diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
index 027ede670a9..0b71ccc51f1 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
@@ -268,11 +268,12 @@
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/ClrThreadPool.WorkerThread.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/ClrThreadPool.WorkerThread.cs
index fc55b861228..f5b2b41dec8 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/ClrThreadPool.WorkerThread.cs
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/ClrThreadPool.WorkerThread.cs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Globalization;
-using Internal.LowLevelLinq;
using Internal.Runtime.Augments;
namespace System.Threading
@@ -18,8 +17,16 @@ private static class WorkerThread
/// Semaphore for controlling how many threads are currently working.
- private static LowLevelLifoSemaphore s_semaphore = new LowLevelLifoSemaphore(0, MaxPossibleThreadCount);
+ private static LowLevelLifoSemaphore s_semaphore = new LowLevelLifoSemaphore(0, MaxPossibleThreadCount, SemaphoreSpinCount);
+ ///
+ /// Maximum number of spins a thread pool worker thread performs before waiting for work
+ ///
+ private static int SemaphoreSpinCount
+ {
+ get => AppContextConfigHelper.GetInt16Config("ThreadPool_UnfairSemaphoreSpinLimit", 70, false);
+ }
private static void WorkerThreadStart()
ClrThreadPoolEventSource.Log.WorkerThreadStart(ThreadCounts.VolatileReadCounts(ref ThreadPoolInstance._separated.counts).numExistingThreads);
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.Unix.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.Unix.cs
index ce3a097a1ac..d817d8c958b 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.Unix.cs
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.Unix.cs
@@ -2,33 +2,35 @@
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace System.Threading
/// A LIFO semaphore.
/// Waits on this semaphore are uninterruptible.
- internal sealed class LowLevelLifoSemaphore : IDisposable
+ internal sealed partial class LowLevelLifoSemaphore : IDisposable
private WaitSubsystem.WaitableObject _semaphore;
- public LowLevelLifoSemaphore(int initialSignalCount, int maximumSignalCount)
+ private void Create(int maximumSignalCount)
- _semaphore = WaitSubsystem.WaitableObject.NewSemaphore(initialSignalCount, maximumSignalCount);
+ _semaphore = WaitSubsystem.WaitableObject.NewSemaphore(0, maximumSignalCount);
- public bool Wait(int timeoutMs)
+ public void Dispose()
- return WaitSubsystem.Wait(_semaphore, timeoutMs, false, true);
- public int Release(int count)
+ private bool WaitCore(int timeoutMs)
- return WaitSubsystem.ReleaseSemaphore(_semaphore, count);
+ return WaitSubsystem.Wait(_semaphore, timeoutMs, false, true);
- public void Dispose()
+ private void ReleaseCore(int count)
+ WaitSubsystem.ReleaseSemaphore(_semaphore, count);
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.Windows.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.Windows.cs
index 2ce93146242..34d2895dd7d 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.Windows.cs
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.Windows.cs
@@ -15,15 +15,13 @@ namespace System.Threading
/// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365198(v=vs.85).aspx under How I/O Completion Ports Work.
/// From the docs "Threads that block their execution on an I/O completion port are released in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order."
- internal sealed class LowLevelLifoSemaphore : IDisposable
+ internal sealed partial class LowLevelLifoSemaphore : IDisposable
private IntPtr _completionPort;
- public LowLevelLifoSemaphore(int initialSignalCount, int maximumSignalCount)
+ private void Create(int maximumSignalCount)
- Debug.Assert(initialSignalCount >= 0, "Windows LowLevelLifoSemaphore does not support a negative signal count"); // TODO: Track actual signal count to enable this
Debug.Assert(maximumSignalCount > 0);
- Debug.Assert(initialSignalCount <= maximumSignalCount);
_completionPort =
Interop.Kernel32.CreateIoCompletionPort(new IntPtr(-1), IntPtr.Zero, UIntPtr.Zero, maximumSignalCount);
@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ public LowLevelLifoSemaphore(int initialSignalCount, int maximumSignalCount)
exception.HResult = error;
throw exception;
- Release(initialSignalCount);
@@ -45,7 +42,7 @@ public LowLevelLifoSemaphore(int initialSignalCount, int maximumSignalCount)
- public bool Wait(int timeoutMs)
+ public bool WaitCore(int timeoutMs)
Debug.Assert(timeoutMs >= -1);
@@ -54,7 +51,7 @@ public bool Wait(int timeoutMs)
return success;
- public int Release(int count)
+ public void ReleaseCore(int count)
Debug.Assert(count > 0);
@@ -68,7 +65,6 @@ public int Release(int count)
throw exception;
- return 0; // TODO: Track actual signal count to calculate this
public void Dispose()
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce1c04026ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLifoSemaphore.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using Internal.Runtime.Augments;
+namespace System.Threading
+ ///
+ /// A LIFO semaphore.
+ /// Waits on this semaphore are uninterruptible.
+ ///
+ internal sealed partial class LowLevelLifoSemaphore : IDisposable
+ {
+ private CacheLineSeparatedCounts _separated;
+ private int _maximumSignalCount;
+ private int _spinCount;
+ private const int SpinSleep0Threshold = 10;
+ public LowLevelLifoSemaphore(int initialSignalCount, int maximumSignalCount, int spinCount)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(initialSignalCount >= 0);
+ Debug.Assert(initialSignalCount <= maximumSignalCount);
+ Debug.Assert(maximumSignalCount > 0);
+ Debug.Assert(spinCount >= 0);
+ _separated = new CacheLineSeparatedCounts();
+ _separated._counts._signalCount = (uint)initialSignalCount;
+ _maximumSignalCount = maximumSignalCount;
+ _spinCount = spinCount;
+ Create(maximumSignalCount);
+ }
+ public bool Wait(int timeoutMs)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(timeoutMs >= -1);
+ // Try to acquire the semaphore or
+ // a) register as a spinner if spinCount > 0 and timeoutMs > 0
+ // b) register as a waiter if there's already too many spinners or spinCount == 0 and timeoutMs > 0
+ // c) bail out if timeoutMs == 0 and return false
+ Counts counts = _separated._counts;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(counts._signalCount <= _maximumSignalCount);
+ Counts newCounts = counts;
+ if (counts._signalCount != 0)
+ {
+ newCounts._signalCount--;
+ }
+ else if (timeoutMs != 0)
+ {
+ if (_spinCount > 0 && newCounts._spinnerCount < byte.MaxValue)
+ {
+ newCounts._spinnerCount++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Maximum number of spinners reached, register as a waiter instead
+ newCounts._waiterCount++;
+ Debug.Assert(newCounts._waiterCount != 0); // overflow check, this many waiters is currently not supported
+ }
+ }
+ Counts countsBeforeUpdate = _separated._counts.CompareExchange(newCounts, counts);
+ if (countsBeforeUpdate == counts)
+ {
+ if (counts._signalCount != 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (newCounts._waiterCount != counts._waiterCount)
+ {
+ return WaitForSignal(timeoutMs);
+ }
+ if (timeoutMs == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ counts = countsBeforeUpdate;
+ }
+ int processorCount = PlatformHelper.ProcessorCount;
+ int spinIndex = processorCount > 1 ? 0 : SpinSleep0Threshold;
+ while (spinIndex < _spinCount)
+ {
+ LowLevelSpinWaiter.Wait(spinIndex, SpinSleep0Threshold, processorCount);
+ spinIndex++;
+ // Try to acquire the semaphore and unregister as a spinner
+ counts = _separated._counts;
+ while (counts._signalCount > 0)
+ {
+ Counts newCounts = counts;
+ newCounts._signalCount--;
+ newCounts._spinnerCount--;
+ Counts countsBeforeUpdate = _separated._counts.CompareExchange(newCounts, counts);
+ if (countsBeforeUpdate == counts)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ counts = countsBeforeUpdate;
+ }
+ }
+ // Unregister as spinner and acquire the semaphore or register as a waiter
+ counts = _separated._counts;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Counts newCounts = counts;
+ newCounts._spinnerCount--;
+ if (counts._signalCount != 0)
+ {
+ newCounts._signalCount--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newCounts._waiterCount++;
+ Debug.Assert(newCounts._waiterCount != 0); // overflow check, this many waiters is currently not supported
+ }
+ Counts countsBeforeUpdate = _separated._counts.CompareExchange(newCounts, counts);
+ if (countsBeforeUpdate == counts)
+ {
+ return counts._signalCount != 0 || WaitForSignal(timeoutMs);
+ }
+ counts = countsBeforeUpdate;
+ }
+ }
+ public void Release(int releaseCount)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(releaseCount > 0);
+ Debug.Assert(releaseCount <= _maximumSignalCount);
+ int countOfWaitersToWake;
+ Counts counts = _separated._counts;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Counts newCounts = counts;
+ // Increase the signal count. The addition doesn't overflow because of the limit on the max signal count in constructor.
+ newCounts._signalCount += (uint)releaseCount;
+ Debug.Assert(newCounts._signalCount > counts._signalCount);
+ // Determine how many waiters to wake, taking into account how many spinners and waiters there are and how many waiters
+ // have previously been signaled to wake but have not yet woken
+ countOfWaitersToWake =
+ (int)Math.Min(newCounts._signalCount, (uint)newCounts._waiterCount + newCounts._spinnerCount) -
+ newCounts._spinnerCount -
+ newCounts._countOfWaitersSignaledToWake;
+ if (countOfWaitersToWake > 0)
+ {
+ // Ideally, limiting to a maximum of releaseCount would not be necessary and could be an assert instead, but since
+ // WaitForSignal() does not have enough information to tell whether a woken thread was signaled, and due to the cap
+ // below, it's possible for countOfWaitersSignaledToWake to be less than the number of threads that have actually
+ // been signaled to wake.
+ if (countOfWaitersToWake > releaseCount)
+ {
+ countOfWaitersToWake = releaseCount;
+ }
+ // Cap countOfWaitersSignaledToWake to its max value. It's ok to ignore some woken threads in this count, it just
+ // means some more threads will be woken next time. Typically, it won't reach the max anyway.
+ newCounts._countOfWaitersSignaledToWake += (byte)Math.Min(countOfWaitersToWake, byte.MaxValue);
+ if (newCounts._countOfWaitersSignaledToWake <= counts._countOfWaitersSignaledToWake)
+ {
+ newCounts._countOfWaitersSignaledToWake = byte.MaxValue;
+ }
+ }
+ Counts countsBeforeUpdate = _separated._counts.CompareExchange(newCounts, counts);
+ if (countsBeforeUpdate == counts)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(releaseCount <= _maximumSignalCount - counts._signalCount);
+ if (countOfWaitersToWake > 0)
+ ReleaseCore(countOfWaitersToWake);
+ return;
+ }
+ counts = countsBeforeUpdate;
+ }
+ }
+ private bool WaitForSignal(int timeoutMs)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(timeoutMs > 0 || timeoutMs == -1);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (!WaitCore(timeoutMs))
+ {
+ // Unregister the waiter. The wait subsystem used above guarantees that a thread that wakes due to a timeout does
+ // not observe a signal to the object being waited upon.
+ Counts toSubtract = new Counts();
+ toSubtract._waiterCount++;
+ Counts newCounts = _separated._counts.Subtract(toSubtract);
+ Debug.Assert(newCounts._waiterCount != ushort.MaxValue); // Check for underflow
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Unregister the waiter if this thread will not be waiting anymore, and try to acquire the semaphore
+ Counts counts = _separated._counts;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(counts._waiterCount != 0);
+ Counts newCounts = counts;
+ if (counts._signalCount != 0)
+ {
+ --newCounts._signalCount;
+ --newCounts._waiterCount;
+ }
+ // This waiter has woken up and this needs to be reflected in the count of waiters signaled to wake
+ if (counts._countOfWaitersSignaledToWake != 0)
+ {
+ --newCounts._countOfWaitersSignaledToWake;
+ }
+ Counts countsBeforeUpdate = _separated._counts.CompareExchange(newCounts, counts);
+ if (countsBeforeUpdate == counts)
+ {
+ if (counts._signalCount != 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ counts = countsBeforeUpdate;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)]
+ private struct Counts
+ {
+ [FieldOffset(0)]
+ public uint _signalCount;
+ [FieldOffset(4)]
+ public ushort _waiterCount;
+ [FieldOffset(6)]
+ public byte _spinnerCount;
+ [FieldOffset(8)]
+ public byte _countOfWaitersSignaledToWake;
+ [FieldOffset(0)]
+ private long _asLong;
+ public Counts CompareExchange(Counts newCounts, Counts oldCounts)
+ {
+ return new Counts { _asLong = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _asLong, newCounts._asLong, oldCounts._asLong) };
+ }
+ public Counts Subtract(Counts subtractCounts)
+ {
+ return new Counts { _asLong = Interlocked.Add(ref _asLong, -subtractCounts._asLong) };
+ }
+ public static bool operator ==(Counts lhs, Counts rhs) => lhs._asLong == rhs._asLong;
+ public static bool operator !=(Counts lhs, Counts rhs) => lhs._asLong != rhs._asLong;
+ public override bool Equals(object obj)
+ {
+ return obj is Counts counts && this._asLong == counts._asLong;
+ }
+ public override int GetHashCode()
+ {
+ return (int)(_asLong >> 8);
+ }
+ }
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
+ private struct CacheLineSeparatedCounts
+ {
+ private Internal.PaddingFor32 _pad1;
+ public Counts _counts;
+ private Internal.PaddingFor32 _pad2;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLock.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLock.cs
index 719541856fe..ea30900667b 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLock.cs
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelLock.cs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ internal sealed class LowLevelLock : IDisposable
private bool _isAnyWaitingThreadSignaled;
- private FirstLevelSpinWaiter _spinWaiter;
+ private LowLevelSpinWaiter _spinWaiter;
private readonly Func _spinWaitTryAcquireCallback;
private readonly LowLevelMonitor _monitor;
@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ public LowLevelLock()
_ownerThread = null;
- _spinWaiter = new FirstLevelSpinWaiter();
- _spinWaiter.Initialize();
+ _spinWaiter = new LowLevelSpinWaiter();
_spinWaitTryAcquireCallback = SpinWaitTryAcquireCallback;
_monitor = new LowLevelMonitor();
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/FirstLevelSpinWaiter.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelSpinWaiter.cs
similarity index 55%
rename from src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/FirstLevelSpinWaiter.cs
rename to src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelSpinWaiter.cs
index 936ffc20bb0..95354abcffd 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/FirstLevelSpinWaiter.cs
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/LowLevelSpinWaiter.cs
@@ -14,31 +14,19 @@ namespace System.Threading
/// Used by the wait subsystem on Unix, so this class cannot have any dependencies on the wait subsystem.
- internal struct FirstLevelSpinWaiter
+ internal struct LowLevelSpinWaiter
// TODO: Tune these values
private const int SpinCount = 8;
- private const int SpinYieldThreshold = 4;
- private const int SpinSleep0Threshold = 6;
- private static int s_processorCount;
+ private const int SpinSleep0Threshold = 4;
private int _spinningThreadCount;
- public void Initialize()
- {
- if (s_processorCount == 0)
- {
- s_processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
- }
- }
public bool SpinWaitForCondition(Func condition)
Debug.Assert(condition != null);
- Debug.Assert(s_processorCount > 0);
- int processorCount = s_processorCount;
+ int processorCount = Runtime.RuntimeImports.RhGetProcessCpuCount();
int spinningThreadCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref _spinningThreadCount);
@@ -49,10 +37,10 @@ public bool SpinWaitForCondition(Func condition)
// For uniprocessor systems, start at the yield threshold since the pause instructions used for waiting
// prior to that threshold would not help other threads make progress
- for (int spinIndex = processorCount > 1 ? 0 : SpinYieldThreshold; spinIndex < SpinCount; ++spinIndex)
+ for (int spinIndex = processorCount > 1 ? 0 : SpinSleep0Threshold; spinIndex < SpinCount; ++spinIndex)
// The caller should check the condition in a fast path before calling this method, so wait first
- Wait(spinIndex);
+ Wait(spinIndex, SpinSleep0Threshold, processorCount);
if (condition())
@@ -69,24 +57,43 @@ public bool SpinWaitForCondition(Func condition)
return false;
- private static void Wait(int spinIndex)
+ public static void Wait(int spinIndex, int sleep0Threshold, int processorCount)
- Debug.Assert(SpinYieldThreshold < SpinSleep0Threshold);
+ Debug.Assert(spinIndex >= 0);
+ Debug.Assert(sleep0Threshold >= 0);
- if (spinIndex < SpinYieldThreshold)
- {
- RuntimeThread.SpinWait(1 << spinIndex);
- return;
- }
- if (spinIndex < SpinSleep0Threshold && RuntimeThread.Yield())
+ // Wait
+ //
+ // (spinIndex - Sleep0Threshold) % 2 != 0: The purpose of this check is to interleave Thread.Yield/Sleep(0) with
+ // Thread.SpinWait. Otherwise, the following issues occur:
+ // - When there are no threads to switch to, Yield and Sleep(0) become no-op and it turns the spin loop into a
+ // busy-spin that may quickly reach the max spin count and cause the thread to enter a wait state. Completing the
+ // spin loop too early can cause excessive context switcing from the wait.
+ // - If there are multiple threads doing Yield and Sleep(0) (typically from the same spin loop due to contention),
+ // they may switch between one another, delaying work that can make progress.
+ if (processorCount > 1 && (spinIndex < sleep0Threshold || (spinIndex - sleep0Threshold) % 2 != 0))
+ // Cap the maximum spin count to a value such that many thousands of CPU cycles would not be wasted doing
+ // the equivalent of YieldProcessor(), as that that point SwitchToThread/Sleep(0) are more likely to be able to
+ // allow other useful work to run. Long YieldProcessor() loops can help to reduce contention, but Sleep(1) is
+ // usually better for that.
+ //
+ // RuntimeThread.OptimalMaxSpinWaitsPerSpinIteration:
+ // - See Thread::InitializeYieldProcessorNormalized(), which describes and calculates this value.
+ //
+ int n = RuntimeThread.OptimalMaxSpinWaitsPerSpinIteration;
+ if (spinIndex <= 30 && (1 << spinIndex) < n)
+ {
+ n = 1 << spinIndex;
+ }
+ RuntimeThread.SpinWait(n);
/// is interruptible. The current operation may not allow thread interrupt
/// (for instance, as part of ). Use the
- /// uninterruptible version of Sleep(0).
+ /// uninterruptible version of Sleep(0). Not doing , it does not seem to have any
+ /// benefit over Sleep(0).
// Don't want to Sleep(1) in this spin wait:
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/WaitHandle.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/WaitHandle.cs
index 4d96a88304e..f303af78003 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/WaitHandle.cs
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/WaitHandle.cs
@@ -137,8 +137,6 @@ private bool WaitOneCore(int millisecondsTimeout, bool interruptible = true)
public virtual bool WaitOne(int millisecondsTimeout, bool exitContext) => WaitOne(millisecondsTimeout);
public virtual bool WaitOne(TimeSpan timeout, bool exitContext) => WaitOne(timeout);
- internal bool WaitOne(bool interruptible) => WaitOneCore(Timeout.Infinite, interruptible);
/// Obtains all of the corresponding safe wait handles and adds a ref to each. Since the
/// property is publically modifiable, this makes sure that we add and release refs one the same set of safe wait