diff --git a/dialect/mysql/mysql.go b/dialect/mysql/mysql.go
index 2a8934a2..d5566e49 100644
--- a/dialect/mysql/mysql.go
+++ b/dialect/mysql/mysql.go
@@ -51,6 +51,14 @@ func DialectOptions() *goqu.SQLDialectOptions {
 		exp.RegexpILikeOp:    []byte("REGEXP"),
 		exp.RegexpNotILikeOp: []byte("NOT REGEXP"),
+	opts.BitwiseOperatorLookup = map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte{
+		exp.BitwiseInversionOp:  []byte("~"),
+		exp.BitwiseOrOp:         []byte("|"),
+		exp.BitwiseAndOp:        []byte("&"),
+		exp.BitwiseXorOp:        []byte("^"),
+		exp.BitwiseLeftShiftOp:  []byte("<<"),
+		exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp: []byte(">>"),
+	}
 	opts.EscapedRunes = map[rune][]byte{
 		'\'': []byte("\\'"),
 		'"':  []byte("\\\""),
diff --git a/dialect/mysql/mysql_dialect_test.go b/dialect/mysql/mysql_dialect_test.go
index 397a0845..b57184d4 100644
--- a/dialect/mysql/mysql_dialect_test.go
+++ b/dialect/mysql/mysql_dialect_test.go
@@ -112,6 +112,19 @@ func (mds *mysqlDialectSuite) TestBooleanOperations() {
+func (mds *mysqlDialectSuite) TestBitwiseOperations() {
+	col := goqu.C("a")
+	ds := mds.GetDs("test")
+	mds.assertSQL(
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseInversion()), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (~ `a`)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseAnd(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` & 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseOr(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` | 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseXor(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` ^ 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseLeftShift(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` << 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseRightShift(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` >> 1)"},
+	)
 func (mds *mysqlDialectSuite) TestUpdateSQL() {
 	ds := mds.GetDs("test").Update()
diff --git a/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3.go b/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3.go
index e70222fb..08df9284 100644
--- a/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3.go
+++ b/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3.go
@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ func DialectOptions() *goqu.SQLDialectOptions {
 		exp.RegexpNotILikeOp: []byte("NOT REGEXP"),
 	opts.UseLiteralIsBools = false
+	opts.BitwiseOperatorLookup = map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte{
+		exp.BitwiseOrOp:         []byte("|"),
+		exp.BitwiseAndOp:        []byte("&"),
+		exp.BitwiseLeftShiftOp:  []byte("<<"),
+		exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp: []byte(">>"),
+	}
 	opts.EscapedRunes = map[rune][]byte{
 		'\'': []byte("''"),
diff --git a/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3_dialect_test.go b/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3_dialect_test.go
index 6a83b5f1..8aa291d2 100644
--- a/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3_dialect_test.go
+++ b/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3_dialect_test.go
@@ -132,6 +132,19 @@ func (sds *sqlite3DialectSuite) TestBooleanOperations() {
+func (sds *sqlite3DialectSuite) TestBitwiseOperations() {
+	col := goqu.C("a")
+	ds := sds.GetDs("test")
+	sds.assertSQL(
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseInversion()), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'Inversion' not supported"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseAnd(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` & 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseOr(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` | 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseXor(1)), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'XOR' not supported"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseLeftShift(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` << 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseRightShift(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE (`a` >> 1)"},
+	)
 func (sds *sqlite3DialectSuite) TestForUpdate() {
 	ds := sds.GetDs("test")
diff --git a/dialect/sqlserver/sqlserver.go b/dialect/sqlserver/sqlserver.go
index 58f9ad22..9cb20d65 100644
--- a/dialect/sqlserver/sqlserver.go
+++ b/dialect/sqlserver/sqlserver.go
@@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ func DialectOptions() *goqu.SQLDialectOptions {
 		exp.RegexpILikeOp:    []byte("REGEXP"),
 		exp.RegexpNotILikeOp: []byte("NOT REGEXP"),
+	opts.BitwiseOperatorLookup = map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte{
+		exp.BitwiseInversionOp: []byte("~"),
+		exp.BitwiseOrOp:        []byte("|"),
+		exp.BitwiseAndOp:       []byte("&"),
+		exp.BitwiseXorOp:       []byte("^"),
+	}
 	opts.FetchFragment = []byte(" FETCH FIRST ")
diff --git a/dialect/sqlserver/sqlserver_dialect_test.go b/dialect/sqlserver/sqlserver_dialect_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a150c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dialect/sqlserver/sqlserver_dialect_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package sqlserver_test
+import (
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9"
+	"github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9/exp"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/suite"
+type (
+	sqlserverDialectSuite struct {
+		suite.Suite
+	}
+	sqlTestCase struct {
+		ds         exp.SQLExpression
+		sql        string
+		err        string
+		isPrepared bool
+		args       []interface{}
+	}
+func (sds *sqlserverDialectSuite) GetDs(table string) *goqu.SelectDataset {
+	return goqu.Dialect("sqlserver").From(table)
+func (sds *sqlserverDialectSuite) assertSQL(cases ...sqlTestCase) {
+	for i, c := range cases {
+		actualSQL, actualArgs, err := c.ds.ToSQL()
+		if c.err == "" {
+			sds.NoError(err, "test case %d failed", i)
+		} else {
+			sds.EqualError(err, c.err, "test case %d failed", i)
+		}
+		sds.Equal(c.sql, actualSQL, "test case %d failed", i)
+		if c.isPrepared && c.args != nil || len(c.args) > 0 {
+			sds.Equal(c.args, actualArgs, "test case %d failed", i)
+		} else {
+			sds.Empty(actualArgs, "test case %d failed", i)
+		}
+	}
+func (sds *sqlserverDialectSuite) TestBitwiseOperations() {
+	col := goqu.C("a")
+	ds := sds.GetDs("test")
+	sds.assertSQL(
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseInversion()), sql: "SELECT * FROM \"test\" WHERE (~ \"a\")"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseAnd(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM \"test\" WHERE (\"a\" & 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseOr(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM \"test\" WHERE (\"a\" | 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseXor(1)), sql: "SELECT * FROM \"test\" WHERE (\"a\" ^ 1)"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseLeftShift(1)), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'Left Shift' not supported"},
+		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(col.BitwiseRightShift(1)), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'Right Shift' not supported"},
+	)
+func TestDatasetAdapterSuite(t *testing.T) {
+	suite.Run(t, new(sqlserverDialectSuite))
diff --git a/exp/bitwise.go b/exp/bitwise.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eede5a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exp/bitwise.go
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package exp
+type bitwise struct {
+	lhs Expression
+	rhs interface{}
+	op  BitwiseOperation
+func NewBitwiseExpression(op BitwiseOperation, lhs Expression, rhs interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return bitwise{op: op, lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs}
+func (b bitwise) Clone() Expression {
+	return NewBitwiseExpression(b.op, b.lhs.Clone(), b.rhs)
+func (b bitwise) RHS() interface{} {
+	return b.rhs
+func (b bitwise) LHS() Expression {
+	return b.lhs
+func (b bitwise) Op() BitwiseOperation {
+	return b.op
+func (b bitwise) Expression() Expression                           { return b }
+func (b bitwise) As(val interface{}) AliasedExpression             { return NewAliasExpression(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) Eq(val interface{}) BooleanExpression             { return eq(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) Neq(val interface{}) BooleanExpression            { return neq(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) Gt(val interface{}) BooleanExpression             { return gt(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) Gte(val interface{}) BooleanExpression            { return gte(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) Lt(val interface{}) BooleanExpression             { return lt(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) Lte(val interface{}) BooleanExpression            { return lte(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) Asc() OrderedExpression                           { return asc(b) }
+func (b bitwise) Desc() OrderedExpression                          { return desc(b) }
+func (b bitwise) Like(i interface{}) BooleanExpression             { return like(b, i) }
+func (b bitwise) NotLike(i interface{}) BooleanExpression          { return notLike(b, i) }
+func (b bitwise) ILike(i interface{}) BooleanExpression            { return iLike(b, i) }
+func (b bitwise) NotILike(i interface{}) BooleanExpression         { return notILike(b, i) }
+func (b bitwise) RegexpLike(val interface{}) BooleanExpression     { return regexpLike(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) RegexpNotLike(val interface{}) BooleanExpression  { return regexpNotLike(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) RegexpILike(val interface{}) BooleanExpression    { return regexpILike(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) RegexpNotILike(val interface{}) BooleanExpression { return regexpNotILike(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) In(i ...interface{}) BooleanExpression            { return in(b, i...) }
+func (b bitwise) NotIn(i ...interface{}) BooleanExpression         { return notIn(b, i...) }
+func (b bitwise) Is(i interface{}) BooleanExpression               { return is(b, i) }
+func (b bitwise) IsNot(i interface{}) BooleanExpression            { return isNot(b, i) }
+func (b bitwise) IsNull() BooleanExpression                        { return is(b, nil) }
+func (b bitwise) IsNotNull() BooleanExpression                     { return isNot(b, nil) }
+func (b bitwise) IsTrue() BooleanExpression                        { return is(b, true) }
+func (b bitwise) IsNotTrue() BooleanExpression                     { return isNot(b, true) }
+func (b bitwise) IsFalse() BooleanExpression                       { return is(b, false) }
+func (b bitwise) IsNotFalse() BooleanExpression                    { return isNot(b, false) }
+func (b bitwise) Distinct() SQLFunctionExpression                  { return NewSQLFunctionExpression("DISTINCT", b) }
+func (b bitwise) Between(val RangeVal) RangeExpression             { return between(b, val) }
+func (b bitwise) NotBetween(val RangeVal) RangeExpression          { return notBetween(b, val) }
+// used internally to create a Bitwise Inversion BitwiseExpression
+func bitwiseInversion(rhs Expression) BitwiseExpression {
+	return NewBitwiseExpression(BitwiseInversionOp, nil, rhs)
+// used internally to create a Bitwise OR BitwiseExpression
+func bitwiseOr(lhs Expression, rhs interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return NewBitwiseExpression(BitwiseOrOp, lhs, rhs)
+// used internally to create a Bitwise AND BitwiseExpression
+func bitwiseAnd(lhs Expression, rhs interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return NewBitwiseExpression(BitwiseAndOp, lhs, rhs)
+// used internally to create a Bitwise XOR BitwiseExpression
+func bitwiseXor(lhs Expression, rhs interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return NewBitwiseExpression(BitwiseXorOp, lhs, rhs)
+// used internally to create a Bitwise LEFT SHIFT BitwiseExpression
+func bitwiseLeftShift(lhs Expression, rhs interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return NewBitwiseExpression(BitwiseLeftShiftOp, lhs, rhs)
+// used internally to create a Bitwise RIGHT SHIFT BitwiseExpression
+func bitwiseRightShift(lhs Expression, rhs interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return NewBitwiseExpression(BitwiseRightShiftOp, lhs, rhs)
diff --git a/exp/bitwise_test.go b/exp/bitwise_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dcbd86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exp/bitwise_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package exp_test
+import (
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9/exp"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/suite"
+type bitwiseExpressionSuite struct {
+	suite.Suite
+func TestBitwiseExpressionSuite(t *testing.T) {
+	suite.Run(t, &bitwiseExpressionSuite{})
+func (bes *bitwiseExpressionSuite) TestClone() {
+	be := exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseAndOp, exp.NewIdentifierExpression("", "", "col"), 1)
+	bes.Equal(be, be.Clone())
+func (bes *bitwiseExpressionSuite) TestExpression() {
+	be := exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseAndOp, exp.NewIdentifierExpression("", "", "col"), 1)
+	bes.Equal(be, be.Expression())
+func (bes *bitwiseExpressionSuite) TestAs() {
+	be := exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseInversionOp, exp.NewIdentifierExpression("", "", "col"), 1)
+	bes.Equal(exp.NewAliasExpression(be, "a"), be.As("a"))
+func (bes *bitwiseExpressionSuite) TestAsc() {
+	be := exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseAndOp, exp.NewIdentifierExpression("", "", "col"), 1)
+	bes.Equal(exp.NewOrderedExpression(be, exp.AscDir, exp.NoNullsSortType), be.Asc())
+func (bes *bitwiseExpressionSuite) TestDesc() {
+	be := exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseOrOp, exp.NewIdentifierExpression("", "", "col"), 1)
+	bes.Equal(exp.NewOrderedExpression(be, exp.DescSortDir, exp.NoNullsSortType), be.Desc())
+func (bes *bitwiseExpressionSuite) TestAllOthers() {
+	be := exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp, exp.NewIdentifierExpression("", "", "col"), 1)
+	rv := exp.NewRangeVal(1, 2)
+	pattern := "cast like%"
+	inVals := []interface{}{1, 2}
+	testCases := []struct {
+		Ex       exp.Expression
+		Expected exp.Expression
+	}{
+		{Ex: be.Eq(1), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.EqOp, be, 1)},
+		{Ex: be.Neq(1), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.NeqOp, be, 1)},
+		{Ex: be.Gt(1), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.GtOp, be, 1)},
+		{Ex: be.Gte(1), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.GteOp, be, 1)},
+		{Ex: be.Lt(1), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.LtOp, be, 1)},
+		{Ex: be.Lte(1), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.LteOp, be, 1)},
+		{Ex: be.Between(rv), Expected: exp.NewRangeExpression(exp.BetweenOp, be, rv)},
+		{Ex: be.NotBetween(rv), Expected: exp.NewRangeExpression(exp.NotBetweenOp, be, rv)},
+		{Ex: be.Like(pattern), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.LikeOp, be, pattern)},
+		{Ex: be.NotLike(pattern), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.NotLikeOp, be, pattern)},
+		{Ex: be.ILike(pattern), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.ILikeOp, be, pattern)},
+		{Ex: be.NotILike(pattern), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.NotILikeOp, be, pattern)},
+		{Ex: be.RegexpLike(pattern), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.RegexpLikeOp, be, pattern)},
+		{Ex: be.RegexpNotLike(pattern), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.RegexpNotLikeOp, be, pattern)},
+		{Ex: be.RegexpILike(pattern), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.RegexpILikeOp, be, pattern)},
+		{Ex: be.RegexpNotILike(pattern), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.RegexpNotILikeOp, be, pattern)},
+		{Ex: be.In(inVals), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.InOp, be, inVals)},
+		{Ex: be.NotIn(inVals), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.NotInOp, be, inVals)},
+		{Ex: be.Is(true), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsOp, be, true)},
+		{Ex: be.IsNot(true), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsNotOp, be, true)},
+		{Ex: be.IsNull(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsOp, be, nil)},
+		{Ex: be.IsNotNull(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsNotOp, be, nil)},
+		{Ex: be.IsTrue(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsOp, be, true)},
+		{Ex: be.IsNotTrue(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsNotOp, be, true)},
+		{Ex: be.IsFalse(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsOp, be, false)},
+		{Ex: be.IsNotFalse(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsNotOp, be, false)},
+		{Ex: be.Distinct(), Expected: exp.NewSQLFunctionExpression("DISTINCT", be)},
+	}
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		bes.Equal(tc.Expected, tc.Ex)
+	}
diff --git a/exp/exp.go b/exp/exp.go
index 50e5473b..ec33c143 100644
--- a/exp/exp.go
+++ b/exp/exp.go
@@ -138,6 +138,27 @@ type (
 		// Used internally by update sql
 		Set(interface{}) UpdateExpression
+	Bitwiseable interface {
+		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql ~
+		// I("col").BitiInversion() // (~ "col")
+		BitwiseInversion() BitwiseExpression
+		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql |
+		// I("col").BitOr(1) // ("col" | 1)
+		BitwiseOr(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
+		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql &
+		// I("col").BitAnd(1) // ("col" & 1)
+		BitwiseAnd(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
+		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql ^
+		// I("col").BitXor(1) // ("col" ^ 1)
+		BitwiseXor(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
+		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql <<
+		// I("col").BitLeftShift(1) // ("col" << 1)
+		BitwiseLeftShift(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
+		// Creates a Bit Operation Expresion for sql >>
+		// I("col").BitRighttShift(1) // ("col" >> 1)
+		BitwiseRightShift(interface{}) BitwiseExpression
+	}
 type (
@@ -195,6 +216,26 @@ type (
 		// The right hand side of the expression could be a primitive value, dataset, or expression
 		RHS() interface{}
+	BitwiseOperation  int
+	BitwiseExpression interface {
+		Expression
+		Aliaseable
+		Comparable
+		Isable
+		Inable
+		Likeable
+		Rangeable
+		Orderable
+		Distinctable
+		// Returns the operator for the expression
+		Op() BitwiseOperation
+		// The left hand side of the expression (e.g. I("a")
+		LHS() Expression
+		// The right hand side of the expression could be a primitive value, dataset, or expression
+		RHS() interface{}
+	}
 	// An Expression that represents another Expression casted to a SQL type
 	CastExpression interface {
@@ -276,6 +317,7 @@ type (
+		Bitwiseable
 		// returns true if this identifier has more more than on part (Schema, Table or Col)
 		//	"schema" -> true //cant qualify anymore
 		//	"schema.table" -> true
@@ -345,6 +387,7 @@ type (
+		Bitwiseable
 		// Returns the literal sql
 		Literal() string
 		// Arguments to be replaced within the sql
@@ -547,6 +590,13 @@ const (
 	betweenStr = "between"
+	BitwiseInversionOp BitwiseOperation = iota
+	BitwiseOrOp
+	BitwiseAndOp
+	BitwiseXorOp
+	BitwiseLeftShiftOp
+	BitwiseRightShiftOp
 var (
@@ -624,6 +674,24 @@ func (bo BooleanOperation) String() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", bo)
+func (bi BitwiseOperation) String() string {
+	switch bi {
+	case BitwiseInversionOp:
+		return "Inversion"
+	case BitwiseOrOp:
+		return "OR"
+	case BitwiseAndOp:
+		return "AND"
+	case BitwiseXorOp:
+		return "XOR"
+	case BitwiseLeftShiftOp:
+		return "Left Shift"
+	case BitwiseRightShiftOp:
+		return "Right Shift"
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%d", bi)
 func (ro RangeOperation) String() string {
 	switch ro {
 	case BetweenOp:
diff --git a/exp/ident.go b/exp/ident.go
index 1cb9d1c4..aebbbd5a 100644
--- a/exp/ident.go
+++ b/exp/ident.go
@@ -160,6 +160,28 @@ func (i identifier) Lt(val interface{}) BooleanExpression { return lt(i, val) }
 // (e.g "my_col" <= 1)
 func (i identifier) Lte(val interface{}) BooleanExpression { return lte(i, val) }
+// Returns a BooleanExpression for bit inversion (e.g ~ "my_col")
+func (i identifier) BitwiseInversion() BitwiseExpression { return bitwiseInversion(i) }
+// Returns a BooleanExpression for bit OR (e.g "my_col" | 1)
+func (i identifier) BitwiseOr(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression { return bitwiseOr(i, val) }
+// Returns a BooleanExpression for bit AND (e.g "my_col" & 1)
+func (i identifier) BitwiseAnd(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression { return bitwiseAnd(i, val) }
+// Returns a BooleanExpression for bit XOR (e.g "my_col" ^ 1)
+func (i identifier) BitwiseXor(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression { return bitwiseXor(i, val) }
+// Returns a BooleanExpression for bit LEFT shift (e.g "my_col" << 1)
+func (i identifier) BitwiseLeftShift(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return bitwiseLeftShift(i, val)
+// Returns a BooleanExpression for bit RIGHT shift (e.g "my_col" >> 1)
+func (i identifier) BitwiseRightShift(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return bitwiseRightShift(i, val)
 // Returns a BooleanExpression for checking that a identifier is in a list of values or  (e.g "my_col" > 1)
 func (i identifier) In(vals ...interface{}) BooleanExpression         { return in(i, vals...) }
 func (i identifier) NotIn(vals ...interface{}) BooleanExpression      { return notIn(i, vals...) }
diff --git a/exp/ident_test.go b/exp/ident_test.go
index 3e2d7ac2..d74d83ed 100644
--- a/exp/ident_test.go
+++ b/exp/ident_test.go
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ func (ies *identifierExpressionSuite) TestAllOthers() {
 	rv := exp.NewRangeVal(1, 2)
 	pattern := "ident like%"
 	inVals := []interface{}{1, 2}
+	bitwiseVals := 2
 	testCases := []struct {
 		Ex       exp.Expression
 		Expected exp.Expression
@@ -232,6 +233,12 @@ func (ies *identifierExpressionSuite) TestAllOthers() {
 		{Ex: ident.IsFalse(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsOp, ident, false)},
 		{Ex: ident.IsNotFalse(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsNotOp, ident, false)},
 		{Ex: ident.Distinct(), Expected: exp.NewSQLFunctionExpression("DISTINCT", ident)},
+		{Ex: ident.BitwiseInversion(), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseInversionOp, nil, ident)},
+		{Ex: ident.BitwiseOr(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseOrOp, ident, bitwiseVals)},
+		{Ex: ident.BitwiseAnd(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseAndOp, ident, bitwiseVals)},
+		{Ex: ident.BitwiseXor(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseXorOp, ident, bitwiseVals)},
+		{Ex: ident.BitwiseLeftShift(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseLeftShiftOp, ident, bitwiseVals)},
+		{Ex: ident.BitwiseRightShift(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp, ident, bitwiseVals)},
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
diff --git a/exp/literal.go b/exp/literal.go
index f19775d6..da087751 100644
--- a/exp/literal.go
+++ b/exp/literal.go
@@ -69,3 +69,12 @@ func (l literal) IsTrue() BooleanExpression                        { return is(l
 func (l literal) IsNotTrue() BooleanExpression                     { return isNot(l, true) }
 func (l literal) IsFalse() BooleanExpression                       { return is(l, false) }
 func (l literal) IsNotFalse() BooleanExpression                    { return isNot(l, false) }
+func (l literal) BitwiseInversion() BitwiseExpression                { return bitwiseInversion(l) }
+func (l literal) BitwiseOr(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression        { return bitwiseOr(l, val) }
+func (l literal) BitwiseAnd(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression       { return bitwiseAnd(l, val) }
+func (l literal) BitwiseXor(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression       { return bitwiseXor(l, val) }
+func (l literal) BitwiseLeftShift(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression { return bitwiseLeftShift(l, val) }
+func (l literal) BitwiseRightShift(val interface{}) BitwiseExpression {
+	return bitwiseRightShift(l, val)
diff --git a/exp/literal_test.go b/exp/literal_test.go
index e64166b2..42f00a8c 100644
--- a/exp/literal_test.go
+++ b/exp/literal_test.go
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ func (les *literalExpressionSuite) TestAllOthers() {
 	rv := exp.NewRangeVal(1, 2)
 	pattern := "literal like%"
 	inVals := []interface{}{1, 2}
+	bitwiseVals := 2
 	testCases := []struct {
 		Ex       exp.Expression
 		Expected exp.Expression
@@ -72,6 +73,12 @@ func (les *literalExpressionSuite) TestAllOthers() {
 		{Ex: le.IsNotTrue(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsNotOp, le, true)},
 		{Ex: le.IsFalse(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsOp, le, false)},
 		{Ex: le.IsNotFalse(), Expected: exp.NewBooleanExpression(exp.IsNotOp, le, false)},
+		{Ex: le.BitwiseInversion(), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseInversionOp, nil, le)},
+		{Ex: le.BitwiseOr(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseOrOp, le, bitwiseVals)},
+		{Ex: le.BitwiseAnd(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseAndOp, le, bitwiseVals)},
+		{Ex: le.BitwiseXor(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseXorOp, le, bitwiseVals)},
+		{Ex: le.BitwiseLeftShift(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseLeftShiftOp, le, bitwiseVals)},
+		{Ex: le.BitwiseRightShift(bitwiseVals), Expected: exp.NewBitwiseExpression(exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp, le, bitwiseVals)},
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
diff --git a/sqlgen/expression_sql_generator.go b/sqlgen/expression_sql_generator.go
index a5f10261..82ce15c5 100644
--- a/sqlgen/expression_sql_generator.go
+++ b/sqlgen/expression_sql_generator.go
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ func errUnsupportedBooleanExpressionOperator(op exp.BooleanOperation) error {
 	return errors.New("boolean operator '%+v' not supported", op)
+func errUnsupportedBitwiseExpressionOperator(op exp.BitwiseOperation) error {
+	return errors.New("bitwise operator '%+v' not supported", op)
 func errUnsupportedRangeExpressionOperator(op exp.RangeOperation) error {
 	return errors.New("range operator %+v not supported", op)
@@ -170,6 +174,8 @@ func (esg *expressionSQLGenerator) expressionSQL(b sb.SQLBuilder, expression exp
 		esg.aliasedExpressionSQL(b, e)
 	case exp.BooleanExpression:
 		esg.booleanExpressionSQL(b, e)
+	case exp.BitwiseExpression:
+		esg.bitwiseExpressionSQL(b, e)
 	case exp.RangeExpression:
 		esg.rangeExpressionSQL(b, e)
 	case exp.OrderedExpression:
@@ -420,6 +426,28 @@ func (esg *expressionSQLGenerator) booleanExpressionSQL(b sb.SQLBuilder, operato
+// Generates SQL for a BitwiseExpresion (e.g. I("a").BitwiseOr(2) - > "a" | 2)
+func (esg *expressionSQLGenerator) bitwiseExpressionSQL(b sb.SQLBuilder, operator exp.BitwiseExpression) {
+	b.WriteRunes(esg.dialectOptions.LeftParenRune)
+	if operator.LHS() != nil {
+		esg.Generate(b, operator.LHS())
+		b.WriteRunes(esg.dialectOptions.SpaceRune)
+	}
+	operatorOp := operator.Op()
+	if val, ok := esg.dialectOptions.BitwiseOperatorLookup[operatorOp]; ok {
+		b.Write(val)
+	} else {
+		b.SetError(errUnsupportedBitwiseExpressionOperator(operatorOp))
+		return
+	}
+	b.WriteRunes(esg.dialectOptions.SpaceRune)
+	esg.Generate(b, operator.RHS())
+	b.WriteRunes(esg.dialectOptions.RightParenRune)
 // Generates SQL for a RangeExpresion (e.g. I("a").Between(RangeVal{Start:2,End:5}) -> "a" BETWEEN 2 AND 5)
 func (esg *expressionSQLGenerator) rangeExpressionSQL(b sb.SQLBuilder, operator exp.RangeExpression) {
diff --git a/sqlgen/expression_sql_generator_test.go b/sqlgen/expression_sql_generator_test.go
index 1b88eada..b07dc72d 100644
--- a/sqlgen/expression_sql_generator_test.go
+++ b/sqlgen/expression_sql_generator_test.go
@@ -616,6 +616,41 @@ func (esgs *expressionSQLGeneratorSuite) TestGenerate_BooleanExpression() {
+func (esgs *expressionSQLGeneratorSuite) TestGenerate_BitwiseExpression() {
+	ident := exp.NewIdentifierExpression("", "", "a")
+	esgs.assertCases(
+		sqlgen.NewExpressionSQLGenerator("test", sqlgen.DefaultDialectOptions()),
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseInversion(), sql: `(~ "a")`},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseInversion(), sql: `(~ "a")`, isPrepared: true},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseAnd(1), sql: `("a" & 1)`},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseAnd(1), sql: `("a" & ?)`, isPrepared: true, args: []interface{}{int64(1)}},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseOr(1), sql: `("a" | 1)`},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseOr(1), sql: `("a" | ?)`, isPrepared: true, args: []interface{}{int64(1)}},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseXor(1), sql: `("a" # 1)`},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseXor(1), sql: `("a" # ?)`, isPrepared: true, args: []interface{}{int64(1)}},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseLeftShift(1), sql: `("a" << 1)`},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseLeftShift(1), sql: `("a" << ?)`, isPrepared: true, args: []interface{}{int64(1)}},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseRightShift(1), sql: `("a" >> 1)`},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseRightShift(1), sql: `("a" >> ?)`, isPrepared: true, args: []interface{}{int64(1)}},
+	)
+	opts := sqlgen.DefaultDialectOptions()
+	opts.BitwiseOperatorLookup = map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte{}
+	esgs.assertCases(
+		sqlgen.NewExpressionSQLGenerator("test", opts),
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseInversion(), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'Inversion' not supported"},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseAnd(1), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'AND' not supported"},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseOr(1), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'OR' not supported"},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseXor(1), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'XOR' not supported"},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseLeftShift(1), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'Left Shift' not supported"},
+		expressionTestCase{val: ident.BitwiseRightShift(1), err: "goqu: bitwise operator 'Right Shift' not supported"},
+	)
 func (esgs *expressionSQLGeneratorSuite) TestGenerate_RangeExpression() {
 	betweenNum := exp.NewIdentifierExpression("", "", "a").
 		Between(exp.NewRangeVal(1, 2))
diff --git a/sqlgen/sql_dialect_options.go b/sqlgen/sql_dialect_options.go
index b8292e5e..3e6947d1 100644
--- a/sqlgen/sql_dialect_options.go
+++ b/sqlgen/sql_dialect_options.go
@@ -215,6 +215,16 @@ type (
 		// 		exp.RegexpNotILikeOp: []byte("!~*"),
 		// })
 		BooleanOperatorLookup map[exp.BooleanOperation][]byte
+		// A map used to look up BitwiseOperations and their SQL equivalents
+		// (Default=map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte{
+		// 		exp.BitwiseInversionOp:  []byte("~"),
+		// 		exp.BitwiseOrOp:         []byte("|"),
+		// 		exp.BitwiseAndOp:        []byte("&"),
+		// 		exp.BitwiseXorOp:        []byte("#"),
+		// 		exp.BitwiseLeftShiftOp:  []byte("<<"),
+		// 		exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp: []byte(">>"),
+		// }),
+		BitwiseOperatorLookup map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte
 		// A map used to look up RangeOperations and their SQL equivalents
 		// (Default=map[exp.RangeOperation][]byte{
 		// 		exp.BetweenOp:    []byte("BETWEEN"),
@@ -509,6 +519,14 @@ func DefaultDialectOptions() *SQLDialectOptions {
 			exp.RegexpILikeOp:    []byte("~*"),
 			exp.RegexpNotILikeOp: []byte("!~*"),
+		BitwiseOperatorLookup: map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte{
+			exp.BitwiseInversionOp:  []byte("~"),
+			exp.BitwiseOrOp:         []byte("|"),
+			exp.BitwiseAndOp:        []byte("&"),
+			exp.BitwiseXorOp:        []byte("#"),
+			exp.BitwiseLeftShiftOp:  []byte("<<"),
+			exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp: []byte(">>"),
+		},
 		RangeOperatorLookup: map[exp.RangeOperation][]byte{
 			exp.BetweenOp:    []byte("BETWEEN"),
 			exp.NotBetweenOp: []byte("NOT BETWEEN"),