CRyptography And Groups (CRAG) C++ and Python Library Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Algebraic Cryptography Center at Stevens. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Cryptography And Groups (CRAG) Library provides an environment to test cryptographic protocols constructed from non-commutative groups, for example the braid group. The Library is written in C++ and provides an interface and routines for computations. There are implementations of basic algebraic objects like words, maps and subgroups. We plan to continually expand the list of group- theoretic algorithms implemented in the library. In addition the Library will contain classes and routines implementing non-classical heuristic approaches and tools to perform statistical and exploratory analysis of algebraic data. Together with the C++ source code CRAG will include interface to Python scripting language. Third party contributions and cooperation in the areas appropriate to the goals of the project are most welcome. REQUIREMENTS You need the following utilities installed: 1. g++ version 2.3.x or later. Type g++ --version to verify this. This package can be downloaded from 2. GNU make (any version). Type make --version to verify this. On some systems this command may be called gmake or gnumake. This package can be downloaded from 3. The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) . This package can be downloaded from 4. GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP). This library is not required to compile basic directories but if you want complete functionality, you should install it either using you favourite package manager or directly from here: The CRAG library is written to comply with ISO C++ standard so it should be successfully compiled using most standard C++ compilers. INSTALLATION 1. Download the archive and extract files using 'tar' command : tar xfvz crag_x.xx.tgz You should have the directory crag_x.xx containing the library source created. 2. Check that the GSL (GNU Scientific Library) distribution is available. Change GSL_PATH variable in if needed. 3. Type 'make' (or gmake ). It should compile all the executables available in the current distribution. LIBRARY ORGANIZATION The library is partitioned into several directories grouping files according to the specific tasks they perform or objects they implement. Each directory has the following structure: Makefile - makefile which defines the source files and dependencies on other directories; include/ - directory with include (.h) files; src/ - directory with source (.cpp) files; main/ - directory with source code of main functions; bin/ - directory where executables are created; lib/ - directory where the library file is created. To compile all executables in a particular directory type 'make' inside that directory. To delete all object files, the library file and executables type 'make clean'. To add a new source file: copy the .cpp file into src/ directory; add its name without extension to the list of src files in Makefile (variable SRC). For example, if you have foo1.cpp and foo2.cpp in your src/ directory, then in Makefile you should have the following line: SRC = foo1 foo2 To add a new executable: put the file with source of the main function into main/ directory; add the corresponding file name without extension to the list of executables in Makefile (variable MAIN). For example, to add main1.cpp add: MAIN = main To compile a particular executable, type 'make executable_name', where executable_name is the name in the list of the variable MAIN. In case you want to use classes or functions from another directory, you should add the name of that directory to the dependence list (variable DEPEND_ON in the Makefile). LIBRARY CONTENTS: Doc - Contains class documentation and FAQ Examples - Directory contains a number of examples of using the library general - A set of general purpose classes Elt - Definition and implementation of basic operations of a group word Alphabet - Definitions of finite and infinite alphabets Group - General definition of Finitely Presented group, Advanced Denh's algorithm FreeGroup - Definition of a free group, Whitehead's graph. Maps - Definition of maps, random automorphism generation. StringSimilarity- String similarity mesures (Hamming, Editing ... ) BraidGroup - Garside normal forms, Birman-Ko-Lee normal forms, Dehornoy form, definition of Braid group. TheGrigorchukGroup - Definition and algorithms for the Grigorchuk group. ThompsonGroup - Definition and algorithms for the Thompson group. FreeMetabelianGroup - Definition and algorithms for Free Metabelian Groups. HigmanGroup - implementation of power circuits and solution to the world problem in Higman's group Graph - Definitions and algorithms for graphs and automata. Graphics - Algorithms for visualization of algebraic objects. Equation - Definition of equations over finitely presented group CryptoAAG - Implementation of the Arithmetica key exchange protocol CryptoShftConj - Implementation of the Shifted Conjugacy authentication protocol. CryptoKL - Implementation of the Ko-Lee et. al. Key exchange protocol. CryprtAE - Implementation of the TTP attack on the Algebraic Eraser key exchange SbgpFG - Algorithms for subgroups of free groups (membership test, Nielsen generators e.t.c) ranlib - Wrapper for the ranlib library (Random number generators, probability distributions)