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Prototype Struct Chaining

This repository implements a prototype solution for Struct Chaining in Silk.Net

Design Goals

  • Backward compatibility - the chaining system should not change the existing structs, but add functionality.
  • Minimal bloat - the minimum amount of new generated code was sought.
  • Discoverability - it should be as easy as possible for a new user to discover
  • Compile-time Validation - it should prevent chaining invalid structures (as much as possible) during compilation
  • Type coercion - it should set the SType of chained structures.
  • Compact usage - it should reduce copy-pasta code.
  • Avoid the heap - boxing should be avoided
  • Well Tested - tests were added to ensure pointers are correctly set, and compilation failures occur.

All of these goals were met.


The proposal provides for the following usage patterns:

Chain Building

You can happily create the start of a chain as usual, and it's SType will be coerced when you start using it as a chain:

var createInfo = new DeviceCreateInfo
    Flags = 1U
// When you call any chaining method it will set the chain's SType automatically.

-in many cases, we only want to create a default structure for population by the API. To do so, we use the static Chain method like so:

PhysicalDeviceFeatures2.Chain(out var features2)

This has several advantages:

  • The method is only available for structures that are valid at the start of a chain; providing compile-time validation.
  • The structure's SType will be correctly set immediately.
  • The syntax is fluent, and creates more readable code when used with the other chaining methods (see below).


The most common use case is to add an empty structure to the end of a chain for it to be populated by the Vulkan API, this can now be done like so:

    .Chain(out var features2)
    // CreateNext will create an empty struct, with the correct SType (as well as ensuring the
    // chain's SType is set correctly).
    .AddNext(out PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures indexingFeatures)
    .AddNext(out PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr);

Each method out puts a struct into the local stackframe for querying once populated, and the pointers point to this local variable. Despite generics and interfaces being used, the chain methods avoid the heap entirely.


You may only want to add a structure if it doesn't already exist in the chain, this can be done with TryAddNext, e.g.:

    .Chain(out var features2)
    .AddNext(out PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures indexingFeatures)
    // As there is already a PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures structure the following
    // will not add anything to the chain and `added` will be `false`.
    .TryAddNext(out PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures indexingFeatures2, out bool added);


Sometimes we may wish to set the initial state of a structure, we can do this with SetNext:

var indexingFeatures = new PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures
    ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = true
var accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr = new PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR
    AccelerationStructure = true

    .Chain(out var features2)
    // SetNext accepts an existing struct, note, it will coerce the SType and blank the PNext
    .SetNext(ref indexingFeatures)
    .SetNext(ref accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr);

NOTE you can mix and match AddNext and SetNext (and any chaining method) in the same method chain.

By default, SetNext will replace any item in the chain with a matching SType, this behaviour can be changed by setting the optional alwaysAdd parameter to true;

var indexingFeatures = new PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures
    ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = true
var indexingFeatures2 = new PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures
    ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = false
var accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr = new PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR
    AccelerationStructure = true

    .Chain(out var features2)
    .SetNext(ref indexingFeatures)
    // This will add the second 'indexingFeatures' struct, even though one is already present in the chain.
    .SetNext(ref indexingFeatures2, true);


Sometimes it's useful to know if a structure you previously supplied is still in a chain, this can be done with IndexOf, which returns a non-negative index (zero-indexed) if the structure is found, eg.:

    .Chain(out var features2)
    .AddNext(out PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures indexingFeatures)
    .AddNext(out PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr);

// Check indices
Assert.Equal(1, features2.IndexOf(ref indexingFeatures));
Assert.Equal(2, features2.IndexOf(ref accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr));


  • All the chaining methods are only available on the structures that implement IChainStart, i.e. the structures that the Vulkan specification says can start a chain.
  • All the chaining methods ensure the chain, and any supplied structures, have their SType correctly set.
  • All the chaining methods will only accept a structure that is valid in the chain being extended, as per the Vulkan specification.
  • The chaining methods do not box structures, or add anything to the heap.

Changes required

  • Add the new IStructureType, IChainable, IChainStart, IExtendChain<TChain> interfaces.
  • Add the new Chain structure.
  • Add the ChainExtensions extension methods SetNext, AddNew, IndexOf, AddNext and TryAddNext.
  • Add the small instance StructureType IStructuredType.StructureType() method to IChainable structure.
  • Add the IChainStart interface and the small static Chain method to any structure that can be used as the start of a chain.
  • Add IExtendsChain<ChainStart> interfaces to any structures that can extend a chain.

Note that the Vulkan XML does include the structextends attribute on each structure that directly maps to the IExtendsChain<T> interfaces that need to be added. However, to add the IChainStart interface (and it's associated method), these structures have to be marked as a chain start whenever we see a structure extending them.

Although it is possible to not use a design that does not make use of IChainStart the following functionality is lost:

  • The Chain method will appear on all chainable structures, even when they don't represent the start of a chain.
  • All extension methods will appear on all chainable structures, even when they are not the start.
  • Indexing, adding, etc. can't be guaranteed to be scanning from the start of the chain.

As adding IChainStart requires relatively simple logic I believe it's worth including.



Sometimes it is desirable to keep the structures around on the heap. To facilitate that you can use the ManagedChain<TChain, T1, ...> types. Like Tuple et al, these support up to chain size 16. They must be disposed when finished with. Whenever a structure is loaded into the ManagedChain it's SType and PNext are forced to be correct, preventing errors. Structures can be replaced at any time, and we be inserted efficiently into the chain as an O(1) operation.


For example:

using var chain = new ManagedChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures,

// Ensure all STypes set correctly
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, chain.Head.SType);
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, chain.Item1.SType);
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKhr, chain.Item2.SType);

// Ensure pointers set correctly
Assert.Equal((nint) chain.Item1Ptr, (nint) chain.Head.PNext);
Assert.Equal((nint) chain.Item2Ptr, (nint) chain.Item1.PNext);
Assert.Equal((nint) 0, (nint) chain.Item2.PNext);

The structures are held in unmanaged memory, preventing movement by the GC, and ensuring that the ptrs remain fixed.

You can also use the ManagedChain.Create(...) static methods to create ManagedChains.

Modifying values

We can easily modify any value in the ManagedChain, and it will maintain the ptrs automatically, e.g.:

using var chain = new ManagedChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures,
    PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR>(item1: new PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures
    // We can set any non-default values, note we do not need to set SType or PNext
    // indeed they will be overwritten.
    ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = true

// Ensure all STypes set correctly
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, chain.Head.SType);
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, chain.Item1.SType);
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKhr, chain.Item2.SType);

// Ensure pointers set correctly
Assert.Equal((nint) chain.Item1Ptr, (nint) chain.Head.PNext);
Assert.Equal((nint) chain.Item2Ptr, (nint) chain.Item1.PNext);
Assert.Equal((nint) 0, (nint) chain.Item2.PNext);

// Check our value was set

var item1Ptr = chain.Item1Ptr;

// Overwrite Item1
chain.Item1 = new PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures
    // Again we do not need to set SType or PNext, which will be set to the correct values
    ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = false

// Check our value was cleared

// Note all the pointers are still correct (and have not changed)
Assert.Equal((nint) chain.Item1Ptr, (nint) chain.Head.PNext);
Assert.Equal((nint) chain.Item2Ptr, (nint) chain.Item1.PNext);
Assert.Equal((nint) 0, (nint) chain.Item2.PNext);

// As is the SType
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, chain.Item1.SType);

Note When we update any item in the chain it overwrites the existing memory, so the ptrs remain fixed. It also ensures the PNext value is maintained.

Appending to a chain

You can call Append on a ManagedChain to efficiently create a new, larger, ManagedChain with a new item appended to the end, e.g:

using var chain = new ManagedChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures>(
    item1: new PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures {ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = true});

// The new chain, will efficiently copy the old chain and append a new structure to the end
using var newChain = chain.Append<PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR>();
// You will usualy wish to dispose the old chain here, the two chains are now independent of each other.

// Check the flag from the first chain is still set in the new chain.

Loading from an unmanaged chain

If you have created an unmanaged chain and would like to load that into a ManagedChain you can use one of the ManagedChain.Load<TChain, T1...> methods:

// Load an unmanaged chain
var indexingFeatures = new PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures
    ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = true
.Chain(out var unmanagedChain)
.SetNext(ref indexingFeatures)
.AddNext(out PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr);

// Loads a new managed chain from an unmanaged chain
using var managedChain =
    ManagedChain.Load<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures,
        PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR>(unmanagedChain, out var errors);

// Check we had no loading errors
Assert.Equal("", errors);

// Check the flag still set

The full version of the Load method returns an output parameter errors as it's first parameter. The errors parameter will be string.Empty if there are no errors, otherwise each line will contain a separate error for each issue found during loading. There is also an overload that accepts a single argument chain for when you don't care if there are any errors. Either method always succeeds, even if the unmanaged chain doesn't match exactly - for example it is shorter or longer than the chain being loaded, or if the managed chain has different structure types in any of the positions. Any structure type in the expected position will always be loaded into the new ManagedChain.

var indexingFeatures = new PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures
    ShaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = true
// Load an unmanaged chain
    .Chain(out var unmanagedChain)
    .AddNext(out PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 features2)
    .SetNext(ref indexingFeatures)
    .AddNext(out PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr);

// Loads a new managed chain from an unmanaged chain
using var managedChain =
    new ManagedChain<
        // Note we are supplied a PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 here from the unmanaged chain
        // Note that the unmanaged chain did not supply a 5th entry
        PhysicalDeviceFeatures2>(unmanagedChain, out var errors);

// Check for errors
@"The unmanaged chain has a structure type PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr at position 2; expected PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKhr
The unmanaged chain was length 4, expected length 5",
// Despite the errors indexing features was at the right location so was loaded

Notice that the above form use the constructor as an alternative.


All the fully generic ManageChain<TChain, T1 ...> types extend ManagedChain which implements IDisposable and IReadOnlyList<IChainable>. The latter allowing for easy consumption of any ManagedChain, e.g.:

using var chain = new ManagedChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures,

Assert.Equal(3, chain.Count);

// Ensure all STypes set correctly using indexer
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, chain[0].StructureType());
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, chain[1].StructureType());
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKhr, chain[2].StructureType());

Assert.Throws<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => chain[3]);

// Get array using IEnumerable implementation
IChainable[] structures = chain.ToArray();

// Check concrete types


Each ManageChain<TChain, T1 ...> has a corresponding deconstructor for convenience, e.g.:

using var chain = new ManagedChain<PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures,

var (physicalDeviceFeatures2, indexingFeatures, accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr) = chain;

// Ensure all STypes set correctly
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2, physicalDeviceFeatures2.SType);
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures, indexingFeatures.SType);
Assert.Equal(StructureType.PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKhr, accelerationStructureFeaturesKhr.SType);


As each ManagedChain holds the underlying structures in unmanaged memory (to prevent them being moved and their pointers being invalidated), then it is critical you dispose them; either by calling Dispose() or by using a using statement.