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File metadata and controls

155 lines (115 loc) · 3.99 KB

Blog Post

Getting started

This module offers the ability to quickly create command line interfaces for your project

  • Symlink / copy "kohana" file into your main directory or to your bin path
  • Create a folder "command" in any of your modules (including application)
  • create a file with the name of the command and a classname of "Command_{name} extends Command"
  • write methods

Each method accepts unlimited number of attributes after its name on the command line


// application/command/script.php
class Command_Script extends Command{
	public function fix_bug
		// Code ...

You call this method with

./kohana script:fix:bug

The default command name is "index", so " ./kohana script" executes Command_Script::index

Command class

THe Command class has some perks to help you - the "log" method will output content immediately and has a "color" as a second attribute

Command::log("This is red text", "red");
Command::log("This is green text", "green");

You can also mix colors in a single line

Command::log(Command::colored("This is yellow text", "yellow"). "normal text ".Command::colored("inverted", "black", "white"));

You can also easily benchmark time of execution for a function with "log_func" - you provide method array / function name string. It gets run and displays the time it took to run it.

Command::log_func(array(Cache::instance(), "delete_all"), null, "green");

For more consistant colors you can use Command::OK, Command::WARNING and Command::ERROR constants.

Run Commands

./kohana list
./kohana help {command}
./kohana {command}

Descriptions and Briefs

For each method in the command class you can add a constant string with the method name and ending with _BRIEF or _DESC. It will be displayed in the list and help respectively


// application/command/script.php
class Command_Script extends Command{

	const FIX_BUG_BRIEF = "This is a fix bug command";
	const FIX_BUG_DESC = "This is a proper explanation of the command explaining all the options and arguments supported by it";
	public function fix_bug
		// Code ...


Complete examples

Cache sweeper

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');

class Command_Cache extends Command
	const CLEAR_BRIEF = "Clear system cache and Cache";
	public function clear()
		self::log_func(array(Cache::instance(), 'delete_all'), null, Command::OK);
		self::log_func("system", array("rm -rf ".Kohana::$cache_dir."/*"), Command::OK);


So you can access it like this

./kohana cache:clear

Generate Model File

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');

class Command_Generate extends Command
	const MODEL_BRIEF = "Generate a user model";
	const MODEL_DESC = "Generate a user model file, you must provide the name of the file as argument, optionally you can add a --module to generate this class inside a module, otherwise it will be generated in the application folder.";

	public function model($name = null)
		if( ! $name)
			throw new Kohana_Exception("Please set a name for the model ( generate:model <name> )");
		//Use Kohana's options parser to get an optional module
		$options = CLI::options('module');

		$prefix = isset($options['module']) ? MODPATH.$options['module'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : APPPATH;
		$dir = $prefix.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'classes'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'model';

		$template = file_get_contents(Kohana::find_file('templates', 'migration', 'tpl'));

		if( ! is_dir($dir))
			mkdir($dir, 0777, true);

		file_put_contents($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name.EXT, strtr($template, array( '{class_name}' => ucfirst($name))));  

		self::log("$dir/$name".EXT." Generated", Command::OK);

So you can generate a model file like this

./kohana generate:model user --module=users