From f8cb454522b84a5e20a4a8f9016388e447b9372b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 10:48:58 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2640338 --- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ---------- 26 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index a9049c6c3a55db..fc38fd23b8e16c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekce se nepodporuje: {0}“. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Jazyková verze projektu musí být alespoň C# 12 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6ab4079f505969..c3883b046ca37e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Der Auflistungselementtyp wird nicht unterstützt: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Die Sprachversion des Projekts muss mindestens "C# 12" sein. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3256d3dd97673..2e0eca78950550 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ No se admite el tipo de elemento de colección: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La versión del lenguaje del proyecto debe ser al menos "C# 12". + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 34c8eff9842f1a..cb815248639fbc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Le type d‘élément collection n‘est pas pris en charge : ‘{0}‘. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La version de langage du projet doit être au moins « C# 12 ». + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a4edccfaeba916..5a08940b3965ce 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Il tipo di elemento della raccolta non è supportato: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La versione del linguaggio del progetto deve essere almeno 'C# 12'. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 3fc756914150fb..f5430987633c4c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ コレクション要素型はサポートされていません: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - プロジェクトの言語バージョンは少なくとも 'C# 12' である必要があります。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index e5fac78816501d..1c66f5d58a6284 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 컬렉션 요소 유형이 지원되지 않습니다: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 프로젝트의 언어 버전은 'C# 12' 이상이어야 합니다. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a3bfda7961accf..b1bb4292bb2f74 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekcji nie jest obsługiwany: „{0}”. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Wersja językowa projektu musi mieć wartość co najmniej „C# 12”. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 9ae94770e0876a..69c61c2a98b85f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ O tipo de elemento da coleção não é suportado: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - A versão da linguagem do projeto deve ser no mínimo 'C# 12'. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ac093757f66aca..1aabe87ae55993 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Тип элемента коллекции не поддерживается: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Версия языка проекта должна быть не ниже "C# 12". + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6cd1157d71daf3..1589ce12f510c1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Koleksiyon öğesi türü desteklenmiyor: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Projenin dil sürümü en az 'C# 12' olmalıdır. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index fe5aac5bf4505b..f88548c055eb7d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支持此集合元素类型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 项目的语言版本必须至少为 "C# 12"。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 5ce4ed9a5d76ce..b492367d5fb89e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支援集合元素類型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 專案的語言版本必須至少為 'C# 12'。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index db9efa93236cc2..6f3218ac6dd5b7 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Našlo se několik polí typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Třída {0} má parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, který je skrytý polem ve třídě nebo základní třídě, což brání jeho použití. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger je skrytý polem. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Odeberte redundantní kvalifikátor (Informace:, Upozornění:, Chyba: atd.) ze zprávy o protokolování, protože je na zadané úrovni protokolu implicitní. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1a557ac1669fcd..b838765022a4ea 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Mehrere Felder vom Typ "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger" gefunden {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Die Klasse „{0}“ weist einen primären Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ auf, der von einem Feld in der Klasse oder einer Basisklasse ausgeblendet wird, wodurch die Verwendung verhindert wird. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Der primäre Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ wird durch ein Feld ausgeblendet. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Entfernen Sie den redundanten Qualifizierer (z. B. "Info:", "Warnung:" oder "Fehler:") aus der Protokollierungsmeldung, weil er auf der angegebenen Protokollebene implizit enthalten ist. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c67ec41ff91cc8..30000484775d0a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Se encontraron varios campos de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La clase '{0}' tiene un parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger oculto por un campo de la clase o una clase base, lo que impide su uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Un campo oculta el parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Quitar calificadores redundantes (Información:, Advertencia:, Error:, etc.) del mensaje de registro, ya que está implícito en el nivel de registro especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index bb73608d9d0382..04ccccc8536aa0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Plusieurs champs de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger ont été trouvés {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La classe « ’{0} » a un paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger qui est masqué par un champ de la classe ou une classe de base, ce qui empêche son utilisation - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Le paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger est masqué par un champ - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Supprimez le qualificateur redondant (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc.) du message de journalisation, car il est implicite dans le niveau de journalisation spécifié. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d4bd8eb5a895c3..0c007fdce54828 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Sono stati trovati più campi di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La classe '{0}' ha un parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger nascosto da un campo nella classe o una classe di base, impedendone l'uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Il parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger è nascosto da un campo - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Rimuovere il qualificatore ridondante (Informazioni:, Avviso:, Errore: e così via) dal messaggio di registrazione perché è implicito nel livello di log specificato. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 1f19c136e50db5..36f5b1baad528f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger という種類の複数のフィールドが見つかりました {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - クラス '{0}' には、クラスまたは基本クラスのフィールドによって非表示になっている型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターがあるため、使用できません - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターはフィールドによって非表示になっています - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 指定されたログ レベルでは暗黙的であるため、冗長な修飾子 (Info:、Warning:、Error: など) をログ メッセージから削除します。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 94a4654cf41a68..547c49b3e33dc9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 필드가 여러 개 있음 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 클래스 '{0}'에는 클래스 또는 기본 클래스의 필드에 의해 숨겨진 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 있으므로 해당 매개 변수를 사용할 수 없습니다. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 필드에 의해 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 숨겨집니다. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 중복 한정자(정보:, 경고:, 오류: 등)가 지정된 로그 수준에서 암시적이기 때문에 로깅 메시지에서 제거합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 48dcc267ff34f2..a40b72d24ffcea 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Znaleziono wiele pól typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Klasa „{0}” ma podstawowy parametr konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, który jest ukryty przez pole w klasie lub klasie podstawowej, co uniemożliwia jego użycie. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Parametr podstawowy konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger jest ukryty przez pole - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Usuń nadmiarowy kwalifikator (Info:, Warning:, Error: itp.) z komunikatu rejestrowania, ponieważ jest on domyślny na określonym poziomie dziennika. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c698b2fc61d947..0560fb6b5907c8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Múltiplos campos encontrados do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - A classe "{0}" tem um parâmetro de construtor primário do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger que está oculto por um campo na classe ou uma classe base, impedindo o seu uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - O parâmetro primário de construtor do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger está oculto por um campo - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Remova o qualificador redundante (Info:, Aviso:, Erro:, etc) da mensagem de log, pois está implícito no nível de log especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 4e59b9fd9b04a5..589635d5721bb9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Обнаружено несколько полей типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Класс "{0}" имеет первичный параметр конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger который скрыт полем в этом классе или базовом классе, что препятствует его использованию - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Параметр основного конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger скрыт полем - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Удалите избыточный квалификатор (Info:, Warning:, Error:, и т. п.) из сообщения журнала, поскольку квалификатор подразумевается на указанном уровне ведения журнала. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b92fc16b8c2aba..c40d99aa4602c5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birden çok alan bulundu {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - '{0}' sınıfı, sınıf veya temel sınıf alanı tarafından gizlenen ve bu türün kullanımına engel olan Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birincil oluşturucu parametresine sahip - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türündeki birincil oluşturucu parametresi bir alan tarafından gizleniyor - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Belirtilen günlük düzeyinde örtük olduğundan gereksiz niteleyiciyi (Bilgi:, Uyarı:, Hata: vb.) günlüğe kaydetme iletisinden kaldırın. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 6f70cbcdd9b34e..04c39c8843a1e1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ 找到 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的多个字段 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 类“{0}”具有 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数,该参数被类或基类中的字段隐藏以防使用 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数被字段隐藏 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 从日志记录消息中删除冗余限定符(信息:、警告:、错误: 等),因为其在指定的日志级别中为隐式内容。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 810bdfe157fede..af008cf098ff8a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ 找到多個 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 類型的欄位 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 類別 '{0}' 具有類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數,其已由類別或基底類別中的欄位隱藏,因此無法使用 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數由某欄位隱藏 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 從記錄訊息中移除備援限定詞 (資訊:、警告:、錯誤: 等等),因為它在指定的記錄層級中為隱含。 From 4d7cb28ef6a753e876157ff09fa8bbfd9f4ab102 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 10:50:14 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2640338 --- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 32 +++++++------------ .../Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++----------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 30 ++++++----------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 30 ++++++----------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 6 ++-- 39 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 430 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 28fedf962b6b43..3b94247f4ce430 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Tento typ implementuje minimálně jeden typ s atributem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute nebo má jeho základní typ atribut GeneratedComClassAttribute. Přidejte generatedComClassAttribute, aby bylo možné předat tento typ modelu COM a zpřístupnit rozhraní COM pro typy s atributem GeneratedComClassAttribute z objektů tohoto typu. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Základnímu rozhraní COM se nepodařilo vygenerovat zdroj. Kód se pro toto rozhraní nevygeneruje. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Typ {0} má základní rozhraní {1} definované v jiném sestavení. To může v některých případech způsobit řadu obtížně diagnostikovatelných problémů. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Zadání atributu GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute u rozhraní, které má základní rozhraní definované v jiném sestavení, není podporováno. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. GeneratedComInterface nemůže určovat ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper nebo ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper, pokud základní typ rozhraní neurčil možnosti nebo nezadal alespoň stejné možnosti. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ atributy [In] a [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objekty zařazené z VARIANT jako parametry in ve voláních nespravovaných na spravované nebudou šířit zpět aktualizovaný výsledek, a to ani v případě, že VARIANT je varianta VT_BYREF. K šíření aktualizované hodnoty zpět k volajícímu použijte místo parametru in parametr ref. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Události nejsou konceptem COM, takže pro události instance na rozhraních COM generovaných zdrojem nebude vygenerován žádný kód spolupráce. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Typ vstupního bodu řadiče „{0}“ pro spravovaný typ „{1}“ musí mít aritu o jednu větší než spravovaný typ. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Aby se povolilo zařazování tohoto typu, musí se v tomto projektu zakázat zařazování modulu runtime použitím atributu System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute u sestavení. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Při volání metody musí být definována velikost parametru{0}, která je zařazena do volané metody, ale parametr count {1} je parametr out. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index d6e696e7869ecf..dd4222c203079d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Dieser Typ implementiert mindestens einen Typ mit dem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute-Attribut, oder sein Basistyp weist das GeneratedComClassAttribute-Attribut auf. Fügen Sie „GeneratedComClassAttribute“ hinzu, um die Übergabe dieses Typs an COM zu ermöglichen und die COM-Schnittstellen für die Typen mit dem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ aus Objekten dieses Typs verfügbar zu machen. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Die Basis-COM-Schnittstelle konnte die Quelle nicht generieren. Für diese Schnittstelle wird kein Code generiert. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Für den Typ „{0}“ ist eine Basisschnittstelle „{1}“ in einer anderen Assembly definiert. Dies kann in einigen Szenarien eine Vielzahl von Problemen verursachen, die schwer zu diagnostizieren sind. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Das Angeben von „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ für eine Schnittstelle mit einer in einer anderen Assembly definierten Basisschnittstelle wird nicht unterstützt. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Ein "GeneratedComInterface" kann nur dann "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" oder "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" angeben, wenn der Basisschnittstellentyp keine Optionen angegeben oder mindestens dieselben Optionen angegeben hat. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In]- und [Out]-Attribute - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objekte, die aus VARIANTEN als in-Parameter in nicht verwalteten Aufrufen gemarshallt werden, werden nicht an das aktualisierte Ergebnis verteilt, auch wenn VARIANTE eine VT_BYREF-Variante ist. Verwenden Sie einen ref-Parameter anstelle eines in-Parameters, um den aktualisierten Wert wieder an den Aufrufer zu übergeben. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Ereignisse sind kein Konzept in COM, daher wird kein Interopcode für Instanzereignisse auf von der Quelle generierten COM-Schnittstellen generiert. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Der Marshaller-Einstiegspunkttyp "{0}" für den verwalteten Typ "{1}" muss eine Stelligkeit aufweisen, die größer als der verwaltete Typ ist. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Das Runtime-Marshalling muss in diesem Projekt deaktiviert werden, indem „System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute“ auf die Assembly angewendet wird, um das Marshalling dieses Typs zu ermöglichen. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Die Größe des Parameters "{0}", der an den Aufgerufenen gemarshallt wird, muss definiert werden, wenn die Methode aufgerufen wird. Der Count-Parameter "{1}" ist jedoch ein "Out"-Parameter. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 047562a0f5d5f7..393160b81b1131 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Este tipo implementa al menos un tipo con el atributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o su tipo base tiene el atributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Agregue 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar el paso de este tipo a COM y exponer las interfaces COM para los tipos con 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' a partir de objetos de este tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ La interfaz COM base no pudo generar el origen. No se generará código para esta interfaz. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - El tipo '{0}' tiene una interfaz base '{1}' definida en un ensamblado diferente. Esto puede causar diversos problemas difíciles de diagnosticar en algunos escenarios. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - No se admite especificar 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' en una interfaz que tenga una interfaz base definida en otro ensamblado - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. ''GeneratedComInterface'' no puede especificar ''ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper'' o ''ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'' a menos que el tipo de interfaz base no especifique opciones o especifique al menos las mismas opciones. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atributos [In] y [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Los objetos serializados a partir de VARIANTES como parámetros 'in' en llamadas no administradas a administradas no propagarán el resultado actualizado, incluso si VARIANTE es una variante VT_BYREF. Use un parámetro 'ref' en lugar de un parámetro 'in' para volver a propagar el valor actualizado al llamador. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Los eventos no representan un concepto en COM, de modo que no se generará código de interoperabilidad para eventos de instancia en interfaces COM generadas en origen. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ El tipo de punto de entrada del serializador "{0}" para el tipo administrado "{1}" debe tener una aridad mayor que el tipo administrado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ La serialización en tiempo de ejecución debe deshabilitarse en este proyecto aplicando \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMars contosoingAttribute\" al ensamblado para habilitar la serialización de este tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. El tamaño del parámetro "{0}" que se serializa al destinatario debe definirse cuando se llama al método, pero el parámetro de recuento "{1}" es un parámetro "out". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index bfef83e646d4c4..70739eaa879e52 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Ce type implémente au moins un type avec l’attribut « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » ou son type de base a l’attribut « GeneratedComClassAttribute ». Ajoutez le « GeneratedComClassAttribute » pour activer le passage de ce type à COM et exposer les interfaces COM pour les types avec le « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » des objets de ce type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ L’interface COM de base n’a pas réussi à générer le code source. Le code ne sera pas généré pour cette interface. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Le type « {0} » a une interface de base « {1} » définie dans un autre assembly. Cela peut entraîner de nombreux problèmes difficiles à diagnostiquer dans certains scénarios - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - La spécification de ’GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute’ sur une interface pour laquelle une interface de base est définie dans un autre assembly n’est pas prise en charge - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un 'GeneratedComInterface' ne peut pas spécifier 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' sauf si le type d’interface de base n’a pas spécifié d’options ou spécifié au moins les mêmes options. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Attributs [In] et [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Les objets marshallés à partir de VARIANT en tant que paramètres « in » dans les appels non gérés à gérés ne propageront pas le résultat mis à jour, même si le VARIANT est une variante de VT_BYREF. Utilisez un paramètre « ref » au lieu d’un paramètre « in » pour propager la valeur mise à jour à l’appelant. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Les événements ne sont pas un concept dans COM. Par conséquent, aucun code d’interopérabilité n’est généré à la source pour les événements d’instance sur les interfaces COM générées par la source. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Le type de point d’entrée marshaleur '{0}' pour le type managé '{1}' doit avoir une arité supérieure au type managé. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Le marshaling du runtime doit être désactivé dans ce projet en appliquant « System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute » à l’assembly pour activer le marshaling de ce type. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. La taille du paramètre '{0}' qui est marshalé à l'appelé doit être définie lorsque la méthode est appelée, mais le paramètre count '{1}' est un paramètre 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index e69220e9490ac6..0a5eacfbe9c27a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Questo tipo implementa almeno un tipo con l'attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o il relativo tipo di base ha l'attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Aggiungere l’attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' per consentire il passaggio di questo tipo a COM e l'esposizione delle interfacce COM per i tipi con l’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' dagli oggetti di questo tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ L'interfaccia COM di base non è riuscita a generare l'origine. Il codice non verrà generato per questa interfaccia. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Il tipo '{0}' ha un'interfaccia di base '{1}' definita in un assembly diverso. Ciò può causare una vasta gamma di problemi difficili da diagnosticare in alcuni scenari - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - La specifica dell’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' in un'interfaccia che ha un'interfaccia di base definita in un altro assembly non è supportata - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un elemento 'GeneratedComInterface' non può specificare 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' o 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a meno che il tipo di interfaccia di base non specifichi opzioni o non specifichi almeno le stesse opzioni. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Attributi [In] e [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Gli oggetti di cui è stato eseguito il marshalling da VARIANT come parametri 'in' nelle chiamate da non gestito a gestito non verranno propagati nuovamente al risultato aggiornato, anche se VARIANT è una variante VT_BYREF. Usare un parametro 'ref' invece di un parametro 'in' per propagare nuovamente il valore aggiornato al chiamante. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Gli eventi non sono concetti in COM quindi non verrà generato codice di interoperabilità per gli eventi dell’istanza nelle interfacce COM generate dall'origine. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Il tipo di punto di ingresso del marshalling '{0}' per il tipo gestito '{1}' deve avere un grado maggiore rispetto a quello del tipo gestito. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Il marshalling di runtime in questo progetto deve essere disabilitato applicando 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' all'assembly per abilitare il marshalling di questo tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Le dimensioni del parametro '{0}' di cui viene eseguito il marshalling al destinatario della chiamata devono essere definite quando viene chiamato il metodo, ma il parametro conteggio '{1}' è un parametro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 78a71157862438..d08519db19c885 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - この型は、'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性を持つ少なくとも 1 つの型を実装します。またはその基本型に 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性があります。'GeneratedComClassAttribute' を追加して、この型を COM に渡し、この型のオブジェクトから 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を持つ型の COM インターフェイスを公開できるようにします。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ ベース COM インターフェイスはソースを生成できませんでした。このインターフェイスのコードは生成されません。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 型 '{0}' には、別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイス '{1}' があります。これにより、一部のシナリオで問題を診断することが困難になるさまざまな可能性があります - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイスを持つインターフェイスで 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を指定することはサポートされていません - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 基底インターフェイスの型でオプションが指定されていないか、少なくとも同じオプションが指定されていない限り、'GeneratedComInterface' では 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' または 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' を指定できません。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ 属性の[In]と[Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - アンマネージからマネージドへの呼び出しで VARIANT から 'in' パラメーターとしてマーシャリングされたオブジェクトは、VARIANT が VT_BYREF バリアントであっても、更新された結果に反映されません。更新された値を呼び出し元に反映するには、'in' パラメーターの代わりに 'ref' パラメーターを使用してください。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. イベントは COM の概念ではないため、ソース生成 COM インターフェイス上のインスタンス イベントに対して相互運用コードはソース生成されません。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ マネージド型 '{1}' のマーシャラー エントリ ポイント型 '{0}' には、マネージド型より 1 大きい引数が必要です。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ このプロジェクトでは、アセンブリに 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' を適用してランタイム マーシャリングを無効にし、この型のマーシャリングを有効にする必要があります。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼び出し先にマーシャリングされるパラメーター '{0}' のサイズは、メソッドが呼び出されたときに定義する必要がありますが、count パラメーター '{1}' は 'out' パラメーターです。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 7ba79359c4e9bb..1225af16e56026 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 이 유형은 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 특성을 갖는 하나 이상의 유형을 구현하거나 기본 유형에 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 특성이 있습니다. 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'를 추가하여 이 유형을 COM에 전달하고 이 유형의 개체에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'가 있는 유형에 대해 COM 인터페이스를 노출할 수 있도록 합니다. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 베이스 COM 인터페이스에서 소스를 생성하지 못했습니다. 이 인터페이스에 대한 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - '{0}' 유형에 다른 어셈블리에서 정의된 기본 인터페이스 '{1}'이(가) 있습니다. 일부 시나리오에서는 이로 인해 진단하기 어려운 다양한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 다른 어셈블리에 정의된 기본 인터페이스가 있는 인터페이스에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'를 지정하는 것은 지원되지 않습니다. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 기본 인터페이스 형식이 옵션을 지정하지 않았거나, 최소한 동일한 옵션을 지정하지 않은 경우 'GeneratedComInterface'는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 또는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'를 지정할 수 없습니다. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 및 [Out] 속성 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 관리되지 않는 호출에서 관리되는 호출로의 VARIANT에서 'in' 매개 변수로 마샬링된 개체는 VARIANT가 VT_BYREF 변형인 경우에도 업데이트된 결과를 다시 전파하지 않습니다. 'in' 매개 변수 대신 'ref' 매개 변수를 사용하여 업데이트된 값을 호출자에게 다시 전파합니다. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 이벤트는 COM의 개념이 아니므로 소스 생성 COM 인터페이스의 인스턴스 이벤트에 대해 interop 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 관리 유형 '{1}'에 대한 마샬러 진입점 유형 '{0}'에는 관리 유형보다 1이 더 커야 합니다. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 이 형식의 마샬링을 활성화하려면 어셈블리에 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute'를 적용하여 이 프로젝트에서 런타임 마샬링을 비활성화해야 합니다. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 메서드를 호출할 때 호출 수신자로 마샬링되는 매개 변수 '{0}'의 크기를 정의해야 하지만 count 매개 변수 '{1}'은(는) 'out' 매개 변수입니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index b3201d69110f3e..91ce793526a67d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Ten typ implementuje co najmniej jeden typ z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” lub jego typ podstawowy ma atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”. Dodaj atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”, aby umożliwić przekazywanie tego typu do modelu COM i uwidacznianie interfejsów COM dla typów z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” z obiektów tego typu. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Podstawowy interfejs COM nie może wygenerować źródła. Kod nie zostanie wygenerowany dla tego interfejsu. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Typ „{0}” ma interfejs podstawowy „{1}” zdefiniowany w innym zestawie. Może to powodować różne trudne do zdiagnozowania problemy w niektórych scenariuszach - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Określanie atrybutu „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” dla interfejsu, który ma interfejs podstawowy zdefiniowany w innym zespole, nie jest obsługiwane - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Element „GeneratedComInterface” nie może określać elementu „ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper” lub „ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper”, chyba że podstawowy typ interfejsu nie określił opcji lub określił co najmniej te same opcje. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atrybuty [In] i [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Obiekty przekazywane z obiektów VARIANT jako parametry „w” w wywołaniach niezarządzanych do zarządzanych nie będą propagować z powrotem zaktualizowanego wyniku, nawet jeśli parametr VARIANT jest wariantem VT_BYREF. Użyj parametru „ref” zamiast parametru „w”, aby propagować zaktualizowaną wartość z powrotem do obiektu wywołującego. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Zdarzenia nie są koncepcją w modelu COM, więc żaden kod międzyoperacyjny nie będzie generowany dla zdarzeń wystąpień w interfejsach COM generowanych źródłowo. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Typ punktu wejścia marshallera „{0}” dla typu zarządzanego „{1}” musi mieć liczbę argumentów o jeden większą niż typ zarządzany. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Marshalling środowiska uruchomieniowego musi być wyłączony w tym projekcie przez zastosowanie do zestawu atrybutu „System.Runtime.InteropServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute”, aby umożliwić marshalling tego typu. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Rozmiar parametru „{0}”, który jest kierowany do obiektu wywołującego, musi być zdefiniowany podczas wywoływania metody, ale parametr ILE.LICZB „{1}” jest parametrem „out”. @@ -1321,4 +1311,4 @@ - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 6ff06e10672ba1..1a7e0f222576df 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Este tipo implementa pelo menos um tipo com o atributo "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" ou o seu tipo base tem o atributo "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Adicione o 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar a passagem desse tipo para COM e expor as interfaces COM para os tipos com o 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' de objetos desse tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ A interface COM base falhou ao gerar a fonte. O código não será gerado para esta interface. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - O tipo "{0}" tem uma interface base "{1}" definida em um assembly diferente. Isso pode causar uma variedade de problemas difíceis de diagnosticar em alguns cenários - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Não há suporte para a especificação de "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" em uma interface que tem uma interface base definida em outro assembly - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Um 'GeneratedComInterface' não pode especificar 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a menos que o tipo de interface base não especifique opções ou especifique pelo menos as mesmas opções. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atributos [In] e [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objetos marshalled de VARIANTs como parâmetros "in" em chamadas não gerenciadas para gerenciadas não propagam de volta o resultado atualizado, mesmo que VARIANT seja uma variante VT_BYREF. Use um parâmetro "ref" em vez de um parâmetro "in" para propagar o valor atualizado de volta para o chamador. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Os eventos não são um conceito em COM, portanto, nenhum código de interoperabilidade será gerado para eventos de instância em interfaces COM geradas pela origem. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ O tipo de ponto de entrada para realizar marshaling '{0}' para o tipo gerenciado '{1}' deve ter uma aridade maior do que o tipo gerenciado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ O marshalling de tempo de execução deve ser desabilitado neste projeto aplicando o 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' ao assembly para habilitar o marshalling desse tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. O tamanho do parâmetro '{0}' que é empacotado para o receptor deve ser definido quando o método é chamado, mas o parâmetro de contagem '{1}' é um parâmetro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 0c6446ff0d2715..12c251122fa78d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Этот тип реализует по крайней мере один тип с атрибутом "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute", или его базовый тип содержит атрибут "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Добавьте "GeneratedComClassAttribute", чтобы разрешить передачу этого типа в COM и предоставление COM-интерфейсов для типов с "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" из объектов этого типа. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Базовому COM-интерфейсу не удалось создать источник. Код не будет создан для этого интерфейса. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Тип "{0}" использует базовый интерфейс "{1}", определенный в другой сборке. Это может вызвать множество сложностей при диагностике проблем в некоторых сценариях - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Указание "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" в интерфейсе, для которого базовый интерфейс определен в другой сборке, не поддерживается - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Параметр "GeneratedComInterface" не может указывать "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" или "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" кроме случаев, когда базовый тип интерфейса не указывает параметры или указывает по крайней мере те же параметры. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Атрибуты [In] и [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Объекты, маршалированные из VARIANT в качестве параметров "in" в вызовах с переходом от неуправляемых к управляемым, не будут распространяться обратно на обновленный результат, даже если VARIANT является вариантом VT_BYREF. Используйте параметр "ref" вместо параметра "in", чтобы распространить обновленное значение обратно на вызывающую сторону. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. События не являются концепцией в COM, поэтому источник не будет генерировать код взаимодействия для событий экземпляра в COM-интерфейсах, создаваемых источником. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Тип точки входа маршаллера "{0}" для управляемого типа "{1}" должен иметь более высокую арность, чем управляемый тип. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ В этом проекте следует отключить маршализацию среды выполнения путем применения к сборке атрибута \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" для включения маршализации этого типа. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. При вызове метода должен быть определен размер параметра "{0}", который был маршалирован вызываемому абоненту, но исчисляемый параметр "{1}" является выходным. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 3a4095b184df76..7b19f33f898c82 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Bu tür, 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' özniteliğine sahip en az bir türü uygular veya temel türü 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' özniteliğine sahiptir. Bu türü COM'a geçirmeyi ve bu türdeki nesnelerden 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' içeren türler için COM arabirimlerini açığa çıkarmayı etkinleştirmek için 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' ekleyin. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Temel COM arabirimi, kaynak oluşturamadı. Bu arabirim için kod oluşturulmayacak. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - '{0}' tipinin farklı bir derlemede tanımlanmış bir temel arayüzü '{1}' vardır. Bu, bazı senaryolarda tanılaması zor çeşitli sorunlara neden olabilir - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Başka bir bütünleştirilmiş kodda tanımlanmış bir temel arabirime sahip arabirimde 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' belirtilmesi desteklenmez - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Temel arabirim seçenekleri belirtmediği veya en azından aynı seçenekleri belirttiği sürece bir 'GeneratedComInterface' arabirimi 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' veya 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' seçeneğini belirtemez. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] ve [Out] öznitelikleri - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Yönetilmeyenden yönetilene yapılan çağrılarda 'in' parametresi olarak kullanılan VARIANT'lardan hazırlanma işlemiyle elde edilen nesneler, VARIANT çeşidi VT_BYREF olsa bile güncelleştirilmiş sonucu geri yaymaz. Güncelleştirilmiş değeri çağırana geri yayma için 'in' parametresi yerine bir 'ref' parametresi kullanın. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Olaylar COM'da kavram olarak değerlendirilmez, bu nedenle kaynak tarafından oluşturulan COM arabirimleri üzerinde örnek olaylar için birlikte çalışma kodu oluşturulmaz. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Yönetilen tür '{1}' için sıralayıcı giriş noktası '{0}', yönetilen türden büyük bir parametre sayısına sahip olmalıdır. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Bu türü sıralamayı etkinleştirmek için derlemeye 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' uygulanarak bu projede çalışma zamanı sıralaması devre dışı bırakılmalıdır. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Aramanın alıcısına hazırlanan '{0}' parametresinin boyutu yöntem çağrıldığında tanımlanmalıdır ancak '{1}' sayı parametresi bir ‘çıkış’ parametresidir. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 8290f2528c338c..948802857d19b2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 此类型至少实现了一种具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性的类型,或其基本类型具有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性。添加 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以允许将此类型传递到 COM,并公开具有此类型的对象的 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的类型的 COM 接口。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 基本 COM 接口无法生成源。不会为此接口生成代码。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 类型“{0}”具有在其他程序集中定义的基接口“{1}”。在某些情况下,可能会导致各种难以诊断问题 - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 不支持在另一个进程集中定义了基础接口的接口上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. "GeneratedComInterface" 不能指定 "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" 或 "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper",除非基接口类型未指定选项或至少指定了相同的选项。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 和 [Out] 属性 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 在非托管到托管调用中从 VARIANT 封送为“in”参数的对象不会传回更新后的结果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 变量也是如此。使用 "ref "参数代替 "in "参数,将更新后的值传回调用方。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 的概念,因此不会为源生成的 COM 接口上的实例事件生成互操作代码。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 托管类型“{1}”的封送程序入口点类型“{0}”必须具有大于托管类型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 必须通过将 \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" 应用到程序集来在此项目中禁用运行时封送,以启用此类型的封送处理。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 调用方法时,必须定义封送给被调用方的参数“{0}”的大小,但计数参数“{1}”是一个 "out" 参数。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index e98e23423531a2..33457ab3320306 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 此類型會實作至少一個類型,具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 屬性或其基底類型有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 屬性。新增 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以啟用將此類型傳遞到 COM,並公開具有此類型物件之 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 類型的 COM 介面。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 基底 COM 介面無法產生來源。將不會產生此介面的程式碼。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 類型 '{0}' 已有在不同組件中定義的基礎介面 '{1}'。在某些情況下,這可能會造成各種難以診斷的問題 - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 不支援在已於另一個組件中定義基礎介面的介面上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 除非基本介面類型未指定選項或至少指定了相同的選項,否則 'GeneratedComInterface' 不能指定 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 或 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 與 [Out] 屬性 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 在未受控對受控呼叫中,從 VARIANT 封送處理為 'in' 參數的物件將不會傳播回更新的結果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 變數亦然。使用 'ref' 參數而非 'in' 參數,以將更新的值傳播回呼叫者。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 中的概念,因此不會為來源產生的 COM 介面上的執行個體事件來源產生 Interop 程式碼。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 受控類型 '{1}' 的封送處理器進入點類型 '{0}' 必須具有大於受控類型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 必須將 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' 套用到組件,以停用此專案中的執行階段封送處理,以啟用此類型的封送處理。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼叫方法時,必須定義封送處理給被呼叫者的參數 '{0}' 的大小,但 count 參數 '{1}' 是 'out' 參數。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 49ede1a3986cd0..96bb2680ffcb70 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Typ obsahuje více členů s komentářem JsonExtensionDataAttribute - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Typ {0} zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru {1}. Pro vlastnost, pole nebo konstruktor se nevygeneruje žádný zdrojový kód. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Typ zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nevygenerovala se metadata serializace pro typ {0}. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 35bfee5db3fbd9..dbc6ca2ae2b90a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Der Typ enthält mehrere Elemente, die mit dem JsonExtensionDataAttribute versehen sind. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Der Typ „{0}“ enthält die Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter „{1}“. Für die Eigenschaft, das Feld oder den Konstruktor wird kein Quellcode generiert. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Der Typ enthält Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Die Serialisierungsmetadaten für den Typ "{0}" wurden nicht generiert. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3fdbb1b2f07fe5..878fa15bc7efb1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ El tipo tiene varios miembros anotados con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - El tipo "{0}" incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor "{1}". No se generará código fuente para la propiedad, campo o constructor. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - El tipo incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. No generó metadatos de serialización para el tipo '{0}". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1704ce42aeb52d..fbf12b5a733d49 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Le type comporte plusieurs membres annotés avec JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Le type « {0} » inclut le ref comme propriété, champ ou paramètre de constructeur « {1} ». Aucun code source ne sera généré pour la propriété, le champ ou le constructeur. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Le type comprend des éléments tels que des propriétés, des champs ou des paramètres de construction. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Les métadonnées de sérialisation pour le type « {0} » n’ont pas été générées. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c44dbd4a4cc5fa..04d5cf68ef4a94 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Nel tipo sono presenti più membri annotati con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Il tipo '{0}' include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore '{1}'. Non verrà generato codice sorgente per la proprietà, il campo o il costruttore. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Il tipo include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Non sono stati generati metadati di serializzazione per il tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index ef07d1387562b0..0224cb65fc26e3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 型には、'JsonExtensionDataAttribute' に注釈が付けられた複数のメンバーが含まれます。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 型 '{0}' には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーター '{1}' などの ref が含まれます。プロパティ、フィールド、またはコンストラクターのソース コードは生成されません。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 型には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーターなどの ref が含まれます。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}'型 のシリアル化メタデータを生成ませんでした。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 615789e0daae07..9bc14e0cc3d556 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 형식에 JsonExtensionDataAttribute로 주석이 추가 된 멤버가 여러 개 있습니다. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - '{0}' 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수 '{1}'와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. 속성, 필드 또는 생성자에 대한 소스 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' 형식에 대한 직렬화 메타데이터가 생성되지 않았습니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ef4fd7d87655c2..d8e7a990013fac 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Typ ma wiele składowych opatrzonych adnotacjami za pomocą atrybutu JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Typ „{0}” zawiera parametr ref, taki jak właściwość, pole lub konstruktor „{1}”. Nie zostanie wygenerowany kod źródłowy dla właściwości, pola lub konstruktora. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Typ zawiera parametr właściwości, pola lub konstruktora typu ref. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nie wygenerowano metadanych serializacji dla typu „{0}”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3a76db6711dc19..d31fa77f16ee47 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Tipo tem vários membros anotados com JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - O tipo "{0}" inclui a propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor "{1}". Nenhum código-fonte será gerado para a propriedade, campo ou construtor. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - O tipo inclui propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Não gerou metadados de serialização para o tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b40f42392e4b98..de31bb76e6f2d9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Тип содержит несколько элементов, помеченных с помощью JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Тип "{0}" содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора "{1}". Для свойства, поля или конструктора не будет создан исходный код. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Тип содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Метаданные сериализации для типа "{0}" не сформированы. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6c843de0282ff5..3ab7559fc82284 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Tür, JsonExtensionDataAttribute ile açıklanan birden çok üyeye sahip. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - '{0}' türü; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi '{1}' gibi başvuru içeriyor. Özellik, alan veya oluşturucu için kaynak kodu üretilmeyecek. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Tür; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi gibi başvuru içeriyor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' türü için serileştirme meta verileri oluşturulmadı. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index b5b714c3d13d22..03ce3792f5ec8a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 类型具有多个带有 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 注释的成员。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 类型“{0}”包括属性、字段或构造函数参数“{1}”等引用。不会为属性、字段或构造函数生成源代码。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 类型包括属性、字段或构造函数参数等引用。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未生成类型 '{0}' 的序列化元数据。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index ac3fd35f8414b6..ed207add481d94 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 類型具有使用 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 標註的多個成員。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 類型 '{0}' 包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數 '{1}'。不會針對屬性、欄位或建構函式產生原始程式碼。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 類型包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未產生類型 '{0}' 的序列化中繼資料。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 8e760ca35b1b2b..f579fcf48d7a65 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Vypršel časový limit modulu Regex při pokusu o porovnání vzoru se vstupním řetězcem. K tomu může dojít z celé řady důvodů, mezi které patří velká velikost vstupních dat nebo nadměrné zpětné navracení způsobené vloženými kvantifikátory, zpětnými odkazy a dalšími faktory. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Metoda nebo vlastnost GeneratedRegexAttribute musí být částečná, bez parametrů, neobecná, neabstraktní a návratová metoda Regex. Pokud jde o vlastnost, musí být také get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 100134d0071727..db5cdbbe518a07 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Zeitüberschreitung des RegEx-Moduls beim Versuch, ein Muster mit einer Eingabezeichenfolge in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Dies kann viele Ursachen haben, darunter sehr große Eingaben oder übermäßige Rückverfolgung aufgrund von geschachtelten Quantifizierern, Rückverweisen und anderen Faktoren. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Die GeneratedRegexAttribute-Methode oder -Eigenschaft muss partiell, parameterlos, nicht generisch, nicht abstrakt sein und RegEx zurückgeben. Wenn eine Eigenschaft, muss sie auch "get-only" sein. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d7c03679c8ab8e..544cb8737967bb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Se agotó el tiempo de espera mientras el motor de Regex intentaba comparar una cadena de entrada con un patrón. Esto puede deberse a muchos motivos, como la especificación de cadenas de entrada muy grandes o búsquedas hacia atrás excesivas causadas por cuantificadores anidados, referencias inversas y otros factores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - El método o la propiedad GeneratedRegexAttribute deben ser parciales, sin parámetros, no genéricos, no abstractos y devolver Regex. Si es una propiedad, también debe ser get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b15715902c04da..fc6628736de907 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Le délai d’attente du moteur Regex a expiré pendant la tentative de mise en correspondance d’un modèle avec une chaîne d’entrée. Ce problème peut se produire pour de nombreuses raisons, notamment en cas d’entrées volumineuses ou de retour sur trace excessif causé par les quantificateurs imbriqués, les références arrière et d’autres facteurs. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - La méthode ou la propriété GeneratedRegexAttribute doit être partielle, sans paramètre, non générique, non abstraite et renvoyer Regex. S'il s'agit d'une propriété, elle doit également être accessible en mode « get-only ». + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 4e358b5ac56da5..99ffe7518887d5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Timeout del motore Regex durante il tentativo di trovare una corrispondenza tra un criterio e una stringa di input. Il timeout può verificarsi per diversi motivi, tra cui input molto grandi o un eccessivo backtracking causato da quantificatori annidati, backreference e altri fattori. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Il metodo o la proprietà GeneratedRegexAttribute deve essere parziale, senza parametri, non generica, non astratta e restituire Regex. Se una proprietà, deve anche essere di sola lettura. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 0c1e4d8c8425cc..1a532b1de4faa9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ パターンと入力文字列との照合中に、Regex エンジンがタイムアウトしました。これは、非常に大きな入力、入れ子になった量指定子によって生じた過剰なバックトラッキング、前方参照などの要因を含む、さまざまな原因によって発生する可能性があります。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute メソッドまたはプロパティは、部分、パラメーターなし、非ジェネリック、非抽象、および正規表現を返す必要があります。プロパティの場合は、取得専用にする必要もあります。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 7220be3cedff89..c5a1989b2ba384 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Regex 엔진이 패턴을 입력 문자열에 일치시키는 동안 시간 초과되었습니다. 이 오류는 많은 입력, 중첩 수량자로 인한 과도한 역추적, 역참조, 기타 요인 등의 다양한 이유로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 메서드 또는 속성은 부분적이고, 매개 변수가 없고, 제네릭이 아니고, 추상적이지 않아야 하고, Regex를 반환해야 합니다. 속성인 경우 get 전용이어야 합니다. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3d89e74c1e9560..44ba4ec1278de1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Upłynął limit czasu podczas próby dopasowania przez aparat wyrażeń regularnych wzorca do ciągu wejściowego. Mogło to być spowodowane wieloma przyczynami, w tym bardzo dużą ilością danych wejściowych, nadmiernym wykorzystaniem algorytmu wycofywania związanym z kwantyfikatorami zagnieżdżonymi, odwołaniami wstecznymi i innymi czynnikami. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Metoda lub właściwość GeneratedRegexAttribute musi być częściowa, bezparametrowa, niegeneryczna, nieabstrakcyjna i zwracać wyrażenie regularne. Jeśli właściwość, musi być również tylko do pobrania. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 989368e8e2a424..b7311689e60e3e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ O mecanismo Regex atingiu o tempo limite ao tentar combinar um padrão com uma cadeia de caracteres de entrada. Isso pode ocorrer por vários motivos, incluindo entradas muito grandes ou retrocessos excessivos causados por quantificadores aninhados, referências anteriores e outros fatores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - O método ou a propriedade GeneratedRegexAttribute deve ser parcial, sem parâmetros, não genérico, não abstrato e retornar Regex. Se uma propriedade, ela também deve ser get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3aef678ed7a72..7db563a22137af 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Истекло время ожидания модуля регулярного выражения при попытке сравнить шаблон со входной строкой. Это могло произойти по многим причинам, в том числе из-за очень большого объема входных данных или излишнего обратного отслеживания, вызванного вложенными квантификаторами, обратными ссылками и прочими факторами. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Метод или свойство GeneratedRegexAttribute должны быть частичными, без параметров, неуниверсальными, неабстрактными и возвращать регулярное выражение. Если это свойство, оно также должно быть доступно только для получения. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ca98e167e5847c..c2b285b2932d46 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Normal ifade altyapısı bir deseni bir giriş dizesiyle eşleştirmeye çalışırken zaman aşımına uğradı. Bu durum, çok büyük girişler veya iç içe niceleyiciler, geri başvurular ve diğer faktörler nedeniyle oluşan aşırı geri izleme gibi birçok nedenle oluşabilir. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute yöntemi veya özelliği kısmi ve parametresiz olmalı, genel amaçlı ve soyut olmamalı ve Normal İfade döndürmelidir. Bir özellikse, aynı zamanda yalnızca okunabilir olmalıdır. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index dba4ffd1f33afc..c19f57e6836a42 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 尝试将模式与输入字符串匹配时,Regex 引擎超时。许多原因均可能导致出现这种情况,包括由嵌套限定符、反向引用和其他因素引起的大量输入或过度回溯。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或属性必须是分部、无参数、非泛型、非抽象且返回 Regex。如果是属性,则它必须也是 get-only 属性。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 045632ce88b81f..558754ab20d68c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 嘗試將模式對應至輸入字串時,Regex 引擎發生逾時。有很多原因會導致這個情形,其中包括巢狀數量詞、反向參考及其他因素所造成的極大量輸入或過度使用回溯法。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或屬性必須是部分、無參數、非泛型、非抽象,並傳回 Regex。如果是屬性,它也必須是 get-only。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. From 6fcee36a2010b21018b79dd68bd74031d1d74cb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 11:01:25 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2640352 --- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ 26 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index fc38fd23b8e16c..a9049c6c3a55db 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekce se nepodporuje: {0}“. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Jazyková verze projektu musí být alespoň C# 12 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3883b046ca37e..6ab4079f505969 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Der Auflistungselementtyp wird nicht unterstützt: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Die Sprachversion des Projekts muss mindestens "C# 12" sein. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 2e0eca78950550..c3256d3dd97673 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ No se admite el tipo de elemento de colección: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La versión del lenguaje del proyecto debe ser al menos "C# 12". diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index cb815248639fbc..34c8eff9842f1a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Le type d‘élément collection n‘est pas pris en charge : ‘{0}‘. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La version de langage du projet doit être au moins « C# 12 ». diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 5a08940b3965ce..a4edccfaeba916 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Il tipo di elemento della raccolta non è supportato: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La versione del linguaggio del progetto deve essere almeno 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index f5430987633c4c..3fc756914150fb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ コレクション要素型はサポートされていません: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + プロジェクトの言語バージョンは少なくとも 'C# 12' である必要があります。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 1c66f5d58a6284..e5fac78816501d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 컬렉션 요소 유형이 지원되지 않습니다: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 프로젝트의 언어 버전은 'C# 12' 이상이어야 합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b1bb4292bb2f74..a3bfda7961accf 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekcji nie jest obsługiwany: „{0}”. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Wersja językowa projektu musi mieć wartość co najmniej „C# 12”. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 69c61c2a98b85f..9ae94770e0876a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ O tipo de elemento da coleção não é suportado: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + A versão da linguagem do projeto deve ser no mínimo 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1aabe87ae55993..ac093757f66aca 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Тип элемента коллекции не поддерживается: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Версия языка проекта должна быть не ниже "C# 12". diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1589ce12f510c1..6cd1157d71daf3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Koleksiyon öğesi türü desteklenmiyor: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Projenin dil sürümü en az 'C# 12' olmalıdır. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index f88548c055eb7d..fe5aac5bf4505b 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支持此集合元素类型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 项目的语言版本必须至少为 "C# 12"。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index b492367d5fb89e..5ce4ed9a5d76ce 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支援集合元素類型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 專案的語言版本必須至少為 'C# 12'。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 6f3218ac6dd5b7..db9efa93236cc2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Našlo se několik polí typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Třída {0} má parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, který je skrytý polem ve třídě nebo základní třídě, což brání jeho použití. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger je skrytý polem. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Odeberte redundantní kvalifikátor (Informace:, Upozornění:, Chyba: atd.) ze zprávy o protokolování, protože je na zadané úrovni protokolu implicitní. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b838765022a4ea..1a557ac1669fcd 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Mehrere Felder vom Typ "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger" gefunden {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Die Klasse „{0}“ weist einen primären Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ auf, der von einem Feld in der Klasse oder einer Basisklasse ausgeblendet wird, wodurch die Verwendung verhindert wird. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Der primäre Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ wird durch ein Feld ausgeblendet. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Entfernen Sie den redundanten Qualifizierer (z. B. "Info:", "Warnung:" oder "Fehler:") aus der Protokollierungsmeldung, weil er auf der angegebenen Protokollebene implizit enthalten ist. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 30000484775d0a..c67ec41ff91cc8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Se encontraron varios campos de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La clase '{0}' tiene un parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger oculto por un campo de la clase o una clase base, lo que impide su uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Un campo oculta el parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Quitar calificadores redundantes (Información:, Advertencia:, Error:, etc.) del mensaje de registro, ya que está implícito en el nivel de registro especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 04ccccc8536aa0..bb73608d9d0382 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Plusieurs champs de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger ont été trouvés {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La classe « ’{0} » a un paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger qui est masqué par un champ de la classe ou une classe de base, ce qui empêche son utilisation + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Le paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger est masqué par un champ + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Supprimez le qualificateur redondant (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc.) du message de journalisation, car il est implicite dans le niveau de journalisation spécifié. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 0c007fdce54828..d4bd8eb5a895c3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Sono stati trovati più campi di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La classe '{0}' ha un parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger nascosto da un campo nella classe o una classe di base, impedendone l'uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Il parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger è nascosto da un campo + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Rimuovere il qualificatore ridondante (Informazioni:, Avviso:, Errore: e così via) dal messaggio di registrazione perché è implicito nel livello di log specificato. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 36f5b1baad528f..1f19c136e50db5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger という種類の複数のフィールドが見つかりました {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + クラス '{0}' には、クラスまたは基本クラスのフィールドによって非表示になっている型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターがあるため、使用できません + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターはフィールドによって非表示になっています + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 指定されたログ レベルでは暗黙的であるため、冗長な修飾子 (Info:、Warning:、Error: など) をログ メッセージから削除します。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 547c49b3e33dc9..94a4654cf41a68 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 필드가 여러 개 있음 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 클래스 '{0}'에는 클래스 또는 기본 클래스의 필드에 의해 숨겨진 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 있으므로 해당 매개 변수를 사용할 수 없습니다. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 필드에 의해 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 숨겨집니다. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 중복 한정자(정보:, 경고:, 오류: 등)가 지정된 로그 수준에서 암시적이기 때문에 로깅 메시지에서 제거합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a40b72d24ffcea..48dcc267ff34f2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Znaleziono wiele pól typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Klasa „{0}” ma podstawowy parametr konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, który jest ukryty przez pole w klasie lub klasie podstawowej, co uniemożliwia jego użycie. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Parametr podstawowy konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger jest ukryty przez pole + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Usuń nadmiarowy kwalifikator (Info:, Warning:, Error: itp.) z komunikatu rejestrowania, ponieważ jest on domyślny na określonym poziomie dziennika. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 0560fb6b5907c8..c698b2fc61d947 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Múltiplos campos encontrados do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + A classe "{0}" tem um parâmetro de construtor primário do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger que está oculto por um campo na classe ou uma classe base, impedindo o seu uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + O parâmetro primário de construtor do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger está oculto por um campo + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Remova o qualificador redundante (Info:, Aviso:, Erro:, etc) da mensagem de log, pois está implícito no nível de log especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 589635d5721bb9..4e59b9fd9b04a5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Обнаружено несколько полей типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Класс "{0}" имеет первичный параметр конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger который скрыт полем в этом классе или базовом классе, что препятствует его использованию + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Параметр основного конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger скрыт полем + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Удалите избыточный квалификатор (Info:, Warning:, Error:, и т. п.) из сообщения журнала, поскольку квалификатор подразумевается на указанном уровне ведения журнала. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c40d99aa4602c5..b92fc16b8c2aba 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birden çok alan bulundu {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + '{0}' sınıfı, sınıf veya temel sınıf alanı tarafından gizlenen ve bu türün kullanımına engel olan Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birincil oluşturucu parametresine sahip + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türündeki birincil oluşturucu parametresi bir alan tarafından gizleniyor + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Belirtilen günlük düzeyinde örtük olduğundan gereksiz niteleyiciyi (Bilgi:, Uyarı:, Hata: vb.) günlüğe kaydetme iletisinden kaldırın. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 04c39c8843a1e1..6f70cbcdd9b34e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ 找到 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的多个字段 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 类“{0}”具有 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数,该参数被类或基类中的字段隐藏以防使用 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数被字段隐藏 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 从日志记录消息中删除冗余限定符(信息:、警告:、错误: 等),因为其在指定的日志级别中为隐式内容。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index af008cf098ff8a..810bdfe157fede 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ 找到多個 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 類型的欄位 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 類別 '{0}' 具有類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數,其已由類別或基底類別中的欄位隱藏,因此無法使用 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數由某欄位隱藏 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 從記錄訊息中移除備援限定詞 (資訊:、警告:、錯誤: 等等),因為它在指定的記錄層級中為隱含。 From ae2391f3318a59a5825a6ecbff1cf47d1f138947 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 11:02:42 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 04/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2640352 --- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 6 ++-- 39 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 3b94247f4ce430..ba1c9a3a785dba 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Tento typ implementuje minimálně jeden typ s atributem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute nebo má jeho základní typ atribut GeneratedComClassAttribute. Přidejte generatedComClassAttribute, aby bylo možné předat tento typ modelu COM a zpřístupnit rozhraní COM pro typy s atributem GeneratedComClassAttribute z objektů tohoto typu. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Základnímu rozhraní COM se nepodařilo vygenerovat zdroj. Kód se pro toto rozhraní nevygeneruje. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Typ {0} má základní rozhraní {1} definované v jiném sestavení. To může v některých případech způsobit řadu obtížně diagnostikovatelných problémů. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Zadání atributu GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute u rozhraní, které má základní rozhraní definované v jiném sestavení, není podporováno. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. GeneratedComInterface nemůže určovat ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper nebo ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper, pokud základní typ rozhraní neurčil možnosti nebo nezadal alespoň stejné možnosti. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ atributy [In] a [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objekty zařazené z VARIANT jako parametry in ve voláních nespravovaných na spravované nebudou šířit zpět aktualizovaný výsledek, a to ani v případě, že VARIANT je varianta VT_BYREF. K šíření aktualizované hodnoty zpět k volajícímu použijte místo parametru in parametr ref. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Události nejsou konceptem COM, takže pro události instance na rozhraních COM generovaných zdrojem nebude vygenerován žádný kód spolupráce. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Typ vstupního bodu řadiče „{0}“ pro spravovaný typ „{1}“ musí mít aritu o jednu větší než spravovaný typ. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Všechny zařazovací moduly pro hodnoty, které jsou předány jako nespravovaná návratová hodnota nebo parametr, musí mít stejný nespravovaný typ. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Aby se povolilo zařazování tohoto typu, musí se v tomto projektu zakázat zařazování modulu runtime použitím atributu System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute u sestavení. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Při volání metody musí být definována velikost parametru{0}, která je zařazena do volané metody, ale parametr count {1} je parametr out. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index dd4222c203079d..b8b529c7c12b71 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Dieser Typ implementiert mindestens einen Typ mit dem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute-Attribut, oder sein Basistyp weist das GeneratedComClassAttribute-Attribut auf. Fügen Sie „GeneratedComClassAttribute“ hinzu, um die Übergabe dieses Typs an COM zu ermöglichen und die COM-Schnittstellen für die Typen mit dem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ aus Objekten dieses Typs verfügbar zu machen. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Die Basis-COM-Schnittstelle konnte die Quelle nicht generieren. Für diese Schnittstelle wird kein Code generiert. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Für den Typ „{0}“ ist eine Basisschnittstelle „{1}“ in einer anderen Assembly definiert. Dies kann in einigen Szenarien eine Vielzahl von Problemen verursachen, die schwer zu diagnostizieren sind. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Das Angeben von „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ für eine Schnittstelle mit einer in einer anderen Assembly definierten Basisschnittstelle wird nicht unterstützt. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Ein "GeneratedComInterface" kann nur dann "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" oder "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" angeben, wenn der Basisschnittstellentyp keine Optionen angegeben oder mindestens dieselben Optionen angegeben hat. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In]- und [Out]-Attribute + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objekte, die aus VARIANTEN als in-Parameter in nicht verwalteten Aufrufen gemarshallt werden, werden nicht an das aktualisierte Ergebnis verteilt, auch wenn VARIANTE eine VT_BYREF-Variante ist. Verwenden Sie einen ref-Parameter anstelle eines in-Parameters, um den aktualisierten Wert wieder an den Aufrufer zu übergeben. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Ereignisse sind kein Konzept in COM, daher wird kein Interopcode für Instanzereignisse auf von der Quelle generierten COM-Schnittstellen generiert. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Der Marshaller-Einstiegspunkttyp "{0}" für den verwalteten Typ "{1}" muss eine Stelligkeit aufweisen, die größer als der verwaltete Typ ist. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Alle Marshaller für Werte, die als nicht verwalteter Rückgabewert oder Parameter übergeben werden, müssen denselben nicht verwalteten Typ aufweisen. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Das Runtime-Marshalling muss in diesem Projekt deaktiviert werden, indem „System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute“ auf die Assembly angewendet wird, um das Marshalling dieses Typs zu ermöglichen. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Die Größe des Parameters "{0}", der an den Aufgerufenen gemarshallt wird, muss definiert werden, wenn die Methode aufgerufen wird. Der Count-Parameter "{1}" ist jedoch ein "Out"-Parameter. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 393160b81b1131..89886b7f025883 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Este tipo implementa al menos un tipo con el atributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o su tipo base tiene el atributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Agregue 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar el paso de este tipo a COM y exponer las interfaces COM para los tipos con 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' a partir de objetos de este tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ La interfaz COM base no pudo generar el origen. No se generará código para esta interfaz. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + El tipo '{0}' tiene una interfaz base '{1}' definida en un ensamblado diferente. Esto puede causar diversos problemas difíciles de diagnosticar en algunos escenarios. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + No se admite especificar 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' en una interfaz que tenga una interfaz base definida en otro ensamblado + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. ''GeneratedComInterface'' no puede especificar ''ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper'' o ''ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'' a menos que el tipo de interfaz base no especifique opciones o especifique al menos las mismas opciones. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atributos [In] y [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Los objetos serializados a partir de VARIANTES como parámetros 'in' en llamadas no administradas a administradas no propagarán el resultado actualizado, incluso si VARIANTE es una variante VT_BYREF. Use un parámetro 'ref' en lugar de un parámetro 'in' para volver a propagar el valor actualizado al llamador. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Los eventos no representan un concepto en COM, de modo que no se generará código de interoperabilidad para eventos de instancia en interfaces COM generadas en origen. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ El tipo de punto de entrada del serializador "{0}" para el tipo administrado "{1}" debe tener una aridad mayor que el tipo administrado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Todos los serializadores para los valores que se pasan como el parámetro o valor devuelto no administrado deben tener el mismo tipo no administrado. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ La serialización en tiempo de ejecución debe deshabilitarse en este proyecto aplicando \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMars contosoingAttribute\" al ensamblado para habilitar la serialización de este tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. El tamaño del parámetro "{0}" que se serializa al destinatario debe definirse cuando se llama al método, pero el parámetro de recuento "{1}" es un parámetro "out". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 70739eaa879e52..34309a0a8dc920 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Ce type implémente au moins un type avec l’attribut « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » ou son type de base a l’attribut « GeneratedComClassAttribute ». Ajoutez le « GeneratedComClassAttribute » pour activer le passage de ce type à COM et exposer les interfaces COM pour les types avec le « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » des objets de ce type. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ L’interface COM de base n’a pas réussi à générer le code source. Le code ne sera pas généré pour cette interface. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Le type « {0} » a une interface de base « {1} » définie dans un autre assembly. Cela peut entraîner de nombreux problèmes difficiles à diagnostiquer dans certains scénarios + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + La spécification de ’GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute’ sur une interface pour laquelle une interface de base est définie dans un autre assembly n’est pas prise en charge + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un 'GeneratedComInterface' ne peut pas spécifier 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' sauf si le type d’interface de base n’a pas spécifié d’options ou spécifié au moins les mêmes options. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Attributs [In] et [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Les objets marshallés à partir de VARIANT en tant que paramètres « in » dans les appels non gérés à gérés ne propageront pas le résultat mis à jour, même si le VARIANT est une variante de VT_BYREF. Utilisez un paramètre « ref » au lieu d’un paramètre « in » pour propager la valeur mise à jour à l’appelant. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Les événements ne sont pas un concept dans COM. Par conséquent, aucun code d’interopérabilité n’est généré à la source pour les événements d’instance sur les interfaces COM générées par la source. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Le type de point d’entrée marshaleur '{0}' pour le type managé '{1}' doit avoir une arité supérieure au type managé. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Tous les marshaleurs pour les valeurs transmises en tant que valeurs ou paramètres de retour non managés doivent avoir le même type non managé. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Le marshaling du runtime doit être désactivé dans ce projet en appliquant « System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute » à l’assembly pour activer le marshaling de ce type. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. La taille du paramètre '{0}' qui est marshalé à l'appelé doit être définie lorsque la méthode est appelée, mais le paramètre count '{1}' est un paramètre 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 0a5eacfbe9c27a..598b0874ab7f25 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Questo tipo implementa almeno un tipo con l'attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o il relativo tipo di base ha l'attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Aggiungere l’attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' per consentire il passaggio di questo tipo a COM e l'esposizione delle interfacce COM per i tipi con l’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' dagli oggetti di questo tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ L'interfaccia COM di base non è riuscita a generare l'origine. Il codice non verrà generato per questa interfaccia. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Il tipo '{0}' ha un'interfaccia di base '{1}' definita in un assembly diverso. Ciò può causare una vasta gamma di problemi difficili da diagnosticare in alcuni scenari + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + La specifica dell’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' in un'interfaccia che ha un'interfaccia di base definita in un altro assembly non è supportata + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un elemento 'GeneratedComInterface' non può specificare 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' o 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a meno che il tipo di interfaccia di base non specifichi opzioni o non specifichi almeno le stesse opzioni. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Attributi [In] e [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Gli oggetti di cui è stato eseguito il marshalling da VARIANT come parametri 'in' nelle chiamate da non gestito a gestito non verranno propagati nuovamente al risultato aggiornato, anche se VARIANT è una variante VT_BYREF. Usare un parametro 'ref' invece di un parametro 'in' per propagare nuovamente il valore aggiornato al chiamante. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Gli eventi non sono concetti in COM quindi non verrà generato codice di interoperabilità per gli eventi dell’istanza nelle interfacce COM generate dall'origine. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Il tipo di punto di ingresso del marshalling '{0}' per il tipo gestito '{1}' deve avere un grado maggiore rispetto a quello del tipo gestito. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Tutti i marshalling per i valori passati come parametro o valore restituito non gestito devono avere lo stesso tipo non gestito. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Il marshalling di runtime in questo progetto deve essere disabilitato applicando 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' all'assembly per abilitare il marshalling di questo tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Le dimensioni del parametro '{0}' di cui viene eseguito il marshalling al destinatario della chiamata devono essere definite quando viene chiamato il metodo, ma il parametro conteggio '{1}' è un parametro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index d08519db19c885..e0c3c159f39952 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + この型は、'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性を持つ少なくとも 1 つの型を実装します。またはその基本型に 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性があります。'GeneratedComClassAttribute' を追加して、この型を COM に渡し、この型のオブジェクトから 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を持つ型の COM インターフェイスを公開できるようにします。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ ベース COM インターフェイスはソースを生成できませんでした。このインターフェイスのコードは生成されません。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 型 '{0}' には、別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイス '{1}' があります。これにより、一部のシナリオで問題を診断することが困難になるさまざまな可能性があります + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイスを持つインターフェイスで 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を指定することはサポートされていません + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 基底インターフェイスの型でオプションが指定されていないか、少なくとも同じオプションが指定されていない限り、'GeneratedComInterface' では 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' または 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' を指定できません。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ 属性の[In]と[Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + アンマネージからマネージドへの呼び出しで VARIANT から 'in' パラメーターとしてマーシャリングされたオブジェクトは、VARIANT が VT_BYREF バリアントであっても、更新された結果に反映されません。更新された値を呼び出し元に反映するには、'in' パラメーターの代わりに 'ref' パラメーターを使用してください。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. イベントは COM の概念ではないため、ソース生成 COM インターフェイス上のインスタンス イベントに対して相互運用コードはソース生成されません。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ マネージド型 '{1}' のマーシャラー エントリ ポイント型 '{0}' には、マネージド型より 1 大きい引数が必要です。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + アンマネージ戻り値またはパラメーターとして渡される値のすべてのマーシャラーは、同じアンマネージ型を持つ必要があります。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ このプロジェクトでは、アセンブリに 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' を適用してランタイム マーシャリングを無効にし、この型のマーシャリングを有効にする必要があります。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼び出し先にマーシャリングされるパラメーター '{0}' のサイズは、メソッドが呼び出されたときに定義する必要がありますが、count パラメーター '{1}' は 'out' パラメーターです。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 1225af16e56026..3544bea85669bd 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 이 유형은 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 특성을 갖는 하나 이상의 유형을 구현하거나 기본 유형에 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 특성이 있습니다. 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'를 추가하여 이 유형을 COM에 전달하고 이 유형의 개체에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'가 있는 유형에 대해 COM 인터페이스를 노출할 수 있도록 합니다. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 베이스 COM 인터페이스에서 소스를 생성하지 못했습니다. 이 인터페이스에 대한 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + '{0}' 유형에 다른 어셈블리에서 정의된 기본 인터페이스 '{1}'이(가) 있습니다. 일부 시나리오에서는 이로 인해 진단하기 어려운 다양한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 다른 어셈블리에 정의된 기본 인터페이스가 있는 인터페이스에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'를 지정하는 것은 지원되지 않습니다. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 기본 인터페이스 형식이 옵션을 지정하지 않았거나, 최소한 동일한 옵션을 지정하지 않은 경우 'GeneratedComInterface'는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 또는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'를 지정할 수 없습니다. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 및 [Out] 속성 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 관리되지 않는 호출에서 관리되는 호출로의 VARIANT에서 'in' 매개 변수로 마샬링된 개체는 VARIANT가 VT_BYREF 변형인 경우에도 업데이트된 결과를 다시 전파하지 않습니다. 'in' 매개 변수 대신 'ref' 매개 변수를 사용하여 업데이트된 값을 호출자에게 다시 전파합니다. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 이벤트는 COM의 개념이 아니므로 소스 생성 COM 인터페이스의 인스턴스 이벤트에 대해 interop 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 관리 유형 '{1}'에 대한 마샬러 진입점 유형 '{0}'에는 관리 유형보다 1이 더 커야 합니다. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 관리되지 않는 반환 값이나 매개 변수로 전달되는 값에 대한 모든 마샬러는 동일한 관리되지 않는 형식을 가져야 합니다. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 이 형식의 마샬링을 활성화하려면 어셈블리에 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute'를 적용하여 이 프로젝트에서 런타임 마샬링을 비활성화해야 합니다. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 메서드를 호출할 때 호출 수신자로 마샬링되는 매개 변수 '{0}'의 크기를 정의해야 하지만 count 매개 변수 '{1}'은(는) 'out' 매개 변수입니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 91ce793526a67d..30bc2cef8ae4de 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Ten typ implementuje co najmniej jeden typ z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” lub jego typ podstawowy ma atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”. Dodaj atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”, aby umożliwić przekazywanie tego typu do modelu COM i uwidacznianie interfejsów COM dla typów z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” z obiektów tego typu. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Podstawowy interfejs COM nie może wygenerować źródła. Kod nie zostanie wygenerowany dla tego interfejsu. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Typ „{0}” ma interfejs podstawowy „{1}” zdefiniowany w innym zestawie. Może to powodować różne trudne do zdiagnozowania problemy w niektórych scenariuszach + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Określanie atrybutu „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” dla interfejsu, który ma interfejs podstawowy zdefiniowany w innym zespole, nie jest obsługiwane + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Element „GeneratedComInterface” nie może określać elementu „ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper” lub „ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper”, chyba że podstawowy typ interfejsu nie określił opcji lub określił co najmniej te same opcje. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atrybuty [In] i [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Obiekty przekazywane z obiektów VARIANT jako parametry „w” w wywołaniach niezarządzanych do zarządzanych nie będą propagować z powrotem zaktualizowanego wyniku, nawet jeśli parametr VARIANT jest wariantem VT_BYREF. Użyj parametru „ref” zamiast parametru „w”, aby propagować zaktualizowaną wartość z powrotem do obiektu wywołującego. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Zdarzenia nie są koncepcją w modelu COM, więc żaden kod międzyoperacyjny nie będzie generowany dla zdarzeń wystąpień w interfejsach COM generowanych źródłowo. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Typ punktu wejścia marshallera „{0}” dla typu zarządzanego „{1}” musi mieć liczbę argumentów o jeden większą niż typ zarządzany. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Wszystkie elementy organizujące dla wartości przekazywanych jako niezarządzana wartość zwracana lub parametr muszą mieć ten sam typ niezarządzany. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Marshalling środowiska uruchomieniowego musi być wyłączony w tym projekcie przez zastosowanie do zestawu atrybutu „System.Runtime.InteropServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute”, aby umożliwić marshalling tego typu. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Rozmiar parametru „{0}”, który jest kierowany do obiektu wywołującego, musi być zdefiniowany podczas wywoływania metody, ale parametr ILE.LICZB „{1}” jest parametrem „out”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 1a7e0f222576df..3b825512d46ceb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Este tipo implementa pelo menos um tipo com o atributo "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" ou o seu tipo base tem o atributo "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Adicione o 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar a passagem desse tipo para COM e expor as interfaces COM para os tipos com o 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' de objetos desse tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ A interface COM base falhou ao gerar a fonte. O código não será gerado para esta interface. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + O tipo "{0}" tem uma interface base "{1}" definida em um assembly diferente. Isso pode causar uma variedade de problemas difíceis de diagnosticar em alguns cenários + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Não há suporte para a especificação de "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" em uma interface que tem uma interface base definida em outro assembly + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Um 'GeneratedComInterface' não pode especificar 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a menos que o tipo de interface base não especifique opções ou especifique pelo menos as mesmas opções. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atributos [In] e [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objetos marshalled de VARIANTs como parâmetros "in" em chamadas não gerenciadas para gerenciadas não propagam de volta o resultado atualizado, mesmo que VARIANT seja uma variante VT_BYREF. Use um parâmetro "ref" em vez de um parâmetro "in" para propagar o valor atualizado de volta para o chamador. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Os eventos não são um conceito em COM, portanto, nenhum código de interoperabilidade será gerado para eventos de instância em interfaces COM geradas pela origem. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ O tipo de ponto de entrada para realizar marshaling '{0}' para o tipo gerenciado '{1}' deve ter uma aridade maior do que o tipo gerenciado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Todos os empacotadores para valores que são passados como valor de retorno ou parâmetro não gerenciado devem ter o mesmo tipo não gerenciado. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ O marshalling de tempo de execução deve ser desabilitado neste projeto aplicando o 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' ao assembly para habilitar o marshalling desse tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. O tamanho do parâmetro '{0}' que é empacotado para o receptor deve ser definido quando o método é chamado, mas o parâmetro de contagem '{1}' é um parâmetro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 12c251122fa78d..27d7f597d2202c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Этот тип реализует по крайней мере один тип с атрибутом "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute", или его базовый тип содержит атрибут "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Добавьте "GeneratedComClassAttribute", чтобы разрешить передачу этого типа в COM и предоставление COM-интерфейсов для типов с "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" из объектов этого типа. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Базовому COM-интерфейсу не удалось создать источник. Код не будет создан для этого интерфейса. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Тип "{0}" использует базовый интерфейс "{1}", определенный в другой сборке. Это может вызвать множество сложностей при диагностике проблем в некоторых сценариях + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Указание "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" в интерфейсе, для которого базовый интерфейс определен в другой сборке, не поддерживается + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Параметр "GeneratedComInterface" не может указывать "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" или "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" кроме случаев, когда базовый тип интерфейса не указывает параметры или указывает по крайней мере те же параметры. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Атрибуты [In] и [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Объекты, маршалированные из VARIANT в качестве параметров "in" в вызовах с переходом от неуправляемых к управляемым, не будут распространяться обратно на обновленный результат, даже если VARIANT является вариантом VT_BYREF. Используйте параметр "ref" вместо параметра "in", чтобы распространить обновленное значение обратно на вызывающую сторону. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. События не являются концепцией в COM, поэтому источник не будет генерировать код взаимодействия для событий экземпляра в COM-интерфейсах, создаваемых источником. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Тип точки входа маршаллера "{0}" для управляемого типа "{1}" должен иметь более высокую арность, чем управляемый тип. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Все маршалеры для значений, передаваемых в качестве неуправляемого возвращаемого значения или параметра, должны использовать одинаковый неуправляемый тип. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ В этом проекте следует отключить маршализацию среды выполнения путем применения к сборке атрибута \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" для включения маршализации этого типа. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. При вызове метода должен быть определен размер параметра "{0}", который был маршалирован вызываемому абоненту, но исчисляемый параметр "{1}" является выходным. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 7b19f33f898c82..72813018d87503 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Bu tür, 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' özniteliğine sahip en az bir türü uygular veya temel türü 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' özniteliğine sahiptir. Bu türü COM'a geçirmeyi ve bu türdeki nesnelerden 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' içeren türler için COM arabirimlerini açığa çıkarmayı etkinleştirmek için 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' ekleyin. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Temel COM arabirimi, kaynak oluşturamadı. Bu arabirim için kod oluşturulmayacak. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + '{0}' tipinin farklı bir derlemede tanımlanmış bir temel arayüzü '{1}' vardır. Bu, bazı senaryolarda tanılaması zor çeşitli sorunlara neden olabilir + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Başka bir bütünleştirilmiş kodda tanımlanmış bir temel arabirime sahip arabirimde 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' belirtilmesi desteklenmez + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Temel arabirim seçenekleri belirtmediği veya en azından aynı seçenekleri belirttiği sürece bir 'GeneratedComInterface' arabirimi 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' veya 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' seçeneğini belirtemez. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] ve [Out] öznitelikleri + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Yönetilmeyenden yönetilene yapılan çağrılarda 'in' parametresi olarak kullanılan VARIANT'lardan hazırlanma işlemiyle elde edilen nesneler, VARIANT çeşidi VT_BYREF olsa bile güncelleştirilmiş sonucu geri yaymaz. Güncelleştirilmiş değeri çağırana geri yayma için 'in' parametresi yerine bir 'ref' parametresi kullanın. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Olaylar COM'da kavram olarak değerlendirilmez, bu nedenle kaynak tarafından oluşturulan COM arabirimleri üzerinde örnek olaylar için birlikte çalışma kodu oluşturulmaz. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Yönetilen tür '{1}' için sıralayıcı giriş noktası '{0}', yönetilen türden büyük bir parametre sayısına sahip olmalıdır. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Yönetilmeyen dönüş değeri veya parametresi olarak geçirilen değerler için tüm hazırlayıcılar aynı yönetilmeyen türe sahip olmalıdır. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Bu türü sıralamayı etkinleştirmek için derlemeye 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' uygulanarak bu projede çalışma zamanı sıralaması devre dışı bırakılmalıdır. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Aramanın alıcısına hazırlanan '{0}' parametresinin boyutu yöntem çağrıldığında tanımlanmalıdır ancak '{1}' sayı parametresi bir ‘çıkış’ parametresidir. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 948802857d19b2..b9e21c430f3a76 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 此类型至少实现了一种具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性的类型,或其基本类型具有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性。添加 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以允许将此类型传递到 COM,并公开具有此类型的对象的 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的类型的 COM 接口。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 基本 COM 接口无法生成源。不会为此接口生成代码。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 类型“{0}”具有在其他程序集中定义的基接口“{1}”。在某些情况下,可能会导致各种难以诊断问题 + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 不支持在另一个进程集中定义了基础接口的接口上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. "GeneratedComInterface" 不能指定 "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" 或 "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper",除非基接口类型未指定选项或至少指定了相同的选项。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 和 [Out] 属性 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 在非托管到托管调用中从 VARIANT 封送为“in”参数的对象不会传回更新后的结果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 变量也是如此。使用 "ref "参数代替 "in "参数,将更新后的值传回调用方。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 的概念,因此不会为源生成的 COM 接口上的实例事件生成互操作代码。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 托管类型“{1}”的封送程序入口点类型“{0}”必须具有大于托管类型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 作为非托管返回值或参数传递的值的所有封送程序都必须具有相同的非托管类型。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 必须通过将 \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" 应用到程序集来在此项目中禁用运行时封送,以启用此类型的封送处理。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 调用方法时,必须定义封送给被调用方的参数“{0}”的大小,但计数参数“{1}”是一个 "out" 参数。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 33457ab3320306..feb774294e8ea0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 此類型會實作至少一個類型,具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 屬性或其基底類型有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 屬性。新增 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以啟用將此類型傳遞到 COM,並公開具有此類型物件之 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 類型的 COM 介面。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 基底 COM 介面無法產生來源。將不會產生此介面的程式碼。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 類型 '{0}' 已有在不同組件中定義的基礎介面 '{1}'。在某些情況下,這可能會造成各種難以診斷的問題 + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 不支援在已於另一個組件中定義基礎介面的介面上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 除非基本介面類型未指定選項或至少指定了相同的選項,否則 'GeneratedComInterface' 不能指定 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 或 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 與 [Out] 屬性 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 在未受控對受控呼叫中,從 VARIANT 封送處理為 'in' 參數的物件將不會傳播回更新的結果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 變數亦然。使用 'ref' 參數而非 'in' 參數,以將更新的值傳播回呼叫者。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 中的概念,因此不會為來源產生的 COM 介面上的執行個體事件來源產生 Interop 程式碼。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 受控類型 '{1}' 的封送處理器進入點類型 '{0}' 必須具有大於受控類型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 所有作為非受控傳回值或參數傳遞之值的 marshaller 必須具有相同的非受控類型。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 必須將 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' 套用到組件,以停用此專案中的執行階段封送處理,以啟用此類型的封送處理。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼叫方法時,必須定義封送處理給被呼叫者的參數 '{0}' 的大小,但 count 參數 '{1}' 是 'out' 參數。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 96bb2680ffcb70..49ede1a3986cd0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Typ obsahuje více členů s komentářem JsonExtensionDataAttribute + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Typ {0} zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru {1}. Pro vlastnost, pole nebo konstruktor se nevygeneruje žádný zdrojový kód. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Typ zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nevygenerovala se metadata serializace pro typ {0}. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index dbc6ca2ae2b90a..35bfee5db3fbd9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Der Typ enthält mehrere Elemente, die mit dem JsonExtensionDataAttribute versehen sind. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Der Typ „{0}“ enthält die Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter „{1}“. Für die Eigenschaft, das Feld oder den Konstruktor wird kein Quellcode generiert. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Der Typ enthält Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Die Serialisierungsmetadaten für den Typ "{0}" wurden nicht generiert. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 878fa15bc7efb1..3fdbb1b2f07fe5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ El tipo tiene varios miembros anotados con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + El tipo "{0}" incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor "{1}". No se generará código fuente para la propiedad, campo o constructor. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + El tipo incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. No generó metadatos de serialización para el tipo '{0}". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index fbf12b5a733d49..1704ce42aeb52d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Le type comporte plusieurs membres annotés avec JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Le type « {0} » inclut le ref comme propriété, champ ou paramètre de constructeur « {1} ». Aucun code source ne sera généré pour la propriété, le champ ou le constructeur. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Le type comprend des éléments tels que des propriétés, des champs ou des paramètres de construction. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Les métadonnées de sérialisation pour le type « {0} » n’ont pas été générées. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 04d5cf68ef4a94..c44dbd4a4cc5fa 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Nel tipo sono presenti più membri annotati con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Il tipo '{0}' include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore '{1}'. Non verrà generato codice sorgente per la proprietà, il campo o il costruttore. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Il tipo include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Non sono stati generati metadati di serializzazione per il tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 0224cb65fc26e3..ef07d1387562b0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 型には、'JsonExtensionDataAttribute' に注釈が付けられた複数のメンバーが含まれます。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 型 '{0}' には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーター '{1}' などの ref が含まれます。プロパティ、フィールド、またはコンストラクターのソース コードは生成されません。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 型には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーターなどの ref が含まれます。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}'型 のシリアル化メタデータを生成ませんでした。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 9bc14e0cc3d556..615789e0daae07 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 형식에 JsonExtensionDataAttribute로 주석이 추가 된 멤버가 여러 개 있습니다. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + '{0}' 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수 '{1}'와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. 속성, 필드 또는 생성자에 대한 소스 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' 형식에 대한 직렬화 메타데이터가 생성되지 않았습니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d8e7a990013fac..ef4fd7d87655c2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Typ ma wiele składowych opatrzonych adnotacjami za pomocą atrybutu JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Typ „{0}” zawiera parametr ref, taki jak właściwość, pole lub konstruktor „{1}”. Nie zostanie wygenerowany kod źródłowy dla właściwości, pola lub konstruktora. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Typ zawiera parametr właściwości, pola lub konstruktora typu ref. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nie wygenerowano metadanych serializacji dla typu „{0}”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d31fa77f16ee47..3a76db6711dc19 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Tipo tem vários membros anotados com JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + O tipo "{0}" inclui a propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor "{1}". Nenhum código-fonte será gerado para a propriedade, campo ou construtor. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + O tipo inclui propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Não gerou metadados de serialização para o tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index de31bb76e6f2d9..b40f42392e4b98 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Тип содержит несколько элементов, помеченных с помощью JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Тип "{0}" содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора "{1}". Для свойства, поля или конструктора не будет создан исходный код. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Тип содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Метаданные сериализации для типа "{0}" не сформированы. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3ab7559fc82284..6c843de0282ff5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Tür, JsonExtensionDataAttribute ile açıklanan birden çok üyeye sahip. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + '{0}' türü; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi '{1}' gibi başvuru içeriyor. Özellik, alan veya oluşturucu için kaynak kodu üretilmeyecek. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Tür; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi gibi başvuru içeriyor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' türü için serileştirme meta verileri oluşturulmadı. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 03ce3792f5ec8a..b5b714c3d13d22 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 类型具有多个带有 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 注释的成员。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 类型“{0}”包括属性、字段或构造函数参数“{1}”等引用。不会为属性、字段或构造函数生成源代码。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 类型包括属性、字段或构造函数参数等引用。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未生成类型 '{0}' 的序列化元数据。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index ed207add481d94..ac3fd35f8414b6 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 類型具有使用 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 標註的多個成員。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 類型 '{0}' 包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數 '{1}'。不會針對屬性、欄位或建構函式產生原始程式碼。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 類型包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未產生類型 '{0}' 的序列化中繼資料。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index f579fcf48d7a65..8e760ca35b1b2b 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Vypršel časový limit modulu Regex při pokusu o porovnání vzoru se vstupním řetězcem. K tomu může dojít z celé řady důvodů, mezi které patří velká velikost vstupních dat nebo nadměrné zpětné navracení způsobené vloženými kvantifikátory, zpětnými odkazy a dalšími faktory. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Metoda nebo vlastnost GeneratedRegexAttribute musí být částečná, bez parametrů, neobecná, neabstraktní a návratová metoda Regex. Pokud jde o vlastnost, musí být také get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index db5cdbbe518a07..100134d0071727 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Zeitüberschreitung des RegEx-Moduls beim Versuch, ein Muster mit einer Eingabezeichenfolge in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Dies kann viele Ursachen haben, darunter sehr große Eingaben oder übermäßige Rückverfolgung aufgrund von geschachtelten Quantifizierern, Rückverweisen und anderen Faktoren. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Die GeneratedRegexAttribute-Methode oder -Eigenschaft muss partiell, parameterlos, nicht generisch, nicht abstrakt sein und RegEx zurückgeben. Wenn eine Eigenschaft, muss sie auch "get-only" sein. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 544cb8737967bb..d7c03679c8ab8e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Se agotó el tiempo de espera mientras el motor de Regex intentaba comparar una cadena de entrada con un patrón. Esto puede deberse a muchos motivos, como la especificación de cadenas de entrada muy grandes o búsquedas hacia atrás excesivas causadas por cuantificadores anidados, referencias inversas y otros factores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + El método o la propiedad GeneratedRegexAttribute deben ser parciales, sin parámetros, no genéricos, no abstractos y devolver Regex. Si es una propiedad, también debe ser get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index fc6628736de907..b15715902c04da 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Le délai d’attente du moteur Regex a expiré pendant la tentative de mise en correspondance d’un modèle avec une chaîne d’entrée. Ce problème peut se produire pour de nombreuses raisons, notamment en cas d’entrées volumineuses ou de retour sur trace excessif causé par les quantificateurs imbriqués, les références arrière et d’autres facteurs. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + La méthode ou la propriété GeneratedRegexAttribute doit être partielle, sans paramètre, non générique, non abstraite et renvoyer Regex. S'il s'agit d'une propriété, elle doit également être accessible en mode « get-only ». diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 99ffe7518887d5..4e358b5ac56da5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Timeout del motore Regex durante il tentativo di trovare una corrispondenza tra un criterio e una stringa di input. Il timeout può verificarsi per diversi motivi, tra cui input molto grandi o un eccessivo backtracking causato da quantificatori annidati, backreference e altri fattori. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Il metodo o la proprietà GeneratedRegexAttribute deve essere parziale, senza parametri, non generica, non astratta e restituire Regex. Se una proprietà, deve anche essere di sola lettura. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 1a532b1de4faa9..0c1e4d8c8425cc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ パターンと入力文字列との照合中に、Regex エンジンがタイムアウトしました。これは、非常に大きな入力、入れ子になった量指定子によって生じた過剰なバックトラッキング、前方参照などの要因を含む、さまざまな原因によって発生する可能性があります。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute メソッドまたはプロパティは、部分、パラメーターなし、非ジェネリック、非抽象、および正規表現を返す必要があります。プロパティの場合は、取得専用にする必要もあります。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index c5a1989b2ba384..7220be3cedff89 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Regex 엔진이 패턴을 입력 문자열에 일치시키는 동안 시간 초과되었습니다. 이 오류는 많은 입력, 중첩 수량자로 인한 과도한 역추적, 역참조, 기타 요인 등의 다양한 이유로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 메서드 또는 속성은 부분적이고, 매개 변수가 없고, 제네릭이 아니고, 추상적이지 않아야 하고, Regex를 반환해야 합니다. 속성인 경우 get 전용이어야 합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 44ba4ec1278de1..3d89e74c1e9560 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Upłynął limit czasu podczas próby dopasowania przez aparat wyrażeń regularnych wzorca do ciągu wejściowego. Mogło to być spowodowane wieloma przyczynami, w tym bardzo dużą ilością danych wejściowych, nadmiernym wykorzystaniem algorytmu wycofywania związanym z kwantyfikatorami zagnieżdżonymi, odwołaniami wstecznymi i innymi czynnikami. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Metoda lub właściwość GeneratedRegexAttribute musi być częściowa, bezparametrowa, niegeneryczna, nieabstrakcyjna i zwracać wyrażenie regularne. Jeśli właściwość, musi być również tylko do pobrania. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b7311689e60e3e..989368e8e2a424 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ O mecanismo Regex atingiu o tempo limite ao tentar combinar um padrão com uma cadeia de caracteres de entrada. Isso pode ocorrer por vários motivos, incluindo entradas muito grandes ou retrocessos excessivos causados por quantificadores aninhados, referências anteriores e outros fatores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + O método ou a propriedade GeneratedRegexAttribute deve ser parcial, sem parâmetros, não genérico, não abstrato e retornar Regex. Se uma propriedade, ela também deve ser get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 7db563a22137af..c3aef678ed7a72 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Истекло время ожидания модуля регулярного выражения при попытке сравнить шаблон со входной строкой. Это могло произойти по многим причинам, в том числе из-за очень большого объема входных данных или излишнего обратного отслеживания, вызванного вложенными квантификаторами, обратными ссылками и прочими факторами. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Метод или свойство GeneratedRegexAttribute должны быть частичными, без параметров, неуниверсальными, неабстрактными и возвращать регулярное выражение. Если это свойство, оно также должно быть доступно только для получения. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c2b285b2932d46..ca98e167e5847c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Normal ifade altyapısı bir deseni bir giriş dizesiyle eşleştirmeye çalışırken zaman aşımına uğradı. Bu durum, çok büyük girişler veya iç içe niceleyiciler, geri başvurular ve diğer faktörler nedeniyle oluşan aşırı geri izleme gibi birçok nedenle oluşabilir. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute yöntemi veya özelliği kısmi ve parametresiz olmalı, genel amaçlı ve soyut olmamalı ve Normal İfade döndürmelidir. Bir özellikse, aynı zamanda yalnızca okunabilir olmalıdır. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index c19f57e6836a42..dba4ffd1f33afc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 尝试将模式与输入字符串匹配时,Regex 引擎超时。许多原因均可能导致出现这种情况,包括由嵌套限定符、反向引用和其他因素引起的大量输入或过度回溯。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或属性必须是分部、无参数、非泛型、非抽象且返回 Regex。如果是属性,则它必须也是 get-only 属性。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 558754ab20d68c..045632ce88b81f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 嘗試將模式對應至輸入字串時,Regex 引擎發生逾時。有很多原因會導致這個情形,其中包括巢狀數量詞、反向參考及其他因素所造成的極大量輸入或過度使用回溯法。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或屬性必須是部分、無參數、非泛型、非抽象,並傳回 Regex。如果是屬性,它也必須是 get-only。 From 4e8728876931230ba94ce98b827088a0dde6b710 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:27:50 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 05/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2640520 --- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ---------- 26 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index a9049c6c3a55db..fc38fd23b8e16c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekce se nepodporuje: {0}“. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Jazyková verze projektu musí být alespoň C# 12 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6ab4079f505969..c3883b046ca37e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Der Auflistungselementtyp wird nicht unterstützt: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Die Sprachversion des Projekts muss mindestens "C# 12" sein. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3256d3dd97673..2e0eca78950550 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ No se admite el tipo de elemento de colección: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La versión del lenguaje del proyecto debe ser al menos "C# 12". + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 34c8eff9842f1a..cb815248639fbc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Le type d‘élément collection n‘est pas pris en charge : ‘{0}‘. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La version de langage du projet doit être au moins « C# 12 ». + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a4edccfaeba916..5a08940b3965ce 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Il tipo di elemento della raccolta non è supportato: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La versione del linguaggio del progetto deve essere almeno 'C# 12'. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 3fc756914150fb..f5430987633c4c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ コレクション要素型はサポートされていません: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - プロジェクトの言語バージョンは少なくとも 'C# 12' である必要があります。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index e5fac78816501d..1c66f5d58a6284 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 컬렉션 요소 유형이 지원되지 않습니다: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 프로젝트의 언어 버전은 'C# 12' 이상이어야 합니다. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a3bfda7961accf..b1bb4292bb2f74 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekcji nie jest obsługiwany: „{0}”. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Wersja językowa projektu musi mieć wartość co najmniej „C# 12”. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 9ae94770e0876a..69c61c2a98b85f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ O tipo de elemento da coleção não é suportado: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - A versão da linguagem do projeto deve ser no mínimo 'C# 12'. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ac093757f66aca..1aabe87ae55993 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Тип элемента коллекции не поддерживается: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Версия языка проекта должна быть не ниже "C# 12". + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6cd1157d71daf3..1589ce12f510c1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Koleksiyon öğesi türü desteklenmiyor: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Projenin dil sürümü en az 'C# 12' olmalıdır. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index fe5aac5bf4505b..f88548c055eb7d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支持此集合元素类型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 项目的语言版本必须至少为 "C# 12"。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 5ce4ed9a5d76ce..b492367d5fb89e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支援集合元素類型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 專案的語言版本必須至少為 'C# 12'。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index db9efa93236cc2..6f3218ac6dd5b7 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Našlo se několik polí typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Třída {0} má parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, který je skrytý polem ve třídě nebo základní třídě, což brání jeho použití. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger je skrytý polem. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Odeberte redundantní kvalifikátor (Informace:, Upozornění:, Chyba: atd.) ze zprávy o protokolování, protože je na zadané úrovni protokolu implicitní. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1a557ac1669fcd..b838765022a4ea 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Mehrere Felder vom Typ "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger" gefunden {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Die Klasse „{0}“ weist einen primären Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ auf, der von einem Feld in der Klasse oder einer Basisklasse ausgeblendet wird, wodurch die Verwendung verhindert wird. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Der primäre Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ wird durch ein Feld ausgeblendet. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Entfernen Sie den redundanten Qualifizierer (z. B. "Info:", "Warnung:" oder "Fehler:") aus der Protokollierungsmeldung, weil er auf der angegebenen Protokollebene implizit enthalten ist. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c67ec41ff91cc8..30000484775d0a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Se encontraron varios campos de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La clase '{0}' tiene un parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger oculto por un campo de la clase o una clase base, lo que impide su uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Un campo oculta el parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Quitar calificadores redundantes (Información:, Advertencia:, Error:, etc.) del mensaje de registro, ya que está implícito en el nivel de registro especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index bb73608d9d0382..04ccccc8536aa0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Plusieurs champs de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger ont été trouvés {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La classe « ’{0} » a un paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger qui est masqué par un champ de la classe ou une classe de base, ce qui empêche son utilisation - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Le paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger est masqué par un champ - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Supprimez le qualificateur redondant (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc.) du message de journalisation, car il est implicite dans le niveau de journalisation spécifié. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d4bd8eb5a895c3..0c007fdce54828 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Sono stati trovati più campi di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La classe '{0}' ha un parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger nascosto da un campo nella classe o una classe di base, impedendone l'uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Il parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger è nascosto da un campo - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Rimuovere il qualificatore ridondante (Informazioni:, Avviso:, Errore: e così via) dal messaggio di registrazione perché è implicito nel livello di log specificato. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 1f19c136e50db5..36f5b1baad528f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger という種類の複数のフィールドが見つかりました {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - クラス '{0}' には、クラスまたは基本クラスのフィールドによって非表示になっている型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターがあるため、使用できません - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターはフィールドによって非表示になっています - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 指定されたログ レベルでは暗黙的であるため、冗長な修飾子 (Info:、Warning:、Error: など) をログ メッセージから削除します。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 94a4654cf41a68..547c49b3e33dc9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 필드가 여러 개 있음 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 클래스 '{0}'에는 클래스 또는 기본 클래스의 필드에 의해 숨겨진 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 있으므로 해당 매개 변수를 사용할 수 없습니다. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 필드에 의해 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 숨겨집니다. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 중복 한정자(정보:, 경고:, 오류: 등)가 지정된 로그 수준에서 암시적이기 때문에 로깅 메시지에서 제거합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 48dcc267ff34f2..a40b72d24ffcea 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Znaleziono wiele pól typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Klasa „{0}” ma podstawowy parametr konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, który jest ukryty przez pole w klasie lub klasie podstawowej, co uniemożliwia jego użycie. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Parametr podstawowy konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger jest ukryty przez pole - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Usuń nadmiarowy kwalifikator (Info:, Warning:, Error: itp.) z komunikatu rejestrowania, ponieważ jest on domyślny na określonym poziomie dziennika. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c698b2fc61d947..0560fb6b5907c8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Múltiplos campos encontrados do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - A classe "{0}" tem um parâmetro de construtor primário do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger que está oculto por um campo na classe ou uma classe base, impedindo o seu uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - O parâmetro primário de construtor do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger está oculto por um campo - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Remova o qualificador redundante (Info:, Aviso:, Erro:, etc) da mensagem de log, pois está implícito no nível de log especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 4e59b9fd9b04a5..589635d5721bb9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Обнаружено несколько полей типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Класс "{0}" имеет первичный параметр конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger который скрыт полем в этом классе или базовом классе, что препятствует его использованию - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Параметр основного конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger скрыт полем - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Удалите избыточный квалификатор (Info:, Warning:, Error:, и т. п.) из сообщения журнала, поскольку квалификатор подразумевается на указанном уровне ведения журнала. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b92fc16b8c2aba..c40d99aa4602c5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birden çok alan bulundu {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - '{0}' sınıfı, sınıf veya temel sınıf alanı tarafından gizlenen ve bu türün kullanımına engel olan Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birincil oluşturucu parametresine sahip - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türündeki birincil oluşturucu parametresi bir alan tarafından gizleniyor - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Belirtilen günlük düzeyinde örtük olduğundan gereksiz niteleyiciyi (Bilgi:, Uyarı:, Hata: vb.) günlüğe kaydetme iletisinden kaldırın. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 6f70cbcdd9b34e..04c39c8843a1e1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ 找到 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的多个字段 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 类“{0}”具有 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数,该参数被类或基类中的字段隐藏以防使用 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数被字段隐藏 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 从日志记录消息中删除冗余限定符(信息:、警告:、错误: 等),因为其在指定的日志级别中为隐式内容。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 810bdfe157fede..af008cf098ff8a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ 找到多個 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 類型的欄位 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 類別 '{0}' 具有類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數,其已由類別或基底類別中的欄位隱藏,因此無法使用 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數由某欄位隱藏 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 從記錄訊息中移除備援限定詞 (資訊:、警告:、錯誤: 等等),因為它在指定的記錄層級中為隱含。 From ca085b24731a06242581b40d99717430fe9abe5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:29:07 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 06/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2640520 --- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 6 ++-- 39 files changed, 169 insertions(+), 429 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index ba1c9a3a785dba..3b94247f4ce430 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Tento typ implementuje minimálně jeden typ s atributem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute nebo má jeho základní typ atribut GeneratedComClassAttribute. Přidejte generatedComClassAttribute, aby bylo možné předat tento typ modelu COM a zpřístupnit rozhraní COM pro typy s atributem GeneratedComClassAttribute z objektů tohoto typu. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Základnímu rozhraní COM se nepodařilo vygenerovat zdroj. Kód se pro toto rozhraní nevygeneruje. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Typ {0} má základní rozhraní {1} definované v jiném sestavení. To může v některých případech způsobit řadu obtížně diagnostikovatelných problémů. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Zadání atributu GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute u rozhraní, které má základní rozhraní definované v jiném sestavení, není podporováno. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. GeneratedComInterface nemůže určovat ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper nebo ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper, pokud základní typ rozhraní neurčil možnosti nebo nezadal alespoň stejné možnosti. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ atributy [In] a [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objekty zařazené z VARIANT jako parametry in ve voláních nespravovaných na spravované nebudou šířit zpět aktualizovaný výsledek, a to ani v případě, že VARIANT je varianta VT_BYREF. K šíření aktualizované hodnoty zpět k volajícímu použijte místo parametru in parametr ref. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Události nejsou konceptem COM, takže pro události instance na rozhraních COM generovaných zdrojem nebude vygenerován žádný kód spolupráce. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Typ vstupního bodu řadiče „{0}“ pro spravovaný typ „{1}“ musí mít aritu o jednu větší než spravovaný typ. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Všechny zařazovací moduly pro hodnoty, které jsou předány jako nespravovaná návratová hodnota nebo parametr, musí mít stejný nespravovaný typ. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Aby se povolilo zařazování tohoto typu, musí se v tomto projektu zakázat zařazování modulu runtime použitím atributu System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute u sestavení. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Při volání metody musí být definována velikost parametru{0}, která je zařazena do volané metody, ale parametr count {1} je parametr out. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index b8b529c7c12b71..dd4222c203079d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Dieser Typ implementiert mindestens einen Typ mit dem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute-Attribut, oder sein Basistyp weist das GeneratedComClassAttribute-Attribut auf. Fügen Sie „GeneratedComClassAttribute“ hinzu, um die Übergabe dieses Typs an COM zu ermöglichen und die COM-Schnittstellen für die Typen mit dem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ aus Objekten dieses Typs verfügbar zu machen. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Die Basis-COM-Schnittstelle konnte die Quelle nicht generieren. Für diese Schnittstelle wird kein Code generiert. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Für den Typ „{0}“ ist eine Basisschnittstelle „{1}“ in einer anderen Assembly definiert. Dies kann in einigen Szenarien eine Vielzahl von Problemen verursachen, die schwer zu diagnostizieren sind. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Das Angeben von „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ für eine Schnittstelle mit einer in einer anderen Assembly definierten Basisschnittstelle wird nicht unterstützt. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Ein "GeneratedComInterface" kann nur dann "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" oder "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" angeben, wenn der Basisschnittstellentyp keine Optionen angegeben oder mindestens dieselben Optionen angegeben hat. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In]- und [Out]-Attribute - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objekte, die aus VARIANTEN als in-Parameter in nicht verwalteten Aufrufen gemarshallt werden, werden nicht an das aktualisierte Ergebnis verteilt, auch wenn VARIANTE eine VT_BYREF-Variante ist. Verwenden Sie einen ref-Parameter anstelle eines in-Parameters, um den aktualisierten Wert wieder an den Aufrufer zu übergeben. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Ereignisse sind kein Konzept in COM, daher wird kein Interopcode für Instanzereignisse auf von der Quelle generierten COM-Schnittstellen generiert. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Der Marshaller-Einstiegspunkttyp "{0}" für den verwalteten Typ "{1}" muss eine Stelligkeit aufweisen, die größer als der verwaltete Typ ist. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Alle Marshaller für Werte, die als nicht verwalteter Rückgabewert oder Parameter übergeben werden, müssen denselben nicht verwalteten Typ aufweisen. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Das Runtime-Marshalling muss in diesem Projekt deaktiviert werden, indem „System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute“ auf die Assembly angewendet wird, um das Marshalling dieses Typs zu ermöglichen. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Die Größe des Parameters "{0}", der an den Aufgerufenen gemarshallt wird, muss definiert werden, wenn die Methode aufgerufen wird. Der Count-Parameter "{1}" ist jedoch ein "Out"-Parameter. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 89886b7f025883..393160b81b1131 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Este tipo implementa al menos un tipo con el atributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o su tipo base tiene el atributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Agregue 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar el paso de este tipo a COM y exponer las interfaces COM para los tipos con 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' a partir de objetos de este tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ La interfaz COM base no pudo generar el origen. No se generará código para esta interfaz. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - El tipo '{0}' tiene una interfaz base '{1}' definida en un ensamblado diferente. Esto puede causar diversos problemas difíciles de diagnosticar en algunos escenarios. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - No se admite especificar 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' en una interfaz que tenga una interfaz base definida en otro ensamblado - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. ''GeneratedComInterface'' no puede especificar ''ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper'' o ''ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'' a menos que el tipo de interfaz base no especifique opciones o especifique al menos las mismas opciones. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atributos [In] y [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Los objetos serializados a partir de VARIANTES como parámetros 'in' en llamadas no administradas a administradas no propagarán el resultado actualizado, incluso si VARIANTE es una variante VT_BYREF. Use un parámetro 'ref' en lugar de un parámetro 'in' para volver a propagar el valor actualizado al llamador. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Los eventos no representan un concepto en COM, de modo que no se generará código de interoperabilidad para eventos de instancia en interfaces COM generadas en origen. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ El tipo de punto de entrada del serializador "{0}" para el tipo administrado "{1}" debe tener una aridad mayor que el tipo administrado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Todos los serializadores para los valores que se pasan como el parámetro o valor devuelto no administrado deben tener el mismo tipo no administrado. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ La serialización en tiempo de ejecución debe deshabilitarse en este proyecto aplicando \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMars contosoingAttribute\" al ensamblado para habilitar la serialización de este tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. El tamaño del parámetro "{0}" que se serializa al destinatario debe definirse cuando se llama al método, pero el parámetro de recuento "{1}" es un parámetro "out". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 34309a0a8dc920..70739eaa879e52 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Ce type implémente au moins un type avec l’attribut « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » ou son type de base a l’attribut « GeneratedComClassAttribute ». Ajoutez le « GeneratedComClassAttribute » pour activer le passage de ce type à COM et exposer les interfaces COM pour les types avec le « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » des objets de ce type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ L’interface COM de base n’a pas réussi à générer le code source. Le code ne sera pas généré pour cette interface. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Le type « {0} » a une interface de base « {1} » définie dans un autre assembly. Cela peut entraîner de nombreux problèmes difficiles à diagnostiquer dans certains scénarios - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - La spécification de ’GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute’ sur une interface pour laquelle une interface de base est définie dans un autre assembly n’est pas prise en charge - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un 'GeneratedComInterface' ne peut pas spécifier 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' sauf si le type d’interface de base n’a pas spécifié d’options ou spécifié au moins les mêmes options. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Attributs [In] et [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Les objets marshallés à partir de VARIANT en tant que paramètres « in » dans les appels non gérés à gérés ne propageront pas le résultat mis à jour, même si le VARIANT est une variante de VT_BYREF. Utilisez un paramètre « ref » au lieu d’un paramètre « in » pour propager la valeur mise à jour à l’appelant. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Les événements ne sont pas un concept dans COM. Par conséquent, aucun code d’interopérabilité n’est généré à la source pour les événements d’instance sur les interfaces COM générées par la source. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Le type de point d’entrée marshaleur '{0}' pour le type managé '{1}' doit avoir une arité supérieure au type managé. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Tous les marshaleurs pour les valeurs transmises en tant que valeurs ou paramètres de retour non managés doivent avoir le même type non managé. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Le marshaling du runtime doit être désactivé dans ce projet en appliquant « System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute » à l’assembly pour activer le marshaling de ce type. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. La taille du paramètre '{0}' qui est marshalé à l'appelé doit être définie lorsque la méthode est appelée, mais le paramètre count '{1}' est un paramètre 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 598b0874ab7f25..0a5eacfbe9c27a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Questo tipo implementa almeno un tipo con l'attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o il relativo tipo di base ha l'attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Aggiungere l’attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' per consentire il passaggio di questo tipo a COM e l'esposizione delle interfacce COM per i tipi con l’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' dagli oggetti di questo tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ L'interfaccia COM di base non è riuscita a generare l'origine. Il codice non verrà generato per questa interfaccia. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Il tipo '{0}' ha un'interfaccia di base '{1}' definita in un assembly diverso. Ciò può causare una vasta gamma di problemi difficili da diagnosticare in alcuni scenari - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - La specifica dell’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' in un'interfaccia che ha un'interfaccia di base definita in un altro assembly non è supportata - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un elemento 'GeneratedComInterface' non può specificare 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' o 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a meno che il tipo di interfaccia di base non specifichi opzioni o non specifichi almeno le stesse opzioni. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Attributi [In] e [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Gli oggetti di cui è stato eseguito il marshalling da VARIANT come parametri 'in' nelle chiamate da non gestito a gestito non verranno propagati nuovamente al risultato aggiornato, anche se VARIANT è una variante VT_BYREF. Usare un parametro 'ref' invece di un parametro 'in' per propagare nuovamente il valore aggiornato al chiamante. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Gli eventi non sono concetti in COM quindi non verrà generato codice di interoperabilità per gli eventi dell’istanza nelle interfacce COM generate dall'origine. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Il tipo di punto di ingresso del marshalling '{0}' per il tipo gestito '{1}' deve avere un grado maggiore rispetto a quello del tipo gestito. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Tutti i marshalling per i valori passati come parametro o valore restituito non gestito devono avere lo stesso tipo non gestito. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Il marshalling di runtime in questo progetto deve essere disabilitato applicando 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' all'assembly per abilitare il marshalling di questo tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Le dimensioni del parametro '{0}' di cui viene eseguito il marshalling al destinatario della chiamata devono essere definite quando viene chiamato il metodo, ma il parametro conteggio '{1}' è un parametro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index e0c3c159f39952..d08519db19c885 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - この型は、'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性を持つ少なくとも 1 つの型を実装します。またはその基本型に 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性があります。'GeneratedComClassAttribute' を追加して、この型を COM に渡し、この型のオブジェクトから 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を持つ型の COM インターフェイスを公開できるようにします。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ ベース COM インターフェイスはソースを生成できませんでした。このインターフェイスのコードは生成されません。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 型 '{0}' には、別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイス '{1}' があります。これにより、一部のシナリオで問題を診断することが困難になるさまざまな可能性があります - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイスを持つインターフェイスで 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を指定することはサポートされていません - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 基底インターフェイスの型でオプションが指定されていないか、少なくとも同じオプションが指定されていない限り、'GeneratedComInterface' では 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' または 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' を指定できません。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ 属性の[In]と[Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - アンマネージからマネージドへの呼び出しで VARIANT から 'in' パラメーターとしてマーシャリングされたオブジェクトは、VARIANT が VT_BYREF バリアントであっても、更新された結果に反映されません。更新された値を呼び出し元に反映するには、'in' パラメーターの代わりに 'ref' パラメーターを使用してください。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. イベントは COM の概念ではないため、ソース生成 COM インターフェイス上のインスタンス イベントに対して相互運用コードはソース生成されません。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ マネージド型 '{1}' のマーシャラー エントリ ポイント型 '{0}' には、マネージド型より 1 大きい引数が必要です。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - アンマネージ戻り値またはパラメーターとして渡される値のすべてのマーシャラーは、同じアンマネージ型を持つ必要があります。 + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ このプロジェクトでは、アセンブリに 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' を適用してランタイム マーシャリングを無効にし、この型のマーシャリングを有効にする必要があります。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼び出し先にマーシャリングされるパラメーター '{0}' のサイズは、メソッドが呼び出されたときに定義する必要がありますが、count パラメーター '{1}' は 'out' パラメーターです。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 3544bea85669bd..1225af16e56026 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 이 유형은 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 특성을 갖는 하나 이상의 유형을 구현하거나 기본 유형에 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 특성이 있습니다. 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'를 추가하여 이 유형을 COM에 전달하고 이 유형의 개체에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'가 있는 유형에 대해 COM 인터페이스를 노출할 수 있도록 합니다. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 베이스 COM 인터페이스에서 소스를 생성하지 못했습니다. 이 인터페이스에 대한 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - '{0}' 유형에 다른 어셈블리에서 정의된 기본 인터페이스 '{1}'이(가) 있습니다. 일부 시나리오에서는 이로 인해 진단하기 어려운 다양한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 다른 어셈블리에 정의된 기본 인터페이스가 있는 인터페이스에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'를 지정하는 것은 지원되지 않습니다. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 기본 인터페이스 형식이 옵션을 지정하지 않았거나, 최소한 동일한 옵션을 지정하지 않은 경우 'GeneratedComInterface'는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 또는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'를 지정할 수 없습니다. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 및 [Out] 속성 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 관리되지 않는 호출에서 관리되는 호출로의 VARIANT에서 'in' 매개 변수로 마샬링된 개체는 VARIANT가 VT_BYREF 변형인 경우에도 업데이트된 결과를 다시 전파하지 않습니다. 'in' 매개 변수 대신 'ref' 매개 변수를 사용하여 업데이트된 값을 호출자에게 다시 전파합니다. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 이벤트는 COM의 개념이 아니므로 소스 생성 COM 인터페이스의 인스턴스 이벤트에 대해 interop 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 관리 유형 '{1}'에 대한 마샬러 진입점 유형 '{0}'에는 관리 유형보다 1이 더 커야 합니다. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - 관리되지 않는 반환 값이나 매개 변수로 전달되는 값에 대한 모든 마샬러는 동일한 관리되지 않는 형식을 가져야 합니다. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 이 형식의 마샬링을 활성화하려면 어셈블리에 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute'를 적용하여 이 프로젝트에서 런타임 마샬링을 비활성화해야 합니다. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 메서드를 호출할 때 호출 수신자로 마샬링되는 매개 변수 '{0}'의 크기를 정의해야 하지만 count 매개 변수 '{1}'은(는) 'out' 매개 변수입니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 30bc2cef8ae4de..91ce793526a67d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Ten typ implementuje co najmniej jeden typ z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” lub jego typ podstawowy ma atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”. Dodaj atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”, aby umożliwić przekazywanie tego typu do modelu COM i uwidacznianie interfejsów COM dla typów z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” z obiektów tego typu. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Podstawowy interfejs COM nie może wygenerować źródła. Kod nie zostanie wygenerowany dla tego interfejsu. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Typ „{0}” ma interfejs podstawowy „{1}” zdefiniowany w innym zestawie. Może to powodować różne trudne do zdiagnozowania problemy w niektórych scenariuszach - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Określanie atrybutu „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” dla interfejsu, który ma interfejs podstawowy zdefiniowany w innym zespole, nie jest obsługiwane - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Element „GeneratedComInterface” nie może określać elementu „ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper” lub „ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper”, chyba że podstawowy typ interfejsu nie określił opcji lub określił co najmniej te same opcje. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atrybuty [In] i [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Obiekty przekazywane z obiektów VARIANT jako parametry „w” w wywołaniach niezarządzanych do zarządzanych nie będą propagować z powrotem zaktualizowanego wyniku, nawet jeśli parametr VARIANT jest wariantem VT_BYREF. Użyj parametru „ref” zamiast parametru „w”, aby propagować zaktualizowaną wartość z powrotem do obiektu wywołującego. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Zdarzenia nie są koncepcją w modelu COM, więc żaden kod międzyoperacyjny nie będzie generowany dla zdarzeń wystąpień w interfejsach COM generowanych źródłowo. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Typ punktu wejścia marshallera „{0}” dla typu zarządzanego „{1}” musi mieć liczbę argumentów o jeden większą niż typ zarządzany. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Wszystkie elementy organizujące dla wartości przekazywanych jako niezarządzana wartość zwracana lub parametr muszą mieć ten sam typ niezarządzany. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Marshalling środowiska uruchomieniowego musi być wyłączony w tym projekcie przez zastosowanie do zestawu atrybutu „System.Runtime.InteropServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute”, aby umożliwić marshalling tego typu. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Rozmiar parametru „{0}”, który jest kierowany do obiektu wywołującego, musi być zdefiniowany podczas wywoływania metody, ale parametr ILE.LICZB „{1}” jest parametrem „out”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 3b825512d46ceb..1a7e0f222576df 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Este tipo implementa pelo menos um tipo com o atributo "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" ou o seu tipo base tem o atributo "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Adicione o 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar a passagem desse tipo para COM e expor as interfaces COM para os tipos com o 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' de objetos desse tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ A interface COM base falhou ao gerar a fonte. O código não será gerado para esta interface. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - O tipo "{0}" tem uma interface base "{1}" definida em um assembly diferente. Isso pode causar uma variedade de problemas difíceis de diagnosticar em alguns cenários - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Não há suporte para a especificação de "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" em uma interface que tem uma interface base definida em outro assembly - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Um 'GeneratedComInterface' não pode especificar 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a menos que o tipo de interface base não especifique opções ou especifique pelo menos as mesmas opções. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atributos [In] e [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objetos marshalled de VARIANTs como parâmetros "in" em chamadas não gerenciadas para gerenciadas não propagam de volta o resultado atualizado, mesmo que VARIANT seja uma variante VT_BYREF. Use um parâmetro "ref" em vez de um parâmetro "in" para propagar o valor atualizado de volta para o chamador. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Os eventos não são um conceito em COM, portanto, nenhum código de interoperabilidade será gerado para eventos de instância em interfaces COM geradas pela origem. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ O tipo de ponto de entrada para realizar marshaling '{0}' para o tipo gerenciado '{1}' deve ter uma aridade maior do que o tipo gerenciado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Todos os empacotadores para valores que são passados como valor de retorno ou parâmetro não gerenciado devem ter o mesmo tipo não gerenciado. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ O marshalling de tempo de execução deve ser desabilitado neste projeto aplicando o 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' ao assembly para habilitar o marshalling desse tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. O tamanho do parâmetro '{0}' que é empacotado para o receptor deve ser definido quando o método é chamado, mas o parâmetro de contagem '{1}' é um parâmetro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 27d7f597d2202c..12c251122fa78d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Этот тип реализует по крайней мере один тип с атрибутом "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute", или его базовый тип содержит атрибут "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Добавьте "GeneratedComClassAttribute", чтобы разрешить передачу этого типа в COM и предоставление COM-интерфейсов для типов с "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" из объектов этого типа. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Базовому COM-интерфейсу не удалось создать источник. Код не будет создан для этого интерфейса. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Тип "{0}" использует базовый интерфейс "{1}", определенный в другой сборке. Это может вызвать множество сложностей при диагностике проблем в некоторых сценариях - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Указание "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" в интерфейсе, для которого базовый интерфейс определен в другой сборке, не поддерживается - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Параметр "GeneratedComInterface" не может указывать "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" или "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" кроме случаев, когда базовый тип интерфейса не указывает параметры или указывает по крайней мере те же параметры. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Атрибуты [In] и [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Объекты, маршалированные из VARIANT в качестве параметров "in" в вызовах с переходом от неуправляемых к управляемым, не будут распространяться обратно на обновленный результат, даже если VARIANT является вариантом VT_BYREF. Используйте параметр "ref" вместо параметра "in", чтобы распространить обновленное значение обратно на вызывающую сторону. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. События не являются концепцией в COM, поэтому источник не будет генерировать код взаимодействия для событий экземпляра в COM-интерфейсах, создаваемых источником. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Тип точки входа маршаллера "{0}" для управляемого типа "{1}" должен иметь более высокую арность, чем управляемый тип. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Все маршалеры для значений, передаваемых в качестве неуправляемого возвращаемого значения или параметра, должны использовать одинаковый неуправляемый тип. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ В этом проекте следует отключить маршализацию среды выполнения путем применения к сборке атрибута \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" для включения маршализации этого типа. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. При вызове метода должен быть определен размер параметра "{0}", который был маршалирован вызываемому абоненту, но исчисляемый параметр "{1}" является выходным. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 72813018d87503..7b19f33f898c82 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Bu tür, 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' özniteliğine sahip en az bir türü uygular veya temel türü 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' özniteliğine sahiptir. Bu türü COM'a geçirmeyi ve bu türdeki nesnelerden 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' içeren türler için COM arabirimlerini açığa çıkarmayı etkinleştirmek için 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' ekleyin. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Temel COM arabirimi, kaynak oluşturamadı. Bu arabirim için kod oluşturulmayacak. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - '{0}' tipinin farklı bir derlemede tanımlanmış bir temel arayüzü '{1}' vardır. Bu, bazı senaryolarda tanılaması zor çeşitli sorunlara neden olabilir - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Başka bir bütünleştirilmiş kodda tanımlanmış bir temel arabirime sahip arabirimde 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' belirtilmesi desteklenmez - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Temel arabirim seçenekleri belirtmediği veya en azından aynı seçenekleri belirttiği sürece bir 'GeneratedComInterface' arabirimi 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' veya 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' seçeneğini belirtemez. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] ve [Out] öznitelikleri - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Yönetilmeyenden yönetilene yapılan çağrılarda 'in' parametresi olarak kullanılan VARIANT'lardan hazırlanma işlemiyle elde edilen nesneler, VARIANT çeşidi VT_BYREF olsa bile güncelleştirilmiş sonucu geri yaymaz. Güncelleştirilmiş değeri çağırana geri yayma için 'in' parametresi yerine bir 'ref' parametresi kullanın. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Olaylar COM'da kavram olarak değerlendirilmez, bu nedenle kaynak tarafından oluşturulan COM arabirimleri üzerinde örnek olaylar için birlikte çalışma kodu oluşturulmaz. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Yönetilen tür '{1}' için sıralayıcı giriş noktası '{0}', yönetilen türden büyük bir parametre sayısına sahip olmalıdır. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Yönetilmeyen dönüş değeri veya parametresi olarak geçirilen değerler için tüm hazırlayıcılar aynı yönetilmeyen türe sahip olmalıdır. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Bu türü sıralamayı etkinleştirmek için derlemeye 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' uygulanarak bu projede çalışma zamanı sıralaması devre dışı bırakılmalıdır. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Aramanın alıcısına hazırlanan '{0}' parametresinin boyutu yöntem çağrıldığında tanımlanmalıdır ancak '{1}' sayı parametresi bir ‘çıkış’ parametresidir. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index b9e21c430f3a76..948802857d19b2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 此类型至少实现了一种具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性的类型,或其基本类型具有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性。添加 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以允许将此类型传递到 COM,并公开具有此类型的对象的 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的类型的 COM 接口。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 基本 COM 接口无法生成源。不会为此接口生成代码。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 类型“{0}”具有在其他程序集中定义的基接口“{1}”。在某些情况下,可能会导致各种难以诊断问题 - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 不支持在另一个进程集中定义了基础接口的接口上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. "GeneratedComInterface" 不能指定 "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" 或 "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper",除非基接口类型未指定选项或至少指定了相同的选项。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 和 [Out] 属性 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 在非托管到托管调用中从 VARIANT 封送为“in”参数的对象不会传回更新后的结果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 变量也是如此。使用 "ref "参数代替 "in "参数,将更新后的值传回调用方。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 的概念,因此不会为源生成的 COM 接口上的实例事件生成互操作代码。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 托管类型“{1}”的封送程序入口点类型“{0}”必须具有大于托管类型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - 作为非托管返回值或参数传递的值的所有封送程序都必须具有相同的非托管类型。 + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 必须通过将 \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" 应用到程序集来在此项目中禁用运行时封送,以启用此类型的封送处理。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 调用方法时,必须定义封送给被调用方的参数“{0}”的大小,但计数参数“{1}”是一个 "out" 参数。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index feb774294e8ea0..33457ab3320306 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 此類型會實作至少一個類型,具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 屬性或其基底類型有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 屬性。新增 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以啟用將此類型傳遞到 COM,並公開具有此類型物件之 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 類型的 COM 介面。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 基底 COM 介面無法產生來源。將不會產生此介面的程式碼。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 類型 '{0}' 已有在不同組件中定義的基礎介面 '{1}'。在某些情況下,這可能會造成各種難以診斷的問題 - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 不支援在已於另一個組件中定義基礎介面的介面上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 除非基本介面類型未指定選項或至少指定了相同的選項,否則 'GeneratedComInterface' 不能指定 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 或 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 與 [Out] 屬性 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 在未受控對受控呼叫中,從 VARIANT 封送處理為 'in' 參數的物件將不會傳播回更新的結果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 變數亦然。使用 'ref' 參數而非 'in' 參數,以將更新的值傳播回呼叫者。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 中的概念,因此不會為來源產生的 COM 介面上的執行個體事件來源產生 Interop 程式碼。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 受控類型 '{1}' 的封送處理器進入點類型 '{0}' 必須具有大於受控類型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - 所有作為非受控傳回值或參數傳遞之值的 marshaller 必須具有相同的非受控類型。 + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 必須將 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' 套用到組件,以停用此專案中的執行階段封送處理,以啟用此類型的封送處理。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼叫方法時,必須定義封送處理給被呼叫者的參數 '{0}' 的大小,但 count 參數 '{1}' 是 'out' 參數。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 49ede1a3986cd0..96bb2680ffcb70 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Typ obsahuje více členů s komentářem JsonExtensionDataAttribute - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Typ {0} zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru {1}. Pro vlastnost, pole nebo konstruktor se nevygeneruje žádný zdrojový kód. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Typ zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nevygenerovala se metadata serializace pro typ {0}. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 35bfee5db3fbd9..dbc6ca2ae2b90a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Der Typ enthält mehrere Elemente, die mit dem JsonExtensionDataAttribute versehen sind. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Der Typ „{0}“ enthält die Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter „{1}“. Für die Eigenschaft, das Feld oder den Konstruktor wird kein Quellcode generiert. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Der Typ enthält Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Die Serialisierungsmetadaten für den Typ "{0}" wurden nicht generiert. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3fdbb1b2f07fe5..878fa15bc7efb1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ El tipo tiene varios miembros anotados con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - El tipo "{0}" incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor "{1}". No se generará código fuente para la propiedad, campo o constructor. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - El tipo incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. No generó metadatos de serialización para el tipo '{0}". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1704ce42aeb52d..fbf12b5a733d49 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Le type comporte plusieurs membres annotés avec JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Le type « {0} » inclut le ref comme propriété, champ ou paramètre de constructeur « {1} ». Aucun code source ne sera généré pour la propriété, le champ ou le constructeur. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Le type comprend des éléments tels que des propriétés, des champs ou des paramètres de construction. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Les métadonnées de sérialisation pour le type « {0} » n’ont pas été générées. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c44dbd4a4cc5fa..04d5cf68ef4a94 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Nel tipo sono presenti più membri annotati con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Il tipo '{0}' include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore '{1}'. Non verrà generato codice sorgente per la proprietà, il campo o il costruttore. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Il tipo include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Non sono stati generati metadati di serializzazione per il tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index ef07d1387562b0..0224cb65fc26e3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 型には、'JsonExtensionDataAttribute' に注釈が付けられた複数のメンバーが含まれます。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 型 '{0}' には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーター '{1}' などの ref が含まれます。プロパティ、フィールド、またはコンストラクターのソース コードは生成されません。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 型には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーターなどの ref が含まれます。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}'型 のシリアル化メタデータを生成ませんでした。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 615789e0daae07..9bc14e0cc3d556 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 형식에 JsonExtensionDataAttribute로 주석이 추가 된 멤버가 여러 개 있습니다. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - '{0}' 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수 '{1}'와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. 속성, 필드 또는 생성자에 대한 소스 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' 형식에 대한 직렬화 메타데이터가 생성되지 않았습니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ef4fd7d87655c2..d8e7a990013fac 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Typ ma wiele składowych opatrzonych adnotacjami za pomocą atrybutu JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Typ „{0}” zawiera parametr ref, taki jak właściwość, pole lub konstruktor „{1}”. Nie zostanie wygenerowany kod źródłowy dla właściwości, pola lub konstruktora. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Typ zawiera parametr właściwości, pola lub konstruktora typu ref. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nie wygenerowano metadanych serializacji dla typu „{0}”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3a76db6711dc19..d31fa77f16ee47 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Tipo tem vários membros anotados com JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - O tipo "{0}" inclui a propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor "{1}". Nenhum código-fonte será gerado para a propriedade, campo ou construtor. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - O tipo inclui propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Não gerou metadados de serialização para o tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b40f42392e4b98..de31bb76e6f2d9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Тип содержит несколько элементов, помеченных с помощью JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Тип "{0}" содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора "{1}". Для свойства, поля или конструктора не будет создан исходный код. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Тип содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Метаданные сериализации для типа "{0}" не сформированы. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6c843de0282ff5..3ab7559fc82284 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Tür, JsonExtensionDataAttribute ile açıklanan birden çok üyeye sahip. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - '{0}' türü; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi '{1}' gibi başvuru içeriyor. Özellik, alan veya oluşturucu için kaynak kodu üretilmeyecek. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Tür; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi gibi başvuru içeriyor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' türü için serileştirme meta verileri oluşturulmadı. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index b5b714c3d13d22..03ce3792f5ec8a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 类型具有多个带有 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 注释的成员。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 类型“{0}”包括属性、字段或构造函数参数“{1}”等引用。不会为属性、字段或构造函数生成源代码。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 类型包括属性、字段或构造函数参数等引用。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未生成类型 '{0}' 的序列化元数据。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index ac3fd35f8414b6..ed207add481d94 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 類型具有使用 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 標註的多個成員。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 類型 '{0}' 包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數 '{1}'。不會針對屬性、欄位或建構函式產生原始程式碼。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 類型包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未產生類型 '{0}' 的序列化中繼資料。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 8e760ca35b1b2b..f579fcf48d7a65 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Vypršel časový limit modulu Regex při pokusu o porovnání vzoru se vstupním řetězcem. K tomu může dojít z celé řady důvodů, mezi které patří velká velikost vstupních dat nebo nadměrné zpětné navracení způsobené vloženými kvantifikátory, zpětnými odkazy a dalšími faktory. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Metoda nebo vlastnost GeneratedRegexAttribute musí být částečná, bez parametrů, neobecná, neabstraktní a návratová metoda Regex. Pokud jde o vlastnost, musí být také get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 100134d0071727..db5cdbbe518a07 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Zeitüberschreitung des RegEx-Moduls beim Versuch, ein Muster mit einer Eingabezeichenfolge in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Dies kann viele Ursachen haben, darunter sehr große Eingaben oder übermäßige Rückverfolgung aufgrund von geschachtelten Quantifizierern, Rückverweisen und anderen Faktoren. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Die GeneratedRegexAttribute-Methode oder -Eigenschaft muss partiell, parameterlos, nicht generisch, nicht abstrakt sein und RegEx zurückgeben. Wenn eine Eigenschaft, muss sie auch "get-only" sein. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d7c03679c8ab8e..544cb8737967bb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Se agotó el tiempo de espera mientras el motor de Regex intentaba comparar una cadena de entrada con un patrón. Esto puede deberse a muchos motivos, como la especificación de cadenas de entrada muy grandes o búsquedas hacia atrás excesivas causadas por cuantificadores anidados, referencias inversas y otros factores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - El método o la propiedad GeneratedRegexAttribute deben ser parciales, sin parámetros, no genéricos, no abstractos y devolver Regex. Si es una propiedad, también debe ser get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b15715902c04da..fc6628736de907 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Le délai d’attente du moteur Regex a expiré pendant la tentative de mise en correspondance d’un modèle avec une chaîne d’entrée. Ce problème peut se produire pour de nombreuses raisons, notamment en cas d’entrées volumineuses ou de retour sur trace excessif causé par les quantificateurs imbriqués, les références arrière et d’autres facteurs. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - La méthode ou la propriété GeneratedRegexAttribute doit être partielle, sans paramètre, non générique, non abstraite et renvoyer Regex. S'il s'agit d'une propriété, elle doit également être accessible en mode « get-only ». + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 4e358b5ac56da5..99ffe7518887d5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Timeout del motore Regex durante il tentativo di trovare una corrispondenza tra un criterio e una stringa di input. Il timeout può verificarsi per diversi motivi, tra cui input molto grandi o un eccessivo backtracking causato da quantificatori annidati, backreference e altri fattori. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Il metodo o la proprietà GeneratedRegexAttribute deve essere parziale, senza parametri, non generica, non astratta e restituire Regex. Se una proprietà, deve anche essere di sola lettura. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 0c1e4d8c8425cc..1a532b1de4faa9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ パターンと入力文字列との照合中に、Regex エンジンがタイムアウトしました。これは、非常に大きな入力、入れ子になった量指定子によって生じた過剰なバックトラッキング、前方参照などの要因を含む、さまざまな原因によって発生する可能性があります。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute メソッドまたはプロパティは、部分、パラメーターなし、非ジェネリック、非抽象、および正規表現を返す必要があります。プロパティの場合は、取得専用にする必要もあります。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 7220be3cedff89..c5a1989b2ba384 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Regex 엔진이 패턴을 입력 문자열에 일치시키는 동안 시간 초과되었습니다. 이 오류는 많은 입력, 중첩 수량자로 인한 과도한 역추적, 역참조, 기타 요인 등의 다양한 이유로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 메서드 또는 속성은 부분적이고, 매개 변수가 없고, 제네릭이 아니고, 추상적이지 않아야 하고, Regex를 반환해야 합니다. 속성인 경우 get 전용이어야 합니다. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3d89e74c1e9560..44ba4ec1278de1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Upłynął limit czasu podczas próby dopasowania przez aparat wyrażeń regularnych wzorca do ciągu wejściowego. Mogło to być spowodowane wieloma przyczynami, w tym bardzo dużą ilością danych wejściowych, nadmiernym wykorzystaniem algorytmu wycofywania związanym z kwantyfikatorami zagnieżdżonymi, odwołaniami wstecznymi i innymi czynnikami. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Metoda lub właściwość GeneratedRegexAttribute musi być częściowa, bezparametrowa, niegeneryczna, nieabstrakcyjna i zwracać wyrażenie regularne. Jeśli właściwość, musi być również tylko do pobrania. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 989368e8e2a424..b7311689e60e3e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ O mecanismo Regex atingiu o tempo limite ao tentar combinar um padrão com uma cadeia de caracteres de entrada. Isso pode ocorrer por vários motivos, incluindo entradas muito grandes ou retrocessos excessivos causados por quantificadores aninhados, referências anteriores e outros fatores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - O método ou a propriedade GeneratedRegexAttribute deve ser parcial, sem parâmetros, não genérico, não abstrato e retornar Regex. Se uma propriedade, ela também deve ser get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3aef678ed7a72..7db563a22137af 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Истекло время ожидания модуля регулярного выражения при попытке сравнить шаблон со входной строкой. Это могло произойти по многим причинам, в том числе из-за очень большого объема входных данных или излишнего обратного отслеживания, вызванного вложенными квантификаторами, обратными ссылками и прочими факторами. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Метод или свойство GeneratedRegexAttribute должны быть частичными, без параметров, неуниверсальными, неабстрактными и возвращать регулярное выражение. Если это свойство, оно также должно быть доступно только для получения. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ca98e167e5847c..c2b285b2932d46 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Normal ifade altyapısı bir deseni bir giriş dizesiyle eşleştirmeye çalışırken zaman aşımına uğradı. Bu durum, çok büyük girişler veya iç içe niceleyiciler, geri başvurular ve diğer faktörler nedeniyle oluşan aşırı geri izleme gibi birçok nedenle oluşabilir. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute yöntemi veya özelliği kısmi ve parametresiz olmalı, genel amaçlı ve soyut olmamalı ve Normal İfade döndürmelidir. Bir özellikse, aynı zamanda yalnızca okunabilir olmalıdır. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index dba4ffd1f33afc..c19f57e6836a42 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 尝试将模式与输入字符串匹配时,Regex 引擎超时。许多原因均可能导致出现这种情况,包括由嵌套限定符、反向引用和其他因素引起的大量输入或过度回溯。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或属性必须是分部、无参数、非泛型、非抽象且返回 Regex。如果是属性,则它必须也是 get-only 属性。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 045632ce88b81f..558754ab20d68c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 嘗試將模式對應至輸入字串時,Regex 引擎發生逾時。有很多原因會導致這個情形,其中包括巢狀數量詞、反向參考及其他因素所造成的極大量輸入或過度使用回溯法。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或屬性必須是部分、無參數、非泛型、非抽象,並傳回 Regex。如果是屬性,它也必須是 get-only。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. From ae7796b3bfd54815f235efe9ccf6d695aa50112d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 17:20:44 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 07/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2640711 --- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ 26 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index fc38fd23b8e16c..a9049c6c3a55db 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekce se nepodporuje: {0}“. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Jazyková verze projektu musí být alespoň C# 12 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3883b046ca37e..6ab4079f505969 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Der Auflistungselementtyp wird nicht unterstützt: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Die Sprachversion des Projekts muss mindestens "C# 12" sein. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 2e0eca78950550..c3256d3dd97673 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ No se admite el tipo de elemento de colección: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La versión del lenguaje del proyecto debe ser al menos "C# 12". diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index cb815248639fbc..34c8eff9842f1a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Le type d‘élément collection n‘est pas pris en charge : ‘{0}‘. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La version de langage du projet doit être au moins « C# 12 ». diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 5a08940b3965ce..a4edccfaeba916 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Il tipo di elemento della raccolta non è supportato: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La versione del linguaggio del progetto deve essere almeno 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index f5430987633c4c..3fc756914150fb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ コレクション要素型はサポートされていません: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + プロジェクトの言語バージョンは少なくとも 'C# 12' である必要があります。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 1c66f5d58a6284..e5fac78816501d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 컬렉션 요소 유형이 지원되지 않습니다: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 프로젝트의 언어 버전은 'C# 12' 이상이어야 합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b1bb4292bb2f74..a3bfda7961accf 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekcji nie jest obsługiwany: „{0}”. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Wersja językowa projektu musi mieć wartość co najmniej „C# 12”. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 69c61c2a98b85f..9ae94770e0876a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ O tipo de elemento da coleção não é suportado: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + A versão da linguagem do projeto deve ser no mínimo 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1aabe87ae55993..ac093757f66aca 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Тип элемента коллекции не поддерживается: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Версия языка проекта должна быть не ниже "C# 12". diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1589ce12f510c1..6cd1157d71daf3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Koleksiyon öğesi türü desteklenmiyor: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Projenin dil sürümü en az 'C# 12' olmalıdır. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index f88548c055eb7d..fe5aac5bf4505b 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支持此集合元素类型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 项目的语言版本必须至少为 "C# 12"。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index b492367d5fb89e..5ce4ed9a5d76ce 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支援集合元素類型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 專案的語言版本必須至少為 'C# 12'。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 6f3218ac6dd5b7..db9efa93236cc2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Našlo se několik polí typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Třída {0} má parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, který je skrytý polem ve třídě nebo základní třídě, což brání jeho použití. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger je skrytý polem. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Odeberte redundantní kvalifikátor (Informace:, Upozornění:, Chyba: atd.) ze zprávy o protokolování, protože je na zadané úrovni protokolu implicitní. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b838765022a4ea..1a557ac1669fcd 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Mehrere Felder vom Typ "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger" gefunden {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Die Klasse „{0}“ weist einen primären Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ auf, der von einem Feld in der Klasse oder einer Basisklasse ausgeblendet wird, wodurch die Verwendung verhindert wird. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Der primäre Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ wird durch ein Feld ausgeblendet. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Entfernen Sie den redundanten Qualifizierer (z. B. "Info:", "Warnung:" oder "Fehler:") aus der Protokollierungsmeldung, weil er auf der angegebenen Protokollebene implizit enthalten ist. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 30000484775d0a..c67ec41ff91cc8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Se encontraron varios campos de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La clase '{0}' tiene un parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger oculto por un campo de la clase o una clase base, lo que impide su uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Un campo oculta el parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Quitar calificadores redundantes (Información:, Advertencia:, Error:, etc.) del mensaje de registro, ya que está implícito en el nivel de registro especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 04ccccc8536aa0..bb73608d9d0382 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Plusieurs champs de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger ont été trouvés {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La classe « ’{0} » a un paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger qui est masqué par un champ de la classe ou une classe de base, ce qui empêche son utilisation + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Le paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger est masqué par un champ + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Supprimez le qualificateur redondant (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc.) du message de journalisation, car il est implicite dans le niveau de journalisation spécifié. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 0c007fdce54828..d4bd8eb5a895c3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Sono stati trovati più campi di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La classe '{0}' ha un parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger nascosto da un campo nella classe o una classe di base, impedendone l'uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Il parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger è nascosto da un campo + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Rimuovere il qualificatore ridondante (Informazioni:, Avviso:, Errore: e così via) dal messaggio di registrazione perché è implicito nel livello di log specificato. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 36f5b1baad528f..1f19c136e50db5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger という種類の複数のフィールドが見つかりました {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + クラス '{0}' には、クラスまたは基本クラスのフィールドによって非表示になっている型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターがあるため、使用できません + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターはフィールドによって非表示になっています + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 指定されたログ レベルでは暗黙的であるため、冗長な修飾子 (Info:、Warning:、Error: など) をログ メッセージから削除します。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 547c49b3e33dc9..94a4654cf41a68 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 필드가 여러 개 있음 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 클래스 '{0}'에는 클래스 또는 기본 클래스의 필드에 의해 숨겨진 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 있으므로 해당 매개 변수를 사용할 수 없습니다. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 필드에 의해 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 숨겨집니다. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 중복 한정자(정보:, 경고:, 오류: 등)가 지정된 로그 수준에서 암시적이기 때문에 로깅 메시지에서 제거합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a40b72d24ffcea..48dcc267ff34f2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Znaleziono wiele pól typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Klasa „{0}” ma podstawowy parametr konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, który jest ukryty przez pole w klasie lub klasie podstawowej, co uniemożliwia jego użycie. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Parametr podstawowy konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger jest ukryty przez pole + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Usuń nadmiarowy kwalifikator (Info:, Warning:, Error: itp.) z komunikatu rejestrowania, ponieważ jest on domyślny na określonym poziomie dziennika. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 0560fb6b5907c8..c698b2fc61d947 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Múltiplos campos encontrados do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + A classe "{0}" tem um parâmetro de construtor primário do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger que está oculto por um campo na classe ou uma classe base, impedindo o seu uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + O parâmetro primário de construtor do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger está oculto por um campo + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Remova o qualificador redundante (Info:, Aviso:, Erro:, etc) da mensagem de log, pois está implícito no nível de log especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 589635d5721bb9..4e59b9fd9b04a5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Обнаружено несколько полей типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Класс "{0}" имеет первичный параметр конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger который скрыт полем в этом классе или базовом классе, что препятствует его использованию + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Параметр основного конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger скрыт полем + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Удалите избыточный квалификатор (Info:, Warning:, Error:, и т. п.) из сообщения журнала, поскольку квалификатор подразумевается на указанном уровне ведения журнала. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c40d99aa4602c5..b92fc16b8c2aba 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birden çok alan bulundu {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + '{0}' sınıfı, sınıf veya temel sınıf alanı tarafından gizlenen ve bu türün kullanımına engel olan Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birincil oluşturucu parametresine sahip + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türündeki birincil oluşturucu parametresi bir alan tarafından gizleniyor + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Belirtilen günlük düzeyinde örtük olduğundan gereksiz niteleyiciyi (Bilgi:, Uyarı:, Hata: vb.) günlüğe kaydetme iletisinden kaldırın. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 04c39c8843a1e1..6f70cbcdd9b34e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ 找到 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的多个字段 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 类“{0}”具有 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数,该参数被类或基类中的字段隐藏以防使用 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数被字段隐藏 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 从日志记录消息中删除冗余限定符(信息:、警告:、错误: 等),因为其在指定的日志级别中为隐式内容。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index af008cf098ff8a..810bdfe157fede 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ 找到多個 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 類型的欄位 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 類別 '{0}' 具有類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數,其已由類別或基底類別中的欄位隱藏,因此無法使用 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數由某欄位隱藏 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 從記錄訊息中移除備援限定詞 (資訊:、警告:、錯誤: 等等),因為它在指定的記錄層級中為隱含。 From 8039f69ccd1d016838ff3fda51bde305c19cc3f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 17:21:59 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 08/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2640711 --- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 6 ++-- 39 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 3b94247f4ce430..ba1c9a3a785dba 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Tento typ implementuje minimálně jeden typ s atributem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute nebo má jeho základní typ atribut GeneratedComClassAttribute. Přidejte generatedComClassAttribute, aby bylo možné předat tento typ modelu COM a zpřístupnit rozhraní COM pro typy s atributem GeneratedComClassAttribute z objektů tohoto typu. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Základnímu rozhraní COM se nepodařilo vygenerovat zdroj. Kód se pro toto rozhraní nevygeneruje. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Typ {0} má základní rozhraní {1} definované v jiném sestavení. To může v některých případech způsobit řadu obtížně diagnostikovatelných problémů. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Zadání atributu GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute u rozhraní, které má základní rozhraní definované v jiném sestavení, není podporováno. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. GeneratedComInterface nemůže určovat ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper nebo ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper, pokud základní typ rozhraní neurčil možnosti nebo nezadal alespoň stejné možnosti. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ atributy [In] a [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objekty zařazené z VARIANT jako parametry in ve voláních nespravovaných na spravované nebudou šířit zpět aktualizovaný výsledek, a to ani v případě, že VARIANT je varianta VT_BYREF. K šíření aktualizované hodnoty zpět k volajícímu použijte místo parametru in parametr ref. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Události nejsou konceptem COM, takže pro události instance na rozhraních COM generovaných zdrojem nebude vygenerován žádný kód spolupráce. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Typ vstupního bodu řadiče „{0}“ pro spravovaný typ „{1}“ musí mít aritu o jednu větší než spravovaný typ. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Všechny zařazovací moduly pro hodnoty, které jsou předány jako nespravovaná návratová hodnota nebo parametr, musí mít stejný nespravovaný typ. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Aby se povolilo zařazování tohoto typu, musí se v tomto projektu zakázat zařazování modulu runtime použitím atributu System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute u sestavení. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Při volání metody musí být definována velikost parametru{0}, která je zařazena do volané metody, ale parametr count {1} je parametr out. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index dd4222c203079d..b8b529c7c12b71 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Dieser Typ implementiert mindestens einen Typ mit dem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute-Attribut, oder sein Basistyp weist das GeneratedComClassAttribute-Attribut auf. Fügen Sie „GeneratedComClassAttribute“ hinzu, um die Übergabe dieses Typs an COM zu ermöglichen und die COM-Schnittstellen für die Typen mit dem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ aus Objekten dieses Typs verfügbar zu machen. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Die Basis-COM-Schnittstelle konnte die Quelle nicht generieren. Für diese Schnittstelle wird kein Code generiert. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Für den Typ „{0}“ ist eine Basisschnittstelle „{1}“ in einer anderen Assembly definiert. Dies kann in einigen Szenarien eine Vielzahl von Problemen verursachen, die schwer zu diagnostizieren sind. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Das Angeben von „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ für eine Schnittstelle mit einer in einer anderen Assembly definierten Basisschnittstelle wird nicht unterstützt. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Ein "GeneratedComInterface" kann nur dann "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" oder "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" angeben, wenn der Basisschnittstellentyp keine Optionen angegeben oder mindestens dieselben Optionen angegeben hat. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In]- und [Out]-Attribute + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objekte, die aus VARIANTEN als in-Parameter in nicht verwalteten Aufrufen gemarshallt werden, werden nicht an das aktualisierte Ergebnis verteilt, auch wenn VARIANTE eine VT_BYREF-Variante ist. Verwenden Sie einen ref-Parameter anstelle eines in-Parameters, um den aktualisierten Wert wieder an den Aufrufer zu übergeben. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Ereignisse sind kein Konzept in COM, daher wird kein Interopcode für Instanzereignisse auf von der Quelle generierten COM-Schnittstellen generiert. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Der Marshaller-Einstiegspunkttyp "{0}" für den verwalteten Typ "{1}" muss eine Stelligkeit aufweisen, die größer als der verwaltete Typ ist. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Alle Marshaller für Werte, die als nicht verwalteter Rückgabewert oder Parameter übergeben werden, müssen denselben nicht verwalteten Typ aufweisen. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Das Runtime-Marshalling muss in diesem Projekt deaktiviert werden, indem „System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute“ auf die Assembly angewendet wird, um das Marshalling dieses Typs zu ermöglichen. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Die Größe des Parameters "{0}", der an den Aufgerufenen gemarshallt wird, muss definiert werden, wenn die Methode aufgerufen wird. Der Count-Parameter "{1}" ist jedoch ein "Out"-Parameter. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 393160b81b1131..89886b7f025883 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Este tipo implementa al menos un tipo con el atributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o su tipo base tiene el atributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Agregue 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar el paso de este tipo a COM y exponer las interfaces COM para los tipos con 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' a partir de objetos de este tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ La interfaz COM base no pudo generar el origen. No se generará código para esta interfaz. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + El tipo '{0}' tiene una interfaz base '{1}' definida en un ensamblado diferente. Esto puede causar diversos problemas difíciles de diagnosticar en algunos escenarios. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + No se admite especificar 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' en una interfaz que tenga una interfaz base definida en otro ensamblado + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. ''GeneratedComInterface'' no puede especificar ''ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper'' o ''ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'' a menos que el tipo de interfaz base no especifique opciones o especifique al menos las mismas opciones. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atributos [In] y [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Los objetos serializados a partir de VARIANTES como parámetros 'in' en llamadas no administradas a administradas no propagarán el resultado actualizado, incluso si VARIANTE es una variante VT_BYREF. Use un parámetro 'ref' en lugar de un parámetro 'in' para volver a propagar el valor actualizado al llamador. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Los eventos no representan un concepto en COM, de modo que no se generará código de interoperabilidad para eventos de instancia en interfaces COM generadas en origen. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ El tipo de punto de entrada del serializador "{0}" para el tipo administrado "{1}" debe tener una aridad mayor que el tipo administrado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Todos los serializadores para los valores que se pasan como el parámetro o valor devuelto no administrado deben tener el mismo tipo no administrado. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ La serialización en tiempo de ejecución debe deshabilitarse en este proyecto aplicando \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMars contosoingAttribute\" al ensamblado para habilitar la serialización de este tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. El tamaño del parámetro "{0}" que se serializa al destinatario debe definirse cuando se llama al método, pero el parámetro de recuento "{1}" es un parámetro "out". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 70739eaa879e52..34309a0a8dc920 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Ce type implémente au moins un type avec l’attribut « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » ou son type de base a l’attribut « GeneratedComClassAttribute ». Ajoutez le « GeneratedComClassAttribute » pour activer le passage de ce type à COM et exposer les interfaces COM pour les types avec le « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » des objets de ce type. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ L’interface COM de base n’a pas réussi à générer le code source. Le code ne sera pas généré pour cette interface. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Le type « {0} » a une interface de base « {1} » définie dans un autre assembly. Cela peut entraîner de nombreux problèmes difficiles à diagnostiquer dans certains scénarios + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + La spécification de ’GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute’ sur une interface pour laquelle une interface de base est définie dans un autre assembly n’est pas prise en charge + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un 'GeneratedComInterface' ne peut pas spécifier 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' sauf si le type d’interface de base n’a pas spécifié d’options ou spécifié au moins les mêmes options. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Attributs [In] et [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Les objets marshallés à partir de VARIANT en tant que paramètres « in » dans les appels non gérés à gérés ne propageront pas le résultat mis à jour, même si le VARIANT est une variante de VT_BYREF. Utilisez un paramètre « ref » au lieu d’un paramètre « in » pour propager la valeur mise à jour à l’appelant. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Les événements ne sont pas un concept dans COM. Par conséquent, aucun code d’interopérabilité n’est généré à la source pour les événements d’instance sur les interfaces COM générées par la source. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Le type de point d’entrée marshaleur '{0}' pour le type managé '{1}' doit avoir une arité supérieure au type managé. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Tous les marshaleurs pour les valeurs transmises en tant que valeurs ou paramètres de retour non managés doivent avoir le même type non managé. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Le marshaling du runtime doit être désactivé dans ce projet en appliquant « System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute » à l’assembly pour activer le marshaling de ce type. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. La taille du paramètre '{0}' qui est marshalé à l'appelé doit être définie lorsque la méthode est appelée, mais le paramètre count '{1}' est un paramètre 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 0a5eacfbe9c27a..598b0874ab7f25 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Questo tipo implementa almeno un tipo con l'attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o il relativo tipo di base ha l'attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Aggiungere l’attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' per consentire il passaggio di questo tipo a COM e l'esposizione delle interfacce COM per i tipi con l’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' dagli oggetti di questo tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ L'interfaccia COM di base non è riuscita a generare l'origine. Il codice non verrà generato per questa interfaccia. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Il tipo '{0}' ha un'interfaccia di base '{1}' definita in un assembly diverso. Ciò può causare una vasta gamma di problemi difficili da diagnosticare in alcuni scenari + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + La specifica dell’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' in un'interfaccia che ha un'interfaccia di base definita in un altro assembly non è supportata + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un elemento 'GeneratedComInterface' non può specificare 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' o 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a meno che il tipo di interfaccia di base non specifichi opzioni o non specifichi almeno le stesse opzioni. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Attributi [In] e [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Gli oggetti di cui è stato eseguito il marshalling da VARIANT come parametri 'in' nelle chiamate da non gestito a gestito non verranno propagati nuovamente al risultato aggiornato, anche se VARIANT è una variante VT_BYREF. Usare un parametro 'ref' invece di un parametro 'in' per propagare nuovamente il valore aggiornato al chiamante. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Gli eventi non sono concetti in COM quindi non verrà generato codice di interoperabilità per gli eventi dell’istanza nelle interfacce COM generate dall'origine. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Il tipo di punto di ingresso del marshalling '{0}' per il tipo gestito '{1}' deve avere un grado maggiore rispetto a quello del tipo gestito. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Tutti i marshalling per i valori passati come parametro o valore restituito non gestito devono avere lo stesso tipo non gestito. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Il marshalling di runtime in questo progetto deve essere disabilitato applicando 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' all'assembly per abilitare il marshalling di questo tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Le dimensioni del parametro '{0}' di cui viene eseguito il marshalling al destinatario della chiamata devono essere definite quando viene chiamato il metodo, ma il parametro conteggio '{1}' è un parametro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index d08519db19c885..e0c3c159f39952 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + この型は、'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性を持つ少なくとも 1 つの型を実装します。またはその基本型に 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性があります。'GeneratedComClassAttribute' を追加して、この型を COM に渡し、この型のオブジェクトから 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を持つ型の COM インターフェイスを公開できるようにします。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ ベース COM インターフェイスはソースを生成できませんでした。このインターフェイスのコードは生成されません。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 型 '{0}' には、別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイス '{1}' があります。これにより、一部のシナリオで問題を診断することが困難になるさまざまな可能性があります + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイスを持つインターフェイスで 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を指定することはサポートされていません + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 基底インターフェイスの型でオプションが指定されていないか、少なくとも同じオプションが指定されていない限り、'GeneratedComInterface' では 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' または 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' を指定できません。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ 属性の[In]と[Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + アンマネージからマネージドへの呼び出しで VARIANT から 'in' パラメーターとしてマーシャリングされたオブジェクトは、VARIANT が VT_BYREF バリアントであっても、更新された結果に反映されません。更新された値を呼び出し元に反映するには、'in' パラメーターの代わりに 'ref' パラメーターを使用してください。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. イベントは COM の概念ではないため、ソース生成 COM インターフェイス上のインスタンス イベントに対して相互運用コードはソース生成されません。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ マネージド型 '{1}' のマーシャラー エントリ ポイント型 '{0}' には、マネージド型より 1 大きい引数が必要です。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + アンマネージ戻り値またはパラメーターとして渡される値のすべてのマーシャラーは、同じアンマネージ型を持つ必要があります。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ このプロジェクトでは、アセンブリに 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' を適用してランタイム マーシャリングを無効にし、この型のマーシャリングを有効にする必要があります。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼び出し先にマーシャリングされるパラメーター '{0}' のサイズは、メソッドが呼び出されたときに定義する必要がありますが、count パラメーター '{1}' は 'out' パラメーターです。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 1225af16e56026..3544bea85669bd 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 이 유형은 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 특성을 갖는 하나 이상의 유형을 구현하거나 기본 유형에 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 특성이 있습니다. 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'를 추가하여 이 유형을 COM에 전달하고 이 유형의 개체에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'가 있는 유형에 대해 COM 인터페이스를 노출할 수 있도록 합니다. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 베이스 COM 인터페이스에서 소스를 생성하지 못했습니다. 이 인터페이스에 대한 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + '{0}' 유형에 다른 어셈블리에서 정의된 기본 인터페이스 '{1}'이(가) 있습니다. 일부 시나리오에서는 이로 인해 진단하기 어려운 다양한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 다른 어셈블리에 정의된 기본 인터페이스가 있는 인터페이스에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'를 지정하는 것은 지원되지 않습니다. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 기본 인터페이스 형식이 옵션을 지정하지 않았거나, 최소한 동일한 옵션을 지정하지 않은 경우 'GeneratedComInterface'는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 또는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'를 지정할 수 없습니다. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 및 [Out] 속성 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 관리되지 않는 호출에서 관리되는 호출로의 VARIANT에서 'in' 매개 변수로 마샬링된 개체는 VARIANT가 VT_BYREF 변형인 경우에도 업데이트된 결과를 다시 전파하지 않습니다. 'in' 매개 변수 대신 'ref' 매개 변수를 사용하여 업데이트된 값을 호출자에게 다시 전파합니다. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 이벤트는 COM의 개념이 아니므로 소스 생성 COM 인터페이스의 인스턴스 이벤트에 대해 interop 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 관리 유형 '{1}'에 대한 마샬러 진입점 유형 '{0}'에는 관리 유형보다 1이 더 커야 합니다. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 관리되지 않는 반환 값이나 매개 변수로 전달되는 값에 대한 모든 마샬러는 동일한 관리되지 않는 형식을 가져야 합니다. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 이 형식의 마샬링을 활성화하려면 어셈블리에 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute'를 적용하여 이 프로젝트에서 런타임 마샬링을 비활성화해야 합니다. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 메서드를 호출할 때 호출 수신자로 마샬링되는 매개 변수 '{0}'의 크기를 정의해야 하지만 count 매개 변수 '{1}'은(는) 'out' 매개 변수입니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 91ce793526a67d..30bc2cef8ae4de 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Ten typ implementuje co najmniej jeden typ z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” lub jego typ podstawowy ma atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”. Dodaj atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”, aby umożliwić przekazywanie tego typu do modelu COM i uwidacznianie interfejsów COM dla typów z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” z obiektów tego typu. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Podstawowy interfejs COM nie może wygenerować źródła. Kod nie zostanie wygenerowany dla tego interfejsu. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Typ „{0}” ma interfejs podstawowy „{1}” zdefiniowany w innym zestawie. Może to powodować różne trudne do zdiagnozowania problemy w niektórych scenariuszach + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Określanie atrybutu „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” dla interfejsu, który ma interfejs podstawowy zdefiniowany w innym zespole, nie jest obsługiwane + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Element „GeneratedComInterface” nie może określać elementu „ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper” lub „ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper”, chyba że podstawowy typ interfejsu nie określił opcji lub określił co najmniej te same opcje. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atrybuty [In] i [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Obiekty przekazywane z obiektów VARIANT jako parametry „w” w wywołaniach niezarządzanych do zarządzanych nie będą propagować z powrotem zaktualizowanego wyniku, nawet jeśli parametr VARIANT jest wariantem VT_BYREF. Użyj parametru „ref” zamiast parametru „w”, aby propagować zaktualizowaną wartość z powrotem do obiektu wywołującego. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Zdarzenia nie są koncepcją w modelu COM, więc żaden kod międzyoperacyjny nie będzie generowany dla zdarzeń wystąpień w interfejsach COM generowanych źródłowo. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Typ punktu wejścia marshallera „{0}” dla typu zarządzanego „{1}” musi mieć liczbę argumentów o jeden większą niż typ zarządzany. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Wszystkie elementy organizujące dla wartości przekazywanych jako niezarządzana wartość zwracana lub parametr muszą mieć ten sam typ niezarządzany. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Marshalling środowiska uruchomieniowego musi być wyłączony w tym projekcie przez zastosowanie do zestawu atrybutu „System.Runtime.InteropServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute”, aby umożliwić marshalling tego typu. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Rozmiar parametru „{0}”, który jest kierowany do obiektu wywołującego, musi być zdefiniowany podczas wywoływania metody, ale parametr ILE.LICZB „{1}” jest parametrem „out”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 1a7e0f222576df..3b825512d46ceb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Este tipo implementa pelo menos um tipo com o atributo "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" ou o seu tipo base tem o atributo "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Adicione o 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar a passagem desse tipo para COM e expor as interfaces COM para os tipos com o 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' de objetos desse tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ A interface COM base falhou ao gerar a fonte. O código não será gerado para esta interface. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + O tipo "{0}" tem uma interface base "{1}" definida em um assembly diferente. Isso pode causar uma variedade de problemas difíceis de diagnosticar em alguns cenários + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Não há suporte para a especificação de "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" em uma interface que tem uma interface base definida em outro assembly + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Um 'GeneratedComInterface' não pode especificar 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a menos que o tipo de interface base não especifique opções ou especifique pelo menos as mesmas opções. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atributos [In] e [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objetos marshalled de VARIANTs como parâmetros "in" em chamadas não gerenciadas para gerenciadas não propagam de volta o resultado atualizado, mesmo que VARIANT seja uma variante VT_BYREF. Use um parâmetro "ref" em vez de um parâmetro "in" para propagar o valor atualizado de volta para o chamador. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Os eventos não são um conceito em COM, portanto, nenhum código de interoperabilidade será gerado para eventos de instância em interfaces COM geradas pela origem. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ O tipo de ponto de entrada para realizar marshaling '{0}' para o tipo gerenciado '{1}' deve ter uma aridade maior do que o tipo gerenciado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Todos os empacotadores para valores que são passados como valor de retorno ou parâmetro não gerenciado devem ter o mesmo tipo não gerenciado. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ O marshalling de tempo de execução deve ser desabilitado neste projeto aplicando o 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' ao assembly para habilitar o marshalling desse tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. O tamanho do parâmetro '{0}' que é empacotado para o receptor deve ser definido quando o método é chamado, mas o parâmetro de contagem '{1}' é um parâmetro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 12c251122fa78d..27d7f597d2202c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Этот тип реализует по крайней мере один тип с атрибутом "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute", или его базовый тип содержит атрибут "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Добавьте "GeneratedComClassAttribute", чтобы разрешить передачу этого типа в COM и предоставление COM-интерфейсов для типов с "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" из объектов этого типа. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Базовому COM-интерфейсу не удалось создать источник. Код не будет создан для этого интерфейса. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Тип "{0}" использует базовый интерфейс "{1}", определенный в другой сборке. Это может вызвать множество сложностей при диагностике проблем в некоторых сценариях + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Указание "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" в интерфейсе, для которого базовый интерфейс определен в другой сборке, не поддерживается + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Параметр "GeneratedComInterface" не может указывать "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" или "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" кроме случаев, когда базовый тип интерфейса не указывает параметры или указывает по крайней мере те же параметры. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Атрибуты [In] и [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Объекты, маршалированные из VARIANT в качестве параметров "in" в вызовах с переходом от неуправляемых к управляемым, не будут распространяться обратно на обновленный результат, даже если VARIANT является вариантом VT_BYREF. Используйте параметр "ref" вместо параметра "in", чтобы распространить обновленное значение обратно на вызывающую сторону. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. События не являются концепцией в COM, поэтому источник не будет генерировать код взаимодействия для событий экземпляра в COM-интерфейсах, создаваемых источником. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Тип точки входа маршаллера "{0}" для управляемого типа "{1}" должен иметь более высокую арность, чем управляемый тип. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Все маршалеры для значений, передаваемых в качестве неуправляемого возвращаемого значения или параметра, должны использовать одинаковый неуправляемый тип. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ В этом проекте следует отключить маршализацию среды выполнения путем применения к сборке атрибута \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" для включения маршализации этого типа. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. При вызове метода должен быть определен размер параметра "{0}", который был маршалирован вызываемому абоненту, но исчисляемый параметр "{1}" является выходным. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 7b19f33f898c82..72813018d87503 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Bu tür, 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' özniteliğine sahip en az bir türü uygular veya temel türü 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' özniteliğine sahiptir. Bu türü COM'a geçirmeyi ve bu türdeki nesnelerden 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' içeren türler için COM arabirimlerini açığa çıkarmayı etkinleştirmek için 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' ekleyin. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Temel COM arabirimi, kaynak oluşturamadı. Bu arabirim için kod oluşturulmayacak. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + '{0}' tipinin farklı bir derlemede tanımlanmış bir temel arayüzü '{1}' vardır. Bu, bazı senaryolarda tanılaması zor çeşitli sorunlara neden olabilir + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Başka bir bütünleştirilmiş kodda tanımlanmış bir temel arabirime sahip arabirimde 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' belirtilmesi desteklenmez + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Temel arabirim seçenekleri belirtmediği veya en azından aynı seçenekleri belirttiği sürece bir 'GeneratedComInterface' arabirimi 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' veya 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' seçeneğini belirtemez. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] ve [Out] öznitelikleri + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Yönetilmeyenden yönetilene yapılan çağrılarda 'in' parametresi olarak kullanılan VARIANT'lardan hazırlanma işlemiyle elde edilen nesneler, VARIANT çeşidi VT_BYREF olsa bile güncelleştirilmiş sonucu geri yaymaz. Güncelleştirilmiş değeri çağırana geri yayma için 'in' parametresi yerine bir 'ref' parametresi kullanın. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Olaylar COM'da kavram olarak değerlendirilmez, bu nedenle kaynak tarafından oluşturulan COM arabirimleri üzerinde örnek olaylar için birlikte çalışma kodu oluşturulmaz. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Yönetilen tür '{1}' için sıralayıcı giriş noktası '{0}', yönetilen türden büyük bir parametre sayısına sahip olmalıdır. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Yönetilmeyen dönüş değeri veya parametresi olarak geçirilen değerler için tüm hazırlayıcılar aynı yönetilmeyen türe sahip olmalıdır. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Bu türü sıralamayı etkinleştirmek için derlemeye 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' uygulanarak bu projede çalışma zamanı sıralaması devre dışı bırakılmalıdır. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Aramanın alıcısına hazırlanan '{0}' parametresinin boyutu yöntem çağrıldığında tanımlanmalıdır ancak '{1}' sayı parametresi bir ‘çıkış’ parametresidir. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 948802857d19b2..b9e21c430f3a76 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 此类型至少实现了一种具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性的类型,或其基本类型具有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性。添加 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以允许将此类型传递到 COM,并公开具有此类型的对象的 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的类型的 COM 接口。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 基本 COM 接口无法生成源。不会为此接口生成代码。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 类型“{0}”具有在其他程序集中定义的基接口“{1}”。在某些情况下,可能会导致各种难以诊断问题 + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 不支持在另一个进程集中定义了基础接口的接口上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. "GeneratedComInterface" 不能指定 "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" 或 "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper",除非基接口类型未指定选项或至少指定了相同的选项。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 和 [Out] 属性 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 在非托管到托管调用中从 VARIANT 封送为“in”参数的对象不会传回更新后的结果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 变量也是如此。使用 "ref "参数代替 "in "参数,将更新后的值传回调用方。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 的概念,因此不会为源生成的 COM 接口上的实例事件生成互操作代码。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 托管类型“{1}”的封送程序入口点类型“{0}”必须具有大于托管类型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 作为非托管返回值或参数传递的值的所有封送程序都必须具有相同的非托管类型。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 必须通过将 \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" 应用到程序集来在此项目中禁用运行时封送,以启用此类型的封送处理。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 调用方法时,必须定义封送给被调用方的参数“{0}”的大小,但计数参数“{1}”是一个 "out" 参数。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 33457ab3320306..feb774294e8ea0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 此類型會實作至少一個類型,具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 屬性或其基底類型有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 屬性。新增 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以啟用將此類型傳遞到 COM,並公開具有此類型物件之 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 類型的 COM 介面。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 基底 COM 介面無法產生來源。將不會產生此介面的程式碼。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 類型 '{0}' 已有在不同組件中定義的基礎介面 '{1}'。在某些情況下,這可能會造成各種難以診斷的問題 + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 不支援在已於另一個組件中定義基礎介面的介面上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 除非基本介面類型未指定選項或至少指定了相同的選項,否則 'GeneratedComInterface' 不能指定 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 或 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 與 [Out] 屬性 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 在未受控對受控呼叫中,從 VARIANT 封送處理為 'in' 參數的物件將不會傳播回更新的結果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 變數亦然。使用 'ref' 參數而非 'in' 參數,以將更新的值傳播回呼叫者。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 中的概念,因此不會為來源產生的 COM 介面上的執行個體事件來源產生 Interop 程式碼。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 受控類型 '{1}' 的封送處理器進入點類型 '{0}' 必須具有大於受控類型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 所有作為非受控傳回值或參數傳遞之值的 marshaller 必須具有相同的非受控類型。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 必須將 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' 套用到組件,以停用此專案中的執行階段封送處理,以啟用此類型的封送處理。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼叫方法時,必須定義封送處理給被呼叫者的參數 '{0}' 的大小,但 count 參數 '{1}' 是 'out' 參數。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 96bb2680ffcb70..49ede1a3986cd0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Typ obsahuje více členů s komentářem JsonExtensionDataAttribute + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Typ {0} zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru {1}. Pro vlastnost, pole nebo konstruktor se nevygeneruje žádný zdrojový kód. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Typ zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nevygenerovala se metadata serializace pro typ {0}. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index dbc6ca2ae2b90a..35bfee5db3fbd9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Der Typ enthält mehrere Elemente, die mit dem JsonExtensionDataAttribute versehen sind. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Der Typ „{0}“ enthält die Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter „{1}“. Für die Eigenschaft, das Feld oder den Konstruktor wird kein Quellcode generiert. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Der Typ enthält Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Die Serialisierungsmetadaten für den Typ "{0}" wurden nicht generiert. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 878fa15bc7efb1..3fdbb1b2f07fe5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ El tipo tiene varios miembros anotados con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + El tipo "{0}" incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor "{1}". No se generará código fuente para la propiedad, campo o constructor. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + El tipo incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. No generó metadatos de serialización para el tipo '{0}". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index fbf12b5a733d49..1704ce42aeb52d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Le type comporte plusieurs membres annotés avec JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Le type « {0} » inclut le ref comme propriété, champ ou paramètre de constructeur « {1} ». Aucun code source ne sera généré pour la propriété, le champ ou le constructeur. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Le type comprend des éléments tels que des propriétés, des champs ou des paramètres de construction. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Les métadonnées de sérialisation pour le type « {0} » n’ont pas été générées. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 04d5cf68ef4a94..c44dbd4a4cc5fa 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Nel tipo sono presenti più membri annotati con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Il tipo '{0}' include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore '{1}'. Non verrà generato codice sorgente per la proprietà, il campo o il costruttore. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Il tipo include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Non sono stati generati metadati di serializzazione per il tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 0224cb65fc26e3..ef07d1387562b0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 型には、'JsonExtensionDataAttribute' に注釈が付けられた複数のメンバーが含まれます。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 型 '{0}' には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーター '{1}' などの ref が含まれます。プロパティ、フィールド、またはコンストラクターのソース コードは生成されません。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 型には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーターなどの ref が含まれます。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}'型 のシリアル化メタデータを生成ませんでした。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 9bc14e0cc3d556..615789e0daae07 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 형식에 JsonExtensionDataAttribute로 주석이 추가 된 멤버가 여러 개 있습니다. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + '{0}' 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수 '{1}'와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. 속성, 필드 또는 생성자에 대한 소스 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' 형식에 대한 직렬화 메타데이터가 생성되지 않았습니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d8e7a990013fac..ef4fd7d87655c2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Typ ma wiele składowych opatrzonych adnotacjami za pomocą atrybutu JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Typ „{0}” zawiera parametr ref, taki jak właściwość, pole lub konstruktor „{1}”. Nie zostanie wygenerowany kod źródłowy dla właściwości, pola lub konstruktora. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Typ zawiera parametr właściwości, pola lub konstruktora typu ref. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nie wygenerowano metadanych serializacji dla typu „{0}”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d31fa77f16ee47..3a76db6711dc19 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Tipo tem vários membros anotados com JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + O tipo "{0}" inclui a propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor "{1}". Nenhum código-fonte será gerado para a propriedade, campo ou construtor. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + O tipo inclui propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Não gerou metadados de serialização para o tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index de31bb76e6f2d9..b40f42392e4b98 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Тип содержит несколько элементов, помеченных с помощью JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Тип "{0}" содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора "{1}". Для свойства, поля или конструктора не будет создан исходный код. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Тип содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Метаданные сериализации для типа "{0}" не сформированы. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3ab7559fc82284..6c843de0282ff5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Tür, JsonExtensionDataAttribute ile açıklanan birden çok üyeye sahip. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + '{0}' türü; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi '{1}' gibi başvuru içeriyor. Özellik, alan veya oluşturucu için kaynak kodu üretilmeyecek. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Tür; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi gibi başvuru içeriyor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' türü için serileştirme meta verileri oluşturulmadı. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 03ce3792f5ec8a..b5b714c3d13d22 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 类型具有多个带有 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 注释的成员。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 类型“{0}”包括属性、字段或构造函数参数“{1}”等引用。不会为属性、字段或构造函数生成源代码。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 类型包括属性、字段或构造函数参数等引用。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未生成类型 '{0}' 的序列化元数据。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index ed207add481d94..ac3fd35f8414b6 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 類型具有使用 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 標註的多個成員。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 類型 '{0}' 包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數 '{1}'。不會針對屬性、欄位或建構函式產生原始程式碼。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 類型包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未產生類型 '{0}' 的序列化中繼資料。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index f579fcf48d7a65..8e760ca35b1b2b 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Vypršel časový limit modulu Regex při pokusu o porovnání vzoru se vstupním řetězcem. K tomu může dojít z celé řady důvodů, mezi které patří velká velikost vstupních dat nebo nadměrné zpětné navracení způsobené vloženými kvantifikátory, zpětnými odkazy a dalšími faktory. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Metoda nebo vlastnost GeneratedRegexAttribute musí být částečná, bez parametrů, neobecná, neabstraktní a návratová metoda Regex. Pokud jde o vlastnost, musí být také get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index db5cdbbe518a07..100134d0071727 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Zeitüberschreitung des RegEx-Moduls beim Versuch, ein Muster mit einer Eingabezeichenfolge in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Dies kann viele Ursachen haben, darunter sehr große Eingaben oder übermäßige Rückverfolgung aufgrund von geschachtelten Quantifizierern, Rückverweisen und anderen Faktoren. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Die GeneratedRegexAttribute-Methode oder -Eigenschaft muss partiell, parameterlos, nicht generisch, nicht abstrakt sein und RegEx zurückgeben. Wenn eine Eigenschaft, muss sie auch "get-only" sein. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 544cb8737967bb..d7c03679c8ab8e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Se agotó el tiempo de espera mientras el motor de Regex intentaba comparar una cadena de entrada con un patrón. Esto puede deberse a muchos motivos, como la especificación de cadenas de entrada muy grandes o búsquedas hacia atrás excesivas causadas por cuantificadores anidados, referencias inversas y otros factores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + El método o la propiedad GeneratedRegexAttribute deben ser parciales, sin parámetros, no genéricos, no abstractos y devolver Regex. Si es una propiedad, también debe ser get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index fc6628736de907..b15715902c04da 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Le délai d’attente du moteur Regex a expiré pendant la tentative de mise en correspondance d’un modèle avec une chaîne d’entrée. Ce problème peut se produire pour de nombreuses raisons, notamment en cas d’entrées volumineuses ou de retour sur trace excessif causé par les quantificateurs imbriqués, les références arrière et d’autres facteurs. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + La méthode ou la propriété GeneratedRegexAttribute doit être partielle, sans paramètre, non générique, non abstraite et renvoyer Regex. S'il s'agit d'une propriété, elle doit également être accessible en mode « get-only ». diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 99ffe7518887d5..4e358b5ac56da5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Timeout del motore Regex durante il tentativo di trovare una corrispondenza tra un criterio e una stringa di input. Il timeout può verificarsi per diversi motivi, tra cui input molto grandi o un eccessivo backtracking causato da quantificatori annidati, backreference e altri fattori. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Il metodo o la proprietà GeneratedRegexAttribute deve essere parziale, senza parametri, non generica, non astratta e restituire Regex. Se una proprietà, deve anche essere di sola lettura. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 1a532b1de4faa9..0c1e4d8c8425cc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ パターンと入力文字列との照合中に、Regex エンジンがタイムアウトしました。これは、非常に大きな入力、入れ子になった量指定子によって生じた過剰なバックトラッキング、前方参照などの要因を含む、さまざまな原因によって発生する可能性があります。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute メソッドまたはプロパティは、部分、パラメーターなし、非ジェネリック、非抽象、および正規表現を返す必要があります。プロパティの場合は、取得専用にする必要もあります。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index c5a1989b2ba384..7220be3cedff89 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Regex 엔진이 패턴을 입력 문자열에 일치시키는 동안 시간 초과되었습니다. 이 오류는 많은 입력, 중첩 수량자로 인한 과도한 역추적, 역참조, 기타 요인 등의 다양한 이유로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 메서드 또는 속성은 부분적이고, 매개 변수가 없고, 제네릭이 아니고, 추상적이지 않아야 하고, Regex를 반환해야 합니다. 속성인 경우 get 전용이어야 합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 44ba4ec1278de1..3d89e74c1e9560 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Upłynął limit czasu podczas próby dopasowania przez aparat wyrażeń regularnych wzorca do ciągu wejściowego. Mogło to być spowodowane wieloma przyczynami, w tym bardzo dużą ilością danych wejściowych, nadmiernym wykorzystaniem algorytmu wycofywania związanym z kwantyfikatorami zagnieżdżonymi, odwołaniami wstecznymi i innymi czynnikami. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Metoda lub właściwość GeneratedRegexAttribute musi być częściowa, bezparametrowa, niegeneryczna, nieabstrakcyjna i zwracać wyrażenie regularne. Jeśli właściwość, musi być również tylko do pobrania. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b7311689e60e3e..989368e8e2a424 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ O mecanismo Regex atingiu o tempo limite ao tentar combinar um padrão com uma cadeia de caracteres de entrada. Isso pode ocorrer por vários motivos, incluindo entradas muito grandes ou retrocessos excessivos causados por quantificadores aninhados, referências anteriores e outros fatores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + O método ou a propriedade GeneratedRegexAttribute deve ser parcial, sem parâmetros, não genérico, não abstrato e retornar Regex. Se uma propriedade, ela também deve ser get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 7db563a22137af..c3aef678ed7a72 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Истекло время ожидания модуля регулярного выражения при попытке сравнить шаблон со входной строкой. Это могло произойти по многим причинам, в том числе из-за очень большого объема входных данных или излишнего обратного отслеживания, вызванного вложенными квантификаторами, обратными ссылками и прочими факторами. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Метод или свойство GeneratedRegexAttribute должны быть частичными, без параметров, неуниверсальными, неабстрактными и возвращать регулярное выражение. Если это свойство, оно также должно быть доступно только для получения. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c2b285b2932d46..ca98e167e5847c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Normal ifade altyapısı bir deseni bir giriş dizesiyle eşleştirmeye çalışırken zaman aşımına uğradı. Bu durum, çok büyük girişler veya iç içe niceleyiciler, geri başvurular ve diğer faktörler nedeniyle oluşan aşırı geri izleme gibi birçok nedenle oluşabilir. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute yöntemi veya özelliği kısmi ve parametresiz olmalı, genel amaçlı ve soyut olmamalı ve Normal İfade döndürmelidir. Bir özellikse, aynı zamanda yalnızca okunabilir olmalıdır. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index c19f57e6836a42..dba4ffd1f33afc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 尝试将模式与输入字符串匹配时,Regex 引擎超时。许多原因均可能导致出现这种情况,包括由嵌套限定符、反向引用和其他因素引起的大量输入或过度回溯。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或属性必须是分部、无参数、非泛型、非抽象且返回 Regex。如果是属性,则它必须也是 get-only 属性。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 558754ab20d68c..045632ce88b81f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 嘗試將模式對應至輸入字串時,Regex 引擎發生逾時。有很多原因會導致這個情形,其中包括巢狀數量詞、反向參考及其他因素所造成的極大量輸入或過度使用回溯法。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或屬性必須是部分、無參數、非泛型、非抽象,並傳回 Regex。如果是屬性,它也必須是 get-only。 From 0e89647548b65cacac8e1d35d2a359c7f32c6224 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 07:12:39 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 09/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2641250 --- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ---------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ---------- 26 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index a9049c6c3a55db..fc38fd23b8e16c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekce se nepodporuje: {0}“. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Jazyková verze projektu musí být alespoň C# 12 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6ab4079f505969..c3883b046ca37e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Der Auflistungselementtyp wird nicht unterstützt: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Die Sprachversion des Projekts muss mindestens "C# 12" sein. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3256d3dd97673..2e0eca78950550 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ No se admite el tipo de elemento de colección: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La versión del lenguaje del proyecto debe ser al menos "C# 12". + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 34c8eff9842f1a..cb815248639fbc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Le type d‘élément collection n‘est pas pris en charge : ‘{0}‘. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La version de langage du projet doit être au moins « C# 12 ». + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a4edccfaeba916..5a08940b3965ce 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Il tipo di elemento della raccolta non è supportato: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - La versione del linguaggio del progetto deve essere almeno 'C# 12'. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 3fc756914150fb..f5430987633c4c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ コレクション要素型はサポートされていません: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - プロジェクトの言語バージョンは少なくとも 'C# 12' である必要があります。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index e5fac78816501d..1c66f5d58a6284 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 컬렉션 요소 유형이 지원되지 않습니다: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 프로젝트의 언어 버전은 'C# 12' 이상이어야 합니다. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a3bfda7961accf..b1bb4292bb2f74 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekcji nie jest obsługiwany: „{0}”. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Wersja językowa projektu musi mieć wartość co najmniej „C# 12”. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 9ae94770e0876a..69c61c2a98b85f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ O tipo de elemento da coleção não é suportado: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - A versão da linguagem do projeto deve ser no mínimo 'C# 12'. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ac093757f66aca..1aabe87ae55993 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Тип элемента коллекции не поддерживается: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Версия языка проекта должна быть не ниже "C# 12". + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6cd1157d71daf3..1589ce12f510c1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Koleksiyon öğesi türü desteklenmiyor: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - Projenin dil sürümü en az 'C# 12' olmalıdır. + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index fe5aac5bf4505b..f88548c055eb7d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支持此集合元素类型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 项目的语言版本必须至少为 "C# 12"。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 5ce4ed9a5d76ce..b492367d5fb89e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支援集合元素類型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - 專案的語言版本必須至少為 'C# 12'。 + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index db9efa93236cc2..6f3218ac6dd5b7 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Našlo se několik polí typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Třída {0} má parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, který je skrytý polem ve třídě nebo základní třídě, což brání jeho použití. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger je skrytý polem. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Odeberte redundantní kvalifikátor (Informace:, Upozornění:, Chyba: atd.) ze zprávy o protokolování, protože je na zadané úrovni protokolu implicitní. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1a557ac1669fcd..b838765022a4ea 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Mehrere Felder vom Typ "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger" gefunden {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Die Klasse „{0}“ weist einen primären Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ auf, der von einem Feld in der Klasse oder einer Basisklasse ausgeblendet wird, wodurch die Verwendung verhindert wird. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Der primäre Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ wird durch ein Feld ausgeblendet. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Entfernen Sie den redundanten Qualifizierer (z. B. "Info:", "Warnung:" oder "Fehler:") aus der Protokollierungsmeldung, weil er auf der angegebenen Protokollebene implizit enthalten ist. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c67ec41ff91cc8..30000484775d0a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Se encontraron varios campos de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La clase '{0}' tiene un parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger oculto por un campo de la clase o una clase base, lo que impide su uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Un campo oculta el parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Quitar calificadores redundantes (Información:, Advertencia:, Error:, etc.) del mensaje de registro, ya que está implícito en el nivel de registro especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index bb73608d9d0382..04ccccc8536aa0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Plusieurs champs de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger ont été trouvés {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La classe « ’{0} » a un paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger qui est masqué par un champ de la classe ou une classe de base, ce qui empêche son utilisation - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Le paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger est masqué par un champ - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Supprimez le qualificateur redondant (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc.) du message de journalisation, car il est implicite dans le niveau de journalisation spécifié. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d4bd8eb5a895c3..0c007fdce54828 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Sono stati trovati più campi di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - La classe '{0}' ha un parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger nascosto da un campo nella classe o una classe di base, impedendone l'uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Il parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger è nascosto da un campo - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Rimuovere il qualificatore ridondante (Informazioni:, Avviso:, Errore: e così via) dal messaggio di registrazione perché è implicito nel livello di log specificato. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 1f19c136e50db5..36f5b1baad528f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger という種類の複数のフィールドが見つかりました {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - クラス '{0}' には、クラスまたは基本クラスのフィールドによって非表示になっている型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターがあるため、使用できません - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターはフィールドによって非表示になっています - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 指定されたログ レベルでは暗黙的であるため、冗長な修飾子 (Info:、Warning:、Error: など) をログ メッセージから削除します。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 94a4654cf41a68..547c49b3e33dc9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 필드가 여러 개 있음 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 클래스 '{0}'에는 클래스 또는 기본 클래스의 필드에 의해 숨겨진 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 있으므로 해당 매개 변수를 사용할 수 없습니다. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 필드에 의해 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 숨겨집니다. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 중복 한정자(정보:, 경고:, 오류: 등)가 지정된 로그 수준에서 암시적이기 때문에 로깅 메시지에서 제거합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 48dcc267ff34f2..a40b72d24ffcea 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Znaleziono wiele pól typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Klasa „{0}” ma podstawowy parametr konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, który jest ukryty przez pole w klasie lub klasie podstawowej, co uniemożliwia jego użycie. - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Parametr podstawowy konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger jest ukryty przez pole - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Usuń nadmiarowy kwalifikator (Info:, Warning:, Error: itp.) z komunikatu rejestrowania, ponieważ jest on domyślny na określonym poziomie dziennika. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c698b2fc61d947..0560fb6b5907c8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Múltiplos campos encontrados do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - A classe "{0}" tem um parâmetro de construtor primário do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger que está oculto por um campo na classe ou uma classe base, impedindo o seu uso - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - O parâmetro primário de construtor do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger está oculto por um campo - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Remova o qualificador redundante (Info:, Aviso:, Erro:, etc) da mensagem de log, pois está implícito no nível de log especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 4e59b9fd9b04a5..589635d5721bb9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Обнаружено несколько полей типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - Класс "{0}" имеет первичный параметр конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger который скрыт полем в этом классе или базовом классе, что препятствует его использованию - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Параметр основного конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger скрыт полем - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Удалите избыточный квалификатор (Info:, Warning:, Error:, и т. п.) из сообщения журнала, поскольку квалификатор подразумевается на указанном уровне ведения журнала. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b92fc16b8c2aba..c40d99aa4602c5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birden çok alan bulundu {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - '{0}' sınıfı, sınıf veya temel sınıf alanı tarafından gizlenen ve bu türün kullanımına engel olan Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birincil oluşturucu parametresine sahip - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türündeki birincil oluşturucu parametresi bir alan tarafından gizleniyor - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Belirtilen günlük düzeyinde örtük olduğundan gereksiz niteleyiciyi (Bilgi:, Uyarı:, Hata: vb.) günlüğe kaydetme iletisinden kaldırın. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 6f70cbcdd9b34e..04c39c8843a1e1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ 找到 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的多个字段 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 类“{0}”具有 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数,该参数被类或基类中的字段隐藏以防使用 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数被字段隐藏 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 从日志记录消息中删除冗余限定符(信息:、警告:、错误: 等),因为其在指定的日志级别中为隐式内容。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 810bdfe157fede..af008cf098ff8a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -132,16 +132,6 @@ 找到多個 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 類型的欄位 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use - 類別 '{0}' 具有類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數,其已由類別或基底類別中的欄位隱藏,因此無法使用 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - - - Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field - 類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數由某欄位隱藏 - {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} - Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 從記錄訊息中移除備援限定詞 (資訊:、警告:、錯誤: 等等),因為它在指定的記錄層級中為隱含。 From 6431ef361df4445ffd5d9f780fa00bc521fcd482 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 07:13:55 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 10/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2641250 --- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 +++++++------------ .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 30 +++++++------------ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 6 ++-- 39 files changed, 169 insertions(+), 429 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index ba1c9a3a785dba..3b94247f4ce430 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Tento typ implementuje minimálně jeden typ s atributem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute nebo má jeho základní typ atribut GeneratedComClassAttribute. Přidejte generatedComClassAttribute, aby bylo možné předat tento typ modelu COM a zpřístupnit rozhraní COM pro typy s atributem GeneratedComClassAttribute z objektů tohoto typu. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Základnímu rozhraní COM se nepodařilo vygenerovat zdroj. Kód se pro toto rozhraní nevygeneruje. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Typ {0} má základní rozhraní {1} definované v jiném sestavení. To může v některých případech způsobit řadu obtížně diagnostikovatelných problémů. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Zadání atributu GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute u rozhraní, které má základní rozhraní definované v jiném sestavení, není podporováno. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. GeneratedComInterface nemůže určovat ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper nebo ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper, pokud základní typ rozhraní neurčil možnosti nebo nezadal alespoň stejné možnosti. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ atributy [In] a [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objekty zařazené z VARIANT jako parametry in ve voláních nespravovaných na spravované nebudou šířit zpět aktualizovaný výsledek, a to ani v případě, že VARIANT je varianta VT_BYREF. K šíření aktualizované hodnoty zpět k volajícímu použijte místo parametru in parametr ref. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Události nejsou konceptem COM, takže pro události instance na rozhraních COM generovaných zdrojem nebude vygenerován žádný kód spolupráce. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Typ vstupního bodu řadiče „{0}“ pro spravovaný typ „{1}“ musí mít aritu o jednu větší než spravovaný typ. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Všechny zařazovací moduly pro hodnoty, které jsou předány jako nespravovaná návratová hodnota nebo parametr, musí mít stejný nespravovaný typ. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Aby se povolilo zařazování tohoto typu, musí se v tomto projektu zakázat zařazování modulu runtime použitím atributu System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute u sestavení. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Při volání metody musí být definována velikost parametru{0}, která je zařazena do volané metody, ale parametr count {1} je parametr out. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index b8b529c7c12b71..dd4222c203079d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Dieser Typ implementiert mindestens einen Typ mit dem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute-Attribut, oder sein Basistyp weist das GeneratedComClassAttribute-Attribut auf. Fügen Sie „GeneratedComClassAttribute“ hinzu, um die Übergabe dieses Typs an COM zu ermöglichen und die COM-Schnittstellen für die Typen mit dem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ aus Objekten dieses Typs verfügbar zu machen. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Die Basis-COM-Schnittstelle konnte die Quelle nicht generieren. Für diese Schnittstelle wird kein Code generiert. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Für den Typ „{0}“ ist eine Basisschnittstelle „{1}“ in einer anderen Assembly definiert. Dies kann in einigen Szenarien eine Vielzahl von Problemen verursachen, die schwer zu diagnostizieren sind. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Das Angeben von „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ für eine Schnittstelle mit einer in einer anderen Assembly definierten Basisschnittstelle wird nicht unterstützt. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Ein "GeneratedComInterface" kann nur dann "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" oder "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" angeben, wenn der Basisschnittstellentyp keine Optionen angegeben oder mindestens dieselben Optionen angegeben hat. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In]- und [Out]-Attribute - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objekte, die aus VARIANTEN als in-Parameter in nicht verwalteten Aufrufen gemarshallt werden, werden nicht an das aktualisierte Ergebnis verteilt, auch wenn VARIANTE eine VT_BYREF-Variante ist. Verwenden Sie einen ref-Parameter anstelle eines in-Parameters, um den aktualisierten Wert wieder an den Aufrufer zu übergeben. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Ereignisse sind kein Konzept in COM, daher wird kein Interopcode für Instanzereignisse auf von der Quelle generierten COM-Schnittstellen generiert. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Der Marshaller-Einstiegspunkttyp "{0}" für den verwalteten Typ "{1}" muss eine Stelligkeit aufweisen, die größer als der verwaltete Typ ist. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Alle Marshaller für Werte, die als nicht verwalteter Rückgabewert oder Parameter übergeben werden, müssen denselben nicht verwalteten Typ aufweisen. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Das Runtime-Marshalling muss in diesem Projekt deaktiviert werden, indem „System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute“ auf die Assembly angewendet wird, um das Marshalling dieses Typs zu ermöglichen. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Die Größe des Parameters "{0}", der an den Aufgerufenen gemarshallt wird, muss definiert werden, wenn die Methode aufgerufen wird. Der Count-Parameter "{1}" ist jedoch ein "Out"-Parameter. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 89886b7f025883..393160b81b1131 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Este tipo implementa al menos un tipo con el atributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o su tipo base tiene el atributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Agregue 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar el paso de este tipo a COM y exponer las interfaces COM para los tipos con 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' a partir de objetos de este tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ La interfaz COM base no pudo generar el origen. No se generará código para esta interfaz. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - El tipo '{0}' tiene una interfaz base '{1}' definida en un ensamblado diferente. Esto puede causar diversos problemas difíciles de diagnosticar en algunos escenarios. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - No se admite especificar 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' en una interfaz que tenga una interfaz base definida en otro ensamblado - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. ''GeneratedComInterface'' no puede especificar ''ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper'' o ''ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'' a menos que el tipo de interfaz base no especifique opciones o especifique al menos las mismas opciones. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atributos [In] y [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Los objetos serializados a partir de VARIANTES como parámetros 'in' en llamadas no administradas a administradas no propagarán el resultado actualizado, incluso si VARIANTE es una variante VT_BYREF. Use un parámetro 'ref' en lugar de un parámetro 'in' para volver a propagar el valor actualizado al llamador. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Los eventos no representan un concepto en COM, de modo que no se generará código de interoperabilidad para eventos de instancia en interfaces COM generadas en origen. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ El tipo de punto de entrada del serializador "{0}" para el tipo administrado "{1}" debe tener una aridad mayor que el tipo administrado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Todos los serializadores para los valores que se pasan como el parámetro o valor devuelto no administrado deben tener el mismo tipo no administrado. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ La serialización en tiempo de ejecución debe deshabilitarse en este proyecto aplicando \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMars contosoingAttribute\" al ensamblado para habilitar la serialización de este tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. El tamaño del parámetro "{0}" que se serializa al destinatario debe definirse cuando se llama al método, pero el parámetro de recuento "{1}" es un parámetro "out". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 34309a0a8dc920..70739eaa879e52 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Ce type implémente au moins un type avec l’attribut « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » ou son type de base a l’attribut « GeneratedComClassAttribute ». Ajoutez le « GeneratedComClassAttribute » pour activer le passage de ce type à COM et exposer les interfaces COM pour les types avec le « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » des objets de ce type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ L’interface COM de base n’a pas réussi à générer le code source. Le code ne sera pas généré pour cette interface. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Le type « {0} » a une interface de base « {1} » définie dans un autre assembly. Cela peut entraîner de nombreux problèmes difficiles à diagnostiquer dans certains scénarios - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - La spécification de ’GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute’ sur une interface pour laquelle une interface de base est définie dans un autre assembly n’est pas prise en charge - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un 'GeneratedComInterface' ne peut pas spécifier 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' sauf si le type d’interface de base n’a pas spécifié d’options ou spécifié au moins les mêmes options. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Attributs [In] et [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Les objets marshallés à partir de VARIANT en tant que paramètres « in » dans les appels non gérés à gérés ne propageront pas le résultat mis à jour, même si le VARIANT est une variante de VT_BYREF. Utilisez un paramètre « ref » au lieu d’un paramètre « in » pour propager la valeur mise à jour à l’appelant. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Les événements ne sont pas un concept dans COM. Par conséquent, aucun code d’interopérabilité n’est généré à la source pour les événements d’instance sur les interfaces COM générées par la source. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Le type de point d’entrée marshaleur '{0}' pour le type managé '{1}' doit avoir une arité supérieure au type managé. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Tous les marshaleurs pour les valeurs transmises en tant que valeurs ou paramètres de retour non managés doivent avoir le même type non managé. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Le marshaling du runtime doit être désactivé dans ce projet en appliquant « System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute » à l’assembly pour activer le marshaling de ce type. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. La taille du paramètre '{0}' qui est marshalé à l'appelé doit être définie lorsque la méthode est appelée, mais le paramètre count '{1}' est un paramètre 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 598b0874ab7f25..0a5eacfbe9c27a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Questo tipo implementa almeno un tipo con l'attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o il relativo tipo di base ha l'attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Aggiungere l’attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' per consentire il passaggio di questo tipo a COM e l'esposizione delle interfacce COM per i tipi con l’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' dagli oggetti di questo tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ L'interfaccia COM di base non è riuscita a generare l'origine. Il codice non verrà generato per questa interfaccia. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Il tipo '{0}' ha un'interfaccia di base '{1}' definita in un assembly diverso. Ciò può causare una vasta gamma di problemi difficili da diagnosticare in alcuni scenari - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - La specifica dell’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' in un'interfaccia che ha un'interfaccia di base definita in un altro assembly non è supportata - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un elemento 'GeneratedComInterface' non può specificare 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' o 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a meno che il tipo di interfaccia di base non specifichi opzioni o non specifichi almeno le stesse opzioni. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Attributi [In] e [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Gli oggetti di cui è stato eseguito il marshalling da VARIANT come parametri 'in' nelle chiamate da non gestito a gestito non verranno propagati nuovamente al risultato aggiornato, anche se VARIANT è una variante VT_BYREF. Usare un parametro 'ref' invece di un parametro 'in' per propagare nuovamente il valore aggiornato al chiamante. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Gli eventi non sono concetti in COM quindi non verrà generato codice di interoperabilità per gli eventi dell’istanza nelle interfacce COM generate dall'origine. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Il tipo di punto di ingresso del marshalling '{0}' per il tipo gestito '{1}' deve avere un grado maggiore rispetto a quello del tipo gestito. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Tutti i marshalling per i valori passati come parametro o valore restituito non gestito devono avere lo stesso tipo non gestito. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Il marshalling di runtime in questo progetto deve essere disabilitato applicando 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' all'assembly per abilitare il marshalling di questo tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Le dimensioni del parametro '{0}' di cui viene eseguito il marshalling al destinatario della chiamata devono essere definite quando viene chiamato il metodo, ma il parametro conteggio '{1}' è un parametro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index e0c3c159f39952..d08519db19c885 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - この型は、'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性を持つ少なくとも 1 つの型を実装します。またはその基本型に 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性があります。'GeneratedComClassAttribute' を追加して、この型を COM に渡し、この型のオブジェクトから 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を持つ型の COM インターフェイスを公開できるようにします。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ ベース COM インターフェイスはソースを生成できませんでした。このインターフェイスのコードは生成されません。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 型 '{0}' には、別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイス '{1}' があります。これにより、一部のシナリオで問題を診断することが困難になるさまざまな可能性があります - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイスを持つインターフェイスで 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を指定することはサポートされていません - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 基底インターフェイスの型でオプションが指定されていないか、少なくとも同じオプションが指定されていない限り、'GeneratedComInterface' では 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' または 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' を指定できません。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ 属性の[In]と[Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - アンマネージからマネージドへの呼び出しで VARIANT から 'in' パラメーターとしてマーシャリングされたオブジェクトは、VARIANT が VT_BYREF バリアントであっても、更新された結果に反映されません。更新された値を呼び出し元に反映するには、'in' パラメーターの代わりに 'ref' パラメーターを使用してください。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. イベントは COM の概念ではないため、ソース生成 COM インターフェイス上のインスタンス イベントに対して相互運用コードはソース生成されません。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ マネージド型 '{1}' のマーシャラー エントリ ポイント型 '{0}' には、マネージド型より 1 大きい引数が必要です。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - アンマネージ戻り値またはパラメーターとして渡される値のすべてのマーシャラーは、同じアンマネージ型を持つ必要があります。 + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ このプロジェクトでは、アセンブリに 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' を適用してランタイム マーシャリングを無効にし、この型のマーシャリングを有効にする必要があります。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼び出し先にマーシャリングされるパラメーター '{0}' のサイズは、メソッドが呼び出されたときに定義する必要がありますが、count パラメーター '{1}' は 'out' パラメーターです。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 3544bea85669bd..1225af16e56026 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 이 유형은 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 특성을 갖는 하나 이상의 유형을 구현하거나 기본 유형에 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 특성이 있습니다. 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'를 추가하여 이 유형을 COM에 전달하고 이 유형의 개체에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'가 있는 유형에 대해 COM 인터페이스를 노출할 수 있도록 합니다. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 베이스 COM 인터페이스에서 소스를 생성하지 못했습니다. 이 인터페이스에 대한 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - '{0}' 유형에 다른 어셈블리에서 정의된 기본 인터페이스 '{1}'이(가) 있습니다. 일부 시나리오에서는 이로 인해 진단하기 어려운 다양한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 다른 어셈블리에 정의된 기본 인터페이스가 있는 인터페이스에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'를 지정하는 것은 지원되지 않습니다. - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 기본 인터페이스 형식이 옵션을 지정하지 않았거나, 최소한 동일한 옵션을 지정하지 않은 경우 'GeneratedComInterface'는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 또는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'를 지정할 수 없습니다. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 및 [Out] 속성 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 관리되지 않는 호출에서 관리되는 호출로의 VARIANT에서 'in' 매개 변수로 마샬링된 개체는 VARIANT가 VT_BYREF 변형인 경우에도 업데이트된 결과를 다시 전파하지 않습니다. 'in' 매개 변수 대신 'ref' 매개 변수를 사용하여 업데이트된 값을 호출자에게 다시 전파합니다. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 이벤트는 COM의 개념이 아니므로 소스 생성 COM 인터페이스의 인스턴스 이벤트에 대해 interop 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 관리 유형 '{1}'에 대한 마샬러 진입점 유형 '{0}'에는 관리 유형보다 1이 더 커야 합니다. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - 관리되지 않는 반환 값이나 매개 변수로 전달되는 값에 대한 모든 마샬러는 동일한 관리되지 않는 형식을 가져야 합니다. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 이 형식의 마샬링을 활성화하려면 어셈블리에 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute'를 적용하여 이 프로젝트에서 런타임 마샬링을 비활성화해야 합니다. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 메서드를 호출할 때 호출 수신자로 마샬링되는 매개 변수 '{0}'의 크기를 정의해야 하지만 count 매개 변수 '{1}'은(는) 'out' 매개 변수입니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 30bc2cef8ae4de..91ce793526a67d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Ten typ implementuje co najmniej jeden typ z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” lub jego typ podstawowy ma atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”. Dodaj atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”, aby umożliwić przekazywanie tego typu do modelu COM i uwidacznianie interfejsów COM dla typów z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” z obiektów tego typu. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Podstawowy interfejs COM nie może wygenerować źródła. Kod nie zostanie wygenerowany dla tego interfejsu. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Typ „{0}” ma interfejs podstawowy „{1}” zdefiniowany w innym zestawie. Może to powodować różne trudne do zdiagnozowania problemy w niektórych scenariuszach - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Określanie atrybutu „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” dla interfejsu, który ma interfejs podstawowy zdefiniowany w innym zespole, nie jest obsługiwane - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Element „GeneratedComInterface” nie może określać elementu „ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper” lub „ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper”, chyba że podstawowy typ interfejsu nie określił opcji lub określił co najmniej te same opcje. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atrybuty [In] i [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Obiekty przekazywane z obiektów VARIANT jako parametry „w” w wywołaniach niezarządzanych do zarządzanych nie będą propagować z powrotem zaktualizowanego wyniku, nawet jeśli parametr VARIANT jest wariantem VT_BYREF. Użyj parametru „ref” zamiast parametru „w”, aby propagować zaktualizowaną wartość z powrotem do obiektu wywołującego. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Zdarzenia nie są koncepcją w modelu COM, więc żaden kod międzyoperacyjny nie będzie generowany dla zdarzeń wystąpień w interfejsach COM generowanych źródłowo. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Typ punktu wejścia marshallera „{0}” dla typu zarządzanego „{1}” musi mieć liczbę argumentów o jeden większą niż typ zarządzany. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Wszystkie elementy organizujące dla wartości przekazywanych jako niezarządzana wartość zwracana lub parametr muszą mieć ten sam typ niezarządzany. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Marshalling środowiska uruchomieniowego musi być wyłączony w tym projekcie przez zastosowanie do zestawu atrybutu „System.Runtime.InteropServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute”, aby umożliwić marshalling tego typu. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Rozmiar parametru „{0}”, który jest kierowany do obiektu wywołującego, musi być zdefiniowany podczas wywoływania metody, ale parametr ILE.LICZB „{1}” jest parametrem „out”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 3b825512d46ceb..1a7e0f222576df 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Este tipo implementa pelo menos um tipo com o atributo "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" ou o seu tipo base tem o atributo "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Adicione o 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar a passagem desse tipo para COM e expor as interfaces COM para os tipos com o 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' de objetos desse tipo. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ A interface COM base falhou ao gerar a fonte. O código não será gerado para esta interface. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - O tipo "{0}" tem uma interface base "{1}" definida em um assembly diferente. Isso pode causar uma variedade de problemas difíceis de diagnosticar em alguns cenários - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Não há suporte para a especificação de "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" em uma interface que tem uma interface base definida em outro assembly - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Um 'GeneratedComInterface' não pode especificar 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a menos que o tipo de interface base não especifique opções ou especifique pelo menos as mesmas opções. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Atributos [In] e [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Objetos marshalled de VARIANTs como parâmetros "in" em chamadas não gerenciadas para gerenciadas não propagam de volta o resultado atualizado, mesmo que VARIANT seja uma variante VT_BYREF. Use um parâmetro "ref" em vez de um parâmetro "in" para propagar o valor atualizado de volta para o chamador. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Os eventos não são um conceito em COM, portanto, nenhum código de interoperabilidade será gerado para eventos de instância em interfaces COM geradas pela origem. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ O tipo de ponto de entrada para realizar marshaling '{0}' para o tipo gerenciado '{1}' deve ter uma aridade maior do que o tipo gerenciado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Todos os empacotadores para valores que são passados como valor de retorno ou parâmetro não gerenciado devem ter o mesmo tipo não gerenciado. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ O marshalling de tempo de execução deve ser desabilitado neste projeto aplicando o 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' ao assembly para habilitar o marshalling desse tipo. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. O tamanho do parâmetro '{0}' que é empacotado para o receptor deve ser definido quando o método é chamado, mas o parâmetro de contagem '{1}' é um parâmetro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 27d7f597d2202c..12c251122fa78d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Этот тип реализует по крайней мере один тип с атрибутом "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute", или его базовый тип содержит атрибут "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Добавьте "GeneratedComClassAttribute", чтобы разрешить передачу этого типа в COM и предоставление COM-интерфейсов для типов с "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" из объектов этого типа. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Базовому COM-интерфейсу не удалось создать источник. Код не будет создан для этого интерфейса. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - Тип "{0}" использует базовый интерфейс "{1}", определенный в другой сборке. Это может вызвать множество сложностей при диагностике проблем в некоторых сценариях - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Указание "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" в интерфейсе, для которого базовый интерфейс определен в другой сборке, не поддерживается - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Параметр "GeneratedComInterface" не может указывать "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" или "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" кроме случаев, когда базовый тип интерфейса не указывает параметры или указывает по крайней мере те же параметры. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ Атрибуты [In] и [Out] - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Объекты, маршалированные из VARIANT в качестве параметров "in" в вызовах с переходом от неуправляемых к управляемым, не будут распространяться обратно на обновленный результат, даже если VARIANT является вариантом VT_BYREF. Используйте параметр "ref" вместо параметра "in", чтобы распространить обновленное значение обратно на вызывающую сторону. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. События не являются концепцией в COM, поэтому источник не будет генерировать код взаимодействия для событий экземпляра в COM-интерфейсах, создаваемых источником. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Тип точки входа маршаллера "{0}" для управляемого типа "{1}" должен иметь более высокую арность, чем управляемый тип. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Все маршалеры для значений, передаваемых в качестве неуправляемого возвращаемого значения или параметра, должны использовать одинаковый неуправляемый тип. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ В этом проекте следует отключить маршализацию среды выполнения путем применения к сборке атрибута \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" для включения маршализации этого типа. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. При вызове метода должен быть определен размер параметра "{0}", который был маршалирован вызываемому абоненту, но исчисляемый параметр "{1}" является выходным. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 72813018d87503..7b19f33f898c82 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - Bu tür, 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' özniteliğine sahip en az bir türü uygular veya temel türü 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' özniteliğine sahiptir. Bu türü COM'a geçirmeyi ve bu türdeki nesnelerden 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' içeren türler için COM arabirimlerini açığa çıkarmayı etkinleştirmek için 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' ekleyin. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ Temel COM arabirimi, kaynak oluşturamadı. Bu arabirim için kod oluşturulmayacak. - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - '{0}' tipinin farklı bir derlemede tanımlanmış bir temel arayüzü '{1}' vardır. Bu, bazı senaryolarda tanılaması zor çeşitli sorunlara neden olabilir - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - Başka bir bütünleştirilmiş kodda tanımlanmış bir temel arabirime sahip arabirimde 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' belirtilmesi desteklenmez - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Temel arabirim seçenekleri belirtmediği veya en azından aynı seçenekleri belirttiği sürece bir 'GeneratedComInterface' arabirimi 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' veya 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' seçeneğini belirtemez. @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] ve [Out] öznitelikleri - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - Yönetilmeyenden yönetilene yapılan çağrılarda 'in' parametresi olarak kullanılan VARIANT'lardan hazırlanma işlemiyle elde edilen nesneler, VARIANT çeşidi VT_BYREF olsa bile güncelleştirilmiş sonucu geri yaymaz. Güncelleştirilmiş değeri çağırana geri yayma için 'in' parametresi yerine bir 'ref' parametresi kullanın. - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Olaylar COM'da kavram olarak değerlendirilmez, bu nedenle kaynak tarafından oluşturulan COM arabirimleri üzerinde örnek olaylar için birlikte çalışma kodu oluşturulmaz. @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ Yönetilen tür '{1}' için sıralayıcı giriş noktası '{0}', yönetilen türden büyük bir parametre sayısına sahip olmalıdır. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - Yönetilmeyen dönüş değeri veya parametresi olarak geçirilen değerler için tüm hazırlayıcılar aynı yönetilmeyen türe sahip olmalıdır. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ Bu türü sıralamayı etkinleştirmek için derlemeye 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' uygulanarak bu projede çalışma zamanı sıralaması devre dışı bırakılmalıdır. + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Aramanın alıcısına hazırlanan '{0}' parametresinin boyutu yöntem çağrıldığında tanımlanmalıdır ancak '{1}' sayı parametresi bir ‘çıkış’ parametresidir. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index b9e21c430f3a76..948802857d19b2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 此类型至少实现了一种具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性的类型,或其基本类型具有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性。添加 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以允许将此类型传递到 COM,并公开具有此类型的对象的 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的类型的 COM 接口。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 基本 COM 接口无法生成源。不会为此接口生成代码。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 类型“{0}”具有在其他程序集中定义的基接口“{1}”。在某些情况下,可能会导致各种难以诊断问题 - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 不支持在另一个进程集中定义了基础接口的接口上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. "GeneratedComInterface" 不能指定 "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" 或 "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper",除非基接口类型未指定选项或至少指定了相同的选项。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 和 [Out] 属性 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 在非托管到托管调用中从 VARIANT 封送为“in”参数的对象不会传回更新后的结果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 变量也是如此。使用 "ref "参数代替 "in "参数,将更新后的值传回调用方。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 的概念,因此不会为源生成的 COM 接口上的实例事件生成互操作代码。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 托管类型“{1}”的封送程序入口点类型“{0}”必须具有大于托管类型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - 作为非托管返回值或参数传递的值的所有封送程序都必须具有相同的非托管类型。 + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 必须通过将 \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" 应用到程序集来在此项目中禁用运行时封送,以启用此类型的封送处理。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 调用方法时,必须定义封送给被调用方的参数“{0}”的大小,但计数参数“{1}”是一个 "out" 参数。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index feb774294e8ea0..33457ab3320306 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - 此類型會實作至少一個類型,具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 屬性或其基底類型有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 屬性。新增 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以啟用將此類型傳遞到 COM,並公開具有此類型物件之 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 類型的 COM 介面。 + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. @@ -67,16 +67,6 @@ 基底 COM 介面無法產生來源。將不會產生此介面的程式碼。 - - The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios - 類型 '{0}' 已有在不同組件中定義的基礎介面 '{1}'。在某些情況下,這可能會造成各種難以診斷的問題 - - - - Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported - 不支援在已於另一個組件中定義基礎介面的介面上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' - - A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 除非基本介面類型未指定選項或至少指定了相同的選項,否則 'GeneratedComInterface' 不能指定 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 或 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'。 @@ -502,11 +492,6 @@ [In] 與 [Out] 屬性 - - Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. - 在未受控對受控呼叫中,從 VARIANT 封送處理為 'in' 參數的物件將不會傳播回更新的結果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 變數亦然。使用 'ref' 參數而非 'in' 參數,以將更新的值傳播回呼叫者。 - - Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 中的概念,因此不會為來源產生的 COM 介面上的執行個體事件來源產生 Interop 程式碼。 @@ -842,9 +827,9 @@ 受控類型 '{1}' 的封送處理器進入點類型 '{0}' 必須具有大於受控類型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. - 所有作為非受控傳回值或參數傳遞之值的 marshaller 必須具有相同的非受控類型。 + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. @@ -1037,6 +1022,11 @@ 必須將 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' 套用到組件,以停用此專案中的執行階段封送處理,以啟用此類型的封送處理。 + + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. + + The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼叫方法時,必須定義封送處理給被呼叫者的參數 '{0}' 的大小,但 count 參數 '{1}' 是 'out' 參數。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 49ede1a3986cd0..96bb2680ffcb70 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Typ obsahuje více členů s komentářem JsonExtensionDataAttribute - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Typ {0} zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru {1}. Pro vlastnost, pole nebo konstruktor se nevygeneruje žádný zdrojový kód. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Typ zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nevygenerovala se metadata serializace pro typ {0}. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 35bfee5db3fbd9..dbc6ca2ae2b90a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Der Typ enthält mehrere Elemente, die mit dem JsonExtensionDataAttribute versehen sind. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Der Typ „{0}“ enthält die Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter „{1}“. Für die Eigenschaft, das Feld oder den Konstruktor wird kein Quellcode generiert. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Der Typ enthält Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Die Serialisierungsmetadaten für den Typ "{0}" wurden nicht generiert. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3fdbb1b2f07fe5..878fa15bc7efb1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ El tipo tiene varios miembros anotados con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - El tipo "{0}" incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor "{1}". No se generará código fuente para la propiedad, campo o constructor. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - El tipo incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. No generó metadatos de serialización para el tipo '{0}". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1704ce42aeb52d..fbf12b5a733d49 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Le type comporte plusieurs membres annotés avec JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Le type « {0} » inclut le ref comme propriété, champ ou paramètre de constructeur « {1} ». Aucun code source ne sera généré pour la propriété, le champ ou le constructeur. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Le type comprend des éléments tels que des propriétés, des champs ou des paramètres de construction. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Les métadonnées de sérialisation pour le type « {0} » n’ont pas été générées. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c44dbd4a4cc5fa..04d5cf68ef4a94 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Nel tipo sono presenti più membri annotati con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Il tipo '{0}' include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore '{1}'. Non verrà generato codice sorgente per la proprietà, il campo o il costruttore. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Il tipo include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Non sono stati generati metadati di serializzazione per il tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index ef07d1387562b0..0224cb65fc26e3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 型には、'JsonExtensionDataAttribute' に注釈が付けられた複数のメンバーが含まれます。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 型 '{0}' には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーター '{1}' などの ref が含まれます。プロパティ、フィールド、またはコンストラクターのソース コードは生成されません。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 型には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーターなどの ref が含まれます。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}'型 のシリアル化メタデータを生成ませんでした。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 615789e0daae07..9bc14e0cc3d556 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 형식에 JsonExtensionDataAttribute로 주석이 추가 된 멤버가 여러 개 있습니다. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - '{0}' 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수 '{1}'와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. 속성, 필드 또는 생성자에 대한 소스 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' 형식에 대한 직렬화 메타데이터가 생성되지 않았습니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ef4fd7d87655c2..d8e7a990013fac 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Typ ma wiele składowych opatrzonych adnotacjami za pomocą atrybutu JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Typ „{0}” zawiera parametr ref, taki jak właściwość, pole lub konstruktor „{1}”. Nie zostanie wygenerowany kod źródłowy dla właściwości, pola lub konstruktora. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Typ zawiera parametr właściwości, pola lub konstruktora typu ref. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nie wygenerowano metadanych serializacji dla typu „{0}”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3a76db6711dc19..d31fa77f16ee47 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Tipo tem vários membros anotados com JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - O tipo "{0}" inclui a propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor "{1}". Nenhum código-fonte será gerado para a propriedade, campo ou construtor. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - O tipo inclui propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Não gerou metadados de serialização para o tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b40f42392e4b98..de31bb76e6f2d9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Тип содержит несколько элементов, помеченных с помощью JsonExtensionDataAttribute. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - Тип "{0}" содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора "{1}". Для свойства, поля или конструктора не будет создан исходный код. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Тип содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Метаданные сериализации для типа "{0}" не сформированы. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 6c843de0282ff5..3ab7559fc82284 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ Tür, JsonExtensionDataAttribute ile açıklanan birden çok üyeye sahip. - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - '{0}' türü; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi '{1}' gibi başvuru içeriyor. Özellik, alan veya oluşturucu için kaynak kodu üretilmeyecek. - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - Tür; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi gibi başvuru içeriyor. - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' türü için serileştirme meta verileri oluşturulmadı. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index b5b714c3d13d22..03ce3792f5ec8a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 类型具有多个带有 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 注释的成员。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 类型“{0}”包括属性、字段或构造函数参数“{1}”等引用。不会为属性、字段或构造函数生成源代码。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 类型包括属性、字段或构造函数参数等引用。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未生成类型 '{0}' 的序列化元数据。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index ac3fd35f8414b6..ed207add481d94 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -142,16 +142,6 @@ 類型具有使用 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 標註的多個成員。 - - The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. - 類型 '{0}' 包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數 '{1}'。不會針對屬性、欄位或建構函式產生原始程式碼。 - - - - Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. - 類型包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數。 - - Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未產生類型 '{0}' 的序列化中繼資料。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 8e760ca35b1b2b..f579fcf48d7a65 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Vypršel časový limit modulu Regex při pokusu o porovnání vzoru se vstupním řetězcem. K tomu může dojít z celé řady důvodů, mezi které patří velká velikost vstupních dat nebo nadměrné zpětné navracení způsobené vloženými kvantifikátory, zpětnými odkazy a dalšími faktory. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Metoda nebo vlastnost GeneratedRegexAttribute musí být částečná, bez parametrů, neobecná, neabstraktní a návratová metoda Regex. Pokud jde o vlastnost, musí být také get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 100134d0071727..db5cdbbe518a07 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Zeitüberschreitung des RegEx-Moduls beim Versuch, ein Muster mit einer Eingabezeichenfolge in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Dies kann viele Ursachen haben, darunter sehr große Eingaben oder übermäßige Rückverfolgung aufgrund von geschachtelten Quantifizierern, Rückverweisen und anderen Faktoren. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Die GeneratedRegexAttribute-Methode oder -Eigenschaft muss partiell, parameterlos, nicht generisch, nicht abstrakt sein und RegEx zurückgeben. Wenn eine Eigenschaft, muss sie auch "get-only" sein. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d7c03679c8ab8e..544cb8737967bb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Se agotó el tiempo de espera mientras el motor de Regex intentaba comparar una cadena de entrada con un patrón. Esto puede deberse a muchos motivos, como la especificación de cadenas de entrada muy grandes o búsquedas hacia atrás excesivas causadas por cuantificadores anidados, referencias inversas y otros factores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - El método o la propiedad GeneratedRegexAttribute deben ser parciales, sin parámetros, no genéricos, no abstractos y devolver Regex. Si es una propiedad, también debe ser get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b15715902c04da..fc6628736de907 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Le délai d’attente du moteur Regex a expiré pendant la tentative de mise en correspondance d’un modèle avec une chaîne d’entrée. Ce problème peut se produire pour de nombreuses raisons, notamment en cas d’entrées volumineuses ou de retour sur trace excessif causé par les quantificateurs imbriqués, les références arrière et d’autres facteurs. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - La méthode ou la propriété GeneratedRegexAttribute doit être partielle, sans paramètre, non générique, non abstraite et renvoyer Regex. S'il s'agit d'une propriété, elle doit également être accessible en mode « get-only ». + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 4e358b5ac56da5..99ffe7518887d5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Timeout del motore Regex durante il tentativo di trovare una corrispondenza tra un criterio e una stringa di input. Il timeout può verificarsi per diversi motivi, tra cui input molto grandi o un eccessivo backtracking causato da quantificatori annidati, backreference e altri fattori. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Il metodo o la proprietà GeneratedRegexAttribute deve essere parziale, senza parametri, non generica, non astratta e restituire Regex. Se una proprietà, deve anche essere di sola lettura. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 0c1e4d8c8425cc..1a532b1de4faa9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ パターンと入力文字列との照合中に、Regex エンジンがタイムアウトしました。これは、非常に大きな入力、入れ子になった量指定子によって生じた過剰なバックトラッキング、前方参照などの要因を含む、さまざまな原因によって発生する可能性があります。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute メソッドまたはプロパティは、部分、パラメーターなし、非ジェネリック、非抽象、および正規表現を返す必要があります。プロパティの場合は、取得専用にする必要もあります。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 7220be3cedff89..c5a1989b2ba384 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Regex 엔진이 패턴을 입력 문자열에 일치시키는 동안 시간 초과되었습니다. 이 오류는 많은 입력, 중첩 수량자로 인한 과도한 역추적, 역참조, 기타 요인 등의 다양한 이유로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 메서드 또는 속성은 부분적이고, 매개 변수가 없고, 제네릭이 아니고, 추상적이지 않아야 하고, Regex를 반환해야 합니다. 속성인 경우 get 전용이어야 합니다. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3d89e74c1e9560..44ba4ec1278de1 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Upłynął limit czasu podczas próby dopasowania przez aparat wyrażeń regularnych wzorca do ciągu wejściowego. Mogło to być spowodowane wieloma przyczynami, w tym bardzo dużą ilością danych wejściowych, nadmiernym wykorzystaniem algorytmu wycofywania związanym z kwantyfikatorami zagnieżdżonymi, odwołaniami wstecznymi i innymi czynnikami. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Metoda lub właściwość GeneratedRegexAttribute musi być częściowa, bezparametrowa, niegeneryczna, nieabstrakcyjna i zwracać wyrażenie regularne. Jeśli właściwość, musi być również tylko do pobrania. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 989368e8e2a424..b7311689e60e3e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ O mecanismo Regex atingiu o tempo limite ao tentar combinar um padrão com uma cadeia de caracteres de entrada. Isso pode ocorrer por vários motivos, incluindo entradas muito grandes ou retrocessos excessivos causados por quantificadores aninhados, referências anteriores e outros fatores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - O método ou a propriedade GeneratedRegexAttribute deve ser parcial, sem parâmetros, não genérico, não abstrato e retornar Regex. Se uma propriedade, ela também deve ser get-only. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3aef678ed7a72..7db563a22137af 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Истекло время ожидания модуля регулярного выражения при попытке сравнить шаблон со входной строкой. Это могло произойти по многим причинам, в том числе из-за очень большого объема входных данных или излишнего обратного отслеживания, вызванного вложенными квантификаторами, обратными ссылками и прочими факторами. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - Метод или свойство GeneratedRegexAttribute должны быть частичными, без параметров, неуниверсальными, неабстрактными и возвращать регулярное выражение. Если это свойство, оно также должно быть доступно только для получения. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index ca98e167e5847c..c2b285b2932d46 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Normal ifade altyapısı bir deseni bir giriş dizesiyle eşleştirmeye çalışırken zaman aşımına uğradı. Bu durum, çok büyük girişler veya iç içe niceleyiciler, geri başvurular ve diğer faktörler nedeniyle oluşan aşırı geri izleme gibi birçok nedenle oluşabilir. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute yöntemi veya özelliği kısmi ve parametresiz olmalı, genel amaçlı ve soyut olmamalı ve Normal İfade döndürmelidir. Bir özellikse, aynı zamanda yalnızca okunabilir olmalıdır. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index dba4ffd1f33afc..c19f57e6836a42 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 尝试将模式与输入字符串匹配时,Regex 引擎超时。许多原因均可能导致出现这种情况,包括由嵌套限定符、反向引用和其他因素引起的大量输入或过度回溯。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或属性必须是分部、无参数、非泛型、非抽象且返回 Regex。如果是属性,则它必须也是 get-only 属性。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 045632ce88b81f..558754ab20d68c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 嘗試將模式對應至輸入字串時,Regex 引擎發生逾時。有很多原因會導致這個情形,其中包括巢狀數量詞、反向參考及其他因素所造成的極大量輸入或過度使用回溯法。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. - GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或屬性必須是部分、無參數、非泛型、非抽象,並傳回 Regex。如果是屬性,它也必須是 get-only。 + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. From f93174da6bdbfcac7b0784bfebba63e6c3c8e60d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 09:14:24 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 11/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2641321 --- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 4 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 ++++++++++ 26 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index fc38fd23b8e16c..a9049c6c3a55db 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekce se nepodporuje: {0}“. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Jazyková verze projektu musí být alespoň C# 12 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c3883b046ca37e..6ab4079f505969 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Der Auflistungselementtyp wird nicht unterstützt: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Die Sprachversion des Projekts muss mindestens "C# 12" sein. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 2e0eca78950550..c3256d3dd97673 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ No se admite el tipo de elemento de colección: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La versión del lenguaje del proyecto debe ser al menos "C# 12". diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index cb815248639fbc..34c8eff9842f1a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Le type d‘élément collection n‘est pas pris en charge : ‘{0}‘. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La version de langage du projet doit être au moins « C# 12 ». diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 5a08940b3965ce..a4edccfaeba916 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Il tipo di elemento della raccolta non è supportato: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + La versione del linguaggio del progetto deve essere almeno 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index f5430987633c4c..3fc756914150fb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ コレクション要素型はサポートされていません: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + プロジェクトの言語バージョンは少なくとも 'C# 12' である必要があります。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 1c66f5d58a6284..e5fac78816501d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 컬렉션 요소 유형이 지원되지 않습니다: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 프로젝트의 언어 버전은 'C# 12' 이상이어야 합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b1bb4292bb2f74..a3bfda7961accf 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Typ elementu kolekcji nie jest obsługiwany: „{0}”. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Wersja językowa projektu musi mieć wartość co najmniej „C# 12”. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 69c61c2a98b85f..9ae94770e0876a 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ O tipo de elemento da coleção não é suportado: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + A versão da linguagem do projeto deve ser no mínimo 'C# 12'. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1aabe87ae55993..ac093757f66aca 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Тип элемента коллекции не поддерживается: "{0}". - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Версия языка проекта должна быть не ниже "C# 12". diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 1589ce12f510c1..6cd1157d71daf3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Koleksiyon öğesi türü desteklenmiyor: '{0}'. - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + Projenin dil sürümü en az 'C# 12' olmalıdır. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index f88548c055eb7d..fe5aac5bf4505b 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支持此集合元素类型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 项目的语言版本必须至少为 "C# 12"。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index b492367d5fb89e..5ce4ed9a5d76ce 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ 不支援集合元素類型: '{0}'。 - + The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. - The project's language version has to be at least 'C# 12'. + 專案的語言版本必須至少為 'C# 12'。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 6f3218ac6dd5b7..db9efa93236cc2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Našlo se několik polí typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Třída {0} má parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, který je skrytý polem ve třídě nebo základní třídě, což brání jeho použití. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Parametr primárního konstruktoru typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger je skrytý polem. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Odeberte redundantní kvalifikátor (Informace:, Upozornění:, Chyba: atd.) ze zprávy o protokolování, protože je na zadané úrovni protokolu implicitní. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b838765022a4ea..1a557ac1669fcd 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Mehrere Felder vom Typ "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger" gefunden {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Die Klasse „{0}“ weist einen primären Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ auf, der von einem Feld in der Klasse oder einer Basisklasse ausgeblendet wird, wodurch die Verwendung verhindert wird. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Der primäre Konstruktorparameter vom Typ „Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger“ wird durch ein Feld ausgeblendet. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Entfernen Sie den redundanten Qualifizierer (z. B. "Info:", "Warnung:" oder "Fehler:") aus der Protokollierungsmeldung, weil er auf der angegebenen Protokollebene implizit enthalten ist. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 30000484775d0a..c67ec41ff91cc8 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Se encontraron varios campos de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La clase '{0}' tiene un parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger oculto por un campo de la clase o una clase base, lo que impide su uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Un campo oculta el parámetro de constructor principal de tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Quitar calificadores redundantes (Información:, Advertencia:, Error:, etc.) del mensaje de registro, ya que está implícito en el nivel de registro especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 04ccccc8536aa0..bb73608d9d0382 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Plusieurs champs de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger ont été trouvés {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La classe « ’{0} » a un paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger qui est masqué par un champ de la classe ou une classe de base, ce qui empêche son utilisation + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Le paramètre de constructeur principal de type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger est masqué par un champ + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Supprimez le qualificateur redondant (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc.) du message de journalisation, car il est implicite dans le niveau de journalisation spécifié. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 0c007fdce54828..d4bd8eb5a895c3 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Sono stati trovati più campi di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + La classe '{0}' ha un parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger nascosto da un campo nella classe o una classe di base, impedendone l'uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Il parametro del costruttore primario di tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger è nascosto da un campo + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Rimuovere il qualificatore ridondante (Informazioni:, Avviso:, Errore: e così via) dal messaggio di registrazione perché è implicito nel livello di log specificato. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 36f5b1baad528f..1f19c136e50db5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger という種類の複数のフィールドが見つかりました {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + クラス '{0}' には、クラスまたは基本クラスのフィールドによって非表示になっている型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターがあるため、使用できません + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger のプライマリ コンストラクター パラメーターはフィールドによって非表示になっています + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 指定されたログ レベルでは暗黙的であるため、冗長な修飾子 (Info:、Warning:、Error: など) をログ メッセージから削除します。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 547c49b3e33dc9..94a4654cf41a68 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 필드가 여러 개 있음 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 클래스 '{0}'에는 클래스 또는 기본 클래스의 필드에 의해 숨겨진 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 있으므로 해당 매개 변수를 사용할 수 없습니다. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 필드에 의해 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 형식의 기본 생성자 매개 변수가 숨겨집니다. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 중복 한정자(정보:, 경고:, 오류: 등)가 지정된 로그 수준에서 암시적이기 때문에 로깅 메시지에서 제거합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index a40b72d24ffcea..48dcc267ff34f2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Znaleziono wiele pól typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Klasa „{0}” ma podstawowy parametr konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger, który jest ukryty przez pole w klasie lub klasie podstawowej, co uniemożliwia jego użycie. + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Parametr podstawowy konstruktora typu Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger jest ukryty przez pole + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Usuń nadmiarowy kwalifikator (Info:, Warning:, Error: itp.) z komunikatu rejestrowania, ponieważ jest on domyślny na określonym poziomie dziennika. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 0560fb6b5907c8..c698b2fc61d947 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Múltiplos campos encontrados do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + A classe "{0}" tem um parâmetro de construtor primário do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger que está oculto por um campo na classe ou uma classe base, impedindo o seu uso + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + O parâmetro primário de construtor do tipo Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger está oculto por um campo + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Remova o qualificador redundante (Info:, Aviso:, Erro:, etc) da mensagem de log, pois está implícito no nível de log especificado. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 589635d5721bb9..4e59b9fd9b04a5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Обнаружено несколько полей типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + Класс "{0}" имеет первичный параметр конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger который скрыт полем в этом классе или базовом классе, что препятствует его использованию + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Параметр основного конструктора типа Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger скрыт полем + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Удалите избыточный квалификатор (Info:, Warning:, Error:, и т. п.) из сообщения журнала, поскольку квалификатор подразумевается на указанном уровне ведения журнала. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c40d99aa4602c5..b92fc16b8c2aba 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birden çok alan bulundu {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + '{0}' sınıfı, sınıf veya temel sınıf alanı tarafından gizlenen ve bu türün kullanımına engel olan Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türünde birincil oluşturucu parametresine sahip + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger türündeki birincil oluşturucu parametresi bir alan tarafından gizleniyor + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. Belirtilen günlük düzeyinde örtük olduğundan gereksiz niteleyiciyi (Bilgi:, Uyarı:, Hata: vb.) günlüğe kaydetme iletisinden kaldırın. diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 04c39c8843a1e1..6f70cbcdd9b34e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ 找到 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的多个字段 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 类“{0}”具有 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数,该参数被类或基类中的字段隐藏以防使用 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 类型的主构造函数参数被字段隐藏 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 从日志记录消息中删除冗余限定符(信息:、警告:、错误: 等),因为其在指定的日志级别中为隐式内容。 diff --git a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index af008cf098ff8a..810bdfe157fede 100644 --- a/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ 找到多個 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 類型的欄位 {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + Class '{0}' has a primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger that is hidden by a field in the class or a base class, preventing its use + 類別 '{0}' 具有類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數,其已由類別或基底類別中的欄位隱藏,因此無法使用 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + + + Primary constructor parameter of type Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger is hidden by a field + 類型 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger 的主要建構函式參數由某欄位隱藏 + {Locked="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"} + Remove redundant qualifier (Info:, Warning:, Error:, etc) from the logging message since it is implicit in the specified log level. 從記錄訊息中移除備援限定詞 (資訊:、警告:、錯誤: 等等),因為它在指定的記錄層級中為隱含。 From d9b1c518f7966d254ce8ce32819ff718faf53b55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dotnet bot Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 09:15:39 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 12/12] Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 679: Build ID 2641321 --- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 30 ++++++++++++------- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 10 +++++++ .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/ | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf | 6 ++-- .../gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf | 6 ++-- 39 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 3b94247f4ce430..ba1c9a3a785dba 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Tento typ implementuje minimálně jeden typ s atributem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute nebo má jeho základní typ atribut GeneratedComClassAttribute. Přidejte generatedComClassAttribute, aby bylo možné předat tento typ modelu COM a zpřístupnit rozhraní COM pro typy s atributem GeneratedComClassAttribute z objektů tohoto typu. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Základnímu rozhraní COM se nepodařilo vygenerovat zdroj. Kód se pro toto rozhraní nevygeneruje. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Typ {0} má základní rozhraní {1} definované v jiném sestavení. To může v některých případech způsobit řadu obtížně diagnostikovatelných problémů. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Zadání atributu GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute u rozhraní, které má základní rozhraní definované v jiném sestavení, není podporováno. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. GeneratedComInterface nemůže určovat ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper nebo ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper, pokud základní typ rozhraní neurčil možnosti nebo nezadal alespoň stejné možnosti. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ atributy [In] a [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objekty zařazené z VARIANT jako parametry in ve voláních nespravovaných na spravované nebudou šířit zpět aktualizovaný výsledek, a to ani v případě, že VARIANT je varianta VT_BYREF. K šíření aktualizované hodnoty zpět k volajícímu použijte místo parametru in parametr ref. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Události nejsou konceptem COM, takže pro události instance na rozhraních COM generovaných zdrojem nebude vygenerován žádný kód spolupráce. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Typ vstupního bodu řadiče „{0}“ pro spravovaný typ „{1}“ musí mít aritu o jednu větší než spravovaný typ. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Všechny zařazovací moduly pro hodnoty, které jsou předány jako nespravovaná návratová hodnota nebo parametr, musí mít stejný nespravovaný typ. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Aby se povolilo zařazování tohoto typu, musí se v tomto projektu zakázat zařazování modulu runtime použitím atributu System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute u sestavení. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Při volání metody musí být definována velikost parametru{0}, která je zařazena do volané metody, ale parametr count {1} je parametr out. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index dd4222c203079d..b8b529c7c12b71 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Dieser Typ implementiert mindestens einen Typ mit dem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute-Attribut, oder sein Basistyp weist das GeneratedComClassAttribute-Attribut auf. Fügen Sie „GeneratedComClassAttribute“ hinzu, um die Übergabe dieses Typs an COM zu ermöglichen und die COM-Schnittstellen für die Typen mit dem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ aus Objekten dieses Typs verfügbar zu machen. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Die Basis-COM-Schnittstelle konnte die Quelle nicht generieren. Für diese Schnittstelle wird kein Code generiert. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Für den Typ „{0}“ ist eine Basisschnittstelle „{1}“ in einer anderen Assembly definiert. Dies kann in einigen Szenarien eine Vielzahl von Problemen verursachen, die schwer zu diagnostizieren sind. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Das Angeben von „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“ für eine Schnittstelle mit einer in einer anderen Assembly definierten Basisschnittstelle wird nicht unterstützt. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Ein "GeneratedComInterface" kann nur dann "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" oder "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" angeben, wenn der Basisschnittstellentyp keine Optionen angegeben oder mindestens dieselben Optionen angegeben hat. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In]- und [Out]-Attribute + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objekte, die aus VARIANTEN als in-Parameter in nicht verwalteten Aufrufen gemarshallt werden, werden nicht an das aktualisierte Ergebnis verteilt, auch wenn VARIANTE eine VT_BYREF-Variante ist. Verwenden Sie einen ref-Parameter anstelle eines in-Parameters, um den aktualisierten Wert wieder an den Aufrufer zu übergeben. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Ereignisse sind kein Konzept in COM, daher wird kein Interopcode für Instanzereignisse auf von der Quelle generierten COM-Schnittstellen generiert. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Der Marshaller-Einstiegspunkttyp "{0}" für den verwalteten Typ "{1}" muss eine Stelligkeit aufweisen, die größer als der verwaltete Typ ist. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Alle Marshaller für Werte, die als nicht verwalteter Rückgabewert oder Parameter übergeben werden, müssen denselben nicht verwalteten Typ aufweisen. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Das Runtime-Marshalling muss in diesem Projekt deaktiviert werden, indem „System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute“ auf die Assembly angewendet wird, um das Marshalling dieses Typs zu ermöglichen. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Die Größe des Parameters "{0}", der an den Aufgerufenen gemarshallt wird, muss definiert werden, wenn die Methode aufgerufen wird. Der Count-Parameter "{1}" ist jedoch ein "Out"-Parameter. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 393160b81b1131..89886b7f025883 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Este tipo implementa al menos un tipo con el atributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o su tipo base tiene el atributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Agregue 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar el paso de este tipo a COM y exponer las interfaces COM para los tipos con 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' a partir de objetos de este tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ La interfaz COM base no pudo generar el origen. No se generará código para esta interfaz. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + El tipo '{0}' tiene una interfaz base '{1}' definida en un ensamblado diferente. Esto puede causar diversos problemas difíciles de diagnosticar en algunos escenarios. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + No se admite especificar 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' en una interfaz que tenga una interfaz base definida en otro ensamblado + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. ''GeneratedComInterface'' no puede especificar ''ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper'' o ''ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'' a menos que el tipo de interfaz base no especifique opciones o especifique al menos las mismas opciones. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atributos [In] y [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Los objetos serializados a partir de VARIANTES como parámetros 'in' en llamadas no administradas a administradas no propagarán el resultado actualizado, incluso si VARIANTE es una variante VT_BYREF. Use un parámetro 'ref' en lugar de un parámetro 'in' para volver a propagar el valor actualizado al llamador. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Los eventos no representan un concepto en COM, de modo que no se generará código de interoperabilidad para eventos de instancia en interfaces COM generadas en origen. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ El tipo de punto de entrada del serializador "{0}" para el tipo administrado "{1}" debe tener una aridad mayor que el tipo administrado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Todos los serializadores para los valores que se pasan como el parámetro o valor devuelto no administrado deben tener el mismo tipo no administrado. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ La serialización en tiempo de ejecución debe deshabilitarse en este proyecto aplicando \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMars contosoingAttribute\" al ensamblado para habilitar la serialización de este tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. El tamaño del parámetro "{0}" que se serializa al destinatario debe definirse cuando se llama al método, pero el parámetro de recuento "{1}" es un parámetro "out". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 70739eaa879e52..34309a0a8dc920 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Ce type implémente au moins un type avec l’attribut « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » ou son type de base a l’attribut « GeneratedComClassAttribute ». Ajoutez le « GeneratedComClassAttribute » pour activer le passage de ce type à COM et exposer les interfaces COM pour les types avec le « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » des objets de ce type. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ L’interface COM de base n’a pas réussi à générer le code source. Le code ne sera pas généré pour cette interface. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Le type « {0} » a une interface de base « {1} » définie dans un autre assembly. Cela peut entraîner de nombreux problèmes difficiles à diagnostiquer dans certains scénarios + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + La spécification de ’GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute’ sur une interface pour laquelle une interface de base est définie dans un autre assembly n’est pas prise en charge + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un 'GeneratedComInterface' ne peut pas spécifier 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' sauf si le type d’interface de base n’a pas spécifié d’options ou spécifié au moins les mêmes options. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Attributs [In] et [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Les objets marshallés à partir de VARIANT en tant que paramètres « in » dans les appels non gérés à gérés ne propageront pas le résultat mis à jour, même si le VARIANT est une variante de VT_BYREF. Utilisez un paramètre « ref » au lieu d’un paramètre « in » pour propager la valeur mise à jour à l’appelant. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Les événements ne sont pas un concept dans COM. Par conséquent, aucun code d’interopérabilité n’est généré à la source pour les événements d’instance sur les interfaces COM générées par la source. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Le type de point d’entrée marshaleur '{0}' pour le type managé '{1}' doit avoir une arité supérieure au type managé. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Tous les marshaleurs pour les valeurs transmises en tant que valeurs ou paramètres de retour non managés doivent avoir le même type non managé. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Le marshaling du runtime doit être désactivé dans ce projet en appliquant « System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute » à l’assembly pour activer le marshaling de ce type. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. La taille du paramètre '{0}' qui est marshalé à l'appelé doit être définie lorsque la méthode est appelée, mais le paramètre count '{1}' est un paramètre 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 0a5eacfbe9c27a..598b0874ab7f25 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Questo tipo implementa almeno un tipo con l'attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' o il relativo tipo di base ha l'attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'. Aggiungere l’attributo 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' per consentire il passaggio di questo tipo a COM e l'esposizione delle interfacce COM per i tipi con l’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' dagli oggetti di questo tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ L'interfaccia COM di base non è riuscita a generare l'origine. Il codice non verrà generato per questa interfaccia. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Il tipo '{0}' ha un'interfaccia di base '{1}' definita in un assembly diverso. Ciò può causare una vasta gamma di problemi difficili da diagnosticare in alcuni scenari + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + La specifica dell’attributo 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' in un'interfaccia che ha un'interfaccia di base definita in un altro assembly non è supportata + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Un elemento 'GeneratedComInterface' non può specificare 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' o 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a meno che il tipo di interfaccia di base non specifichi opzioni o non specifichi almeno le stesse opzioni. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Attributi [In] e [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Gli oggetti di cui è stato eseguito il marshalling da VARIANT come parametri 'in' nelle chiamate da non gestito a gestito non verranno propagati nuovamente al risultato aggiornato, anche se VARIANT è una variante VT_BYREF. Usare un parametro 'ref' invece di un parametro 'in' per propagare nuovamente il valore aggiornato al chiamante. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Gli eventi non sono concetti in COM quindi non verrà generato codice di interoperabilità per gli eventi dell’istanza nelle interfacce COM generate dall'origine. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Il tipo di punto di ingresso del marshalling '{0}' per il tipo gestito '{1}' deve avere un grado maggiore rispetto a quello del tipo gestito. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Tutti i marshalling per i valori passati come parametro o valore restituito non gestito devono avere lo stesso tipo non gestito. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Il marshalling di runtime in questo progetto deve essere disabilitato applicando 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' all'assembly per abilitare il marshalling di questo tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Le dimensioni del parametro '{0}' di cui viene eseguito il marshalling al destinatario della chiamata devono essere definite quando viene chiamato il metodo, ma il parametro conteggio '{1}' è un parametro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index d08519db19c885..e0c3c159f39952 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + この型は、'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性を持つ少なくとも 1 つの型を実装します。またはその基本型に 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性があります。'GeneratedComClassAttribute' を追加して、この型を COM に渡し、この型のオブジェクトから 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を持つ型の COM インターフェイスを公開できるようにします。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ ベース COM インターフェイスはソースを生成できませんでした。このインターフェイスのコードは生成されません。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 型 '{0}' には、別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイス '{1}' があります。これにより、一部のシナリオで問題を診断することが困難になるさまざまな可能性があります + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 別のアセンブリで定義されている基本インターフェイスを持つインターフェイスで 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を指定することはサポートされていません + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 基底インターフェイスの型でオプションが指定されていないか、少なくとも同じオプションが指定されていない限り、'GeneratedComInterface' では 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' または 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' を指定できません。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ 属性の[In]と[Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + アンマネージからマネージドへの呼び出しで VARIANT から 'in' パラメーターとしてマーシャリングされたオブジェクトは、VARIANT が VT_BYREF バリアントであっても、更新された結果に反映されません。更新された値を呼び出し元に反映するには、'in' パラメーターの代わりに 'ref' パラメーターを使用してください。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. イベントは COM の概念ではないため、ソース生成 COM インターフェイス上のインスタンス イベントに対して相互運用コードはソース生成されません。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ マネージド型 '{1}' のマーシャラー エントリ ポイント型 '{0}' には、マネージド型より 1 大きい引数が必要です。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + アンマネージ戻り値またはパラメーターとして渡される値のすべてのマーシャラーは、同じアンマネージ型を持つ必要があります。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ このプロジェクトでは、アセンブリに 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' を適用してランタイム マーシャリングを無効にし、この型のマーシャリングを有効にする必要があります。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼び出し先にマーシャリングされるパラメーター '{0}' のサイズは、メソッドが呼び出されたときに定義する必要がありますが、count パラメーター '{1}' は 'out' パラメーターです。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 1225af16e56026..3544bea85669bd 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 이 유형은 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 특성을 갖는 하나 이상의 유형을 구현하거나 기본 유형에 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 특성이 있습니다. 'GeneratedComClassAttribute'를 추가하여 이 유형을 COM에 전달하고 이 유형의 개체에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'가 있는 유형에 대해 COM 인터페이스를 노출할 수 있도록 합니다. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 베이스 COM 인터페이스에서 소스를 생성하지 못했습니다. 이 인터페이스에 대한 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + '{0}' 유형에 다른 어셈블리에서 정의된 기본 인터페이스 '{1}'이(가) 있습니다. 일부 시나리오에서는 이로 인해 진단하기 어려운 다양한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 다른 어셈블리에 정의된 기본 인터페이스가 있는 인터페이스에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'를 지정하는 것은 지원되지 않습니다. + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 기본 인터페이스 형식이 옵션을 지정하지 않았거나, 최소한 동일한 옵션을 지정하지 않은 경우 'GeneratedComInterface'는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 또는 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'를 지정할 수 없습니다. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 및 [Out] 속성 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 관리되지 않는 호출에서 관리되는 호출로의 VARIANT에서 'in' 매개 변수로 마샬링된 개체는 VARIANT가 VT_BYREF 변형인 경우에도 업데이트된 결과를 다시 전파하지 않습니다. 'in' 매개 변수 대신 'ref' 매개 변수를 사용하여 업데이트된 값을 호출자에게 다시 전파합니다. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 이벤트는 COM의 개념이 아니므로 소스 생성 COM 인터페이스의 인스턴스 이벤트에 대해 interop 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 관리 유형 '{1}'에 대한 마샬러 진입점 유형 '{0}'에는 관리 유형보다 1이 더 커야 합니다. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 관리되지 않는 반환 값이나 매개 변수로 전달되는 값에 대한 모든 마샬러는 동일한 관리되지 않는 형식을 가져야 합니다. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 이 형식의 마샬링을 활성화하려면 어셈블리에 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute'를 적용하여 이 프로젝트에서 런타임 마샬링을 비활성화해야 합니다. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 메서드를 호출할 때 호출 수신자로 마샬링되는 매개 변수 '{0}'의 크기를 정의해야 하지만 count 매개 변수 '{1}'은(는) 'out' 매개 변수입니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 91ce793526a67d..30bc2cef8ae4de 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Ten typ implementuje co najmniej jeden typ z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” lub jego typ podstawowy ma atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”. Dodaj atrybut „GeneratedComClassAttribute”, aby umożliwić przekazywanie tego typu do modelu COM i uwidacznianie interfejsów COM dla typów z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” z obiektów tego typu. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Podstawowy interfejs COM nie może wygenerować źródła. Kod nie zostanie wygenerowany dla tego interfejsu. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Typ „{0}” ma interfejs podstawowy „{1}” zdefiniowany w innym zestawie. Może to powodować różne trudne do zdiagnozowania problemy w niektórych scenariuszach + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Określanie atrybutu „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” dla interfejsu, który ma interfejs podstawowy zdefiniowany w innym zespole, nie jest obsługiwane + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Element „GeneratedComInterface” nie może określać elementu „ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper” lub „ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper”, chyba że podstawowy typ interfejsu nie określił opcji lub określił co najmniej te same opcje. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atrybuty [In] i [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Obiekty przekazywane z obiektów VARIANT jako parametry „w” w wywołaniach niezarządzanych do zarządzanych nie będą propagować z powrotem zaktualizowanego wyniku, nawet jeśli parametr VARIANT jest wariantem VT_BYREF. Użyj parametru „ref” zamiast parametru „w”, aby propagować zaktualizowaną wartość z powrotem do obiektu wywołującego. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Zdarzenia nie są koncepcją w modelu COM, więc żaden kod międzyoperacyjny nie będzie generowany dla zdarzeń wystąpień w interfejsach COM generowanych źródłowo. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Typ punktu wejścia marshallera „{0}” dla typu zarządzanego „{1}” musi mieć liczbę argumentów o jeden większą niż typ zarządzany. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Wszystkie elementy organizujące dla wartości przekazywanych jako niezarządzana wartość zwracana lub parametr muszą mieć ten sam typ niezarządzany. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Marshalling środowiska uruchomieniowego musi być wyłączony w tym projekcie przez zastosowanie do zestawu atrybutu „System.Runtime.InteropServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute”, aby umożliwić marshalling tego typu. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Rozmiar parametru „{0}”, który jest kierowany do obiektu wywołującego, musi być zdefiniowany podczas wywoływania metody, ale parametr ILE.LICZB „{1}” jest parametrem „out”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 1a7e0f222576df..3b825512d46ceb 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Este tipo implementa pelo menos um tipo com o atributo "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" ou o seu tipo base tem o atributo "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Adicione o 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' para habilitar a passagem desse tipo para COM e expor as interfaces COM para os tipos com o 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' de objetos desse tipo. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ A interface COM base falhou ao gerar a fonte. O código não será gerado para esta interface. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + O tipo "{0}" tem uma interface base "{1}" definida em um assembly diferente. Isso pode causar uma variedade de problemas difíceis de diagnosticar em alguns cenários + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Não há suporte para a especificação de "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" em uma interface que tem uma interface base definida em outro assembly + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Um 'GeneratedComInterface' não pode especificar 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' ou 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' a menos que o tipo de interface base não especifique opções ou especifique pelo menos as mesmas opções. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Atributos [In] e [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Objetos marshalled de VARIANTs como parâmetros "in" em chamadas não gerenciadas para gerenciadas não propagam de volta o resultado atualizado, mesmo que VARIANT seja uma variante VT_BYREF. Use um parâmetro "ref" em vez de um parâmetro "in" para propagar o valor atualizado de volta para o chamador. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Os eventos não são um conceito em COM, portanto, nenhum código de interoperabilidade será gerado para eventos de instância em interfaces COM geradas pela origem. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ O tipo de ponto de entrada para realizar marshaling '{0}' para o tipo gerenciado '{1}' deve ter uma aridade maior do que o tipo gerenciado. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Todos os empacotadores para valores que são passados como valor de retorno ou parâmetro não gerenciado devem ter o mesmo tipo não gerenciado. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ O marshalling de tempo de execução deve ser desabilitado neste projeto aplicando o 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' ao assembly para habilitar o marshalling desse tipo. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. O tamanho do parâmetro '{0}' que é empacotado para o receptor deve ser definido quando o método é chamado, mas o parâmetro de contagem '{1}' é um parâmetro 'out'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 12c251122fa78d..27d7f597d2202c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Этот тип реализует по крайней мере один тип с атрибутом "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute", или его базовый тип содержит атрибут "GeneratedComClassAttribute". Добавьте "GeneratedComClassAttribute", чтобы разрешить передачу этого типа в COM и предоставление COM-интерфейсов для типов с "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" из объектов этого типа. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Базовому COM-интерфейсу не удалось создать источник. Код не будет создан для этого интерфейса. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + Тип "{0}" использует базовый интерфейс "{1}", определенный в другой сборке. Это может вызвать множество сложностей при диагностике проблем в некоторых сценариях + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Указание "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" в интерфейсе, для которого базовый интерфейс определен в другой сборке, не поддерживается + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Параметр "GeneratedComInterface" не может указывать "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" или "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper" кроме случаев, когда базовый тип интерфейса не указывает параметры или указывает по крайней мере те же параметры. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ Атрибуты [In] и [Out] + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Объекты, маршалированные из VARIANT в качестве параметров "in" в вызовах с переходом от неуправляемых к управляемым, не будут распространяться обратно на обновленный результат, даже если VARIANT является вариантом VT_BYREF. Используйте параметр "ref" вместо параметра "in", чтобы распространить обновленное значение обратно на вызывающую сторону. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. События не являются концепцией в COM, поэтому источник не будет генерировать код взаимодействия для событий экземпляра в COM-интерфейсах, создаваемых источником. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Тип точки входа маршаллера "{0}" для управляемого типа "{1}" должен иметь более высокую арность, чем управляемый тип. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Все маршалеры для значений, передаваемых в качестве неуправляемого возвращаемого значения или параметра, должны использовать одинаковый неуправляемый тип. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ В этом проекте следует отключить маршализацию среды выполнения путем применения к сборке атрибута \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" для включения маршализации этого типа. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. При вызове метода должен быть определен размер параметра "{0}", который был маршалирован вызываемому абоненту, но исчисляемый параметр "{1}" является выходным. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ index 7b19f33f898c82..72813018d87503 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/ @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + Bu tür, 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' özniteliğine sahip en az bir türü uygular veya temel türü 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' özniteliğine sahiptir. Bu türü COM'a geçirmeyi ve bu türdeki nesnelerden 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' içeren türler için COM arabirimlerini açığa çıkarmayı etkinleştirmek için 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' ekleyin. @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ Temel COM arabirimi, kaynak oluşturamadı. Bu arabirim için kod oluşturulmayacak. + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + '{0}' tipinin farklı bir derlemede tanımlanmış bir temel arayüzü '{1}' vardır. Bu, bazı senaryolarda tanılaması zor çeşitli sorunlara neden olabilir + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + Başka bir bütünleştirilmiş kodda tanımlanmış bir temel arabirime sahip arabirimde 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' belirtilmesi desteklenmez + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. Temel arabirim seçenekleri belirtmediği veya en azından aynı seçenekleri belirttiği sürece bir 'GeneratedComInterface' arabirimi 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' veya 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' seçeneğini belirtemez. @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] ve [Out] öznitelikleri + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + Yönetilmeyenden yönetilene yapılan çağrılarda 'in' parametresi olarak kullanılan VARIANT'lardan hazırlanma işlemiyle elde edilen nesneler, VARIANT çeşidi VT_BYREF olsa bile güncelleştirilmiş sonucu geri yaymaz. Güncelleştirilmiş değeri çağırana geri yayma için 'in' parametresi yerine bir 'ref' parametresi kullanın. + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. Olaylar COM'da kavram olarak değerlendirilmez, bu nedenle kaynak tarafından oluşturulan COM arabirimleri üzerinde örnek olaylar için birlikte çalışma kodu oluşturulmaz. @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ Yönetilen tür '{1}' için sıralayıcı giriş noktası '{0}', yönetilen türden büyük bir parametre sayısına sahip olmalıdır. - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + Yönetilmeyen dönüş değeri veya parametresi olarak geçirilen değerler için tüm hazırlayıcılar aynı yönetilmeyen türe sahip olmalıdır. @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ Bu türü sıralamayı etkinleştirmek için derlemeye 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' uygulanarak bu projede çalışma zamanı sıralaması devre dışı bırakılmalıdır. - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. Aramanın alıcısına hazırlanan '{0}' parametresinin boyutu yöntem çağrıldığında tanımlanmalıdır ancak '{1}' sayı parametresi bir ‘çıkış’ parametresidir. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 948802857d19b2..b9e21c430f3a76 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 此类型至少实现了一种具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 属性的类型,或其基本类型具有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 属性。添加 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以允许将此类型传递到 COM,并公开具有此类型的对象的 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的类型的 COM 接口。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 基本 COM 接口无法生成源。不会为此接口生成代码。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 类型“{0}”具有在其他程序集中定义的基接口“{1}”。在某些情况下,可能会导致各种难以诊断问题 + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 不支持在另一个进程集中定义了基础接口的接口上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. "GeneratedComInterface" 不能指定 "ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper" 或 "ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper",除非基接口类型未指定选项或至少指定了相同的选项。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 和 [Out] 属性 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 在非托管到托管调用中从 VARIANT 封送为“in”参数的对象不会传回更新后的结果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 变量也是如此。使用 "ref "参数代替 "in "参数,将更新后的值传回调用方。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 的概念,因此不会为源生成的 COM 接口上的实例事件生成互操作代码。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 托管类型“{1}”的封送程序入口点类型“{0}”必须具有大于托管类型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 作为非托管返回值或参数传递的值的所有封送程序都必须具有相同的非托管类型。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 必须通过将 \"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute\" 应用到程序集来在此项目中禁用运行时封送,以启用此类型的封送处理。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 调用方法时,必须定义封送给被调用方的参数“{0}”的大小,但计数参数“{1}”是一个 "out" 参数。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 33457ab3320306..feb774294e8ea0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime.InteropServices/gen/Common/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. - This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + This type implements at least one type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' attribute or its base type has the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' attribute. Add the 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' from objects of this type. + 此類型會實作至少一個類型,具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 屬性或其基底類型有 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 屬性。新增 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' 以啟用將此類型傳遞到 COM,並公開具有此類型物件之 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 類型的 COM 介面。 @@ -67,6 +67,16 @@ 基底 COM 介面無法產生來源。將不會產生此介面的程式碼。 + + The type '{0}' has a base interface '{1}' defined in a different assembly. This can cause a variety of difficult to diagnose issues in some scenarios + 類型 '{0}' 已有在不同組件中定義的基礎介面 '{1}'。在某些情況下,這可能會造成各種難以診斷的問題 + + + + Specifying 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' on an interface that has a base interface defined in another assembly is not supported + 不支援在已於另一個組件中定義基礎介面的介面上指定 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' + + A 'GeneratedComInterface' cannot specify 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' or 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper' unless the base interface type did not specify options or specified at least the same options. 除非基本介面類型未指定選項或至少指定了相同的選項,否則 'GeneratedComInterface' 不能指定 'ComInterfaceOptions.ManagedObjectWrapper' 或 'ComInterfaceOptions.ComObjectWrapper'。 @@ -492,6 +502,11 @@ [In] 與 [Out] 屬性 + + Objects marshalled from VARIANTs as 'in' parameters in unmanaged-to-managed calls will not propagate back the updated result, even if the VARIANT is a VT_BYREF variant. Use a 'ref' parameter instead of an 'in' parameter to propagate the updated value back to the caller. + 在未受控對受控呼叫中,從 VARIANT 封送處理為 'in' 參數的物件將不會傳播回更新的結果,即使 VARIANT 是 VT_BYREF 變數亦然。使用 'ref' 參數而非 'in' 參數,以將更新的值傳播回呼叫者。 + + Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces. 事件不是 COM 中的概念,因此不會為來源產生的 COM 介面上的執行個體事件來源產生 Interop 程式碼。 @@ -827,9 +842,9 @@ 受控類型 '{1}' 的封送處理器進入點類型 '{0}' 必須具有大於受控類型的 arity。 - - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. - All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value must have the same unmanaged type. + + All marshallers for values that are passed as the unmanaged return value or parameter must have the same unmanaged type. + 所有作為非受控傳回值或參數傳遞之值的 marshaller 必須具有相同的非受控類型。 @@ -1022,11 +1037,6 @@ 必須將 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' 套用到組件,以停用此專案中的執行階段封送處理,以啟用此類型的封送處理。 - - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - An abstract type derived from 'SafeHandle' cannot be marshalled by reference. The provided type must be concrete. - - The size of parameter '{0}' that is marshalled to the callee must be defined when the method is called, but count parameter '{1}' is an 'out' parameter. 呼叫方法時,必須定義封送處理給被呼叫者的參數 '{0}' 的大小,但 count 參數 '{1}' 是 'out' 參數。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 96bb2680ffcb70..49ede1a3986cd0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Typ obsahuje více členů s komentářem JsonExtensionDataAttribute + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Typ {0} zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru {1}. Pro vlastnost, pole nebo konstruktor se nevygeneruje žádný zdrojový kód. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Typ zahrnuje ref-like parametr vlastnosti, pole nebo konstruktoru. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nevygenerovala se metadata serializace pro typ {0}. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index dbc6ca2ae2b90a..35bfee5db3fbd9 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Der Typ enthält mehrere Elemente, die mit dem JsonExtensionDataAttribute versehen sind. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Der Typ „{0}“ enthält die Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter „{1}“. Für die Eigenschaft, das Feld oder den Konstruktor wird kein Quellcode generiert. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Der Typ enthält Verweise wie Eigenschaft, Feld oder Konstruktorparameter. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Die Serialisierungsmetadaten für den Typ "{0}" wurden nicht generiert. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 878fa15bc7efb1..3fdbb1b2f07fe5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ El tipo tiene varios miembros anotados con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + El tipo "{0}" incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor "{1}". No se generará código fuente para la propiedad, campo o constructor. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + El tipo incluye una referencia como propiedad, campo o parámetro de constructor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. No generó metadatos de serialización para el tipo '{0}". diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index fbf12b5a733d49..1704ce42aeb52d 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Le type comporte plusieurs membres annotés avec JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Le type « {0} » inclut le ref comme propriété, champ ou paramètre de constructeur « {1} ». Aucun code source ne sera généré pour la propriété, le champ ou le constructeur. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Le type comprend des éléments tels que des propriétés, des champs ou des paramètres de construction. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Les métadonnées de sérialisation pour le type « {0} » n’ont pas été générées. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 04d5cf68ef4a94..c44dbd4a4cc5fa 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Nel tipo sono presenti più membri annotati con JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Il tipo '{0}' include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore '{1}'. Non verrà generato codice sorgente per la proprietà, il campo o il costruttore. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Il tipo include un riferimento come la proprietà, il campo o il parametro del costruttore. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Non sono stati generati metadati di serializzazione per il tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 0224cb65fc26e3..ef07d1387562b0 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 型には、'JsonExtensionDataAttribute' に注釈が付けられた複数のメンバーが含まれます。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 型 '{0}' には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーター '{1}' などの ref が含まれます。プロパティ、フィールド、またはコンストラクターのソース コードは生成されません。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 型には、プロパティ、フィールド、コンストラクター パラメーターなどの ref が含まれます。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}'型 のシリアル化メタデータを生成ませんでした。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index 9bc14e0cc3d556..615789e0daae07 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 형식에 JsonExtensionDataAttribute로 주석이 추가 된 멤버가 여러 개 있습니다. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + '{0}' 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수 '{1}'와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. 속성, 필드 또는 생성자에 대한 소스 코드가 생성되지 않습니다. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 형식에는 속성, 필드 또는 생성자 매개 변수와 같은 ref가 포함됩니다. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' 형식에 대한 직렬화 메타데이터가 생성되지 않았습니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d8e7a990013fac..ef4fd7d87655c2 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Typ ma wiele składowych opatrzonych adnotacjami za pomocą atrybutu JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Typ „{0}” zawiera parametr ref, taki jak właściwość, pole lub konstruktor „{1}”. Nie zostanie wygenerowany kod źródłowy dla właściwości, pola lub konstruktora. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Typ zawiera parametr właściwości, pola lub konstruktora typu ref. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Nie wygenerowano metadanych serializacji dla typu „{0}”. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index d31fa77f16ee47..3a76db6711dc19 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Tipo tem vários membros anotados com JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + O tipo "{0}" inclui a propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor "{1}". Nenhum código-fonte será gerado para a propriedade, campo ou construtor. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + O tipo inclui propriedade ref like, campo ou parâmetro de construtor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Não gerou metadados de serialização para o tipo '{0}'. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index de31bb76e6f2d9..b40f42392e4b98 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Тип содержит несколько элементов, помеченных с помощью JsonExtensionDataAttribute. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + Тип "{0}" содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора "{1}". Для свойства, поля или конструктора не будет создан исходный код. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Тип содержит ссылку, например свойство, поле или параметр конструктора. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. Метаданные сериализации для типа "{0}" не сформированы. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 3ab7559fc82284..6c843de0282ff5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ Tür, JsonExtensionDataAttribute ile açıklanan birden çok üyeye sahip. + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + '{0}' türü; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi '{1}' gibi başvuru içeriyor. Özellik, alan veya oluşturucu için kaynak kodu üretilmeyecek. + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + Tür; özellik, alan veya oluşturucu parametresi gibi başvuru içeriyor. + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. '{0}' türü için serileştirme meta verileri oluşturulmadı. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 03ce3792f5ec8a..b5b714c3d13d22 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 类型具有多个带有 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 注释的成员。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 类型“{0}”包括属性、字段或构造函数参数“{1}”等引用。不会为属性、字段或构造函数生成源代码。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 类型包括属性、字段或构造函数参数等引用。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未生成类型 '{0}' 的序列化元数据。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index ed207add481d94..ac3fd35f8414b6 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ 類型具有使用 JsonExtensionDataAttribute 標註的多個成員。 + + The type '{0}' includes the ref like property, field or constructor parameter '{1}'. No source code will be generated for the property, field or constructor. + 類型 '{0}' 包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數 '{1}'。不會針對屬性、欄位或建構函式產生原始程式碼。 + + + + Type includes ref like property, field or constructor parameter. + 類型包含 ref,例如屬性、欄位或建構函式參數。 + + Did not generate serialization metadata for type '{0}'. 未產生類型 '{0}' 的序列化中繼資料。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index f579fcf48d7a65..8e760ca35b1b2b 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Vypršel časový limit modulu Regex při pokusu o porovnání vzoru se vstupním řetězcem. K tomu může dojít z celé řady důvodů, mezi které patří velká velikost vstupních dat nebo nadměrné zpětné navracení způsobené vloženými kvantifikátory, zpětnými odkazy a dalšími faktory. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Metoda nebo vlastnost GeneratedRegexAttribute musí být částečná, bez parametrů, neobecná, neabstraktní a návratová metoda Regex. Pokud jde o vlastnost, musí být také get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index db5cdbbe518a07..100134d0071727 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Zeitüberschreitung des RegEx-Moduls beim Versuch, ein Muster mit einer Eingabezeichenfolge in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Dies kann viele Ursachen haben, darunter sehr große Eingaben oder übermäßige Rückverfolgung aufgrund von geschachtelten Quantifizierern, Rückverweisen und anderen Faktoren. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Die GeneratedRegexAttribute-Methode oder -Eigenschaft muss partiell, parameterlos, nicht generisch, nicht abstrakt sein und RegEx zurückgeben. Wenn eine Eigenschaft, muss sie auch "get-only" sein. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 544cb8737967bb..d7c03679c8ab8e 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Se agotó el tiempo de espera mientras el motor de Regex intentaba comparar una cadena de entrada con un patrón. Esto puede deberse a muchos motivos, como la especificación de cadenas de entrada muy grandes o búsquedas hacia atrás excesivas causadas por cuantificadores anidados, referencias inversas y otros factores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + El método o la propiedad GeneratedRegexAttribute deben ser parciales, sin parámetros, no genéricos, no abstractos y devolver Regex. Si es una propiedad, también debe ser get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index fc6628736de907..b15715902c04da 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Le délai d’attente du moteur Regex a expiré pendant la tentative de mise en correspondance d’un modèle avec une chaîne d’entrée. Ce problème peut se produire pour de nombreuses raisons, notamment en cas d’entrées volumineuses ou de retour sur trace excessif causé par les quantificateurs imbriqués, les références arrière et d’autres facteurs. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + La méthode ou la propriété GeneratedRegexAttribute doit être partielle, sans paramètre, non générique, non abstraite et renvoyer Regex. S'il s'agit d'une propriété, elle doit également être accessible en mode « get-only ». diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 99ffe7518887d5..4e358b5ac56da5 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Timeout del motore Regex durante il tentativo di trovare una corrispondenza tra un criterio e una stringa di input. Il timeout può verificarsi per diversi motivi, tra cui input molto grandi o un eccessivo backtracking causato da quantificatori annidati, backreference e altri fattori. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Il metodo o la proprietà GeneratedRegexAttribute deve essere parziale, senza parametri, non generica, non astratta e restituire Regex. Se una proprietà, deve anche essere di sola lettura. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index 1a532b1de4faa9..0c1e4d8c8425cc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ パターンと入力文字列との照合中に、Regex エンジンがタイムアウトしました。これは、非常に大きな入力、入れ子になった量指定子によって生じた過剰なバックトラッキング、前方参照などの要因を含む、さまざまな原因によって発生する可能性があります。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute メソッドまたはプロパティは、部分、パラメーターなし、非ジェネリック、非抽象、および正規表現を返す必要があります。プロパティの場合は、取得専用にする必要もあります。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index c5a1989b2ba384..7220be3cedff89 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Regex 엔진이 패턴을 입력 문자열에 일치시키는 동안 시간 초과되었습니다. 이 오류는 많은 입력, 중첩 수량자로 인한 과도한 역추적, 역참조, 기타 요인 등의 다양한 이유로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 메서드 또는 속성은 부분적이고, 매개 변수가 없고, 제네릭이 아니고, 추상적이지 않아야 하고, Regex를 반환해야 합니다. 속성인 경우 get 전용이어야 합니다. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 44ba4ec1278de1..3d89e74c1e9560 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Upłynął limit czasu podczas próby dopasowania przez aparat wyrażeń regularnych wzorca do ciągu wejściowego. Mogło to być spowodowane wieloma przyczynami, w tym bardzo dużą ilością danych wejściowych, nadmiernym wykorzystaniem algorytmu wycofywania związanym z kwantyfikatorami zagnieżdżonymi, odwołaniami wstecznymi i innymi czynnikami. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Metoda lub właściwość GeneratedRegexAttribute musi być częściowa, bezparametrowa, niegeneryczna, nieabstrakcyjna i zwracać wyrażenie regularne. Jeśli właściwość, musi być również tylko do pobrania. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index b7311689e60e3e..989368e8e2a424 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ O mecanismo Regex atingiu o tempo limite ao tentar combinar um padrão com uma cadeia de caracteres de entrada. Isso pode ocorrer por vários motivos, incluindo entradas muito grandes ou retrocessos excessivos causados por quantificadores aninhados, referências anteriores e outros fatores. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + O método ou a propriedade GeneratedRegexAttribute deve ser parcial, sem parâmetros, não genérico, não abstrato e retornar Regex. Se uma propriedade, ela também deve ser get-only. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index 7db563a22137af..c3aef678ed7a72 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Истекло время ожидания модуля регулярного выражения при попытке сравнить шаблон со входной строкой. Это могло произойти по многим причинам, в том числе из-за очень большого объема входных данных или излишнего обратного отслеживания, вызванного вложенными квантификаторами, обратными ссылками и прочими факторами. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + Метод или свойство GeneratedRegexAttribute должны быть частичными, без параметров, неуниверсальными, неабстрактными и возвращать регулярное выражение. Если это свойство, оно также должно быть доступно только для получения. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ index c2b285b2932d46..ca98e167e5847c 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/ @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Normal ifade altyapısı bir deseni bir giriş dizesiyle eşleştirmeye çalışırken zaman aşımına uğradı. Bu durum, çok büyük girişler veya iç içe niceleyiciler, geri başvurular ve diğer faktörler nedeniyle oluşan aşırı geri izleme gibi birçok nedenle oluşabilir. - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute yöntemi veya özelliği kısmi ve parametresiz olmalı, genel amaçlı ve soyut olmamalı ve Normal İfade döndürmelidir. Bir özellikse, aynı zamanda yalnızca okunabilir olmalıdır. diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index c19f57e6836a42..dba4ffd1f33afc 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 尝试将模式与输入字符串匹配时,Regex 引擎超时。许多原因均可能导致出现这种情况,包括由嵌套限定符、反向引用和其他因素引起的大量输入或过度回溯。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或属性必须是分部、无参数、非泛型、非抽象且返回 Regex。如果是属性,则它必须也是 get-only 属性。 diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 558754ab20d68c..045632ce88b81f 100644 --- a/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/libraries/System.Text.RegularExpressions/gen/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ 嘗試將模式對應至輸入字串時,Regex 引擎發生逾時。有很多原因會導致這個情形,其中包括巢狀數量詞、反向參考及其他因素所造成的極大量輸入或過度使用回溯法。 - - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. - GeneratedRegexAttribute method must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. + + GeneratedRegexAttribute method or property must be partial, parameterless, non-generic, non-abstract, and return Regex. If a property, it must also be get-only. + GeneratedRegexAttribute 方法或屬性必須是部分、無參數、非泛型、非抽象,並傳回 Regex。如果是屬性,它也必須是 get-only。