bugfixes (8/10/2022)
- "Click to copy" button for scroll-to links now correctly adds text to your clipboard
- Fixed issue preventing transaction ID from being pasted into footer removal links area
- Fixed occasional mis-alignment of ProPhoto Grid items in Safari browser
enhancememnt and bugfixes (5/22/2022)
- Enhancement PHP 8.1 compatability
- Fixed errors breaking the block editor in WordPress 5.9
- Prevent WordPress gallery block from stretching images when a max height was applied
- Fixed encoding issue with special characters in a grid added to a WordPress Post or Page
enhancements (09/01/2021)
- Enhancement Updated ProPhoto for PHP 8 support, as well as dropping support for unsafe PHP versions under 7.3 (which are no longer supported by PHP)
- Enhancement After a change to Instagram's API, we now periodically refresh your connection, so you shouldn't have to re-authorize your account
bugfixes (08/11/2021)
- NOTICE - This release prevents future auto-updates for anyone running a PHP version under 7.3 on their site. Our September 1 release of ProPhoto 7.7.19 will only support PHP versions 7.3 and higher including adding support for PHP 8.
- Improved handling of fixed background images on iOS devices
- Fixed bug occasionally causing Instagram images to be missing from Instagram grids on slower servers
bugfixes (12/09/2020)
- Added the wp_body_open action which is used by some plugins
- Updated REST route paths which were causing PHP notices on sites that were in WP Debug mode
- Grouped loading of galleries in visual builder to prevent lots of galleries from overwhelming some slower servers
- Fixed bug causing the slideover menu to show incorrectly in some scenarios just in Safari browser
- Adding hook for a support plugin to fix WPML plugin issue that could cause a design regeneration loop in the admin
- Fixed some jQuery deprecations for the jQuery update in WordPress 5.6 release
bugfixes (07/19/2020)
- Fixed issue from Instagram enhancement that was preventing video thumbnails from displaying correctly
- ProPhoto galleries inserted as full sized images now correctly lazyload, include alt tags, and use srcset if available
- Fixed a regression that broke ProPhoto image watermarking
- Fixed bug preventing visual building of WooCommerce product category pages
- Page dropdown menu item is now sorted by page order values if set
- WordPress tiled galleries inserted into pages/posts now work as expected
- List item fonts selected in text modules now correctly override the default font setting
- Deleting copies of a designs original slideover block no longer cause a white screen error
- Fixed issue causing PHP warnings if WordPress debug mode was turned on
enhancement (06/23/2020)
- Enhancement Updated Instagram integration to work with Instagram API changes. Instagram images are now uploaded to media library.
bugfixes (02/19/2020)
- Fixed error showing up at bottom of pages containing excerpt grids
- Should now work with php 7.4
- Cleaned up styling of gallery insertion form in classic editor after latest WordPress update
- The blog link in the layout manager now actually links to home page if home is set to show blog posts
bugfixes (01/31/2020)
- Slideover blocks were not scrolling all the way to the bottom
- Thumbnail galleries on a page no longer prevent scroll-to links from working
- Preventing fatal error when WPML plugin is enabled with ProPhoto 7 (NOTE: this is not providing any WPML support for ProPhoto 7, just preventing a fatal error).
- Additional guarding to prevent "View Context" fatal error
- Trying to prevent timeouts when importing designs
- Preventing failures when importing designs containing videos
- Improving compatability with PHP 7.4
bugfixes (11/20/19)
- Enhancement Fixed conflicts that were preventing NextGen Gallery compatibility
- A css change in WordPress 5.3 was resulting in content images getting a left and right margin
- Changes in the latest versions of Firefox were resulting in an error when saving in the visual builder
- Deleting the default grid or gallery style was throwing an error
- Making sure we don't cache SSL requests as non-SSL requests
- Removed some unnecessary CSS from front pages of site
bugfixes (10/15/19)
- (regression) Fixed error in the Post/Page editor when trying to insert a select posts grid
- Preventing scroll jumpiness after navigating to a page with a scroll-to link
- Gallery images now display in the correct order after inserting a Post or Page and saving
bugfixes (10/2/19)
- A grid including a post with an old ProPhoto 5 gallery, will now correctly show the first image in the grid
- Fixed tile bug causing layers respositioned on hover to be misaligned in some scenarios
- Repositioned the text module toolbar so it isn't cut off by edges of screen when in a narrow column
- Grids now use full sized images when ProPhoto image downsizing is disabled
- Re-worded some labels in the Layout settings area for more consistency/clarity
- Fixed incorrect spacing above and below some elements caused by changes in newer browser versions
- Prevent an Instagram error notification from causing a JavaScript error on site
- Grids now use high resolution images for high resolution (retina) devices
bugfixes (9/6/19)
- Fixed regression in 7.7.8 that could cause blocks with graphics and background galleries to render incorrectly
bugfixes (9/4/19)
- Fixed bug causing block control bars in the visual builder to display out of position
- Preventing a specific combination of grid settings from causing a white screen in the visual builder
- Using a scrollto link from within a grid item now works properly
- Fixed bug causing off-site images from being loaded properly
- Removed duplicate filter call that was causing some plugins to be displayed twice
- Fixed issue causing images and background galleries to not load properly after saving in certain browsers
- Fixed issue causing a custom font to go missing when importing from ProPhoto 6
- Password protected gallery pages now show the password form when loaded directly
- Fixed some typos in the Settings area
bugfixes (7/24/19)
- ENHANCEMENT Added support for embedding video blocks responsively
- Fixed grid issue when a grid image was corrupted or missing image data in the media library
- Fixed form submission issue related to changing your site url
- Fixed issue resulting in images being pixelated (too small) in scenarios where srcsets couldn't be generated
- Fixed image rendering issue after switching site to https
bugfixes (6/20/19)
- Fixed mobile menu visibility issues
- Fixed issue causing multiple tiles in a graphic module to incorrectly display on multiple lines
bugfixes (6/18/19)
- (regression) Design generation error was causing incorrect menu fonts due to migration failure
- (regression) Modules that were being animated from the right were creating scrolling issues on mobile
Enhancements and bugfixes (6/17/19)
- ENHANCEMENT Gallery pages now render a gallery placeholder in the visual builder
- ENHANCEMENT Default to alphabetical ordering of all lists of pages/galleries
- ENHANCEMENT Adding responsive sizing to tile images for better performance
- Preventing duplicate recent posts dropdown menu
- Improved loading of galleries in the visual builder
- Locking the default layout from editing without confirmation
- Manage designs screen auto-scrolls to newly added designs
- Several performance optimizations to speed up the visual builder
- Some controls in the WordPress content module were being hidden incorrectly
Bugfixes and an enhancement (6/3/19)
- ENHANCEMENT Added importing of ProPhoto 4 & 5 galleries (under galleries > import)
- ENHANCEMENT Reorganized blocks by usage in current layout, to make them easier to find
- ENHANCEMENT Dropdown options at the top of the visual builder now close when you click anywhere outside of them
- Improved handling of sites using HTTPS, preventing browser errors due to left-over HTTP requests
- Prevent multiple spaces in text modules from collapsing to a single space
- Multiple WordPress content modules on a page could result in excerpt grid not displaying enough items
- Fixed encoding issue causing titles of posts/pages to show incorrectly in some areas of the visual builder
- Assigning a layout to all WooCommerce pages was resulting in that layout appearing on all pages period 🤦
- Tooltip for deleting modules was showing text for blocks
Bugfixes (5/17/19)
- Fixed issue causing menu dropdowns to get the wrong font style applied
- Font selection wasn't working in WordPress Widget modules
- Dropping support for PHP 5.4 and 5.5 in keeping with WordPress' own requirements
Bugfixes (5/8/19)
- Removed old error reporting code that was causing a PHP warning
- Fixed edge case where special characters in custom font names could cause them to not display on the front of a site
Enhancements and bugfixes (5/6/19)
- ENHANCEMENT Added a "full size images" style to the prophoto gallery block for use in the gutenberg editor
- ENHANCEMENT Font styles have been re-worked, making them much more powerful, flexible, and easier to use
- ENHANCEMENT Bold, italic, list, and blockquote formatting options added to the text module
- Added work-around for Instagram authorization error for non-native english users
- Fixed timing issue that could cause the media button to not work when using the classic editor
- Fixed post author links not getting encoded correctly
- Fixed issue where customization settings couldn't be overridden in "stuck" mode for sticky blocks
Bugfixes (4/4/19)
- Added several fixes for broken/stuck instagram grids, included a notice when Instagram account authorization has expired
- Ensuring we display all categories in grid form when selecting a category related grid type
- Fixed an issue where contact form submissions containing HTML would break the form submission log
- Users who imported footer link removal from ProPhoto 6 will now be asked to re-submit their license
- Setting in the form for inserting a grid in a post/page weren't working properly in the classic editor
Bugfixes (3/14/19)
- Preventing occasional issue causing Slideover blocks and mobile menu icons to disappear after updates
- regression - Fix for rare issue with extraneous media images in 7.6.2 was caused an error
Bugfixes (3/12/19)
- regression - Fixed issue resulting on fatal error on blog page when using excerpt grid
- Updated code causing a PHP warning on PHP 7.3
Bugfixes (3/6/19)
- Fixes conflict that was preventing creation of a post/page from the BlogStomp app
- Fixes conversion to block of ProPhoto galleries that were inserted using the classic editor
- Grid placeholders were incorrectly showing up on pages that shouldn't be showing grid excerpts
- Premium designs weren't displaying their thumbnail image corretly on the manage designs screen
- Some fixes to font styles in excerpt grids when in the visual builder
- Prevents thumbnail style galleries from breaking if gallery images are deleted from the media library
- Images aligned left or right at the end of content were resulting in incorrectly positioned comments area
- Fixes issues with grid images on a few webhosts with non-standard WordPress installations
- Adds support for plugin fix in rare cases where ProPhoto was creating extraneous empty images in the media library
Features, enhancements, and bugfixes (2/19/19)
- FEATURE Introducing ProPhoto Gallery and Grid blocks for WordPress 5. Using WordPress 5's block editor, you can now visually add and edit ProPhoto Galleries and Grids from within your post/page editor.
- FEATURE You can now select a default gallery style and grid style to use any time they are embedded in a post or page
- ENHANCEMENT Grids without any content now show a placeholder for easier management
- ENHANCEMENT Added an opt-in error/message logging tool to aid us in debugging your sites
- Improved handling of custom fonts during design generation to ensure they save correctly
- Making a slideover block unique no longer blows up your layout
- The correct font style is now being applied to validation text in ProPhoto forms
- Cleaned up design generation to avoid rare instances of elements dissapearing on front of site
Features, enhancements, and bugfixes (1/23/19)
- FEATURE Added a guided tour through the visual builder to help new users get their bearings
- ENHANCEMENT Controls for blocks and modules in the visual builder no longer scroll off the screen
- ENHANCEMENT ProPhoto now warns you when attempting to delete your WordPress content module in layouts that should have one
- Regenerating site HTML/CSS if the WordPress site or home urls change
- Modules that are sliding over from the right no longer cause weird scroll bar issues
- Fixes issue causing galleries to not render in posts/pages when using the classic editor plugin
- Added pagination to ProPhoto's form log, avoiding errors for users with hundreds of form submissions
- Hosts using a centralized location for WordPress core files no longer breaks ProPhoto generated images
- Fixes issue where hidden grids were breaking scrollto links
- Space above and below image settings now correctly apply to images inserted with the old "ProPhoto insert all" method
- Custom CSS applied to a row at a specific breakpoint now applies correctly
- Fixes carousel gallery image alignment when used as a background gallery
Bugfixes (1/3/19)
- Woff uploading works again after the WordPress 5.0.1 and 4.9.9 security updates broke it
- Slideover block positioning wasn't correctly taking the layout top margin into account
- Fixes issue causing special characters in post title/content to break grid display
- Fixes fatal DOM document error related to comments
Bugfixes (12/20/18)
- Recent posts dropdown menu item now only shows published posts
- (Regression) Our patch to fix the embedded gallery error broke the visual builder 😬
Bugfixes (12/19/18)
- Images added to post as a WordPress image block weren't getting the ProPhoto image spacing/alignment settings
- In some scenarios, ProPhoto page caching wasn't clearing properly after saving in the visual builder
- Embedded galleries were causing a fatal error when viewed in the WordPress 5 block editor
Features, enhancements, and bugfixes (12/10/18)
- FEATURE Module animations - Add animations to modules that are triggered as they are scrolled into view
- FEATURE ProPhoto caching - Page and CSS caching functionality that can greatly improve page load speeds
- ENHANCEMENT In layout area, assignments for posts and pages are now clickable to quickly visually build those pages
- ENHANCEMENT Added more tooltips to the visual builder for improved usability
- In the visual builder in Firefox, the slideover block was displaying outside of the preview area
- In IE11, the thumbstrip of a gallery with many images was displaying the images super tiny 😮
- In some cases, stuck customizations for rows/columns in a sticky block weren't applying
- Fixes image alignment issues related to WordPress 5.0 image block
bugfixes (11/21/18)
- Scroll-to links weren't scrolling to the correct position when there was a grid on the page
- Tiles with scaled images were doing not good things in IE11
- Radio inputs in a ProPhoto form were submitting the wrong selected value
- Saving changes to font style with custom font while using Safari caused problems when viewing site in Chrome
- Scroll to link validation was failing in Firefox
- (regression) Fixes fatal error on pages using an Instagram grid
Features and bugfixes (11/8/18)
- FEATURE WooCommerce support - Integrate e-commerce into your site with the WooCommerce plugin. ProPhoto allows assignmnent of layouts to all the major WooCommerce pages and product pages
- FEATURE You can now add checkbox elements to ProPhoto forms
- FEATURE Enter a custom slug for your ProPhoto gallery pages (in Settings > Misc)
- ENHANCEMENT Added a horizontal alignment setting for ProPhoto grids
- Fixes a caching issue with Instagram causing Instagram grids to not load in some scenarios
- Tiles inside of graphic modules were incorrectly utilizing the image size constraint setting
- Archive dropdown menu items were all jacked up if WordPress installation had a non-standard directory structure
- Image watermarking was breaking for users with ImageMagick
Enhancement & Bugfixes (10/18/18)
- ENHANCEMENT (GDPR compliance) Go to Settings > Site Settings > Social Media to entirely disable social media network support on site
- Fixes pixel rounding issue in masonry grids that could result in 1 pixel spaces between images
- Comment customizations are now available in WordPress content module regardless of what page type you're currently on
- A background image on the layout with attachment set to scroll now displays properly in the visual-builder
- Sorted issue with h1 vs. h2 tags for article titles on single and multipost pages
- Titles of slide-up style grids weren't vertically aligning properly if font style had a non-100% line height
Bugfixes (10/5/18)
- Enhanced ProPhoto's detection of file structure to accommodate unusual WordPress setups on some webhosts
- Fixes post-auto-update issue that was resetting a subset of customizations for some layouts
- Fixes scrollto positioning errors when there is a sticky block
- (regression) Our approach with horizontal menu dropdown spacing wasn't compatible with menu item background hover color
Bugfixes (10/1/18)
- Fixed bug causing a white screen of death on SEO settings page when using an SEO plugin
- Fixed Instagram grid issue causing distortion of images at smaller sizes
- Updated Instagram authentication process due to changes in Instagram API
- Added work around for importing ProPhoto 6 attachments on slower servers
- Added vertical spacing options for dropdowns in horizontal menus
- Fixed bug preventing registration form from submitting
Major release with new features and enhancements, as well as some bug fixes
- FEATURE Quickly jump to visual editor mode from any post/page editor screen via a button in the WordPress toolbar
- FEATURE Insert/Edit grids in a post or page using the ProPhoto button
- FEATURE Hide post titles on a layout by layout basis
- FEATURE Added 2 brand new included designs, and did some refining of our existing designs
- ENHANCEMENT Including 'getting started' link and video to the end of the registration process
- ENHANCEMENT Added number of posts setting to the recent posts from category grid
- ENHANCEMENT Added default text to WordPress content module for 404 pages
- Refactored CSS generation resulting in significant performance improvements for layouts that include a WP content module
- Fixes vertical centering within full-height blocks in Internet Explorer 11
- Prevent catastrophic jumbling of live design when auto-updating site with live and customizing designs
- Fixes vertical alignment issues within slide-up style grid overlays
Bugfixes (9/17/18)
- Fixed comment bug resulting in fatal error after saving layout on a page with comments disabled
- Removed extra space showing under galleries on phones when showing the control bar outside of the gallery
Bugfixes (9/14/18)
- Reworked comment rendering to allow 3rd party commenting plugins to display (Disqus support)
- Fixed SEO settings problem incorrectly showing a SEO plugin enabled (contact us if your site is still in this state)
- Fixed issue causing an empty graphics module to be un-editable after saving
- Added tutorial links to all of our included designs on the manage designs screen
- Fixed error in ImageMagick downsizing causing grid/gallery images to not show the first time they were loaded
- Updates image sizing calculation in grids that was resulting in undersized images in some scenarios
- Fixes duplication of submenu items in pages and categories dropdowns
- Fixes sticky blocks not always sticking on the front
Performance improvements and bugfixes (9/5/18)
- FEATURE Lazyloading of images (Settings > Site Settings > Misc) can improve page load times
- ENHANCEMENT Added image downsizing support for grids to prevent loading of full-sized images
- ENHANCEMENT Added more control for quality/sharpening of downsized images (Settings > Site Settings > Misc)
- Fixed bug that was resulting in always using the inferior GD library for image downsizing, even when ImageMagick was available
- Added validation for scroll-to links in menu items, preventing invalid scroll-to links from resulting in invalid links
- Fixed bug causing embedded video backgrounds to be sized incorrectly
- Fixed bug in search menu item preventing the search results from displaying correctly
Bugfix (8/21/18)
- Fixed bug causing creation of empty, unattached modules that were causing errors in multiple places
- Custom Statcounter code wasn't being rendered on the front
- Fixed errors preventing additional gallery images from loading when image missing meta data
- Fixed incorrect layout assignments for the default "Creative" design
- Adds "customize" button to live design, to switch back to editing mode for that design
Bugfix (8/17/18)
- (regression) Fixes horizontal menu dropdowns not showing when hovered. Broken by 7.1.2 update
Bugfixes and enhancement (8/15/18)
- ENHANCEMENT Revised our design initialization process to be much, much, much faster :)
- Added gallery placeholder in visual builder for galleries that are embedded in post/page content
- Fixed 'disable facebook meta' checkbox in the ProPhoto Settings so it works
- Fixed bug causing background galleries to disappear on front after an auto-update
- Fixed layout custom CSS so it works when viewing the site
- Fixed collapsible vertical menus so they display collapsed by default as intended
- Fixed regression in delete modified image button which resulted in deletion of p6 gallery images in some scenarios
- Fixed bug with initial background gallery sizing in the visual builder
- Fixed onboarding bug causing design home page to redirect to incorrect page
Bugfixes (8/7/18)
- Updated and optimized the 6 included designs and improved their onboarding experience
- Working around bug in Safari to get text layers center aligning correctly in Tiles
- The remote email sending option in the ProPhoto settings area now reliably sends emails
- Background videos from YouTube and Vimeo should now autoplay
- Our Google Tag Manager code will now only run on the front when you are logged in, for GDPR compliance
- Fixed thumbnail gallery displaying wrong thumbnail when clicked and never-ending spinner
- Fixed issue with category dropdown menu item excluding extra categories
- Prevents attachments from overloading the server when importing a large ProPhoto6 design
Features, enhancements and a bugfix (8/2/18)
- FEATURE Activating an included or purchased design now sets up all assigned pages and posts for you automatically.
- FEATURE Page navigator dropdown added to Visual Builder. Quickly jump between editing different pages of your site.
- ENHANCEMENT Visual Builder controls UI was restructured for better usability
- ENHANCEMENT Blocks in the block library now show what layouts they are used in when hovering the green "usage" circle
- The 'delete modified images' button in the settings area now actually deletes modified images ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Bugfixes and an enhancement (7/27/18)
- ENHANCEMENT You can now delete entries from your form submission log
- Tiles used in grid read-more links now get their fonts sized correctly
- Icons now show correctly when submitting a contact form
- Fixed issue preventing all design assets from downloading on some servers
- Prevents warning in Twitter menu item when there are no tweets
- Fixed menu item border that was being applied to the collapse icon in vertical menus
- Fixed max-width setting for form elements
- Links in text modules now correctly respect the "open in new window" checkbox
- Ensuring embedded grid galleries display images in correct order
Bugfixes (7/13/18)
- Preventing design initialization modal from rendering on every page if initialization fails to complete
Bugfixes (7/6/18)
- Major refactor of saving process to prevent layouts/blocks from intermittently disappearing on the front
- Fixed incorrect corner radius calculations in Tiles causing wrong radiuses in some scenarios
- Fall back to first grid style if a grid's assigned style has been deleted
- Prevent deletion of all of your grid styles
- Fixed scrolling issues mobile menu icon when visual building
- Repairing some designs imported from P6 that couldn't modify module visibility
- You can now select which email field in a contact form is the reply-to address
- Prevent grid galleries from being duplicated on pages with multiple galleries
- In Layouts area, layouts now correctly show single page assignments
- In Layouts area, single gallery (and other custom post type) pages are now assignable
Bugfixes (6/21/18)
- Grid title was incorrectly getting classname for the read more link
- (regression) "$" fix in 7.0.7 caused a multitude of other encoding issues, so using more comprehensive approach
Bugfixes (6/20/18)
- Fixed issue in Safari causing changes to mobile menu to not display correctly
- Ensuring layouts are initialized immediately after auto-update, instead of on next page load
- Tiles now show hover state on touch devices when touched
- Grid items now correctly respect setting to open in a new window
- Preventing "$" character from getting stripped out of site content
An new feature and some bugfixes (6/15/18)
- ENHANCEMENT: X-ray mode (in the view mode menu) allows you to view hidden/small items in visual builder for easier editing
- CSS was't getting browser cache broken on the front end, occasionally resulting in customization changes not displaying
- (regression) Save change in 7.0.5 wasn't saving a new layout if it wasn't currently being edited
Bugfixes (6/13/18)
- Added progress bar for design initialization pop-up
- Switched save technique to deal with blocks/layouts sporadically not dislpaying on the front
- Fixed grids so that the entire grid item can be clicked to follow it's link
- Fixed tiles which have image layers so they can be dragged into a layout
- Fixed white screen of death bug related to vertical menus in designs imported from ProPhoto 6
- Fixed multiple choice field types in forms so they can be edited
- Fixed grid read-more link customizations that were applying incorrectly to grid titles
- Fixed WordPress Content Moudle image customizations that were not applying correctly
Bugfixes (6/6/18)
- ProPhoto version text at bottom of admin pages now links to this changelog
- A conflict with WP Engine hosting was causing the visual builder to not display at all
- Embedded thumbnail galleries weren't displaying on the front
- "$" character in WordPress content was being encoded incorrectly
- Embedded gallery images were incorrectly getting WordPress content module image settings
- Custom CSS from Settings > Advanced > Custom Code wasn't being applied
- Block height settings weren't displaying correctly at breakpoint settings
- Gallery builder is now compatible with yoast seo plugin
- Were incorrectly trying to fetch p6 import data from p5 users
- Creating/importing a design will now not duplicate WordPress media library items
- Grid read more links were always underlined
An enhancement and some bugfixes (5/25/18)
- Enhancement: Comments now have an optional user consent checkbox for GDPR compliance
- Galleries would not display on the front for some designs imported from ProPhoto 6
- Imported designs were initializing with an empty front page, resulting in 404 message
- In designs imported from ProPhoto 6, modules hidden at different breakpoints weren't being hidden on the front
- Clicking to collapse a vertical menu while visual building was causing a white screen of death
- The mobile menu wasn't properly hiding/showing based on breakpoint settings
- SEO meta title now correctly displays your site/article title
- Modules weren't draggable in some scenarios