From d16bce93b36d078682776b93d5435287b038783f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "dotnet-maestro[bot]"
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 12:49:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update dependencies from
build 20210407.4 (#779)
[main] Update dependencies from dotnet/arcade
eng/Version.Details.xml | 4 +-
eng/common/cross/ | 1 +
eng/common/cross/ | 4 +
eng/common/performance/android_scenarios.proj | 34 --
eng/common/performance/blazor_perf.proj | 30 --
eng/common/performance/crossgen_perf.proj | 110 -------
eng/common/performance/microbenchmarks.proj | 144 --------
eng/common/performance/performance-setup.ps1 | 150 ---------
eng/common/performance/ | 310 ------------------
eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml | 95 ------
.../templates/steps/perf-send-to-helix.yml | 50 ---
global.json | 2 +-
12 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 926 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 eng/common/performance/android_scenarios.proj
delete mode 100644 eng/common/performance/blazor_perf.proj
delete mode 100644 eng/common/performance/crossgen_perf.proj
delete mode 100644 eng/common/performance/microbenchmarks.proj
delete mode 100644 eng/common/performance/performance-setup.ps1
delete mode 100755 eng/common/performance/
delete mode 100644 eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml
delete mode 100644 eng/common/templates/steps/perf-send-to-helix.yml
diff --git a/eng/Version.Details.xml b/eng/Version.Details.xml
index 1d2585663..0e87b9efb 100644
--- a/eng/Version.Details.xml
+++ b/eng/Version.Details.xml
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
- 4535393d49a652c05fe7f7b2a4a752fca9ee1f45
+ 86aee6d02b2fb8534b9466db0da25483d7c399a9
diff --git a/eng/common/cross/ b/eng/common/cross/
index 42516bbee..c29c8267e 100755
--- a/eng/common/cross/
+++ b/eng/common/cross/
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ __AndroidPackages+=" libandroid-glob"
__AndroidPackages+=" liblzma"
__AndroidPackages+=" krb5"
__AndroidPackages+=" openssl"
+__AndroidPackages+=" openldap"
for path in $(wget -qO-$__AndroidArch/Packages |\
grep -A15 "Package: \(${__AndroidPackages// /\\|}\)" | grep -v "static\|tool" | grep Filename); do
diff --git a/eng/common/cross/ b/eng/common/cross/
index b26622444..81e641a57 100755
--- a/eng/common/cross/
+++ b/eng/common/cross/
@@ -55,11 +55,13 @@ __UbuntuPackages+=" libcurl4-openssl-dev"
__UbuntuPackages+=" libkrb5-dev"
__UbuntuPackages+=" libssl-dev"
__UbuntuPackages+=" zlib1g-dev"
+__UbuntuPackages+=" libldap2-dev"
__AlpinePackages+=" curl-dev"
__AlpinePackages+=" krb5-dev"
__AlpinePackages+=" openssl-dev"
__AlpinePackages+=" zlib-dev"
+__AlpinePackages+=" openldap-dev"
@@ -68,11 +70,13 @@ __FreeBSDPackages+=" icu"
__FreeBSDPackages+=" libinotify"
__FreeBSDPackages+=" lttng-ust"
__FreeBSDPackages+=" krb5"
+__FreeBSDPackages+=" libslapi-2.4"
__IllumosPackages+=" mit-krb5-1.16.2nb4"
__IllumosPackages+=" openssl-1.1.1e"
__IllumosPackages+=" zlib-1.2.11"
+__IllumosPackages+=" openldap-client-2.4.49"
diff --git a/eng/common/performance/android_scenarios.proj b/eng/common/performance/android_scenarios.proj
deleted file mode 100644
index a9d4ce9eb..000000000
--- a/eng/common/performance/android_scenarios.proj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- python3
- $(HelixPreCommands);chmod +x $HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD/SOD/SizeOnDisk
- %(Identity)
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\performance\src\scenarios\
- $HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD/performance/src/scenarios/
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- cd $(ScenarioDirectory)helloandroid;copy %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\HelloAndroid.apk .;$(Python)
- $(Python) sod --scenario-name "%(Identity)"
- $(Python)
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- cd $(ScenarioDirectory)helloandroid;copy %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\HelloAndroid.apk .;$(Python) --unzip
- $(Python) sod --scenario-name "%(Identity)"
- $(Python)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/common/performance/blazor_perf.proj b/eng/common/performance/blazor_perf.proj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b25359c4..000000000
--- a/eng/common/performance/blazor_perf.proj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- python3
- $(HelixPreCommands);chmod +x $HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD/SOD/SizeOnDisk
- %(Identity)
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\performance\src\scenarios\
- $(ScenarioDirectory)blazor\
- $HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD/performance/src/scenarios/
- $(ScenarioDirectory)blazor/
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- cd $(BlazorDirectory);$(Python) publish --msbuild %27/p:_TrimmerDumpDependencies=true%27 --msbuild-static AdditionalMonoLinkerOptions=%27"%24(AdditionalMonoLinkerOptions) --dump-dependencies"%27 --binlog %27./traces/blazor_publish.binlog%27
- $(Python) sod --scenario-name "%(Identity)"
- $(Python)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/common/performance/crossgen_perf.proj b/eng/common/performance/crossgen_perf.proj
deleted file mode 100644
index eb8bdd9c4..000000000
--- a/eng/common/performance/crossgen_perf.proj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- %(Identity)
- py -3
- $(HelixPreCommands)
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\performance\src\scenarios\
- $(ScenarioDirectory)crossgen\
- $(ScenarioDirectory)crossgen2\
- python3
- $(HelixPreCommands);chmod +x $HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD/startup/Startup;chmod +x $HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD/startup/perfcollect;sudo apt update;chmod +x $HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD/SOD/SizeOnDisk
- $HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD/performance/src/scenarios/
- $(ScenarioDirectory)crossgen/
- $(ScenarioDirectory)crossgen2/
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- $(Python) $(CrossgenDirectory) crossgen --core-root $(CoreRoot) --test-name %(Identity)
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- $(Python) $(Crossgen2Directory) crossgen2 --core-root $(CoreRoot) --single %(Identity)
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- $(Python) $(Crossgen2Directory) crossgen2 --core-root $(CoreRoot) --single %(Identity) --singlethreaded True
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- $(Python) $(CrossgenDirectory) crossgen --core-root $(CoreRoot) --single %(Identity)
- $(Python) $(CrossgenDirectory) sod --scenario-name "Crossgen %(Identity) Size" --dirs ./crossgen.out/
- $(Python) $(CrossgenDirectory)
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- $(Python) $(Crossgen2Directory) crossgen2 --core-root $(CoreRoot) --single %(Identity)
- $(Python) $(Crossgen2Directory) sod --scenario-name "Crossgen2 %(Identity) Size" --dirs ./crossgen.out/
- $(Python) $(Crossgen2Directory)
- 4:00
- 4:00
- 4:00
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- $(Python) $(Crossgen2Directory) crossgen2 --core-root $(CoreRoot) --composite $(Crossgen2Directory)framework-r2r.dll.rsp
- 1:00
- 4:00
- 4:00
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/common/performance/microbenchmarks.proj b/eng/common/performance/microbenchmarks.proj
deleted file mode 100644
index 318ca5f1b..000000000
--- a/eng/common/performance/microbenchmarks.proj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\performance\scripts\ --csproj %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\performance\$(TargetCsproj)
- --dotnet-versions %DOTNET_VERSION% --cli-source-info args --cli-branch %PERFLAB_BRANCH% --cli-commit-sha %PERFLAB_HASH% --cli-repository --cli-source-timestamp %PERFLAB_BUILDTIMESTAMP%
- py -3
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\Baseline_Core_Root\CoreRun.exe
- $(HelixPreCommands);call %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\performance\tools\machine-setup.cmd;set PYTHONPATH=%HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD%\scripts%3B%HELIX_WORKITEM_PAYLOAD%
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\artifacts\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\artifacts\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts_Baseline
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\performance\src\tools\ResultsComparer\ResultsComparer.csproj
- %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\performance\tools\dotnet\$(Architecture)\dotnet.exe
- %25%25
- %HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT%\testResults.xml
- $(BaseDirectory)/performance
- $(BaseDirectory)
- $(PerformanceDirectory)/scripts/ --csproj $(PerformanceDirectory)/$(TargetCsproj)
- --dotnet-versions $DOTNET_VERSION --cli-source-info args --cli-branch $PERFLAB_BRANCH --cli-commit-sha $PERFLAB_HASH --cli-repository$PERFLAB_REPO --cli-source-timestamp $PERFLAB_BUILDTIMESTAMP
- python3
- $(BaseDirectory)/Core_Root/corerun
- $(BaseDirectory)/Baseline_Core_Root/corerun
- $(HelixPreCommands);chmod +x $(PerformanceDirectory)/tools/;. $(PerformanceDirectory)/tools/
- $(BaseDirectory)/artifacts/BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts
- $(BaseDirectory)/artifacts/BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts_Baseline
- $(PerformanceDirectory)/src/tools/ResultsComparer/ResultsComparer.csproj
- $(PerformanceDirectory)/tools/dotnet/$(Architecture)/dotnet
- %25
- $HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT/testResults.xml
- $(CliArguments) --wasm
- --corerun %HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD%\dotnet-mono\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\6.0.0\corerun.exe
- --corerun $(BaseDirectory)/dotnet-mono/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.0/corerun
- --corerun $(CoreRun)
- --corerun $(BaselineCoreRun)
- $(Python) $(WorkItemCommand) --incremental no --architecture $(Architecture) -f $(_Framework) $(PerfLabArguments)
- $(WorkItemCommand) $(CliArguments)
- 2:30
- 0:15
- %(Identity)
- 30
- false
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- $(WorkItemCommand) --bdn-artifacts $(BaselineArtifactsDirectory) --bdn-arguments="--anyCategories $(BDNCategories) $(ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments) $(BaselineCoreRunArgument) --partition-count $(PartitionCount) --partition-index %(HelixWorkItem.Index)"
- $(WorkItemCommand) --bdn-artifacts $(ArtifactsDirectory) --bdn-arguments="--anyCategories $(BDNCategories) $(ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments) $(CoreRunArgument) --partition-count $(PartitionCount) --partition-index %(HelixWorkItem.Index)"
- $(DotnetExe) run -f $(_Framework) -p $(ResultsComparer) --base $(BaselineArtifactsDirectory) --diff $(ArtifactsDirectory) --threshold 2$(Percent) --xml $(XMLResults);$(FinalCommand)
- $(WorkItemTimeout)
- $(WorkItemDirectory)
- $(WorkItemCommand) --bdn-artifacts $(BaselineArtifactsDirectory) --bdn-arguments="--anyCategories $(BDNCategories) $(ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments) $(BaselineCoreRunArgument)"
- $(WorkItemCommand) --bdn-artifacts $(ArtifactsDirectory) --bdn-arguments="--anyCategories $(BDNCategories) $(ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments) $(CoreRunArgument)"
- $(DotnetExe) run -f $(_Framework) -p $(ResultsComparer) --base $(BaselineArtifactsDirectory) --diff $(ArtifactsDirectory) --threshold 2$(Percent) --xml $(XMLResults)
- 4:00
diff --git a/eng/common/performance/performance-setup.ps1 b/eng/common/performance/performance-setup.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index b18599eda..000000000
--- a/eng/common/performance/performance-setup.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- [string] $SourceDirectory=$env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY,
- [string] $CoreRootDirectory,
- [string] $BaselineCoreRootDirectory,
- [string] $Architecture="x64",
- [string] $Framework="net5.0",
- [string] $CompilationMode="Tiered",
- [string] $Repository=$env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME,
- [string] $Branch=$env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH,
- [string] $CommitSha=$env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSION,
- [string] $BuildNumber=$env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER,
- [string] $RunCategories="Libraries Runtime",
- [string] $Csproj="src\benchmarks\micro\MicroBenchmarks.csproj",
- [string] $Kind="micro",
- [switch] $LLVM,
- [switch] $MonoInterpreter,
- [switch] $MonoAOT,
- [switch] $Internal,
- [switch] $Compare,
- [string] $MonoDotnet="",
- [string] $Configurations="CompilationMode=$CompilationMode RunKind=$Kind",
- [string] $LogicalMachine="",
- [switch] $AndroidMono
-$RunFromPerformanceRepo = ($Repository -eq "dotnet/performance") -or ($Repository -eq "dotnet-performance")
-$UseCoreRun = ($CoreRootDirectory -ne [string]::Empty)
-$UseBaselineCoreRun = ($BaselineCoreRootDirectory -ne [string]::Empty)
-$PayloadDirectory = (Join-Path $SourceDirectory "Payload")
-$PerformanceDirectory = (Join-Path $PayloadDirectory "performance")
-$WorkItemDirectory = (Join-Path $SourceDirectory "workitem")
-$ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments = "--iterationCount 1 --warmupCount 0 --invocationCount 1 --unrollFactor 1 --strategy ColdStart --stopOnFirstError true"
-$PerfLabArguments = ""
-$HelixSourcePrefix = "pr"
-$Queue = ""
-if ($Internal) {
- switch ($LogicalMachine) {
- "perftiger" { $Queue = "Windows.10.Amd64.19H1.Tiger.Perf" }
- "perfowl" { $Queue = "Windows.10.Amd64.20H2.Owl.Perf" }
- "perfsurf" { $Queue = "Windows.10.Arm64.Perf.Surf" }
- "perfpixel4a" { $Queue = "Windows.10.Amd64.Pixel.Perf" }
- Default { $Queue = "Windows.10.Amd64.19H1.Tiger.Perf" }
- }
- $PerfLabArguments = "--upload-to-perflab-container"
- $ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments = ""
- $Creator = ""
- $HelixSourcePrefix = "official"
-else {
- $Queue = "Windows.10.Amd64.ClientRS4.DevEx.15.8.Open"
- $ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments = "--category-exclusion-filter NoInterpreter"
-if($MonoDotnet -ne "")
- $Configurations += " LLVM=$LLVM MonoInterpreter=$MonoInterpreter MonoAOT=$MonoAOT"
- if($ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments -eq "")
- {
- #FIX ME: We need to block these tests as they don't run on mono for now
- $ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments = "--exclusion-filter *Perf_Image* *Perf_NamedPipeStream*"
- }
- else
- {
- #FIX ME: We need to block these tests as they don't run on mono for now
- $ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments += " --exclusion-filter *Perf_Image* *Perf_NamedPipeStream*"
- }
-# FIX ME: This is a workaround until we get this from the actual pipeline
-$CommonSetupArguments="--channel master --queue $Queue --build-number $BuildNumber --build-configs $Configurations --architecture $Architecture"
-$SetupArguments = "--repository$Repository --branch $Branch --get-perf-hash --commit-sha $CommitSha $CommonSetupArguments"
-if ($RunFromPerformanceRepo) {
- $SetupArguments = "--perf-hash $CommitSha $CommonSetupArguments"
- robocopy $SourceDirectory $PerformanceDirectory /E /XD $PayloadDirectory $SourceDirectory\artifacts $SourceDirectory\.git
-else {
- git clone --branch main --depth 1 --quiet $PerformanceDirectory
-if($MonoDotnet -ne "")
- $UsingMono = "true"
- $MonoDotnetPath = (Join-Path $PayloadDirectory "dotnet-mono")
- Move-Item -Path $MonoDotnet -Destination $MonoDotnetPath
-if ($UseCoreRun) {
- $NewCoreRoot = (Join-Path $PayloadDirectory "Core_Root")
- Move-Item -Path $CoreRootDirectory -Destination $NewCoreRoot
-if ($UseBaselineCoreRun) {
- $NewBaselineCoreRoot = (Join-Path $PayloadDirectory "Baseline_Core_Root")
- Move-Item -Path $BaselineCoreRootDirectory -Destination $NewBaselineCoreRoot
-if ($AndroidMono) {
- if(!(Test-Path $WorkItemDirectory))
- {
- mkdir $WorkItemDirectory
- }
- Copy-Item -path "$SourceDirectory\artifacts\bin\AndroidSampleApp\arm64\Release\android-arm64\publish\apk\bin\HelloAndroid.apk" $PayloadDirectory
- $SetupArguments = $SetupArguments -replace $Architecture, 'arm64'
-$DocsDir = (Join-Path $PerformanceDirectory "docs")
-robocopy $DocsDir $WorkItemDirectory
-# Set variables that we will need to have in future steps
-$ci = $true
-. "$PSScriptRoot\..\pipeline-logging-functions.ps1"
-# Directories
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'PayloadDirectory' -Value "$PayloadDirectory" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'PerformanceDirectory' -Value "$PerformanceDirectory" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'WorkItemDirectory' -Value "$WorkItemDirectory" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-# Script Arguments
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Python' -Value "py -3" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments' -Value "$ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'SetupArguments' -Value "$SetupArguments" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'PerfLabArguments' -Value "$PerfLabArguments" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'BDNCategories' -Value "$RunCategories" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'TargetCsproj' -Value "$Csproj" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Kind' -Value "$Kind" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Architecture' -Value "$Architecture" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'UseCoreRun' -Value "$UseCoreRun" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'UseBaselineCoreRun' -Value "$UseBaselineCoreRun" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'RunFromPerfRepo' -Value "$RunFromPerformanceRepo" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Compare' -Value "$Compare" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'MonoDotnet' -Value "$UsingMono" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-# Helix Arguments
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Creator' -Value "$Creator" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'Queue' -Value "$Queue" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name 'HelixSourcePrefix' -Value "$HelixSourcePrefix" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -Name '_BuildConfig' -Value "$Architecture.$Kind.$Framework" -IsMultiJobVariable $false
-exit 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/common/performance/ b/eng/common/performance/
deleted file mode 100755
index 200cf71f2..000000000
--- a/eng/common/performance/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-run_categories="Libraries Runtime"
-configurations="CompliationMode=$compilation_mode RunKind=$kind"
-while (($# > 0)); do
- lowerI="$(echo $1 | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")"
- case $lowerI in
- --sourcedirectory)
- source_directory=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --corerootdirectory)
- core_root_directory=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --baselinecorerootdirectory)
- baseline_core_root_directory=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --architecture)
- architecture=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --framework)
- framework=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --compilationmode)
- compilation_mode=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --logicalmachine)
- logical_machine=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --repository)
- repository=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --branch)
- branch=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --commitsha)
- commit_sha=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --buildnumber)
- build_number=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --kind)
- kind=$2
- configurations="CompilationMode=$compilation_mode RunKind=$kind"
- shift 2
- ;;
- --runcategories)
- run_categories=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --csproj)
- csproj=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --internal)
- internal=true
- shift 1
- ;;
- --alpine)
- alpine=true
- shift 1
- ;;
- --llvm)
- llvm=true
- shift 1
- ;;
- --monointerpreter)
- monointerpreter=true
- shift 1
- ;;
- --monoaot)
- monoaot=true
- monoaot_path=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --monodotnet)
- mono_dotnet=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --wasm)
- wasm_runtime_loc=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --compare)
- compare=true
- shift 1
- ;;
- --configurations)
- configurations=$2
- shift 2
- ;;
- --latestdotnet)
- use_latest_dotnet=true
- shift 1
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Common settings:"
- echo " --corerootdirectory Directory where Core_Root exists, if running perf testing with --corerun"
- echo " --architecture Architecture of the testing being run"
- echo " --configurations List of key=value pairs that will be passed to perf testing infrastructure."
- echo " ex: --configurations \"CompilationMode=Tiered OptimzationLevel=PGO\""
- echo " --help Print help and exit"
- echo ""
- echo "Advanced settings:"
- echo " --framework The framework to run, if not running in master"
- echo " --compliationmode The compilation mode if not passing --configurations"
- echo " --sourcedirectory The directory of the sources. Defaults to env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY"
- echo " --repository The name of the repository in the / format. Defaults to env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME"
- echo " --branch The name of the branch. Defaults to env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH"
- echo " --commitsha The commit sha1 to run against. Defaults to env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSION"
- echo " --buildnumber The build number currently running. Defaults to env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER"
- echo " --csproj The relative path to the benchmark csproj whose tests should be run. Defaults to src\benchmarks\micro\MicroBenchmarks.csproj"
- echo " --kind Related to csproj. The kind of benchmarks that should be run. Defaults to micro"
- echo " --runcategories Related to csproj. Categories of benchmarks to run. Defaults to \"coreclr corefx\""
- echo " --internal If the benchmarks are running as an official job."
- echo " --monodotnet Pass the path to the mono dotnet for mono performance testing."
- echo " --wasm Path to the unpacked wasm runtime pack."
- echo " --latestdotnet --dotnet-versions will not be specified. --dotnet-versions defaults to LKG version in global.json "
- echo " --alpine Set for runs on Alpine"
- echo ""
- exit 0
- ;;
- esac
-if [ "$repository" == "dotnet/performance" ] || [ "$repository" == "dotnet-performance" ]; then
- run_from_perf_repo=true
-if [ -z "$configurations" ]; then
- configurations="CompilationMode=$compilation_mode"
-if [ -z "$core_root_directory" ]; then
- use_core_run=false
-if [ -z "$baseline_core_root_directory" ]; then
- use_baseline_core_run=false
-extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments="--iterationCount 1 --warmupCount 0 --invocationCount 1 --unrollFactor 1 --strategy ColdStart --stopOnFirstError true"
-if [[ "$internal" == true ]]; then
- perflab_arguments="--upload-to-perflab-container"
- helix_source_prefix="official"
- creator=
- extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments=
- if [[ "$architecture" = "arm64" ]]; then
- queue=Ubuntu.1804.Arm64.Perf
- else
- if [[ "$logical_machine" = "perfowl" ]]; then
- queue=Ubuntu.1804.Amd64.Owl.Perf
- else
- queue=Ubuntu.1804.Amd64.Tiger.Perf
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$alpine" = "true" ]]; then
- queue=alpine.amd64.tiger.perf
- fi
- if [[ "$architecture" = "arm64" ]]; then
- else
- queue=Ubuntu.1804.Amd64.Open
- fi
- if [[ "$alpine" = "true" ]]; then
- queue=alpine.amd64.tiger.perf
- fi
-if [[ "$mono_dotnet" != "" ]] && [[ "$monointerpreter" == "false" ]]; then
- configurations="$configurations LLVM=$llvm MonoInterpreter=$monointerpreter MonoAOT=$monoaot"
- extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments="$extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments --category-exclusion-filter NoMono"
-if [[ "$wasm_runtime_loc" != "" ]]; then
- configurations="CompilationMode=wasm RunKind=$kind"
- extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments="$extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments --category-exclusion-filter NoInterpreter NoWASM NoMono"
-if [[ "$mono_dotnet" != "" ]] && [[ "$monointerpreter" == "true" ]]; then
- configurations="$configurations LLVM=$llvm MonoInterpreter=$monointerpreter MonoAOT=$monoaot"
- extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments="$extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments --category-exclusion-filter NoInterpreter NoMono"
-if [[ "$monoaot" == "true" ]]; then
- configurations="$configurations LLVM=$llvm MonoInterpreter=$monointerpreter MonoAOT=$monoaot"
- extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments="$extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments --category-exclusion-filter NoAOT"
-common_setup_arguments="--channel master --queue $queue --build-number $build_number --build-configs $configurations --architecture $architecture"
-setup_arguments="--repository$repository --branch $branch --get-perf-hash --commit-sha $commit_sha $common_setup_arguments"
-if [[ "$run_from_perf_repo" = true ]]; then
- payload_directory=
- workitem_directory=$source_directory
- performance_directory=$workitem_directory
- setup_arguments="--perf-hash $commit_sha $common_setup_arguments"
- git clone --branch main --depth 1 --quiet $performance_directory
- docs_directory=$performance_directory/docs
- mv $docs_directory $workitem_directory
-if [[ "$wasm_runtime_loc" != "" ]]; then
- using_wasm=true
- wasm_dotnet_path=$payload_directory/dotnet-wasm
- mv $wasm_runtime_loc $wasm_dotnet_path
- extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments="$extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments --wasmMainJS \$HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD/dotnet-wasm/runtime-test.js --wasmEngine /home/helixbot/.jsvu/v8 --customRuntimePack \$HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD/dotnet-wasm"
-if [[ "$mono_dotnet" != "" ]] && [[ "$monoaot" == "false" ]]; then
- using_mono=true
- mono_dotnet_path=$payload_directory/dotnet-mono
- mv $mono_dotnet $mono_dotnet_path
-if [[ "$monoaot" == "true" ]]; then
- monoaot_dotnet_path=$payload_directory/monoaot
- mv $monoaot_path $monoaot_dotnet_path
- extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments="$extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments --runtimes monoaotllvm --aotcompilerpath \$HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD/monoaot/sgen/mini/mono-sgen --customruntimepack \$HELIX_CORRELATION_PAYLOAD/monoaot/pack --aotcompilermode llvm"
-if [[ "$use_core_run" = true ]]; then
- new_core_root=$payload_directory/Core_Root
- mv $core_root_directory $new_core_root
-if [[ "$use_baseline_core_run" = true ]]; then
- new_baseline_core_root=$payload_directory/Baseline_Core_Root
- mv $baseline_core_root_directory $new_baseline_core_root
-. "$_script_dir/"
-# Make sure all of our variables are available for future steps
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "UseCoreRun" -value "$use_core_run" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "UseBaselineCoreRun" -value "$use_baseline_core_run" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "Architecture" -value "$architecture" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "PayloadDirectory" -value "$payload_directory" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "PerformanceDirectory" -value "$performance_directory" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "WorkItemDirectory" -value "$workitem_directory" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "Queue" -value "$queue" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "SetupArguments" -value "$setup_arguments" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "Python" -value "python3" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "PerfLabArguments" -value "$perflab_arguments" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "ExtraBenchmarkDotNetArguments" -value "$extra_benchmark_dotnet_arguments" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "BDNCategories" -value "$run_categories" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "TargetCsproj" -value "$csproj" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "RunFromPerfRepo" -value "$run_from_perf_repo" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "Creator" -value "$creator" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "HelixSourcePrefix" -value "$helix_source_prefix" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "Kind" -value "$kind" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "_BuildConfig" -value "$architecture.$kind.$framework" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "Compare" -value "$compare" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "MonoDotnet" -value "$using_mono" -is_multi_job_variable false
-Write-PipelineSetVariable -name "WasmDotnet" -value "$using_wasm" -is_multi_job_variable false
diff --git a/eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml b/eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f877fd7a8..000000000
--- a/eng/common/templates/job/performance.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- steps: [] # optional -- any additional steps that need to happen before pulling down the performance repo and sending the performance benchmarks to helix (ie building your repo)
- variables: [] # optional -- list of additional variables to send to the template
- jobName: '' # required -- job name
- displayName: '' # optional -- display name for the job. Will use jobName if not passed
- pool: '' # required -- name of the Build pool
- container: '' # required -- name of the container
- osGroup: '' # required -- operating system for the job
- extraSetupParameters: '' # optional -- extra arguments to pass to the setup script
- frameworks: ['netcoreapp3.0'] # optional -- list of frameworks to run against
- continueOnError: 'false' # optional -- determines whether to continue the build if the step errors
- dependsOn: '' # optional -- dependencies of the job
- timeoutInMinutes: 320 # optional -- timeout for the job
- enableTelemetry: false # optional -- enable for telemetry
-- template: ../jobs/jobs.yml
- parameters:
- dependsOn: ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
- enableTelemetry: ${{ parameters.enableTelemetry }}
- enablePublishBuildArtifacts: true
- continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- jobs:
- - job: '${{ parameters.jobName }}'
- ${{ if ne(parameters.displayName, '') }}:
- displayName: '${{ parameters.displayName }}'
- ${{ if eq(parameters.displayName, '') }}:
- displayName: '${{ parameters.jobName }}'
- timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }}
- variables:
- - ${{ each variable in parameters.variables }}:
- - ${{ if ne(, '') }}:
- - name: ${{ }}
- value: ${{ variable.value }}
- - ${{ if ne(, '') }}:
- - group: ${{ }}
- - IsInternal: ''
- - HelixApiAccessToken: ''
- - HelixPreCommand: ''
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- - ${{ if eq( parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- - HelixPreCommand: 'set "PERFLAB_UPLOAD_TOKEN=$(PerfCommandUploadToken)"'
- - IsInternal: -Internal
- - ${{ if ne(parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- - HelixPreCommand: 'export PERFLAB_UPLOAD_TOKEN="$(PerfCommandUploadTokenLinux)"'
- - IsInternal: --internal
- - group: DotNet-HelixApi-Access
- - group: dotnet-benchview
- workspace:
- clean: all
- pool:
- ${{ parameters.pool }}
- container: ${{ parameters.container }}
- strategy:
- matrix:
- ${{ each framework in parameters.frameworks }}:
- ${{ framework }}:
- _Framework: ${{ framework }}
- steps:
- - checkout: self
- clean: true
- # Run all of the steps to setup repo
- - ${{ each step in parameters.steps }}:
- - ${{ step }}
- - powershell: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\eng\common\performance\performance-setup.ps1 $(IsInternal) -Framework $(_Framework) ${{ parameters.extraSetupParameters }}
- displayName: Performance Setup (Windows)
- condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
- continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- - script: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/performance/ $(IsInternal) --framework $(_Framework) ${{ parameters.extraSetupParameters }}
- displayName: Performance Setup (Unix)
- condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
- continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- - script: $(Python) $(PerformanceDirectory)/scripts/ $(SetupArguments)
- displayName: Run ci setup script
- # Run perf testing in helix
- - template: /eng/common/templates/steps/perf-send-to-helix.yml
- parameters:
- HelixSource: '$(HelixSourcePrefix)/$(Build.Repository.Name)/$(Build.SourceBranch)' # sources must start with pr/, official/, prodcon/, or agent/
- HelixType: 'test/performance/$(Kind)/$(_Framework)/$(Architecture)'
- HelixAccessToken: $(HelixApiAccessToken)
- HelixTargetQueues: $(Queue)
- HelixPreCommands: $(HelixPreCommand)
- Creator: $(Creator)
- WorkItemTimeout: 4:00 # 4 hours
- WorkItemDirectory: '$(WorkItemDirectory)' # WorkItemDirectory can not be empty, so we send it some docs to keep it happy
- CorrelationPayloadDirectory: '$(PayloadDirectory)' # it gets checked out to a folder with shorter path than WorkItemDirectory so we can avoid file name too long exceptions
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/common/templates/steps/perf-send-to-helix.yml b/eng/common/templates/steps/perf-send-to-helix.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fb786fab..000000000
--- a/eng/common/templates/steps/perf-send-to-helix.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Please remember to update the documentation if you make changes to these parameters!
- ProjectFile: '' # required -- project file that specifies the helix workitems
- HelixSource: 'pr/default' # required -- sources must start with pr/, official/, prodcon/, or agent/
- HelixType: 'tests/default/' # required -- Helix telemetry which identifies what type of data this is; should include "test" for clarity and must end in '/'
- HelixBuild: $(Build.BuildNumber) # required -- the build number Helix will use to identify this -- automatically set to the AzDO build number
- HelixTargetQueues: '' # required -- semicolon delimited list of Helix queues to test on; see for a list of queues
- HelixAccessToken: '' # required -- access token to make Helix API requests; should be provided by the appropriate variable group
- HelixPreCommands: '' # optional -- commands to run before Helix work item execution
- HelixPostCommands: '' # optional -- commands to run after Helix work item execution
- WorkItemDirectory: '' # optional -- a payload directory to zip up and send to Helix; requires WorkItemCommand; incompatible with XUnitProjects
- CorrelationPayloadDirectory: '' # optional -- a directory to zip up and send to Helix as a correlation payload
- IncludeDotNetCli: false # optional -- true will download a version of the .NET CLI onto the Helix machine as a correlation payload; requires DotNetCliPackageType and DotNetCliVersion
- DotNetCliPackageType: '' # optional -- either 'sdk', 'runtime' or 'aspnetcore-runtime'; determines whether the sdk or runtime will be sent to Helix; see
- DotNetCliVersion: '' # optional -- version of the CLI to send to Helix; based on this:
- EnableXUnitReporter: false # optional -- true enables XUnit result reporting to Mission Control
- WaitForWorkItemCompletion: true # optional -- true will make the task wait until work items have been completed and fail the build if work items fail. False is "fire and forget."
- Creator: '' # optional -- if the build is external, use this to specify who is sending the job
- DisplayNamePrefix: 'Send job to Helix' # optional -- rename the beginning of the displayName of the steps in AzDO
- condition: succeeded() # optional -- condition for step to execute; defaults to succeeded()
- continueOnError: false # optional -- determines whether to continue the build if the step errors; defaults to false
- osGroup: '' # required -- operating system for the job
-- template: /eng/pipelines/common/templates/runtimes/send-to-helix-inner-step.yml
- parameters:
- osGroup: ${{ parameters.osGroup }}
- sendParams: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/common/performance/${{ parameters.ProjectFile }} /restore /t:Test /bl:$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/log/$(_BuildConfig)/SendToHelix.binlog
- displayName: ${{ parameters.DisplayNamePrefix }}
- condition: ${{ parameters.condition }}
- shouldContinueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- environment:
- BuildConfig: $(_BuildConfig)
- HelixSource: ${{ parameters.HelixSource }}
- HelixType: ${{ parameters.HelixType }}
- HelixBuild: ${{ parameters.HelixBuild }}
- HelixTargetQueues: ${{ parameters.HelixTargetQueues }}
- HelixAccessToken: ${{ parameters.HelixAccessToken }}
- HelixPreCommands: ${{ parameters.HelixPreCommands }}
- HelixPostCommands: ${{ parameters.HelixPostCommands }}
- WorkItemDirectory: ${{ parameters.WorkItemDirectory }}
- CorrelationPayloadDirectory: ${{ parameters.CorrelationPayloadDirectory }}
- IncludeDotNetCli: ${{ parameters.IncludeDotNetCli }}
- DotNetCliPackageType: ${{ parameters.DotNetCliPackageType }}
- DotNetCliVersion: ${{ parameters.DotNetCliVersion }}
- EnableXUnitReporter: ${{ parameters.EnableXUnitReporter }}
- WaitForWorkItemCompletion: ${{ parameters.WaitForWorkItemCompletion }}
- Creator: ${{ parameters.Creator }}
- SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
diff --git a/global.json b/global.json
index d88d5f09e..9f419c9b5 100644
--- a/global.json
+++ b/global.json
@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@
"xcopy-msbuild": "16.8.0-preview2.1"
"msbuild-sdks": {
- "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21205.1"
+ "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.21207.4"