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File metadata and controls

152 lines (117 loc) · 4.16 KB

View Module


interface View extends Backbone.NativeView {

  // bounding element
  el: HTMLElement;
  // models to bind to the template
  models: NgBackbone.ModelMap;
  // collections to bind to the template
  collections: NgBackbone.CollectionMap;
  // array of subviews
  views: ViewMap;
  // instance of NgTemplate
  template: NgTemplate.NgTemplate;
  // constructor options getting available across the prototype
  options?: NgBackbone.ViewOptions;
  // template errors/warnings
  errors?: string[];
  // is this view ever rendered
  didComponentMount: boolean;
  // link to parent view in subview
  parent: NgBackbone.View;

  // constructor accepts extended map of options - see 'View Options' section
  constructor(options?: ngBackbone.ViewOptions);

  // Update the component (normally doesn't require manual invocation)
  render(): View;

  // Helper to subscribing `listenTo` way by a map
  listenToMap( eventEmitter: Backbone.Events, event: ngBackbone.DataMap ): View;

  // Before removing the view calls this method on every subview
  remove(): View;


  // Override this method when you want to plug in straight before bounding el populated from the template
  componentWillMount(): void;

  // Override this method when you want to plug in straight after bounding el populated from the template
  componentDidMount(): void;

  // Override this method when you want to control manually if the template requires an update
  shouldComponentUpdate( nextScope: NgBackbone.DataMap<any> ): boolean;

  // Override this method when you need preparation before an template update occurs
  componentWillUpdate( nextScope: NgBackbone.DataMap<any> ): void;

  // Override this method when you need to operate on the DOM after template update
  componentDidUpdate( prevScope: NgBackbone.DataMap<any> ): void;


  • component-will-update - fires straight before bounding el populated from the template
  • component-did-update - fires straight after bounding el populated from the template
  • component-will-mount - fires straight before bounding el populated from the template
  • component-did-mount - fires straight after bounding el populated from the template

View creates an instance of ngTemplate based on specified bounding element and template code. It binds models/collections of the given maps to the template. E.g. models: { foo: new Model() } becomes available in the template scope as foo. As soon the model changes (this.models.get("foo").set("bar", "value")) the template responds ( === "value");

import { Component, View, Model, Collection } from "ng-backbone";

  el: "ng-hero",
  models: {
    hero: new Model({
      "name": "Superman"
  collections: {
    powers: new Collection([
      { name: "Superhuman strength" },
      { name: "Flight" }
      { name: "Freezing breath" }

  template: `
    <p><strong data-ng-text="hero.title"></strong> has powers:</p>
    <dl data-ng-for="let p of powers">
      <dt data-ng-text=""></dt>

export class HeroView extends FormView {

  initialize() {


We can specify collection getters by adding method named as "getCamelCase". When collection has such methods they are invoked for values during passing data to view template:

import { Component, View, Collection } from "ng-backbone";

class PowerCollection extends Collection {
    return this.length;
    return this.filter(( model: any ) => {
      return model.get( "name" ).startsWith( "F" );

  el: "ng-hero",

  collections: {
    powers: new PowerCollection([
      { name: "Superhuman strength" },
      { name: "Flight" }
      { name: "Freezing breath" }

  template: `
    <p><strong data-ng-text="hero.title"></strong> has
      <i data-ng-text="powers.size"></i> powers, use but
      can use only <i data-ng-text="powers.favorite"></i>

export class HeroView extends FormView {

  initialize() {
