This file contains specific instructions that apply mostly or exclusively to the MusicBrainz production servers.
If you modify the cpanfile, especially if you add new packages to it, you will also need to update the files used to build Docker images.
The first step is to generate a new cpanfile.snapshot
. To do this, assuming
you have a Docker service running, run:
$ ./docker/
Generating the snapshot will take quite a while. Once it is done, commit it and push it.
Then you will need to create a Docker musicbrainz-tests
image. This step
also takes quite a while, so you might want to consider running it inside a
MetaBrainz server to make it faster. In any case, inside a musicbrainz-server
checkout running the updated branch, you should run (note the dot at the end):
$ docker build --tag metabrainz/musicbrainz-tests:v-YYYY-MM --file docker/Dockerfile.tests .
Then log into Docker Hub with docker login
(the credentials are in the
syswiki repo) and push the created image to Docker Hub:
$ docker push metabrainz/musicbrainz-tests:v-YYYY-MM
Finally, you will need to update .circleci/config.yml,
update the listed musicbrainz-tests
image version and push the changes.
Sometimes a test that passes locally might fail in CircleCI. In these cases, it's useful to be able to run the test directly from the CircleCI command line to figure out what exactly is failing.
CircleCI supports debugging in their containers with SSH for this case. See their documentation.
Basically, you'll want to expand the "Rerun" menu and select "Rerun job with SSH". Then, under "Enable SSH", you'll be told how to SSH into the container, e.g.
$ ssh -p port ip
Once you are inside the container, you should navigate to the MusicBrainz server folder at
, and then you can run any test you want to check like this:
$ sudo -E -H -u musicbrainz carton exec -- prove -lv t/tests.t :: --tests Failing::Test