Contract | Address |
DJINN | 0x24eacCa1086F2904962a32732590F27Ca45D1d99 |
DJINNS (Share) | 0xb0168Bca7dB2eFe53b9112c08aae36D744800645 |
DJINNB (Bond) | 0x2e976c9a80d0eeD5Bd80084365a87E59CFbb90A8 |
DJINN-BUSD Cake LP | 0x03962e1907b0fa72768bd865e8ca0c45c7de4937 |
DJINNS-WBNB Cake LP | 0x8735d283b0e244e12935073bb07c468d5854f451 |
Treasury | 0x74606ae3185bB703Cb080A5057e797E25D0e79C1 |
Boardroom | 0xdf9F4De91c61b275B4946c24f5b0C17d9E46100c |
Oracle | 0x0F462d212f0d26B4a565093cb67474D681D959e3 |
Timelock (5 days) | 0xd4E546CfA6CA74eaA81A9433a7e4A12D68F500d7 |
Coin Pools | 0x5c62968099f3e6347eBe37ED1785b442DE830842 |
Share Pools | 0xEB875811F4648eC2Bb64730dCFB127473f7776d4 |
Djinn uses the chainlink XAU/USD feed to maintain the latest up to date price of gold. The feed provides the price in troy oz. of gold. therefore the value from the feed is divided by a factor of 31.1034768.