diff --git a/src/Migrator/Framework/ITransformationProvider.cs b/src/Migrator/Framework/ITransformationProvider.cs
index d49f1d8..b40837f 100644
--- a/src/Migrator/Framework/ITransformationProvider.cs
+++ b/src/Migrator/Framework/ITransformationProvider.cs
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ IDataReader SelectComplex(IDbCommand cmd, string table, string[] columns, string
- string Encode(Guid guid);
+ object Encode(Guid guid);
/// Change the target database
diff --git a/src/Migrator/Providers/Impl/Oracle/OracleTransformationProvider.cs b/src/Migrator/Providers/Impl/Oracle/OracleTransformationProvider.cs
index c2dc593..cb35698 100644
--- a/src/Migrator/Providers/Impl/Oracle/OracleTransformationProvider.cs
+++ b/src/Migrator/Providers/Impl/Oracle/OracleTransformationProvider.cs
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ void GuardAgainstMaximumColumnNameLengthForOracle(string name, Column[] columns)
- public override string Encode(Guid guid)
+ public override object Encode(Guid guid)
byte[] bytes = guid.ToByteArray();
var hex = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 2);
diff --git a/src/Migrator/Providers/NoOpTransformationProvider.cs b/src/Migrator/Providers/NoOpTransformationProvider.cs
index 7d9bcf2..0ec86cd 100644
--- a/src/Migrator/Providers/NoOpTransformationProvider.cs
+++ b/src/Migrator/Providers/NoOpTransformationProvider.cs
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ public string QuoteTableNameIfRequired(string name)
throw new NotImplementedException();
- public string Encode(Guid guid)
+ public object Encode(Guid guid)
return guid.ToString();
diff --git a/src/Migrator/Providers/TransformationProvider.cs b/src/Migrator/Providers/TransformationProvider.cs
index ef07e61..e7cec99 100644
--- a/src/Migrator/Providers/TransformationProvider.cs
+++ b/src/Migrator/Providers/TransformationProvider.cs
@@ -1537,9 +1537,9 @@ public virtual string QuoteTableNameIfRequired(string name)
return name;
- public virtual string Encode(Guid guid)
+ public virtual object Encode(Guid guid)
- return guid.ToString();
+ return guid;
public virtual string[] QuoteColumnNamesIfRequired(params string[] columnNames)
diff --git a/src/Migrator/Tools/CreateNonclusteredDump.cs b/src/Migrator/Tools/CreateNonclusteredDump.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36e3b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Migrator/Tools/CreateNonclusteredDump.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+using Migrator.Framework;
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using Index = Migrator.Framework.Index;
+namespace Migrator.Tools
+ [Migration(62)]
+ internal class CreateNonclusteredDump : Migration
+ {
+ public override void Up()
+ {
+ var tables = Database.GetTables();
+ var tab = tables.Where(o => o.ToUpper().StartsWith("WMS") || o.ToUpper().StartsWith("aaCOMMON") || o.ToUpper().StartsWith("aaVISU") || o.ToUpper().StartsWith("aaMFCV2")).ToList();
+ string variable = "";
+ string removeFKString = "";
+ string removePKString = "";
+ string removeIndexString = "";
+ string addPKString = "";
+ string addFKString = "";
+ foreach (var table in tab)
+ {
+ foreach (var fk in Database.GetForeignKeyConstraints(table))
+ {
+ removeFKString += $"Database.RemoveForeignKey(\"{table}\", \"{fk.Name}\");";
+ var fkcols = fk.Columns;
+ var pkcols = fk.PkColumns;
+ var arr = pkcols.ToArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
+ {
+ arr[i] = $"\"{arr[i]}\"";
+ }
+ addFKString += $"Database.AddForeignKey(\"{fk.Name}\", \"{fk.Table}\", {doArr(fkcols)}, \"{fk.PkTable}\", {doArr(pkcols)});";
+ }
+ Index[] inds = Database.GetIndexes(table);
+ var pK = inds.FirstOrDefault(o => o.PrimaryKey && o.KeyColumns.Length == 1);
+ if (pK == null)
+ continue;
+ var pkCol = Database.GetColumnByName(table, pK.KeyColumns[0]);
+ if (pkCol.Type != System.Data.DbType.Guid)
+ continue;
+ string var = $"pK_{table}String";
+ variable += $"String {var}={String.Format("getVariableName(\"{0}\");", table)}";
+ removePKString += $"Database.RemovePrimaryKey(\"{table}\");";
+ removeIndexString += $"Database.RemoveIndex(\"{table}\",{String.Format("{0}", var)});";
+ addPKString += $"Database.AddPrimaryKeyNonClustered({String.Format("{0}", var)}, \"{table}\", new string[] { String.Format("{{\"{0}\"}}", pK.KeyColumns[0]) });";
+ }
+ File.WriteAllText(@"c:\mlog\wms.txt", variable + "" + removeFKString + "" + removePKString + "" + removeIndexString + "" + addPKString + "" + addFKString);
+ }
+ private string getVariableName(string table)
+ {
+ Index[] inds = Database.GetIndexes(table);
+ var pK = inds.FirstOrDefault(o => o.PrimaryKey && o.KeyColumns.Length == 1);
+ if (pK == null)
+ return $"PK_{table}_N";
+ var pkCol = Database.GetColumnByName(table, pK.KeyColumns[0]);
+ if (pkCol.Type != System.Data.DbType.Guid)
+ return $"PK_{table}_N";
+ return pK.Name;
+ }
+ private string doArr(string[] arr)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
+ {
+ arr[i] = $"\"{arr[i]}\"";
+ }
+ return $"new string[]{String.Format("{{{0}}}", string.Join(",", arr))}";
+ }
+ public override void Down()
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Migrator/Tools/SchemaDumper.cs b/src/Migrator/Tools/SchemaDumper.cs
index 31c1153..f61ce09 100755
--- a/src/Migrator/Tools/SchemaDumper.cs
+++ b/src/Migrator/Tools/SchemaDumper.cs
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Migrator.Framework;
using Migrator.Providers;
+using ForeignKeyConstraint = Migrator.Framework.ForeignKeyConstraint;
using Index = Migrator.Framework.Index;
namespace Migrator.Tools
@@ -28,42 +30,71 @@ public class SchemaDumper
List foreignKeys = new List();
List columns = new List();
string dumpResult;
- public SchemaDumper(ProviderTypes provider, string connectionString, string defaultSchema, string path = null,string tablePrefix = null)
+ ///
+ /// Creates a dumpfile of a MsSQL-Database and saves it to a specified path. It is possible to do a dump of both schema and/or data.
+ ///
+ /// e. g. ProviderTypes.SqlServer
+ ///
+ /// needed for TransformationProvider
+ /// directory and name of dumpfile. e.g. c:\test\dump.txt
+ ///
+ /// true when schema of db shall be dumped, default true
+ /// true when data shalle be dumped, default false
+ public SchemaDumper(ProviderTypes providerType, string connectionString, string defaultSchema, string path = null, string tablePrefix = null, bool isSchema = true, bool isData = false)
- _provider = ProviderFactory.Create(provider, connectionString, defaultSchema);
- this.Dump(tablePrefix, path);
+ _provider = ProviderFactory.Create(providerType, connectionString, defaultSchema);
+ this.Dump(tablePrefix, path, isSchema, isData);
public string GetDump()
return this.dumpResult;
- private void Dump(string tablePrefix, string path)
+ private void Dump(string tablePrefix, string path, bool isSchema = true, bool isData = false)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tablePrefix))
- this.tables = this._provider.GetTables();
+ this.tables = this._provider.GetTables().Where(o => o != "SchemaInfo").ToArray();
- this.tables = this._provider.GetTables().Where(o => o.ToUpper().StartsWith(tablePrefix.ToUpper())).ToArray();
+ this.tables = this._provider.GetTables().Where(o => o != "SchemaInfo" && o.ToUpper().StartsWith(tablePrefix.ToUpper())).ToArray();
- foreach (var tab in this.tables)
+ if (isSchema)
- foreignKeys.AddRange(this._provider.GetForeignKeyConstraints(tab));
+ foreach (var tab in this.tables)
+ {
+ foreignKeys.AddRange(this._provider.GetForeignKeyConstraints(tab));
+ }
var writer = new StringWriter();
writer.WriteLine("using System.Data;");
writer.WriteLine("using Migrator.Framework;\n");
+ writer.WriteLine($"namespace MCC.{tablePrefix}.DL.DBMigration");
+ writer.WriteLine("{");
- writer.WriteLine("\tpublic class SchemaDump : Migration");
+ writer.WriteLine("\tpublic class Migration_01 : Migration");
writer.WriteLine("\tpublic override void Up()");
- this.addTableStatement(writer);
- this.addForeignKeys(writer);
+ if (isSchema)
+ {
+ this.addTableStatement(writer);
+ this.addForeignKeys(writer);
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tablePrefix))
+ writer.WriteLine("\n\t\t" + $@"for (int i = XXXX; i < XXXXX; i++,this.Database.MigrationApplied(i,{String.Format("\"{0}\"", tablePrefix.ToUpper())}));");
+ }
+ if (isData)
+ this.GetInserts(this.tables, writer);
writer.WriteLine("\tpublic override void Down(){}");
- writer.WriteLine("}");
+ writer.WriteLine("}\n}");
this.dumpResult = writer.ToString();
- File.WriteAllText(path, dumpResult);
+ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
+ File.WriteAllText(path, dumpResult);
private string GetListString(string[] list)
@@ -83,15 +114,14 @@ private void addForeignKeys(StringWriter writer)
string[] fkCols = fk.Columns;
foreach (var col in fkCols)
writer.WriteLine($"\t\tDatabase.AddForeignKey(\"{fk.Name}\", \"{fk.Table}\", {this.GetListString(fk.Columns)}, \"{fk.PkTable}\", {this.GetListString(fk.PkColumns)});");
- //this._provider.AddForeignKey(name, fktable, fkcols, pktable, primaryCols);
private void addTableStatement(StringWriter writer)
foreach (string table in this.tables)
- string cols = this.getColsStatement(table);
- writer.WriteLine($"\t\tDatabase.AddTable(\"{table}\",{cols});");
+ string cols = this.GetColsStatement(table);
+ writer.WriteLine($"\t\tDatabase.AddTable(\"{table}\",{cols.Replace("\"DateTime.UtcNow\"", "DateTime.UtcNow")});");
this.AddIndexes(table, writer);
@@ -101,8 +131,13 @@ private void AddIndexes(string table, StringWriter writer)
Index[] inds = this._provider.GetIndexes(table);
foreach (Index ind in inds)
+ if (ind.Unique == true)
+ if (this.UniquAlreadyCreated.Contains(table))
+ continue;
if (ind.PrimaryKey == true)
+ if (this.PKAlreadyCreated.Contains(table))
+ continue;
string nonclusteredString = (ind.Clustered == false ? "NonClustered" : "");
string[] keys = ind.KeyColumns;
@@ -114,35 +149,81 @@ private void AddIndexes(string table, StringWriter writer)
writer.WriteLine($"\t\tDatabase.AddPrimaryKey{nonclusteredString}(\"{ind.Name}\",\"{table}\",new string[]{String.Format("{{{0}}}", keysString)});");
- writer.WriteLine($"\t\tDatabase.AddIndex(\"{table}\",new Index() { String.Format("{{Name = \"{0}\",Clustered = {1}, KeyColumns={2}, IncludeColumns={3}, Unique={4}, UniqueConstraint={5}}}", ind.Name, ind.Clustered.ToString().ToLower(), this.GetListString(ind.KeyColumns), this.GetListString(ind.IncludeColumns), ind.Unique.ToString().ToLower(), ind.UniqueConstraint.ToString().ToLower()) });");
+ writer.WriteLine($"\t\tDatabase.AddIndex(\"{table}\",new Index() { String.Format("{{Name = \"{0}\",Clustered = {1}, KeyColumns={2}, IncludeColumns={3}, Unique={4}, UniqueConstraint={5}}}", GetIndexNameOracleConform(ind.Name), ind.Clustered.ToString().ToLower(), this.GetListString(ind.KeyColumns), this.GetListString(ind.IncludeColumns), ind.Unique.ToString().ToLower(), ind.UniqueConstraint.ToString().ToLower()) });");
- private string getColsStatement(string table)
+ private string GetIndexNameOracleConform(string s)
+ {
+ var result = s.Substring(0, s.Length > 30 ? 30 : s.Length);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private string GetColsStatement(string table)
Column[] cols = this._provider.GetColumns(table);
List colList = new List();
foreach (var col in cols)
- colList.Add(this.getColStatement(col, table));
+ var s = this.GetColStatement(col, table);
+ colList.Add(s.Replace(",)", ")"));
string result = String.Format("{0}", string.Join(",", colList));
return result;
- private string getColStatement(Column col, string table)
+ private string GetColStatement(Column col, string table)
+ string size = col.Size.ToString();
+ object defaultValue = col.DefaultValue;
+ if ((col.Type == System.Data.DbType.Date || col.Type == System.Data.DbType.DateTime || col.Type == System.Data.DbType.DateTime2 || col.Type == System.Data.DbType.DateTimeOffset))
+ {
+ col.Type = System.Data.DbType.DateTime;
+ if (col.DefaultValue != null)
+ defaultValue = "DateTime.UtcNow";
+ }
+ if (col.Type == System.Data.DbType.AnsiString && col.Size == -1)
+ {
+ size = "int.MaxValue";
+ }
+ if (col.Type == System.Data.DbType.String && col.Size == -1)
+ {
+ size = "int.MaxValue";
+ }
+ if (col.Type == System.Data.DbType.VarNumeric && col.Size == -1)
+ {
+ size = "int.MaxValue";
+ }
+ if (col.Type == System.Data.DbType.Binary && col.Size == -1)
+ {
+ size = "int.MaxValue";
+ }
+ defaultValue = $"\"{defaultValue}\"";
+ if (col.Type == DbType.Guid)
+ {
+ defaultValue = defaultValue.ToString().Trim(new[] { '\"' });
+ defaultValue = $"this.Database.Encode(new Guid(\"{defaultValue}\"))";
+ defaultValue = defaultValue.ToString().Trim(new[] { '\"' });
+ }
string precision = "";
if (col.Precision != null)
precision = $"({col.Precision})";
- string propertyString = this.GetColumnPropertyString(col.ColumnProperty);
+ string propertyString = this.GetColumnPropertyString(col.ColumnProperty, table);
+ propertyString += this.GetColumnPropertyUnique(col.Name, table);
+ if ((col.Name == "CreatedTimeStamp" || col.Name == "ModifiedTimeStamp") && col.DefaultValue != null)
+ {
+ defaultValue = "DateTime.UtcNow";
+ }
if (col.Size != 0 && col.DefaultValue == null && col.ColumnProperty == ColumnProperty.None)
- return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2})", col.Name, col.Type, col.Size);
+ return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2})", col.Name, col.Type, size);
if (col.DefaultValue != null && col.ColumnProperty == ColumnProperty.None && col.Size == 0)
- return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},\"{2}\")", col.Name, col.Type, col.DefaultValue);
+ return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2})", col.Name, col.Type, String.Format("{0}", defaultValue));
if (col.ColumnProperty != ColumnProperty.None && col.Size == 0 && col.DefaultValue == null)
@@ -150,31 +231,84 @@ private string getColStatement(Column col, string table)
if (col.ColumnProperty != ColumnProperty.None && col.Size != 0 && col.DefaultValue == null)
- return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2},{3})", col.Name, col.Type, col.Size, propertyString);
+ return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2},{3})", col.Name, col.Type, size, propertyString);
if (col.ColumnProperty != ColumnProperty.None && col.Size != 0 && col.DefaultValue != null)
- return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2},{3},\"{4}\")", col.Name, col.Type, col.Size, propertyString, col.DefaultValue);
+ return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2},{3},{4})", col.Name, col.Type, size, propertyString, String.Format("{0}", defaultValue));
if (col.ColumnProperty != ColumnProperty.None && col.Size == 0 && col.DefaultValue != null)
- return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2},\"{3}\")", col.Name, col.Type, propertyString, col.DefaultValue);
+ return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",DbType.{1},{2},{3})", col.Name, col.Type, propertyString, String.Format("{0}", defaultValue));
return String.Format("new Column(\"{0}\",{1})", col.Name, col.Type);
- private string GetColumnPropertyString(ColumnProperty prp)
+ private string GetColumnPropertyUnique(String col, String tableName)
+ {
+ if (UniquAlreadyCreated.Contains(tableName))
+ return "";
+ Index[] inds = this._provider.GetIndexes(tableName);
+ for (int i = 0; i < inds.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Index currIndex = inds[i];
+ if (currIndex.KeyColumns != null && currIndex.KeyColumns.Count() == 1 && currIndex.KeyColumns.Contains(col))
+ {
+ if (currIndex.PrimaryKey)
+ return "";
+ if (currIndex.Unique)
+ {
+ this.UniquAlreadyCreated.Add(tableName);
+ return "| ColumnProperty.Unique ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ private List PKAlreadyCreated = new List();
+ private List UniquAlreadyCreated = new List();
+ private string GetColumnPropertyString(ColumnProperty prp, String tableName)
string retVal = "";
+ bool isNonclusteredPk = false;
+ Index[] inds = this._provider.GetIndexes(tableName);
+ for (int i = 0; i < inds.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Index currIndex = inds[i];
+ if (!currIndex.Clustered && currIndex.PrimaryKey)
+ {
+ isNonclusteredPk = true;
+ }
+ }
if ((prp & ColumnProperty.ForeignKey) == ColumnProperty.ForeignKey) retVal += "ColumnProperty.ForeignKey | ";
- if ((prp & ColumnProperty.Identity) == ColumnProperty.Identity) retVal += "ColumnProperty.Identity | ";
if ((prp & ColumnProperty.Indexed) == ColumnProperty.Indexed) retVal += "ColumnProperty.Indexed | ";
if ((prp & ColumnProperty.NotNull) == ColumnProperty.NotNull) retVal += "ColumnProperty.NotNull | ";
if ((prp & ColumnProperty.Null) == ColumnProperty.Null) retVal += "ColumnProperty.Null | ";
- //if ((prp & ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey) == ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey) retVal += "ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey | ";
- //if ((prp & ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyWithIdentity) == ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyWithIdentity) retVal += "ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyWithIdentity | ";
- //if ((prp & ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyNonClustered) == ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyNonClustered) retVal += "ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyNonClustered | ";
- if ((prp & ColumnProperty.Unique) == ColumnProperty.Unique) retVal += "ColumnProperty.Unique | ";
+ if (!isNonclusteredPk && (prp & ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey) == ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey && (prp & ColumnProperty.Identity) != ColumnProperty.Identity)
+ {
+ retVal += "ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey | ";
+ this.PKAlreadyCreated.Add(tableName);
+ }
+ if (isNonclusteredPk && (prp & ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey) == ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey)
+ {
+ retVal += "ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyNonClustered | ";
+ this.PKAlreadyCreated.Add(tableName);
+ }
+ if ((prp & ColumnProperty.Identity) == ColumnProperty.Identity)
+ {
+ if ((prp & ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyWithIdentity) == ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyWithIdentity)
+ {
+ this.PKAlreadyCreated.Add(tableName);
+ retVal += "ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyWithIdentity | ";
+ }
+ else
+ retVal += "ColumnProperty.Identity | ";
+ }
if ((prp & ColumnProperty.Unsigned) == ColumnProperty.Unsigned) retVal += "ColumnProperty.Unsigned | ";
if (retVal != "") retVal = retVal.Substring(0, retVal.Length - 3);
@@ -183,5 +317,110 @@ private string GetColumnPropertyString(ColumnProperty prp)
return retVal;
+ public String GetDatas(string table)
+ {
+ string result = "";
+ var cols = this._provider.GetColumns(table);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
+ {
+ cols[i].Name = String.Format("\"{0}\"", cols[i].Name);
+ }
+ string columString = string.Join(",", cols.Select(o => o.Name));
+ List valueList = new List();
+ List columList = new List();
+ using (var cmd = this._provider.CreateCommand())
+ {
+ using (IDataReader reader = this._provider.ExecuteQuery(cmd, String.Format("select * from {0}", table.ToUpper())))
+ {
+ Type[] typesNumber = { typeof(Decimal), typeof(Double), typeof(int), typeof(Int16), typeof(Int32), typeof(Int64), typeof(UInt16), typeof(UInt32), typeof(UInt64), typeof(Byte), typeof(byte), typeof(double), typeof(float) };
+ while (reader.Read())
+ {
+ object[] vals = new object[cols.Length];
+ valueList = new List();
+ columList = new List();
+ for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ object curr = reader.GetValue(i);
+ if (curr is System.DBNull)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (curr == null)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (reader.GetFieldType(i) == typeof(Boolean))
+ {
+ valueList.Add(String.Format("{0}", curr.ToString().ToLower()));
+ }
+ else
+ if (reader.GetFieldType(i) == typeof(DateTime))
+ {
+ valueList.Add(String.Format("DateTime.Parse(\"{0}\").ToUniversalTime()", curr));
+ }
+ else
+ if (reader.GetFieldType(i) == typeof(Guid))
+ {
+ valueList.Add(String.Format("this.Database.Encode(new Guid(\"{0}\"))", curr).Trim(new char[] { '\"' }));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (typesNumber.Contains(reader.GetFieldType(i)))
+ {
+ if (curr.GetType() == typeof(Array))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (curr == null)
+ continue;
+ valueList.Add(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-EN"), "{0}", curr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ string val = String.Format("\"{0}\"", curr);
+ if (val == "\"\"")
+ continue;
+ valueList.Add(String.Format("\"{0}\"", curr));
+ }
+ }
+ columList.Add(cols[i].Name);
+ }
+ catch (Exception exc)
+ {
+ vals[i] = "null";
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < columList.Count; i++)
+ columList[i] = $"{columList[i]}";
+ result += $"\t\tDatabase.Insert(\"{table}\",new[]{String.Format("{{{0}}}", string.Join(",", columList))},new object[]{String.Format("{{{0}}}", string.Join(",", valueList.ToArray()))});\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public void GetInserts(string[] tables, StringWriter writer)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++)
+ {
+ string data = this.GetDatas(tables[i]);
+ if (data != null)
+ writer.WriteLine(data);
+ if (data == null)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }