All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
- Error handling & input validation Messages for exceptions during upload / creation.
- Manufacturer country code list.
- Cancel contract agreement on provider side.
- BPN validation in SDE.
- The field "VAN" is still case sensitive, there is no need and it causes errors if you do not know it
- Mix of CSV-formats: When you export the data from the contract panel you get a "comma"-separated file, when you download it from history it is separated by "semicolon". Files with "comma" are shown incorrect at least on German systems.
- User not able to copy values from the contract panel as the keys are longer as the displayed field
- To find out which contract belongs to which dataset User have to download the history file
1.9.1 - 2023-03-24
- Helm charts fixed with default values.
- Database dependency updated in charts.
1.9.0 - 2023-03-15
- Added new submodel SingleLevelUsageAsBuilt 1.0.1 aspect.
- Updated Batch submodel to support 1.0.2 version.
- Updated SerialPartTypization in Version 1.1.0 submodel support.
- Updated AssemblyPartRelationship in Version 1.1.1 submodel support.
- Added Look-Up process for AssemblyPartRelationship submodel.
- Removed manufatureId (BPN) from DT EDC URL creation.
- Correct submodel id for delete while assembly update.
- ENUM fix after changing variable of DT.
- Exception log for look up failure request.
- Look up feature for AssemblyPartRelationship: The Batch, we connected a Batch item with a Serial Part Typization Item
- Look up feature for AssemblyPartRelationship: The items (Serial Part Typization) had the fields VAN and Value filled was not work
- Added/Updated Header copyrights for 2023.
1.8.1 - 2023-01-23
- Added use case selection.
- Enable filtering displayed submodels by selected use case.
- Added new API for transaction history download function for each processId.
- Added new API to Dynamic generation of CSV sample and CSV template per submode.
- Added new API to support dynamic submodel help page.
- Added list contract agreements on Provider side
- Bug fixes.
1.8.0 - 2022-12-12
- Uploaded submodel data update/delete.
- SDE Backend code Stabilization for easy to add new submodels.
- Added new submodel PartAsPlanned aspect.
- Added new submodel SingleLevelBoMAsPlanned aspect.
- Added new submodel PartSiteInformationAsPlanned aspect.
- Added new functionality update and Delete with exists aspect.
- Added new api for user role permission access management.
- Enabled api level permissions.
- Bug fixes.
1.7.0 - 2022-11-07
- Enabled XSS protection for all API's.
- Added changes to Enable sawgger API Documentation.
- Restrict Log-in for C-X users only to valid SDE instance for the correct organization.
- All API's secured with Keycloak token security to access API's.
- Supported new "Batch" submodel for tracability and create twins into DigitalTwins registry with EDC data offer.
- User can upload csv/json with usage and access policy restriction with duration, role, purpose and restricted perticuler BPM while uploading data.
- Provided new API's to support consumer panel of SDE frontend.
- Added new api calls to access Portal service API's.
- Added new properties into application properties files.
- Moved public api's uder /public uri.
- Public API's protected with existing security to access.
- Changes in Date validation for all submodel.
- Changes for improve the exception handling.
- Removed existing api security to access API's(Provided Keycloak Security based Authentication).
- Fix for duplicate data upload handling.
- Fix for Sonar issues.
- Created user guidliance and installation documentation
- Created umbrella helm charts.
- Integrated trivy, kicks.
- Updated helm charts secrets.
- Updated jar versions.
- Fix for edc api call.
- keycloack properties file changed.
- Integrated EDC connector to create assest, policies as a data offer.
- Moved helm charts from helm/ to charts.
- Created workflows.
- Updated digital twin url in vault.
- Data is uploaded via two CSV-files and Parsing of CSV file for Parts and Relationships
- The DFT registers the data in the Digital Twin Registry and makes it accessible via an EDC
- Compliance with Catena-X Guidelines
- Integration with Digital Twin registry service.