The excel project grew organically overtime since the year 2000. Since we are using this basic application, to learn and teach how to create an application in different languages or environment we are documenting the different Use Cases that make up the requirements.
- Provide a way define a Session.
- Provide a way to define and store a list of words.
- Provide a way to define and store a list of emails address to distribute bingo cards.
- Create a method to randomly select 25 words for the bingo card from the word list.
- Create a method to add a FREESPOT into a random place in the list of words
- Create a bingo card presentation of the 24 words selected and the FREESPOT.
- Create a method to email the bingo card presentation to the list of email addressed collected.
In order for this application to work on many different environment we have defined the different persistence Entities using JSON Schema.
todo: create schema.json files and link them here.
todo: update Excel version to create a sheet that for email and update vbs
The major Entities of Buzzword Bingo are:
- All environments Entities:
- Word list - the schema to describe a word set that can be use in multiple games.
- Multi-user Environment Entities:
- User - This is dependant of the environment and how authentication is handled.
- User Profile - Detail about the User that is not provide by an environment.
- Session - A game based on a word list that can be shared with other Users.
- Temporary Entities:
- Bingo Card Data - is a Schema of the data that make up a bingo card.
As a user we would like to be able to create a bingo card based on a Word List for a set of people that would like to participate in a bingo game so we can make meetings fun and keep people engaged.
As an User of buzzword bingo we would like to be able to define different set of word list that can allow quick creation of bingo cords based on a different set of words associated to a phrase.