ( -2, "c" ) ] );
cargo add iter_tools
git clone
cd wTools
cd sample/rust/iter_tools_trivial
cargo run