Exoline is a command line interface for the Exosite One Platform. Here's a video introduction.
Install the latest released version of Exoline from PyPI.
$ sudo pip install --upgrade exoline
pip is a package manager for Python. To get pip, try sudo easy_install pip
in Mac OS X, sudo apt-get install python-setuptools;sudo easy_install pip
in Ubuntu. See below for Windows instructions.
Here's how to install from source:
$ git clone git://github.com/exosite/exoline
$ cd exoline
$ python setup.py install
virtualenvwrapper is a great way to manage Python environments and avoid needing to use sudu for package installs.
Exoline supports Python 2.6 and above. (Tests run against 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.)
For a Windows installer, look here.
To install from PyPI, first install the prerequisites:
pip-win (Alternatively, you can install setuptools and pip individually. pip-win just saves a few steps.)
After pip-win is installed, a GUI window will pop up. To install Exoline, type
pip install exoline
into the command field.
To upgade your version of exoline you can use the following command.
$ sudo pip install exoline --upgrade
Exoline - Exosite IoT Command Line
exo [--help] [options] <command> [<args> ...]
read Read data from a resource.
write Write data at the current time.
record Write data at a specified time.
create Create a resource from a json description passed on stdin (with -),
or using command line shorthand (other variants).
listing List the RIDs of a client's children.
info Get metadata for a resource in json format.
update Update a resource from a json description passed on stdin.
map Add an alias to a resource.
unmap Remove an alias from a resource.
lookup Look up a resource's RID based on its alias cik.
drop Drop (permanently delete) a resource.
flush Remove time series data from a resource.
usage Display usage of One Platform resources over a time period.
tree Display a resource's descendants.
twee Display a resource's descendants. Like tree, but more wuvable.
find Search resource's descendants for matches.
script Upload a Lua script
spark Show distribution of intervals between points.
copy Make a copy of a client.
diff Show differences between two clients.
ip Get IP address of the server.
data Read or write with the HTTP Data API.
portals Invalidate the Portals cache for a CIK by telling Portals
a particular procedure was taken on client identified by <cik>.
share Generate a code that allows non-owners to access resources
revoke Revoke a share code
activate Activate a share code
deactivate Deactivate a share code
clone Create a clone of a client
aliases Get dataport aliases from a CIK
dump Write a zip file with all of a client's data
keys Get keys from ~/.exolinerc
makeShortcuts Build a list of shortcuts from a client
ndup Duplicate a value in a dataport
model Manage client models for a subdomain (alpha)
sn Manage serial numbers (alpha)
content Manage content, e.g. firmware images, for a model (alpha)
search Search resource names, aliases, serial numbers, and script content
spec Determine whether a client matches a specification (beta)
switches Get switches for a command from its documentation
transform Transform data on in a dataport by mapping all values (alpha)
--host=<host> OneP host. Default is $EXO_HOST or m2.exosite.com
--port=<port> OneP port. Default is $EXO_PORT or 443
-c --config=<file> Config file Default is $EXO_CONFIG or ~/.exoline
--httptimeout=<sec> HTTP timeout [default: 60] (default for copy is 480)
--https Enable HTTPS (deprecated, HTTPS is default)
--http Disable HTTPS
--useragent=<ua> Set User-Agent Header for outgoing requests
--debug Show debug info (stack traces on exceptions)
-d --debughttp Turn on debug level logging in pyonep
--curl Show curl calls for requests. Implies --debughttp
--discreet Obfuscate RIDs in stdout and stderr
-e --clearcache Invalidate Portals cache after running command
--portals=<server> Portals server [default: https://portals.exosite.com]
-t --vendortoken=<vt> Vendor token (/admin/home in Portals)
-n --vendor=<vendor> Vendor identifier (/admin/managemodels in Portals)
(See http://github.com/exosite/exoline#provisioning)
-h --help Show this screen
-v --version Show version
See 'exo <command> --help' for more information on a specific command.
Show a tree view of a client
$ exo tree 5de0cfcf7b5bed2ea7a801234567890123456789
Dev client cik: 5de0cfcf7b5bed2ea7a801234567890123456789 (aliases: (see parent))
├─device1 client cik: 970346d3391a2d8c703a01234567890123456789 (aliases: ['device1'])
└─device2 client cik: e95052ab56f985e6807d01234567890123456789 (aliases: ['device2'])
└─json string dataport rid: 82209d5888a3bd1530d201234567890123456789 (aliases: ['json'])
Show a tree view of a client with values
$ exo tree 2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bf01234567890123456789 --values
ArduinoWifi client cik: 2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bf01234567890123456789 (aliases: see parent)
├─event string dataport rid: f264984bc4f9cf205e8801234567890123456789 (aliases: ["event"], value: button/1 years ago)
├─gas integer dataport rid: 5c9d695fdbe1503c662201234567890123456789 (aliases: ["gas"], value: 263/1 years ago)
├─Humidity float dataport rid: 4fa572ba020cd921038801234567890123456789 (aliases: ["humidity"], value: 71.7/1 years ago)
├─Image URL string dataport rid: 76143aaf0930802775e201234567890123456789 (aliases: ["image-url"], value: http://exosite.co.../1 years ago)
├─light integer dataport rid: 8dc131ea3fff528b122301234567890123456789 (aliases: ["light"], value: 1/1 years ago)
├─Metadata string dataport rid: e93eea75d58615e78e8f01234567890123456789 (aliases: ["metadata"], value: {"foo":"bar","baz.../1 years ago)
└─Temperature float dataport rid: 3bbee56c446f546b546901234567890123456789 (aliases: ["temperature"], value: 22/1 years ago)
Write Lua script
$ exo script translate_gps.lua e469e336ff9c8ed9176bc05ed7fa40daaaaaaaaa
Updated script RID: 6c130838e14903f7e12d39b5e76c8e3aaaaaaaaa
Read Lua script (with help from the awesome jq)
$ exo info e469e336ff9c8ed9176bc05ed7fa40daaaaaaaaa translate_gps.lua --include=description | jq -r .description.rule.script
Monitor debug output of a script
$ exo read e469e336ff9c8ed9176bc05ed7fa40daaaaaaaaa translate_gps.lua --follow
2013-07-09 11:57:45,line 2: Running translate_gps.lua...
2013-07-09 12:00:17,"line 12: New 4458.755987,N,09317.538945,W
line 23: Writing 4458.755987_-09317.538945"
2013-07-09 12:15:41,"line 12: New 4458.755987,N,09317.538945,W
line 23: Writing 4458.755987_-09317.538945"
Write raw data
$ exo write e469e336ff9c8ed9176bc05ed7fa40daaaaaaaa gps-raw --value=4458.755987,N,09317.538945,W
Record a bunch of data without timestamps
$ cat myrawgps | exo record e469e336ff9c8ed9176bc05ed7fa40daaaaaaaaa gps-raw -
Read data from multiple dataports to Excel-compatible CSV
$ time exo read 2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gas temperature humidity event --timeformat=excel --start=5/1/2013 --end=8/1/2013 --limit=10000 > alldata.csv
real 1m58.377s
user 0m10.981s
sys 0m0.506s
$ wc -l alldata.csv
316705 alldata.csv
Dump client and all its descendants and time series data to a zip file.
$ exo dump 5fbbf00000000000000000000000000000000000 clientdump.zip
infotree.json: 3 resources
{"points": 88, "errors": [], "resources": 3}
$ unzip -l clientdump.zip
Archive: clientdump.zip
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
1772 12-30-14 15:27 infotree.json
2212 12-30-14 15:27 dataport.b4a243a16c702caccc991c8b771ef838623445db.json
75 12-30-14 15:27 dump.json
-------- -------
4059 3 files
Make a clone of device with RID ed6c3f... within portal with CIK e469e3...
$ exo clone e469e336ff9c8ed9176bc05ed7fa40daaaaaaaaa --rid=ed6c3facb6a3ac68c4de9a6996a89594aaaaaaaa
cik: c81e6ae0fbbd7e9635aa74053b3ab6aaaaaaaaaa
rid: 9635aa74053b3ab681e6ae0fb8187a0000000000
Copy a device with CIK e469e3... to a different portal with CIK ed6c3f... Note that whereas clone can clone all types of devices and device data within the same portal, copy is somewhat limited in the types of devices it supports but can do inter-portal copies.
$ exo copy e469e336ff9c8ed9176bc05ed7fa40daaaaaaaaa ed6c3facb6a3ac68c4de9a6996a89594aaaaaaaa
cik: c81e6ae0fbbd7e9635aa74053b3ab6aaaaaaaaaa
rid: 9635aa74053b3ab681e6ae0fb8187a0000000000
Create a new client or resource
$ exo create ad02824a8c7cb6b98fdfe0a9014b3c0faaaaaaaa --type=dataport --format=string --alias=stringport --name="Original Name"
rid: 34eaae237988167d90bfc2ffeb666daaaaaaaaaa
Update a the name of a resource
$ echo '{"name":"New Name"}' | exo update ad02824a8c7cb6b98fdfe0a9014b3c0faaaaaaaa stringport -
Create a resource with a custom retention
$ c=`curl cik.herokuapp.com`
$ echo '{"format": "string", "retention": {"count": 4, "duration": "infinity"}}' | exo create $c --type=dataport --alias=myconfig -
$ exo info $c myconfig --include=description
{"description": {"name": "", "format": "string", "subscribe": null, "meta": "", "preprocess": [], "public": false, "retention": {"count": 4, "duration": "infinity"}}}
Get the RID for CIK ad0282...
$ exo lookup ad02824a8c7cb6b98fdfe0a9014b3c0faaaaaaaa
Show differences between two clients
$ exo copy 3ae52bdd5280d7cb96a2077b0cd5aaaaaaaaaaaa 5de0cfcf7b5bed2ea7a802ebe0679baaaaaaaaaa
cik: cc080a86b1c9b53d5371e0fa793faaaaaaaaaaa
$ exo diff 3ae52bdd5280d7cb96a2077b0cd5aaaaaaaaaaaa cc080a86b1c9b53d5371e0fa793f1daaaaaaaaaa
$ exo create cc080a86b1c9b53d5371e0fa793f1aaaaaaaaaaa --type=dataport --format=float --name=Humidity
rid: 6a8974d3d7d1f0ffd28385c90a1bebaaaaaaaaaa
$ exo diff 3ae52bdd5280d7cb96a2077b0cd5dbaaaaaaaaaa cc080a86b1c9b53d5371e0fa793f1daaaaaaaaaa
"<<RID>>": {
"aliases": {
"<<RID>>": [
"basic": {
"subscribers": 0,
"type": "client"
"children": {
"<<RID>>": {
+ "basic": {
+ "subscribers": 0,
+ "type": "dataport"
+ },
+ "children": {},
+ "comments": [],
+ "description": {
+ "format": "float",
+ "meta": "",
+ "name": "Humidity",
+ "preprocess": [],
+ "public": false,
+ "retention": {
+ "count": "infinity",
+ "duration": "infinity"
+ },
+ "subscribe": null
+ },
+ "shares": [],
+ "subscribers": [],
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "Temperature.f2a40b81cb677401dffdc2cfad0f8a266d63590b": {
"basic": {
"subscribers": 0,
"type": "dataport"
"children": {},
"comments": [],
"description": {
"format": "float",
"meta": "",
"name": "Temperature",
"preprocess": [],
"public": false,
"retention": {
"count": "infinity",
"duration": "infinity"
"subscribe": null
"shares": [],
"subscribers": [],
"tags": []
"comments": [],
"counts": {
"client": 0,
- "dataport": 1,
? ^
+ "dataport": 2,
? ^
"datarule": 0,
"dispatch": 0
"description": {
"limits": {
"client": "inherit",
"dataport": "inherit",
"datarule": "inherit",
"disk": "inherit",
"dispatch": "inherit",
"email": "inherit",
"email_bucket": "inherit",
"http": "inherit",
"http_bucket": "inherit",
"share": "inherit",
"sms": "inherit",
"sms_bucket": "inherit",
"xmpp": "inherit",
"xmpp_bucket": "inherit"
"locked": false,
"meta": "",
"name": "MyDevice",
"public": false
"shares": [],
"subscribers": [],
"tagged": [],
"tags": []
See the HTTP requests and responses being made by pyonep:
$ exo --debughttp read sensor1 temperature
DEBUG:pyonep.onep:POST /api:v1/rpc/process
Host: m2.exosite.com:80
Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'}
Body: {"calls": [{"id": 70, "procedure": "read", "arguments": [{"alias": "temperature"}, {"sort": "desc", "selection": "all", "limit": 1, "endtime": 1376943416, "starttime": 1}]}], "auth": {"cik": "2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bf01234567890123456789"}}
DEBUG:pyonep.onep:HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Headers: [('date', 'Mon, 19 Aug 2013 20:16:53 GMT'), ('content-length', '54'), ('content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'), ('connection', 'keep-alive'), ('server', 'nginx')]
Body: [{"id":70,"status":"ok","result":[[1376819736,24.1]]}]
2013-08-18 04:55:36,24.1
is like --debughttp
, but logs requests in curl format that may be run directly.
$ exo --curl read sensor1 temperature
DEBUG:pyonep.onep:curl https://m2.exosite.com:443/onep:v1/rpc/process -X POST -m 60 -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'User-Agent: Exoline 0.9.0' -d '{"calls": [{"id": 25, "procedure": "read", "arguments": [{"alias": "temperature"}, {"sort": "desc", "selection": "all", "limit": 1}]}], "auth": {"cik": "2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bf01234567890123456789"}}'
DEBUG:pyonep.onep:HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Headers: [('date', 'Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:02:11 GMT'), ('content-length', '52'), ('content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'), ('connection', 'keep-alive'), ('server', 'misultin/0.8.2-exosite')]
DEBUG:pyonep.onep:Body: [{"id":25,"status":"ok","result":[[1379607152,22]]}]
2013-09-19 11:12:32-05:00,22
$ curl https://m2.exosite.com:443/onep:v1/rpc/process -X POST -m 60 -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'User-Agent: Exoline 0.9.0' -d '{"calls": [{"id": 42, "procedure": "read", "arguments": [{"alias": "temperature"}, {"sort": "desc", "selection": "all", "limit": 1}]}], "auth": {"cik": "2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bf01234567890123456789"}}'
Share a dataport with another client.
# let's say we want to share client1/dataport1 with client2
$ exo tree wb
Dev client cik: 5de0cf0000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: (see parent))
├─client1 client cik: 0a35320000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'client1'])
│ └─dataport1 string dataport rid: 4775090000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'dataport1'])
└─client2 client cik: c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'client2'])
# generate a share code
$ exo share 0a35320000000000000000000000000000000000 dataport1
# activate the share code
$ exo activate c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 --share=e9a52a0000000000000000000000000000000000
# share appears in tree
$ exo tree wb
Dev client cik: 5de0cf0000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: (see parent))
├─client1 client cik: 0a35320000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'client1'])
│ └─dataport1 string dataport rid: 4775090000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'dataport1'])
└─client2 client cik: c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'client2'])
└─dataport1 string dataport rid: 4775090000000000000000000000000000000000
# listing shows owned children by default (not shares)
$ exo listing c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000
{"dataport": [], "datarule": [], "client": [], "dispatch": []}
# ...unless you filter for activated shares
$ exo listing c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 --filter=activated
{"dataport": ["4775090000000000000000000000000000000000"], "datarule": [], "client": [], "dispatch": []}
# write to the shared dataport from its owner
$ exo write 0a35320000000000000000000000000000000000 dataport1 --value="Share me"
# you can read the dataport from the non-owner
$ exo read c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 4775090000000000000000000000000000000000
2013-12-13 11:34:13-06:00,Share me
# ...but you can't write from a non-owner
$ exo write c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 4775090000000000000000000000000000000000 --value="Non-owner can't write"
One Platform error: restricted
# look up RID for a share code
$ exo lookup c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 --share e9a52a0000000000000000000000000000000000
# the non-owner can deactivate a share code
$ exo deactivate c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 --share=e9a52a0000000000000000000000000000000000
# now the share is gone
$ exo tree wb
Dev client cik: 5de0cf0000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: (see parent))
├─client1 client cik: 0a35320000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'client1'])
│ └─dataport1 string dataport rid: 4775090000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'dataport1'])
└─client2 client cik: c2d4f30000000000000000000000000000000000 (aliases: [u'client2'])
# the owner may also revoke the share code. This makes it unusable.
$ exo revoke 0a35320000000000000000000000000000000000 --share=e9a52a0000000000000000000000000000000000
Create a dump of a client. The dump is a zip file containing the info tree (as output by info --recursive), the timestamp at which timeseries values were read, and each timeseries resource under the client. Timeseries resources include type dataport and type datarule.
$ exo dump sensor1 sensor1.zip
$ unzip -l sensor1.zip
Archive: sensor1.zip
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
3938 12-16-14 22:58 infotree
10 12-16-14 22:58 timestamp
5367020 12-16-14 23:00 dataport.3bbee56c446f546b5469f629610b8afbcd1fe093
5367610 12-16-14 23:02 dataport.4fa572ba020cd9210388f9f60e4708bd623a7c8a
10747240 12-16-14 23:06 dataport.5c9d695fdbe1503c6622b0d0f603edc231349c53
127 12-16-14 23:06 dataport.76143aaf0930802775e295b190d540d709ebc6b1
767969 12-16-14 23:06 dataport.8dc131ea3fff528b122324def5b65159523f7c77
151 12-16-14 23:06 dataport.e93eea75d58615e78e8fd0915e7166edf7ad0525
23949 12-16-14 23:06 dataport.f264984bc4f9cf205e88a548f42f5ffbfdd21f09
-------- -------
22278014 9 files
Exoline includes provisioning for doing fleet management operations-- everything related to serial numbers, firmware content, and client models. To use these commands, you need to configure Exoline with a vendor identifier and vendor token. This requires having administrator access to a subdomain. If you have that level of access on a subdomain, log in to portals and go to https://<yoursubdomain>.exosite.com/admin/home
and copy the thing called the "Vendor API Token" to your Exoline config file. You'll also need your vendor identification, which can be found at https://<yoursubdomain>.exosite.com/admin/managemodels
echo "vendortoken: 30c8b0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef012" >> ~/.exoline
echo "vendor: myvendor" >> ~/.exoline
Once you do this, provisioning commands model
, sn
, and content
$ exo model list
There is a limit of one vendor
and vendortoken
per config file. If you're working with multiple subdomains, you'll need to create multiple Exoline config files and pass them in at the command line. For example:
$ exo --config=~/.exoline-another model list
You can also pass the vendor token and vendor identifier at the command line like this:
$ exo --vendor=myvendor --vendortoken=30c8b0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef012 model list
Provision a new device based on a client model
$ exo model list
$ exo sn addrange PetFoodDispenserModel 00000000 000000FF --length=8
$ exo sn enable PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001 myportal
$ exo twee myportal
My Portal cl cik: f9586af62f8517b24a5f01234567890123456789
└─Dispenser cl cik: d3846d708c9e6efab8ec01234567890123456789 (PetFoodDispenserModel#00000001)
└─Percent Full dp.i percentFull:
$ exo write d3846d708c9e6efab8ec01234567890123456789 percentFull --value=100
One Platform exception: {u'message': u'Authorization failed', u'code': 401}
$ exo sn activate PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
$ exo write d3846d708c9e6efab8ec01234567890123456789 percentFull --value=100
$ exo read d3846d708c9e6efab8ec01234567890123456789 percentFull
2014-11-17 21:37:52-06:00,100
Write some firmware content, read it back, and verify it
$ exo content PetFoodDispenserModel list
$ # create a 4k binary file
$ dd if=/dev/random iflag=fullblock of=random_firmware.bin bs=4096 count=1
dd if=/dev/random of=random_firmware.bin bs=4096 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
4096 bytes transferred in 0.000298 secs (13743895 bytes/sec)
$ exo content put PetFoodDispenserModel firmware.bin random_firmware.bin --meta=v0.0.1
$ exo content list PetFoodDispenserModel --long
firmware.bin,4k,Mon Nov 17 22:01:34 2014,false,application/octet-stream,v0.0.1
$ exo content get PetFoodDispenserModel firmware.bin firmware.bin.downloaded
$ diff firmware.bin.downloaded random_firmware.bin
Regenerate a CIK for a client. Its status becomes notactivated
. Activate it again and see its status becomes activated
and the 24 hour activation window closes. A second call to activate
shows that the window is closed.
$ exo twee myportal
My Portal cl cik: f9586af62f8517b24a5f01234567890123456789
└─Dispenser cl cik: d3846d708c9e6efab8ec01234567890123456789 (PetFoodDispenserModel#00000001)
└─Percent Full dp.i percentFull:
$ exo sn regen PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
$ DeviceRID=`exo lookup d3846d708c9e6efab8ec01234567890123456789`
$ exo info myportal $DeviceRID --include=basic
{"basic": {"status": "notactivated", "type": "client", "modified": 1416281490, "subscribers": 0}}
$ exo twee myportal
My Portal cl cik: f9586af62f8517b24a5f01234567890123456789
└─Dispenser cl cik: 70522b0830b8e4c4574f01234567890123456789 (PetFoodDispenserModel#00000001)
└─Percent Full dp.i percentFull: 100 (14 hours ago)
$ exo sn activate PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
$ exo info myportal $DeviceRID --include=basic
{"basic": {"status": "activated", "type": "client", "modified": 1416281490, "subscribers": 0}}
$ exo sn activate PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
One Platform provisioning exception: 409 Conflict (HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict)
Disable a client based on its serial number. Its status becomes expired
. Then call regen
to regenerate its CIK and activate to activate it.
$ exo sn disable PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
$ exo info myportal $DeviceRID --include=basic
{"basic": {"status": "expired", "type": "client", "modified": 1416281490, "subscribers": 0}}
$ exo sn activate PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
One Platform provisioning exception: 409 Conflict (HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict)
$ exo sn regen PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
$ exo sn activate PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
$ exo info myportal $DeviceRID --include=basic
{"basic": {"status": "activated", "type": "client", "modified": 1416281490, "subscribers": 0}}
Get a log of activations for a serial number
$ exo sn log PetFoodDispenserModel 00000001
Exoline's spec
command allows you to use a specification file to succinctly specify the way a One Platform client should be set up. Here's an example of creating a client from scratch based on this spec. Note that this uses a 1 hour time-limited CIK generated from CIK Fountain (cik.herokuapp.com).
$ TEMP_CIK=`curl cik.herokuapp.com`
$ exo spec $TEMP_CIK https://raw.githubusercontent.com/exosite/exoline/master/test/files/spec_script_embedded.yaml --create
Running spec on: cbcae94d523bc29b0937b759b7d3fde5c1670086
temp_f not found.
Creating dataport with name: temp_f, alias: temp_f, format: float
temp_c not found.
Creating dataport with name: temp_c, alias: temp_c, format: float
convert.lua not found.
New script RID: 7d7c475af2aad7d9c770672cc3640835c36a7cd9
Aliased script to: convert.lua
$ exo twee $TEMP_CIK
Temporary CIK cl cik: cbcae94d523bc29b0937b759b7d3fde5c1670086
├─temp_c dp.f temp_c:
├─temp_f dp.f temp_f:
└─convert.lua dr.s convert.lua: line 3: Starting convert.lua... (35 seconds ago)
$ exo write $TEMP_CIK temp_c --value=-40
$ exo read $TEMP_CIK temp_f
2014-11-24 10:50:18-06:00,-40.0
Spec also works with shortened URLs.
$ TEMP_CIK=`curl cik.herokuapp.com`
$ exo spec $TEMP_CIK http://tinyurl.com/exospec-tempconvert --create
The spec
command has a lot of other capabilities, including --generate
to create a spec file based on an existing device. Try --help
and --example
for information about usage.
$ exo spec --help
$ exo spec --example
There is now tab completion with Exoline. To use it, you must download the complete script with
wget -O ~/.exoline_autocomplete https://raw.githubusercontent.com/exosite/exoline/master/exoline/complete.sh
Then add the script to your ~/.bash_profile so it works whenever you log in.
echo "source ~/.exoline_autocomplete" >> ~/.bash_profile
Then re-source your current bash_profile to activate the autocompleter.
source ~/.bash_profile
Or all together:
wget -O ~/.exoline_autocomplete https://raw.githubusercontent.com/exosite/exoline/master/exoline/complete.sh; echo "source ~/.exoline_autocomplete" >> ~/.bash_profile; source ~/.bash_profile
Completion will complete anything that should be completed.
$ exo <TAB>
activate content data drop flush keys makeShortcuts ndup record search spark transform unmap write
$ exo read <TAB>
12345678 my_other_key my_cool_device coffee
$ exo copy coffee <TAB>
adc cur e_waterheat errors powsw upstatus
$ exo read coffee dailybrews --<TAB>
--chunksize --end --follow --format --header --help --limit --selection --sort --start --timeformat --tz
Store your commonly used CIKs in a config file:
$ printf "keys:\n" > ~/.exoline
$ printf " mydevice: 2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bf01234567890123456789\n" >> ~/.exoline
$ exo read mydevice temperature
2013-08-18 04:55:36,24.1
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
For convenience, several command line options may be replaced by environment variables.
: host, e.g. m2.exosite.com. This supplies --host to exo and --url for exodata.EXO_PORT
: port, e.g. 80. Currently this only applies to exo, not exodata.EXO_PLUGIN_PATH
: additional places to look for pluginsEXO_CONFIG
: location of config file. If not specified, this is~/.exoline
In general, command line options may be set from the environment using the convention EXO_
+ <option>
Exoline looks in the working directory for a .env
file, and if it finds one, it puts its contents into the environment. This allows you to set up different configurations for different projects.
Set up a project directory for a domain with its own .exoline file
$ cd myproj
myproj $ printf "keys:\n" > ~/.exoline
myproj $ printf " mydevice: 2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bf01234567890123456789\n" >> .exoline
myproj $ printf "vendor: weaver\n" >> .exoline
myproj $ printf "token: 2ca4f441538c1f2cc8bf01234567890123456789\n" >> .exoline
myproj $ printf "EXO_CONFIG=.exoline" > .env
myproj $ exo read mydevice temperature
2013-08-18 04:55:36,24.1
WARNING: Exoline config files are best kept out of source control, since they my contain keys and vendor token. Here's how to configure git to ignore that file.
myproj $ printf "\n.exoline" >> .gitignore
For help, run each command with -h from the command line.
Portals caches One Platform data, so changes made in Exoline may take up to 15 minutes to show up in Portals. You can work around this by passing --clearcache
(or -c
). This option tells Exoline to clear the relevant cached information in Portals.
$ exo --clearcache create <cik> --type=client
If you're using Portals on a different server, pass --portals
to specify that server.
exo --clearcache --portals=https://myportals.com create <cik> --type=dataport --format=string
It's also possible to invalidate the cache directly.
$ exo portals clearcache <cik>
Exoline can be directly imported and used in Python as a library. There are two patterns
for doing this. First, you can call exo.run
with whatever arguments you would have
passed on the command line, plus an optional string stdin parameter.
from exoline import exo
result = exo.run(['exo',
print(result.exitcode) # 0
print(result.stdout) # Updated script RID: c9c6daf83c44e44985aa724fea683f14eda71fac
print(result.stderr) # <no output>
It's also possible to use Exoline's wrapper for the pyonep library, which covers a lot of Exoline's functionality.
from exoline import exo
rpc = exo.ExoRPC()
You can use the read
command with the option --timeformat=excel
to export time series data from the One Platform to a format compatible with Excel or Google Docs.
$ exo read sensor1 methane --timeformat=excel --limit=10000 > ~/Documents/methane.csv
Microsoft Excel:
select File -> Import
select CSV file
navigate to the file
and press Get Data -
you should be able to press Finish because the defaults work, but in case your defaults are different here are the explicit settings:
- select Delimited and press Next
- select Tab as a delimiter
- select General as the column format
- Press Finish
Press OK to import into A1 of the existing sheet
Select columns A and B
In the Chart ribbon, select Scatter -> Marked Scatter
The result looks like this:
Google Docs:
- select File -> Import
- select the Upload tab
- select CSV file
- navigate to
and press Open - select Create New Spreadsheet and Detect automatically and press Import
- press Open now
- select columns A and B
- select Insert -> Chart
- select Charts tab
- select Scatter
- select the top chart option
- press Insert
- the result looks like this:
Most new features of Exoline may be developed as plugins. Plugins are located in exoline/plugins/ and there's an example here. Here's how to make one.
$ git clone [email protected]:exosite/exoline.git
$ cd exoline
$ export EXO_PLUGIN_PATH=`pwd`/exoline/plugins
$ cp exoline/plugins/_example.py exoline/plugins/hello.py
$ exoline/exo.py hello coffee status
Hello, New Brew!!
To enable a plugin in the next Windows executable build you must add it to exoline/exo.py in the section with the heading: "plugin support for Windows executable build"
If you see an issue with exoline or want to suggest an improvement, please log it here.
To run Exoline's integration tests, see test/README.md.
To release a new version of Exoline:
- run tests for all supported versions of Python tests
- update HISTORY.md and exoline/__init__.py with information about new version
- commit and push in git
- tag release in git:
git tag <version>
andgit push origin <version>
- release to PyPI:
python setup.py sdist upload
- build Windows installer and make a release for that installer. For example, see this release
- for major releases add release announcement to docs site
If you want to build your own Exoline Window executable and/or installer instead of using a pre-built one, do this:
- install Python. 32-bit version is necessary to run on 32-bit Windows systems.
- install pip-win Make sure bitness matches bitness of Python.
- install pywin32 (again, same bitness as Python/pip)
- install PyInstaller (
pip install pyinstaller
) - in the Exoline root directory, run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- in the Exoline root directory, run
pyinstaller exo.spec
and its dependencies are in dist\exo\- run
copy dist\exo\exo.exe dist\exo\exo
so that Windows users don't need to type .exe
Build the installer this way:
- install Inno Setup 5.5.4 from here: http://www.innosetup.com/
- open innosetup.iss
- update Source in the Files section to point to dist\exo folder on your system
- set version number in innosetup.iss
- press Compile
- rename Output/setup.exe to Output/exoline-<version>-setup.exe
For information about what features are in what Exoline versions look here.