diff --git a/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.csproj b/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.csproj
index ec237817f2901f..1e6202665c685f 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.csproj
+++ b/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.csproj
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ true
diff --git a/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/RequiresCapability/BasicRequires.cs b/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/RequiresCapability/BasicRequires.cs
index b89dfc61e8cf3c..25275f426c56bc 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/RequiresCapability/BasicRequires.cs
+++ b/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/RequiresCapability/BasicRequires.cs
@@ -188,12 +188,9 @@ class GenericWithStaticMethod
public static void GenericTypeWithStaticMethodWhichRequires () { }
- // NativeAOT doesnt produce Requires warnings in Generics https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
- // [ExpectedWarning("IL2026", "--GenericTypeWithStaticMethodWhichRequires--"]
- [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--GenericTypeWithStaticMethodWhichRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
- // [ExpectedWarning("IL3002", "--GenericTypeWithStaticMethodWhichRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--GenericTypeWithStaticMethodWhichRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
[ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--GenericTypeWithStaticMethodWhichRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
- // [ExpectedWarning("IL3050", "--GenericTypeWithStaticMethodWhichRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
[ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--GenericTypeWithStaticMethodWhichRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
public static void GenericTypeWithStaticMethodViaLdftn ()
diff --git a/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/RequiresCapability/RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode.cs b/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/RequiresCapability/RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..f77d373825512c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coreclr/tools/aot/Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/RequiresCapability/RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,2284 @@
+// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Expectations.Assertions;
+using Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Expectations.Helpers;
+using Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.Expectations.Metadata;
+namespace Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases.RequiresCapability
+ [SkipKeptItemsValidation]
+ [ExpectedNoWarnings]
+ public class RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode
+ {
+ public static void Main ()
+ {
+ WarnInIteratorBody.Test ();
+ SuppressInIteratorBody.Test ();
+ WarnInAsyncBody.Test ();
+ SuppressInAsyncBody.Test ();
+ WarnInAsyncIteratorBody.Test ();
+ SuppressInAsyncIteratorBody.Test ();
+ WarnInLocalFunction.Test ();
+ SuppressInLocalFunction.Test ();
+ WarnInNonNestedLocalFunctionTest ();
+ SuppressInNonNestedLocalFunctionTest ();
+ WarnInLambda.Test ();
+ SuppressInLambda.Test ();
+ WarnInComplex.Test ();
+ SuppressInComplex.Test ();
+ StateMachinesOnlyReferencedViaReflection.Test ();
+ LocalFunctionsReferencedViaReflection.Test ();
+ LambdasReferencedViaReflection.Test ();
+ ComplexCases.AsyncBodyCallingMethodWithRequires.Test ();
+ ComplexCases.GenericAsyncBodyCallingMethodWithRequires.Test ();
+ ComplexCases.GenericAsyncEnumerableBodyCallingRequiresWithAnnotations.Test ();
+ }
+ class WarnInIteratorBody
+ {
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static IEnumerable TestCallBeforeYieldReturn ()
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static IEnumerable TestCallAfterYieldReturn ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static IEnumerable TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ // In release mode, the compiler optimizes away the unused Action (and reference to MethodWithRequires)
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static IEnumerable TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ yield return 1;
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ }
+ // Cannot annotate fields either with RUC nor RAF therefore the warning persists
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static IEnumerable TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ yield return 1;
+ _ = _default.Value;
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TypeWithMethodWithRequires.MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static IEnumerable TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ yield return 0;
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCallBeforeYieldReturn ();
+ TestCallAfterYieldReturn ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ }
+ }
+ class SuppressInIteratorBody
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static IEnumerable TestCall ()
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static IEnumerable TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static IEnumerable TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ yield return 1;
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ }
+ // Cannot annotate fields either with RUC nor RAF therefore the warning persists
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static IEnumerable TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ yield return 1;
+ _ = _default.Value;
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static IEnumerable TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ yield return 0;
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static IEnumerable TestMethodParameterWithRequirements (Type unknownType = null)
+ {
+ unknownType.RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
+ // This test passes on NativeAot even without the Requires* attributes.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static IEnumerable TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ MethodWithGenericWhichRequiresMethods ();
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
+ // This test passes on NativeAot even without the Requires* attributes.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static IEnumerable TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ new TypeWithGenericWhichRequiresNonPublicFields ();
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("Trimming", "IL2026")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("SingleFile", "IL3002")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("AOT", "IL3050")]
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCall ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ TestMethodParameterWithRequirements ();
+ TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ();
+ TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ();
+ }
+ }
+ class WarnInAsyncBody
+ {
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async void TestCallBeforeYieldReturn ()
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async void TestCallAfterYieldReturn ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async void TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static async void TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static async void TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ _ = _default.Value;
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TypeWithMethodWithRequires.MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async void TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCallBeforeYieldReturn ();
+ TestCallAfterYieldReturn ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ }
+ }
+ class SuppressInAsyncBody
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestCall ()
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ }
+ // Cannot annotate fields either with RUC nor RAF therefore the warning persists
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static async void TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ _ = _default.Value;
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestMethodParameterWithRequirements (Type unknownType = null)
+ {
+ unknownType.RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
+ // This test passes on NativeAot even without the Requires* attributes.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ MethodWithGenericWhichRequiresMethods ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
+ // This test passes on NativeAot even without the Requires* attributes.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ new TypeWithGenericWhichRequiresNonPublicFields ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("Trimming", "IL2026")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("SingleFile", "IL3002")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("AOT", "IL3050")]
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCall ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ TestMethodParameterWithRequirements ();
+ TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ();
+ TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ();
+ }
+ }
+ class WarnInAsyncIteratorBody
+ {
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestCallBeforeYieldReturn ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestCallAfterYieldReturn ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ yield return 0;
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ yield return 0;
+ _ = _default.Value;
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TypeWithMethodWithRequires.MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ yield return 0;
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCallBeforeYieldReturn ();
+ TestCallAfterYieldReturn ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ }
+ }
+ class SuppressInAsyncIteratorBody
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestCall ()
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ yield return 0;
+ typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ // Cannot annotate fields either with RUC nor RAF therefore the warning persists
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ yield return 0;
+ _ = _default.Value;
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ yield return 0;
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestMethodParameterWithRequirements (Type unknownType = null)
+ {
+ unknownType.RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
+ // This test passes on NativeAot even without the Requires* attributes.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithGenericWhichRequiresMethods ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
+ // This test passes on NativeAot even without the Requires* attributes.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async IAsyncEnumerable TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ new TypeWithGenericWhichRequiresNonPublicFields ();
+ yield return 0;
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ }
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("Trimming", "IL2026")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("SingleFile", "IL3002")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("AOT", "IL3050")]
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCall ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ TestMethodParameterWithRequirements ();
+ TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ();
+ TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ();
+ }
+ }
+ class WarnInLocalFunction
+ {
+ static void TestCall ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--LocalFunctionWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--LocalFunctionWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--LocalFunctionWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void TestLocalFunctionWithRequires ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--LocalFunctionWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--LocalFunctionWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--LocalFunctionWithRequires--")]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ static void TestCallUnused ()
+ {
+ // Analyzer emits warnings for code in unused local functions.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ static void TestCallWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ static void TestCallWithClosureUnused (int p = 0)
+ {
+ // Analyzer emits warnings for code in unused local functions.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ static void TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ void LocalFunction () => typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ }
+ static void TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ }
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static void TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ _ = _default.Value;
+ }
+ }
+ static void TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TypeWithMethodWithRequires.MethodWithRequires--")]
+ void LocalFunction () => typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCall ();
+ TestLocalFunctionWithRequires ();
+ TestCallUnused ();
+ TestCallWithClosure ();
+ TestCallWithClosureUnused ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ }
+ }
+ class SuppressInLocalFunction
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCall ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCallFromNestedLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ NestedLocalFunction ();
+ void NestedLocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCallWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction () => typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ }
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Message from --MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static void TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ _ = _default.Value;
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction () => typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestMethodParameterWithRequirements (Type unknownType = null)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction () => unknownType.RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithGenericWhichRequiresMethods ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction () => new TypeWithGenericWhichRequiresNonPublicFields ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestGenericLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers (DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods)] T> ()
+ {
+ typeof (T).RequiresPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestGenericLocalFunctionInner ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ typeof (TUnknown).RequiresPublicMethods ();
+ typeof (TSecond).RequiresPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ static void TestGenericLocalFunctionWithAnnotations<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers (DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods)] TPublicMethods> ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers (DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods)] TInnerPublicMethods> ()
+ {
+ typeof (TPublicMethods).RequiresPublicMethods ();
+ typeof (TInnerPublicMethods).RequiresPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ static void TestGenericLocalFunctionWithAnnotationsAndClosure<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers (DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods)] TPublicMethods> (int p = 0)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers (DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods)] TInnerPublicMethods> ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ typeof (TPublicMethods).RequiresPublicMethods ();
+ typeof (TInnerPublicMethods).RequiresPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCallMethodWithRequiresInLtftnLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ var _ = new Action (LocalFunction);
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ class DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ public static void TestCallMethodWithRequiresInDynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ typeof (DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ class DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunctionUnusedShouldWarn
+ {
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2118", nameof (TestCallMethodWithRequiresInDynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction), "LocalFunction", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ public static void TestCallMethodWithRequiresInDynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ typeof (DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunctionUnusedShouldWarn).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ // The linker isn't able to figure out which user method this local function
+ // belongs to, but it doesn't warn because it is only accessed via reflection.
+ // Instead this warns on the reflection access.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--",
+ ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--",
+ ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--",
+ ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ class DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunctionUnusedShouldSuppress
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ public static void TestCallMethodWithRequiresInDynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ typeof (DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunctionUnusedShouldSuppress).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ // The linker isn't able to figure out which user method this local function
+ // belongs to, but it doesn't warn because it is only accessed via reflection,
+ // in a RUC scope.
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void TestSuppressionOnLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction (); // This will produce a warning since the local function has Requires on it
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ void LocalFunction (Type unknownType = null)
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ unknownType.RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void TestSuppressionOnLocalFunctionWithAssignment ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction (); // This will produce a warning since the local function has Requires on it
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ void LocalFunction (Type unknownType = null)
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ typeWithNonPublicMethods = unknownType;
+ }
+ }
+ [DynamicallyAccessedMembers (DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicMethods)]
+ static Type typeWithNonPublicMethods;
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void TestSuppressionOnLocalFunctionWithNestedLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction (); // This will produce a warning since the local function has Requires on it
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ NestedLocalFunction ();
+ // The linker doesn't have enough information to associate the Requires on LocalFunction
+ // with this nested local function.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ void NestedLocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestSuppressionOnOuterAndLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ void LocalFunction (Type unknownType = null)
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ unknownType.RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ class TestSuppressionOnOuterWithSameName
+ {
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", nameof (Outer) + "()")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", nameof (Outer) + "()", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", nameof (Outer) + "()", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ Outer ();
+ Outer (0);
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void Outer ()
+ {
+ // Even though this method has the same name as Outer(int i),
+ // it should not suppress warnings originating from compiler-generated
+ // code for the lambda contained in Outer(int i).
+ }
+ static void Outer (int i)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("Trimming", "IL2026")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("SingleFile", "IL3002")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("AOT", "IL3050")]
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCall ();
+ TestCallFromNestedLocalFunction ();
+ TestCallWithClosure ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestMethodParameterWithRequirements ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ();
+ TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ();
+ TestGenericLocalFunction ();
+ TestGenericLocalFunctionInner ();
+ TestGenericLocalFunctionWithAnnotations ();
+ TestGenericLocalFunctionWithAnnotationsAndClosure ();
+ TestCallMethodWithRequiresInLtftnLocalFunction ();
+ DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction.TestCallMethodWithRequiresInDynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction ();
+ DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunctionUnusedShouldWarn.TestCallMethodWithRequiresInDynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction ();
+ DynamicallyAccessedLocalFunctionUnusedShouldSuppress.TestCallMethodWithRequiresInDynamicallyAccessedLocalFunction ();
+ TestSuppressionOnLocalFunction ();
+ TestSuppressionOnLocalFunctionWithAssignment ();
+ TestSuppressionOnLocalFunctionWithNestedLocalFunction ();
+ TestSuppressionOnOuterAndLocalFunction ();
+ TestSuppressionOnOuterWithSameName.Test ();
+ }
+ }
+ static void WarnInNonNestedLocalFunctionTest ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithNonNestedLocalFunction--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithNonNestedLocalFunction--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithNonNestedLocalFunction--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void SuppressInNonNestedLocalFunctionTest ()
+ {
+ MethodWithNonNestedLocalFunction ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--MethodWithNonNestedLocalFunction--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--MethodWithNonNestedLocalFunction--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--MethodWithNonNestedLocalFunction--")]
+ static void MethodWithNonNestedLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ static void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ class WarnInLambda
+ {
+ static void TestCall ()
+ {
+ Action lambda =
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ lambda ();
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--LambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--LambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--LambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static void TestLambdaWithRequires ()
+ {
+ Action lambda =
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute ("--LambdaWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--LambdaWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--LambdaWithRequires--")]
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ lambda ();
+ }
+ static void TestCallUnused ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--LambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--LambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--LambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static void TestLambdaWithRequiresUnused ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--LambdaWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--LambdaWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--LambdaWithRequires--")]
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ static void TestCallWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ Action lambda =
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ () => {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ };
+ lambda ();
+ }
+ static void TestCallWithClosureUnused (int p = 0)
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ () => {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ };
+ }
+ static void TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ () => {
+ typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ };
+ }
+ static void TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ () => {
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ };
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static void TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ Action _ = () => {
+ var action = _default.Value;
+ };
+ }
+ static void TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TypeWithMethodWithRequires.MethodWithRequires--")]
+ () => {
+ typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ };
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCall ();
+ TestCallUnused ();
+ TestLambdaWithRequires ();
+ TestLambdaWithRequiresUnused ();
+ TestCallWithClosure ();
+ TestCallWithClosureUnused ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ }
+ }
+ class SuppressInLambda
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCall ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCallFromNestedLambda ()
+ {
+ Action lambda = () => {
+ Action nestedLambda = () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ };
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCallWithReflectionAnalysisWarning ()
+ {
+ // This should not produce warning because the Requires
+ Action _ =
+ (t) => t.RequiresPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCallWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ () => {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ };
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestReflectionAccess ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ () => {
+ typeof (RequiresInCompilerGeneratedCode)
+ .GetMethod ("MethodWithRequires", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
+ .Invoke (null, new object[] { });
+ };
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestLdftn ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ () => {
+ var action = new Action (MethodWithRequires);
+ };
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true, ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequiresAndReturns--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ public static Lazy _default = new Lazy (MethodWithRequiresAndReturns);
+ static void TestLazyDelegate ()
+ {
+ Action _ = () => {
+ var action = _default.Value;
+ };
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ () => {
+ typeof (TypeWithMethodWithRequires).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ };
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestMethodParameterWithRequirements (Type unknownType = null)
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ () => unknownType.RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
+ // This test passes on NativeAot even without the Requires* attributes.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ Action _ =
+ () => {
+ MethodWithGenericWhichRequiresMethods ();
+ };
+ }
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68688
+ // This test passes on NativeAot even without the Requires* attributes.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ()
+ {
+ Action _ = () => {
+ new TypeWithGenericWhichRequiresNonPublicFields ();
+ };
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static void TestSuppressionOnLambda ()
+ {
+ var lambda =
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ lambda (); // This will produce a warning since the lambda has Requires on it
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static void TestSuppressionOnLambdaWithNestedLambda ()
+ {
+ var lambda =
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ () => {
+ // The linker doesn't try to associate the Requires on lambda with this nested
+ // lambda. It would be possible to do this because the declaration site will contain
+ // an IL reference to the generated lambda method, unlike local functions.
+ // However, we don't make this association, for consistency with local functions.
+ var nestedLambda =
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ };
+ lambda (); // This will produce a warning since the lambda has Requires on it
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestSuppressionOnOuterAndLambda ()
+ {
+ var lambda =
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ (Type unknownType) => {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ unknownType.RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ };
+ lambda (null);
+ }
+ class TestSuppressionOnOuterWithSameName
+ {
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", nameof (Outer) + "()")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", nameof (Outer) + "()", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", nameof (Outer) + "()", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ Outer ();
+ Outer (0);
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void Outer ()
+ {
+ // Even though this method has the same name as Outer(int i),
+ // it should not suppress warnings originating from compiler-generated
+ // code for the lambda contained in Outer(int i).
+ }
+ static void Outer (int i)
+ {
+ var lambda =
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ lambda ();
+ }
+ }
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("Trimming", "IL2026")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("SingleFile", "IL3002")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("AOT", "IL3050")]
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestCall ();
+ TestCallFromNestedLambda ();
+ TestCallWithReflectionAnalysisWarning ();
+ TestCallWithClosure ();
+ TestReflectionAccess ();
+ TestLdftn ();
+ TestLazyDelegate ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethod ();
+ TestMethodParameterWithRequirements ();
+ TestGenericMethodParameterRequirement ();
+ TestGenericTypeParameterRequirement ();
+ TestSuppressionOnLambda ();
+ TestSuppressionOnLambdaWithNestedLambda ();
+ TestSuppressionOnOuterAndLambda ();
+ TestSuppressionOnOuterWithSameName.Test ();
+ }
+ }
+ class WarnInComplex
+ {
+ static async void TestIteratorLocalFunctionInAsync ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ LocalFunction ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ IEnumerable LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // BUG: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/77455
+ // NativeAot produces an incorrect warning pointing to the InstantiatedMethod, which isn't associated
+ // with the calling context.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TypeWithMethodWithRequires.MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static IEnumerable TestDynamicallyAccessedMethodViaGenericMethodParameterInIterator ()
+ {
+ yield return 1;
+ MethodWithGenericWhichRequiresMethods ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TypeWithMethodWithRequires.MethodWithRequires--", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static IEnumerable TestDynamicallyAccessedMethodViaGenericTypeParameterInIterator ()
+ {
+ yield return 1;
+ new TypeWithGenericWhichRequiresMethods ();
+ }
+ static void TestLocalFunctionInIteratorLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ IteratorLocalFunction ();
+ IEnumerable IteratorLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ LocalFunction ();
+ yield return 1;
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ static void TestLocalFunctionCalledFromIteratorLocalFunctionAndMethod ()
+ {
+ IteratorLocalFunction ();
+ IEnumerable IteratorLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ LocalFunction ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestIteratorLocalFunctionInAsync ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethodViaGenericMethodParameterInIterator ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethodViaGenericTypeParameterInIterator ();
+ TestLocalFunctionInIteratorLocalFunction ();
+ TestLocalFunctionCalledFromIteratorLocalFunctionAndMethod ();
+ }
+ }
+ class SuppressInComplex
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestIteratorLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ IEnumerable LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestAsyncLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ async Task LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestIteratorLocalFunctionWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ IEnumerable LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestAsyncLocalFunctionWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ async Task LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestCallToLocalFunctionInIteratorLocalFunctionWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ IEnumerable LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ yield return 0;
+ LocalFunction2 ();
+ yield return 1;
+ void LocalFunction2 ()
+ {
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestAsyncLambda ()
+ {
+ Func> _ = async Task () => {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ return 1;
+ };
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestAsyncLambdaWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ Func> _ = async Task () => {
+ p++;
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ return 1;
+ };
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static void TestLambdaInAsyncLambdaWithClosure (int p = 0)
+ {
+ Func> _ = async Task () => {
+ p++;
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ var lambda = () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ return 1;
+ };
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestIteratorLocalFunctionInAsync ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ LocalFunction ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in local function")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in local function")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in local function")]
+ IEnumerable LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static async void TestIteratorLocalFunctionInAsyncWithoutInner ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ LocalFunction ();
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ IEnumerable LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // BUG: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/77455
+ // NativeAot produces an incorrect warning pointing to the InstantiatedMethod, which isn't associated
+ // with the calling context.
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("Suppress in body")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("Suppress in body")]
+ static IEnumerable TestDynamicallyAccessedMethodViaGenericMethodParameterInIterator ()
+ {
+ MethodWithGenericWhichRequiresMethods ();
+ yield return 0;
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--IteratorLocalFunction--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--IteratorLocalFunction--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--IteratorLocalFunction--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void TestLocalFunctionInIteratorLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ IteratorLocalFunction ();
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--IteratorLocalFunction--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--IteratorLocalFunction--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--IteratorLocalFunction--")]
+ IEnumerable IteratorLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ LocalFunction ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 1;
+ // Trimmer doesn't try to associate LocalFunction with IteratorLocalFunction
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--IteratorLocalFunction--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--IteratorLocalFunction--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--IteratorLocalFunction--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void TestLocalFunctionCalledFromIteratorLocalFunctionAndMethod ()
+ {
+ IteratorLocalFunction ();
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--IteratorLocalFunction--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--IteratorLocalFunction--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--IteratorLocalFunction--")]
+ IEnumerable IteratorLocalFunction ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ LocalFunction ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ yield return 1;
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--MethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--MethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("Trimming", "IL2026")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("SingleFile", "IL3002")]
+ [UnconditionalSuppressMessage ("AOT", "IL3050")]
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestIteratorLocalFunction ();
+ TestAsyncLocalFunction ();
+ TestIteratorLocalFunctionWithClosure ();
+ TestAsyncLocalFunctionWithClosure ();
+ TestCallToLocalFunctionInIteratorLocalFunctionWithClosure ();
+ TestAsyncLambda ();
+ TestAsyncLambdaWithClosure ();
+ TestLambdaInAsyncLambdaWithClosure ();
+ TestIteratorLocalFunctionInAsync ();
+ TestIteratorLocalFunctionInAsyncWithoutInner ();
+ TestDynamicallyAccessedMethodViaGenericMethodParameterInIterator ();
+ TestLocalFunctionInIteratorLocalFunction ();
+ TestLocalFunctionCalledFromIteratorLocalFunctionAndMethod ();
+ }
+ }
+ class StateMachinesOnlyReferencedViaReflection
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ static IEnumerable TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ static async void TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static IEnumerable TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldWarn ()
+ {
+ yield return 0;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot, CompilerGeneratedCode = true)]
+ static async void TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldWarn ()
+ {
+ await MethodAsync ();
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ // Analyzer doesn't emit additional warnings about reflection access to the compiler-generated
+ // state machine members.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ // In debug mode, the async state machine is a class with a constructor, so a warning is emitted for the constructor.
+ // The MoveNext method is virtual, so doesn't warn either way.
+ // In release mode, the async state machine is a struct which doesn't have a constructor, so no warning is emitted.
+ // Linker warns about reflection access to compiler-generated state machine members.
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2118", nameof (StateMachinesOnlyReferencedViaReflection), "<" + nameof (TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldWarn) + ">", "MoveNext()",
+ ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2118", nameof (StateMachinesOnlyReferencedViaReflection), "<" + nameof (TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldWarn) + ">", "MoveNext()",
+ ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ static void TestAll ()
+ {
+ typeof (StateMachinesOnlyReferencedViaReflection).RequiresAll ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestIteratorOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestAsyncOnlyReferencedViaReflectionWhichShouldSuppress--")]
+ // NonPublicMethods doesn't warn for members emitted into compiler-generated state machine types.
+ static void TestNonPublicMethods ()
+ {
+ typeof (StateMachinesOnlyReferencedViaReflection).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestAll ();
+ TestNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ class LocalFunctionsReferencedViaReflection
+ {
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--TestLocalFunctionWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--TestLocalFunctionWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void TestLocalFunctionWithRequires ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLocalFunctionWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLocalFunctionWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLocalFunctionWithRequires--")]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ static void TestLocalFunctionWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection ()
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLocalFunctionWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLocalFunctionWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLocalFunctionWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--")]
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "LocalFunction")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "LocalFunction", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "LocalFunction", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ static void TestLocalFunctionWithClosureWithRequires (int p = 0)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureWithRequires--")]
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ static void TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequires ()
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--")]
+ static void TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection ()
+ {
+ // This is unused, except for the reflection access. Don't warn about MethodWithRequires
+ // because the reflection access will warn about accessing compiler-generated code.
+ void LocalFunction () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ static void TestLocalFunctionWithClosureInMethodWithRequires (int p = 0)
+ {
+ LocalFunction ();
+ void LocalFunction ()
+ {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Warnings for Reflection access to methods with Requires
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--")]
+ // The linker correctly emits warnings about reflection access to local functions with Requires
+ // or which inherit Requires from the containing method. The analyzer doesn't bind to local functions
+ // so does not warn here.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ // BUG: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ // NativeAot doesn't associate Requires on method with the local functions it contains.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ // Linker warns about reflection access to compiler-generated code
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2118", nameof (LocalFunctionsReferencedViaReflection), nameof (TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection),
+ ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ static void TestAll ()
+ {
+ typeof (LocalFunctionsReferencedViaReflection).RequiresAll ();
+ }
+ // Warnings for Reflection access to methods with Requires
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--")]
+ // NonPublicMethods warns for local functions not emitted into display classes.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ // BUG: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ // NativeAot doesn't associate Requires on method with the local functions it contains.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLocalFunctionWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ // Linker warns about reflection access to compiler-generated code
+ // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2118", nameof (LocalFunctionsReferencedViaReflection), "<" + nameof (TestLocalFunctionInMethodWithRequiresOnlyAccessedViaReflection) + ">",
+ ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ static void TestNonPublicMethods ()
+ {
+ typeof (LocalFunctionsReferencedViaReflection).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestAll ();
+ TestNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ class LambdasReferencedViaReflection
+ {
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "--TestLambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "--TestLambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static void TestLambdaWithRequires ()
+ {
+ var lambda =
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLambdaWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLambdaWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLambdaWithRequires--")]
+ () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ lambda ();
+ }
+ // NativeAot is missing ldftn detection: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "Lambda", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3002", "Lambda", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL3050", "Lambda", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Analyzer)]
+ static void TestLambdaWithClosureWithRequires (int p = 0)
+ {
+ var lambda =
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLambdaWithClosureWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLambdaWithClosureWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLambdaWithClosureWithRequires--")]
+ () => {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ };
+ lambda ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLambdaInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLambdaInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLambdaInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ static void TestLambdaInMethodWithRequires ()
+ {
+ var lambda = () => MethodWithRequires ();
+ lambda ();
+ }
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("--TestLambdaWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("--TestLambdaWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("--TestLambdaWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ static void TestLambdaWithClosureInMethodWithRequires (int p = 0)
+ {
+ var lambda = () => {
+ p++;
+ MethodWithRequires ();
+ };
+ lambda ();
+ }
+ // Warnings for Reflection access to methods with Requires
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ // The linker correctly emits warnings about reflection access to lambdas with Requires
+ // or which inherit Requires from the containing method. The analyzer doesn't bind to lambdas
+ // so does not warn here.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaWithClosureWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer | ProducedBy.NativeAot)]
+ // BUG: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68786
+ // NativeAot doesn't associate Requires on method with the lambdas it contains.
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaInMethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--", ProducedBy = ProducedBy.Trimmer)]
+ static void TestAll ()
+ {
+ typeof (LambdasReferencedViaReflection).RequiresAll ();
+ }
+ // Warnings for Reflection access to methods with Requires
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ [ExpectedWarning ("IL2026", "--TestLambdaWithClosureInMethodWithRequires--")]
+ // NonPublicMethods doesn't warn for lambdas emitted into display class types.
+ static void TestNonPublicMethods ()
+ {
+ typeof (LambdasReferencedViaReflection).RequiresNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ public static void Test ()
+ {
+ TestAll ();
+ TestNonPublicMethods ();
+ }
+ }
+ class ComplexCases
+ {
+ public class AsyncBodyCallingMethodWithRequires
+ {
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode ("")]
+ [RequiresAssemblyFiles ("")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode ("")]
+ static Task