Show mode changes right next to the cursor.
In vim, the main thing we do is switch modes and the main focus is our cursor. So I wanted a feedback right next to every time I switch mode. Then I wrote monark.
Use your plugin manager
-- ...
The configuration is optional and can be partially overridden.
-- Remove instantly the mode mark when switching to `normal`
-- mode, don't wait for timeout (should only be used when
-- ignoring normal modes)
clear_on_normal = true,
-- Enable or not sticky mode. In sticky mode, the mode mark will
-- move along with the cursor
sticky = true,
-- Default mark offset relative to the cursor position. A
-- negative number will draw the mark to the left of the cursor,
-- a positive number to the right, 0 on top of it
-- It can be set by mode (see below), if set the specific
-- offset take precedence
offset = 1,
-- Default timeout (ms) after which the mode mark will be removed.
-- It can be set by mode (see below), if set the specific
-- timeout take precedence
timeout = 300,
-- In insert mode, timeout (ms) after which the mode mark will
-- be shown if the cursor is idle for this period.
-- Must be set to a value greater than `timeout`.
-- Set to nil to disable this feature.
i_idle_to = 1000,
-- Modes settings. Each mode have a dedicated table to customize
-- its mark.
-- The first item is the text, the second item is the highlight
-- group.
-- A specific timeout can be set using the `timeout` key.
-- A specific offset can be set using the `offset` key.
-- A specific hl_mode can be set using the `hl_mode` key.
-- `no_timeout` can be given to disable mark wipe
-- eg. insert = { '❱', 'monarkInsert', offset = -1, timeout = 200 }
modes = {
normal = { '⭘', 'monarkNormal' },
visual = { '◆', 'monarkVisual' },
visual_l = { '━', 'monarkVisual' },
visual_b = { '■', 'monarkVisual' },
select = { '■', 'monarkVisual' },
insert = { '❱', 'monarkInsert' },
replace = { '❰', 'monarkReplace' },
terminal = { '❯', 'monarkInsert' },
-- optional integration with leap.nvim
leap_f = { '❱', 'monarkLeap', offset = 1 }, -- for `s` (forward motion)
leap_b = { '❰', 'monarkLeap', offset = -1 }, -- for `S` (backward motion)
-- Background highlight mode (:h nvim_buf_set_extmark)
-- It can be set by mode (see above)
hl_mode = 'combine',
-- List of modes to ignore, items are those listed in `:h modes()`
-- Includes normal familly, visual/select by line, terminal,
-- shell, command line and prompt
ignore = { 'V' --...
All default configuration values are listed here.
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