Converts HTML pages to slang (templating language).
Does it work? Yes.
Primary use case is converting HTML templates into much nicer and more efficient slang syntax, so that the development can be done in slang from there.
It might not cover absolutely all edge cases, but does pretty well and should get you in a good position. (Currently the only outstanding issue is that it does not preserve whitespace in preformatted blocks of text, and simply treats everything as HTML.)
Various methods of running it:
perl file1.html file2.html
cat file1.html | perl
perl < file1.html
Output is always printed to STDOUT. Redirect to where desired from there.
For example, to convert all *.html files in a directory and save the under the same name with extension ".slang":
for p in *.html; do perl "$p" > "${p/.html/.slang}"; done