MySkoda Enyaq integration using the API that the MySkoda App uses.
- Software Version
- Battery Percentage
- Charging Power
- Remaining Distance
- Target Battery Percentage
- Milage
- Charge Type
- Charging State
- Remaining Charging Time
- Last Updated
- Charger Connected
- Charger Locked
- Everything Locked
- Doors Locked
- Doors Open
- Windows Open
- Trunk Open
- Bonnet Open
- Lights On
- Window Heating
- Reduced Current
- Battery Care Mode
Air conditioning is exposed as climate.
- Charging Limit
Location of vehicles are exposed as device trackers.
Check out the awesome work from the team behind pyskodaconnect.
Sadly, their integration is currently not working with new cars that can no longer access the old Skoda Essentials App. A rewrite to the new MySkoda API is pending.