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.NET Libraries in .NET 9 Preview 1 Release Notes

.NET 9 Preview 1 includes several new library features. We focused on the following areas:

  • System.Collections
  • System.Linq
  • System.Reflection
  • System.Security.Cryptography
  • System.Text.Json

Libraries updates in .NET 9 Preview 1:

.NET 9 Preview 1:

System.Collections: PriorityQueue.Remove

PriorityQueue collection provides a simple and fast array heap implementation. One issue however with array heaps in general is that they don't support priority updates, making them prohibitive for use in algorithms such as variations of Dijkstra's algorithm.

While it wouldn't be possible to implement efficient $\mathcal O(\log n)$ priority updates in the existing collection, the new Remove method makes it possible to emulate priority updates (albeit at $\mathcal O(n)$ time):

public static void UpdatePriority<TElement, TPriority>(this PriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> queue, TElement element, TPriority priority)
    queue.Remove(element, out _); // Scan the heap for entries matching the current element
    queue.Enqueue(element, priority); // Now re-insert it with the new priority.

This improvement unblocks users looking to implement graph algorithms in contexts where asymptotic performance isn't a blocker (e.g. education or prototyping). For example, here's a toy implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm using the new API.

System.ComponentModel: TypeDescriptor is now thread-safe

Long-standing threading issues in TypeDescriptor have been addressed, so any existing work-arounds can be removed. Workarounds included pre-populating internal caches such as by calling TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(type) for every type that has a TypeProviderAttribute, and by wrapping the access to the affected APIs with a lock statement.

For more background, see the issues TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(object instance) is not thread-safe and Concurrency issue in TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(type).

The threading issues also exist in .NET Framework. If you are affected by this issue in .NET Framework, please add feedback to this blog or the issues above so we can determine the priority of porting the fix to .NET Framework.

System.Linq: CountBy, AggregateBy and Index methods

We've added new Linq methods that make it possible to aggregate state by key, without needing to allocate intermediate groupings via GroupBy. You can use CountBy to quickly calculate the frequency for each key:

string sourceText = """
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, 
    adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices amet diam.

// Find the most frequent word in a piece of text
KeyValuePair<string, int> mostFrequentWord = sourceText
    .Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', ',', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    .Select(word => word.ToLowerInvariant())
    .CountBy(word => word)
    .MaxBy(pair => pair.Value);

Console.WriteLine(mostFrequentWord.Key); // amet

More general-purpose workflows can be implemented using the new AggregateBy method, here's how we can aggregate scores by a given key:

(string id, int score)[] data =
    ("0", 42),
    ("1", 5),
    ("2", 4),
    ("1", 10),
    ("0", 25),

data.AggregateBy(seed: 0, (totalScore, curr) => totalScore + curr.score, keySelector: entry =>;
//(0, 67)
//(1, 15)
//(2, 4)

The new Index method makes it possible to quickly extract the implicit index of an enumerable. The code:

IEnumerable<string> lines = File.ReadAllLines("file.txt");
foreach ((int index, string line) in lines.Select((line, index) => (index, line)))
    Console.WriteLine($"Line number: {index + 1}, Line: {line}");

Now becomes

foreach ((int index, string line) in lines.Index())
    Console.WriteLine($"Line number: {index + 1}, Line: {line}");

System.Reflection.Emit: Support equivalent of AssemblyBuilder.Save

Saving an assembly with Reflection.Emit has been requested since the first release of .NET Core and it's been the most upvoted issue in the Reflection area. Many customers report it as a blocker for porting their project from .NET Framework. Without saving the assembly, it was very difficult to debug in-memory assemblies. Saving the assembly to a file allows the assembly to be verified with tools such as ILVerify, or decompiled and manually examined with tools such as ILSpy. Furthermore, the assembly can be shared or loaded directly which can be used to decrease application startup time.

For creating a new persisted AssemblyBuilder instance you should use the new AssemblyBuilder.DefinePersistedAssembly API:

AssemblyBuilder ab = AssemblyBuilder.DefinePersistedAssembly(new AssemblyName("MyAssembly"), typeof(object).Assembly);

The Assembly passed to the method is used for resolving base runtime types. Notice that an AssemblyBuilderAccess value is not passed; the new persisted AssemblyBuilder implementation is only for saving. In order to run the assembly user first need to save it into a memory stream or a file, then load it back.

The following example demonstrates how to create and save assemblies:

public void CreateAndSaveAssembly(string assemblyPath)
    AssemblyBuilder ab = AssemblyBuilder.DefinePersistedAssembly(new AssemblyName("MyAssembly"), typeof(object).Assembly);
    TypeBuilder tb = ab.DefineDynamicModule("MyModule").DefineType("MyType", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class);

    MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod("SumMethod", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static,
        typeof(int), [typeof(int), typeof(int)]);
    ILGenerator il = mb.GetILGenerator();

    ab.Save(assemblyPath); // or could save to a Stream

The following example demonstrates how to run the saved assembly:

public void UseAssembly(string assemblyPath)
    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
    Type type = assembly.GetType("MyType");
    MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("SumMethod");
    Console.WriteLine(method.Invoke(null, [5, 10]));

Future Plans: A few missing API implementations and bunch of bug fixes will be added in preview 2. Further Entry point support will be added soon.

System.Security.Cryptography: CryptographicOperations.HashData

.NET includes several static one-shot implementations of hash functions, and related functions. These APIs include SHA256.HashData and HMACSHA256.HashData. One-shots are preferable to use because they can provide the best possible performance and reduce or eliminate allocations.

If a developer wants to provide an API that supports hashing where the caller defines which hash algorithm to use, it's typically done by accepting a HashAlgorithmName argument. However, using that pattern with one-shot APIs would require switching over every possible HashAlgorithmName and then using the appropriate method. To solve that problem, .NET 9 introduces the CryptographicOperations.HashData API. This API lets you produce a hash or HMAC over an input as a one-shot where the algorithm used is determined by a HashAlgorithmName.

The CryptographicOperations.HashData API can be used to produce a hash or HMAC over an input as a one-shot where the algorithm used is determined by a HashAlgorithmName.

using System.Security.Cryptography;

static void HashAndProcessData(HashAlgorithmName hashAlgorithmName, byte[] data) {
    byte[] hash = CryptographicOperations.HashData(hashAlgorithmName, data);

System.Security.Cryptography: KMAC algorithm

.NET 9 provides the KMAC algorithm as specified by NIST SP-800-185. KECCAK Message Authentication Code (KMAC) is a pseudorandom function and keyed hash function based on KECCAK.

The following new classes use the KMAC algorithm. Use instances to accumulate data to produce a MAC, or use the static HashData method for a one-shot over a single input.

  • Kmac128
  • Kmac256
  • KmacXof128
  • KmacXof256

KMAC is available on Linux with OpenSSL 3.0 or later, and on Windows 11 Build 26016 or later. You can use the static IsSupported property to determine if the platform supports the desired algorithm.

using System.Security.Cryptography;

if (Kmac128.IsSupported) {
    byte[] key = GetKmacKey();
    byte[] input = GetInputToMac();
    byte[] mac = Kmac128.HashData(key, input, outputLength: 32);
else {
    // Handle scenario where KMAC is not available.

System.Text.Json: Customizing indent character and indent size

It is now possible to customize the indentation character and size of written JSON:

var options = new JsonSerializerOptions
    WriteIndented = true,
    IndentCharacter = '\t',
    IndentSize = 2,

JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { Value = 1 }, options);
//                "Value": 1

System.Text.Json: JsonSerializerOptions.Web

JsonSerializerOptions now exposes a static property configured to use JsonSerializerDefaults.Web:

JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { SomeValue = 42 }, JsonSerializerOptions.Web); // {"someValue":42} defaults to camelCase naming policy