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Configuration Parameters

DuyHai DOAN edited this page Feb 15, 2016 · 25 revisions


Achilles comes with some configuration parameters in the class info.archinnov.achilles.configuration.ConfigurationParameters

Entity Management

  • MANAGED_ENTITIES (OPTIONAL): list of entities to be managed by Achilles.

    Example: my.project.entity,another.project.entity


  • FORCE_TABLE_CREATION (OPTIONAL): create missing column families for entities if they are not found. Default = 'false'.

    If set to false and no table is found for any entity, Achilles will raise an AchillesInvalidTableException

Native Session

  • NATIVE_SESSION (OPTIONAL): provide a pre-configured Java driver session instead of letting Achilles build it

Keyspace name

  • KEYSPACE_NAME (OPTIONAL): provide the keyspace name to connect to. If not provided, Achilles will use the keyspace name defined on each entity using the keyspace attribute of the @Table annotation.

If you do not provide the keyspace name in configuration and your entity does not define any keyspace name statically on the @Table annotation, Achilles will raise an exception at runtime

JSON Serialization

  • JACKSON_MAPPER_FACTORY (OPTIONAL): an implementation of the info.archinnov.achilles.json.JacksonMapperFactory interface to build custom Jackson ObjectMapper based on entity class
  • JACKSON_MAPPER (OPTIONAL): default Jackson ObjectMapper to use for serializing entities

If both JACKSON_MAPPER_FACTORY and JACKSON_MAPPER parameters are provided, Achilles will ignore the JACKSON_MAPPER parameter and use JACKSON_MAPPER_FACTORY

If none is provided, Achilles will use a default Jackson ObjectMapper with the following configuration:

  2. SerializationInclusion = JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL
  3. DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES = false
  4. AnnotationIntrospector pair : primary = JacksonAnnotationIntrospector, secondary = JaxbAnnotationIntrospector

Consistency Level

  • CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_READ_DEFAULT (OPTIONAL): default read consistency level for all entities

  • CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_WRITE_DEFAULT (OPTIONAL): default write consistency level for all entities

  • CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_SERIAL_DEFAULT (OPTIONAL): default serial consistency level for all entities

  • CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_READ_MAP (OPTIONAL): map(String,String) of read consistency levels for tables


    "table1" -> "ONE" "table2" -> "QUORUM" ...

  • CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_WRITE_MAP (OPTIONAL): map(String,String) of write consistency levels for tables


    "table1" -> "ALL" "table2" -> "EACH_QUORUM" ...

  • CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_SERIAL_MAP (OPTIONAL): map(String,String) of serial consistency levels for tables


    "table1" -> "SERIAL" "table2" -> "LOCAL_SERIAL" ...

Events Interceptors

  • EVENT_INTERCEPTORS (OPTIONAL): list of events interceptors.

Bean Validation

  • BEAN_VALIDATION_ENABLE (OPTIONAL): whether to enable Bean Validation.

  • POST_LOAD_BEAN_VALIDATION_ENABLE (OPTIONAL): whether to enable Bean Validation for POST_LOAD events. Please note that this flag is taken into account only if BEAN_VALIDATION_ENABLE is true

  • BEAN_VALIDATION_VALIDATOR (OPTIONAL): custom validator to be used.

If no validator is provided, Achilles will get the default validator provided by the default Validation provider. If Bean Validation is enabled at runtime but no default Validation provider can be found, an exception will be raised and the bootstrap is aborted

Prepared Statements Cache

  • PREPARED_STATEMENTS_CACHE_SIZE (OPTIONAL): define the LRU cache size for prepared statements cache.

By default, common operations like insert, find and delete are prepared before-hand for each entity class. For update and all operations generated by the DSL API, since the updated fields and timestamp value are only known at runtime, Achilless will prepare the statements only on the fly and save them into a Guava LRU cache.

The default size is 10000 entries. Once the limit is reached, oldest prepared statements are evicted, causing Achilles to re-prepare them and get warnings from the Java Driver.

You can get details on the LRU cache state by putting the logger info.archinnov.achilles.internals.cache.StatementsCache on DEBUG

  • STATEMENTS_CACHE (OPTIONAL): provide an instance of the class info.archinnov.achilles.internals.cache.StatementsCache to store all prepared statements. This option is useful for unit testing to avoid re-preparing many times the same prepared statements

Insert Strategy

  • GLOBAL_INSERT_STRATEGY (OPTIONAL): define the global insert strategy for all entities. Choose between ConfigurationParameters.InsertStrategy.ALL_FIELDS and ConfigurationParameters.InsertStrategy.NOT_NULL_FIELDS. Default value is ConfigurationParameters.InsertStrategy.ALL_FIELDS.

For more details, please check Insert Strategy

Naming Strategy

  • GLOBAL_NAMING_STRATEGY (OPTIONAL): define the global naming strategy to be applied to keyspace, table and column names. If no strategy is defined, Achilles will fallback to NamingStrategy.LOWER_CASE

For more details, please check Naming Strategy

Bean Factory

  • DEFAULT_BEAN_FACTORY OPTIONAL): inject the default bean factory to instantiate new entities and UDT classes. The implementation class should implement the interface info.archinnov.achilles.type.factory.BeanFactory The default implementation is straightforward:
    public <T> T newInstance(Class<T> clazz) {
            return clazz.newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {

Schema Name Provider

  • SCHEMA_NAME_PROVIDER (OPTIONAL): define a schema name provider to bind dynamically an entity to a keyspace/table name at runtime. This feature is useful mostly in a multi-tenant context The given provider should implement the info.archinnov.achilles.type.SchemaNameProvider interface
    public interface SchemaNameProvider {
         * Provide keyspace name for entity class
        <T> String keyspaceFor(Class<T> entityClass);
         * Provide table name for entity class
        <T> String tableNameFor(Class<T> entityClass);

More details on Dynamic Schema Name

Runtime Codec

  • RUNTIME_CODECS (OPTIONAL): inject a list of stateful codecs to be used by Achilles. Those codecs are instantiated at runtime.

See Runtime Codecs for more details

Asynchronous Operations

  • EXECUTOR_SERVICE (OPTIONAL): define the executor service (thread pool) to be used by Achilles for its internal asynchronous operations
  • DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_SERVICE_MIN_THREAD (OPTIONAL): define the minimum thread count for the executor service used by Achilles for its internal asynchronous operations.
  • DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_SERVICE_MAX_THREAD (OPTIONAL): define the maximum thread count for the executor service used by Achilles for its internal asynchronous operations.
  • DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_SERVICE_THREAD_KEEPALIVE (OPTIONAL): define the duration in seconds during which a thread is kept alive before being destroyed, on the executor service used by Achilles for its internal asynchronous operations.
  • DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_SERVICE_QUEUE_SIZE (OPTIONAL): define the size of the LinkedBlockingQueue used by the executor service used by Achilles for its internal asynchronous operations
  • DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_SERVICE_THREAD_FACTORY (OPTIONAL): define the thread factory used by Achilles for its internal asynchronous operations.

The default thread pool will be configured as follow:

        new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_SERVICE_QUEUE_SIZE),

To close properly the thread pool on application removal, Achilles exposes the PersistenceManagerFactory.shutDown() method. This method is annotated with javax.annotation.PreDestroy so that in a managed contained, it will be invoked automatically. Otherwise you can always manually call the shutDown()method.

For more details, please check Asynchronous Operations


To configure Achilles with the above parameters, you need to provide a Map<info.archinnov.achilles.configuration.ConfigurationParameters, Object> of key/value as constructor argument to the PersistenceManagerFactory class.


	Map<ConfigurationParameters,Object> configMap = new HashMap<ConfigurationParameters,Object>();
	Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().contactPoints("localhost").withPort(9042).build();

	ManagerFactory factory = ManagerFactoryBuilder
	    .build(cluster, configMap); // providing the cluster object is MANDATORY

Alternatively, you can use the the builder API from the ManagerFactoryBuilder:

    ManagerFactory factory = ManagerFactoryBuilder


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