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Releases: dwesterwick/SPTQuestingBots

Questing Bots 0.4.1 RC1

12 Mar 03:55
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New Features:

  • Implemented bot hearing sensor to make them less oblivious and more proficient in CBQ. This system has the following features:
    • If bots hear enemy footsteps or gunfire within a certain range, they will stop questing for some time between 5s and 20s (configurable). By default, the threshold for them to detect enemy footsteps is 20m, and the threshold for gunfire (including suppressed gunfire) is 50m.
    • If they continue hearing suspicious noises (described above), they will keep being prevented from questing until a maximum time is reached, which is configurable for each map. By default, the maximum time for all maps is 120s except Labs (60s) and Factory (30s Day, 45s Night). The more PVP-focused maps have lower maximum times to discourage bots from staying in one location for a long time. After this maximum time is reached, bots will ignore suspicious noises for a certain time, which is 7s by default.
    • The hearing sensitivity for bots is higher if they're wearing headsets and lower if they're wearing helmets that block sound.
    • If the loudness of the sound is below a certain configurable level, bots will ignore it. Currently, bots will ignore you crouch-walking at the slowest speed even if they're wearing headsets. That way, you can still sneak up on them. In contrast, bots that are wearing helmets that block noise and not wearing headsets will likely not hear you walking at all. All bots will hear you sprint, and all bots will hear gunfire regardless of their loadouts.
    • When bots first hear suspicious noises, they will not be allowed to loot for some time between 5s and 20s (same as the setting above). This requires Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later.
    • Bots will ignore suspicious noises if they're closing doors, planting items, toggling switches, or in an ambush position
    • If a bot in a group stops questing to investigate a suspicious noise, all other group members will stop questing
    • SAIN is highly recommended to complement this system
    • This system can be disabled if desired
  • Adjusted default configuration to make bots in groups travel closer together:
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.target_range.min from 10m to 7m
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.target_range.max from 20m to 12m
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.nearest from 25m to 15m
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.furthest from 40m to 25m
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.max_distance_from_boss from 75m to 50m
  • Removed legacy code that doubled the number of bots allowed to do a quest if it was for an EFT quest in a large area (i.e. locations for Capturing Outposts)
  • Allow bots to loot after completing EFT quests if there is a non-EFT quest objective within a certain distance (5m by default) that allows looting. However, bots will never be able to loot at quest objectives requiring them to plant items.
  • Allow bosses of bot groups to wander around and patrol if they're regrouping and they've reached their nearest follower. Previously they would stand still after reaching their nearest follower, making them easy sniping targets.
  • Added configuration options to adjust the desirabilities of quests that are marked as camping quests or sniping quests
  • Reduced the minimum distance above which bots can be disabled by the AI limiter if they're near other questing bots from 50m to 25m
  • Added new fields to bot overlays to show why they are not questing or following their bosses. Logic checks for determining if bots can quest or follow bots were reorganized so the most severe reasons are shown in this field.
  • Relocated search_time_after_combat in config.json but did not change its values
  • Removed the F12 option to disable time-gating because there's no benefit
  • Fixed special quests like "Boss Hunter" have unnamed quest objectives
  • Bug fix for slow bot generation (and related lag spikes) compared to 0.3.5
  • Bug fix for not all members of a Scav group being converted to PScavs when using another spawning mod like SWAG + DONUTS and having adjust_pscav_chance.enabled=true
  • Bug fix for bots attacking other bots that are disabled by the AI limiter
  • Bug fix (for broken bug fix) for bots being able to join other bot groups
  • Bug fix for pausing of questing brain layers not working. This mainly affected the transition between bots unlocking and opening doors.
  • Disabled old debug messages
  • Refactoring and removal of unused code

Quest Changes:

  • Reduced desirability of EFT quests from 65 to 60
  • Reduced max_distance of Airdrop Chaser quests from 500m to 400m
  • Changed "3rd Floor Office Rush" quest in Factory to have an ambush step instead of a hold-position step
  • Reduced desirability of "3rd Floor Bridge" in Factory from 35 to 25
  • Reduced desirability of "Medical Block Elevator Stairwell" in Labs from 30 to 25
  • Reduced desirability of "Ventilation Shaft Stairwell" in Labs from 20 to 10
  • Reduced desirability of "Parking Stairwell" in Labs from 20 to 10
  • Reduced desirability of "NE Stairwell" in Labs from 20 to 10
  • Reduced desirability of "Central Stairwell 1" in Labs from 20 to 15
  • Reduced desirability of "Central Stairwell 2" in Labs from 20 to 15
  • Reduced desirability of "Server Room SW Stairs" in Labs from 30 to 25
  • Reduced desirability of "Server Room NW Stairs" in Labs from 30 to 25

Remaining Work:

  • Update README with new configuration options
  • Possible spawn location improvements to spread out late PMC spawns and better mimic live Tarkov

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Questing Bots 0.4.0

05 Mar 02:58
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  • Added and updated quests on every map, including new ones for the 0.13.5 Streets expansion
  • Added new questing features that instruct bots to loot, snipe, and camp. Requires SAIN 2.1.9 or later and Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later.
  • Implemented a new quest-selection algorithm that makes bots travel more naturally through the map
  • Implemented player-Scav spawning system. If the player-Scav spawning system is disabled (i.e. if you're using SWAG + DONUTS), the SPT player-Scav-conversion chance will adjust throughout the raid.
  • Allow player Scavs to quest without making all Scavs quest
  • Implemented advanced spawning system that tricks EFT into thinking bots spawned by Questing Bots are human players. This makes them not count toward the bot cap, and all other EFT spawns will work like they do in live Tarkov. This only applies to bots spawned by Questing Bots; it will not apply to bots spawned by mods like SWAG + DONUTS.
  • Added a system to wait for all PMC's and player Scavs to be generated before the raid starts. PMC's will now spawn immediately on all maps.

Full Release Notes:

  • Implemented player-Scav spawning system
    • Player Scav spawn times are selected by the reductionPercentWeights settings for each map in the server's ILocationConfig config with some randomness applied. Player Scavs will not be allowed to spawn outside of the ranges defined for each map.
    • Player Scavs will only begin spawning after all PMC's have spawned and max_alive_bots for the map won't be exceeded
    • The maximum number of player Scavs that can spawn in total during the raid is limited based on the maximum player count for the map (1.5X by default)
    • Player Scavs are more likely to spawn and traverse the map solo compared to PMC's, but there is still a small chance of player-Scav group spawns (with up to 5 members).
    • Added debug option in config.json to always spawn player Scavs even if the bot amount is changed to "None" in the raid settings.
  • If the player-Scav spawning system is disabled, the SPT player-Scav-conversion chance will adjust throughout the raid. For the first few minutes it will be 0%, and by the last 30% of the raid, it will be 50% (configurable). This system can also be disabled if desired.
  • If either the PMC or Player-scav spawning systems are enabled, disable all SPT custom Scav spawns (namely for Factory).
  • Allow player Scavs to quest without making all Scavs quest. This allows most Scavs to spawn and behave as they would in base EFT, but player Scavs will traverse the map like PMC's. However, some quests are marked as PMC-only including all EFT quests. As a result, player Scavs will mostly quest to locations with high loot density, not to EFT quest locations.
  • Added option to allow player Scavs to unlock doors while questing, but this is disabled by default.
  • Implemented advanced spawning system with the following features:
    • PMC's and player Scavs will no longer count toward the maximum bots on the map, so the bot cap no longer needs to be increased to accommodate them
    • EFT will now consider PMC's and player Scavs to be non-AI players when determining spawn points and spawn timing for bots
    • PMC's can now be spawned immediately when the raid starts instead of waiting for initial bosses to spawn
    • This system can be disabled in config.json
    • This system is only used for Questing Bots' spawns. Is it NOT used for other mods with spawning systems like SWAG + DONUTS.
  • Added system to wait for all PMC's and player Scavs to be generated before the raid starts. Without doing this, there can sometimes be long delays when generating bots after the raid starts and lag when starting raids, especially when using mods like Algorithmic Level Progression. This system can be disabled in config.json.
  • Added config option for waiting until initial bosses have spawned before allowing initial PMC's to spawn
  • Added config option to enable bot-cap modifications
  • Added config options for limiting initial boss spawns and removing the delay SPT applies to Rogue spawns on Lighthouse
  • Added a configurable chance for bots to be initially hostile toward all bosses. Currently, there is an 80% chance this will be applied to PMC's and a 20% chance this will be applied to player Scavs. This makes USEC PMC's engage Rogues in the water treatment plant instead of allowing them to roam around freely there.
  • Reduced the chances that large PMC groups (of 4-5 members) will spawn
  • Added and updated quests on every map
  • Added quests for the 0.13.5 Streets expansion
  • Increased max_alive_bots on Lighthouse from 6 to 7
  • Increased max_alive_bots on Labs from 7 to 8
  • Implemented a new quest-selection algorithm:
    • Quests are now ranked by desirability instead of the old system that used a priority number and a chance of selecting the quest
    • Added a system to make bots more likely to select quests that are further from their spawn point. This encourages bots to traverse the map instead of randomly selecting quests around it. The weighting of this system is lower for maps with limited extracts (i.e. Factory and Reserve) and higher for maps that force you to the other side of it (i.e. Woods and Customs).
    • Weighting can be adjusted for the distance to the quest, the desirability of the quest, and the map-traversal adjustment to get bot movement more realistic. Randomness can be applied to the distance to the quest and the desirability of the quest.
  • Added feature to either force or prevent bots from looting after they complete each part of their quests. By default, bots will never loot after completing an EFT quest and will always loot after performing any other type of quest (unless they detect danger). Requires SAIN 2.1.9 or later and Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later.
  • When forcing bots to extract, first check if an exfil position can be selected via SAIN (2.1.9 or later) before disabling questing for them
  • Added a configurable parameter to define the minimum time bots must be alive before they're allowed to extract (separate from the minimum survival time for the raid)
  • Stop changing the pose and speed of bots after forcing them to search for loot because Looting Bots already does this, and it doesn't seem to work in all cases anyway.
  • If a bot is trying to extract, do not allow the AI limiter to disable it unless it's allowed to disable questing bots on that map. This allows it to leave the map so a new bot can replace it.
  • Added new actions for bots:
    • Ambush: Bots will stand still, aim at a specified location, and wait silently. The amount of time they wait is randomly selected based on a specified range for the quest.
    • HoldAtPosition: Bots will only be allowed to stealthily wander within a certain radius of their target location. If they don't detect any danger, they will remain still. The amount of time they wait is randomly selected based on a specified range for the quest.
    • CloseNearbyDoors: Bots will close all doors within a certain radius of them.
  • Added maxBotsInGroup limit for quests. This was added to prevent bot groups from selecting ambush/sniper quests.
  • When "planting" items, bots now look at the last corner of the path they took to their objective location. This is more realistic than the previous system because this is the path that other bots (and you) will likely take to this location.
  • Increased the required version of Waypoints from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4
  • Preventing bots from sprinting and sliding in the following conditions:
    • When they approach a corner in their path that makes them turn more than 45 deg. This stops them from sliding around stairwells.
    • When they approach a closed door (they have to be aiming at it, not passing next to it)
    • When they reach the last 2m of their path
    • When they select another action to do (i.e. unlock a door) while performing the same quest. Previously this caused bots to suddenly slide.
  • Reduce the size of PMC groups in Scav raids based on bot_spawns.pmcs.fraction_of_max_players_vs_raidET
  • Added F12 debug option thanks to DrakiaXYZ to display markers and overlays for all quest locations on the map. Only quest markers/overlays within a certain distance of you will be shown (configurable).
  • Added F12 debug option thanks to DrakiaXYZ to display overlays above each bot to show what they're doing, what quest (if applicable) they're performing, and who their boss is (if applicable).
  • Cache processed quest data like minimum player level to improve performance when loading into a raid
  • Attached most components to GameWorld instead of the plugin to limit when they're active. This provides a small performance improvement by eliminating...
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Questing Bots 0.4.0 RC3

04 Mar 05:18
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Changes from the 0.4.0 RC2 release:

  • Reduced the chances that large PMC or player-Scav groups (of 4-5 members) will spawn
  • Changed error messages about SAIN or Looting Bots interop commands not working to warning messages. This is because some people may be using outdated versions of these mods, and the game will still work correctly otherwise.
  • Updated documentation in the README


  • If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!**
  • config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.
  • SAIN 2.1.9 or later is required for looting interop commands to work
  • Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later is required for looting interop commands to work

Questing Bots 0.4.0 RC2

03 Mar 05:47
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Feature Changes from the 0.4.0 RC1 release:

  • Increased the required version of Waypoints from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4
  • Reverted RC1 change that increased max_alive_bots for Factory from 5 to 6 because that resulted in an unrealistic number of questing bots being on the map at the same time
  • Allow distant bots using SAIN's extract layer to be disabled if the AI limiter is on and AI limiting is enabled for questing bots for that map
  • If the location ID for the map is not found in bot_spawns.max_alive_bots or questing.bot_quests.exfil_direction_weighting, use the default setting for it
  • Write an error message to the game console if a bot cannot select any quests and is unable to extract instead of throwing a timeout exception
  • Improved the performance of detecting if a bot is a player Scav
  • Bug fix for bots only being generated with normal difficulty
  • Bug fix for exceptions when processing quests while loading into raids when using custom quests added by other mods
  • Disabled some debugging messages related to bot quest selection
  • Removed obsolete code
  • Lots of code refactoring, comments, and README updates

Quest Changes from the 0.4.0 RC1 release:

  • Increased desirability of the "Timmy's Forklift Hiding Spot" quest on Factory from 3 to 5
  • Increased minDistanceFromBot of the "Timmy's Forklift Hiding Spot" quest on Factory from 5 to 20
  • Decreased desirability of the "Pumping Station Roof" quest on Factory from 10 to 8
  • Increased minDistanceFromBot of the "Gate 3", "Gate 3 Entrance", "Gate 3 Outside", and "Gate 3 Camping" quests on Factory from 5 to 20
  • Changed pmcsOnly from true to false for the "Gate 3", "Gate 3 Entrance", "Gate 3 Outside", and "Gate 3 Camping" quests on Factory
  • Added steps to the "Dome Buildings", "Command Center", "White Knight Roof", and "Train Yard Bunker Entrance" quests on Reserve
  • Added "South Hill Tower" quest on Reserve
  • Added "Gas Station Building" quest on Reserve
  • Increased desirability of the "White Rook Barracks" quest on Reserve from 25 to 30


  • If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!**
  • config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.
  • SAIN 2.1.9 or later is required for looting interop commands to work
  • Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later is required for looting interop commands to work

Questing Bots 0.4.0 RC1

26 Feb 04:04
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New features from the 0.4.0 Alpha 6 release:

  • Updated Streets to use the new questing system and features
  • Added new quests and revised existing quests for every location
  • Reduced desirability of Airdrop Chaser quest from 80 to 70
  • Reduced desirability of Boss Hunter quest from 75 to 65
  • Increased max_alive_bots on Factory from 5 to 6 so all PMC's can spawn immediately if you're doing a full-length Scav raid
  • Increased max_alive_bots on Labs from 7 to 8
  • If a bot is trying to extract, do not allow the AI limiter to disable it. This allows it to leave the map so a new bot can replace it.
  • Removed obsolete priority and chanceForSelecting fields from quests, and removed related client code
  • Changed the default desirability for quests from -1 to 0, and removed obsolete code that generates a desirability rating based on priority and chanceForSelecting when desirability=-1


  • If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!**
  • config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.
  • Please continue using the SAIN pre-release DLL (attached below) until a new version is released.
  • Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later is required for looting interop commands to work

Questing Bots 0.4.0 (Alpha 6)

19 Feb 04:53
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This pre-release is for demonstration purposes only. A lot of quest rework is still being done for the final 0.4.0 release.

New features from the 0.4.0 Alpha 5 release:

  • Updated Lighthouse, Reserve, and Shoreline to use the new questing system and features
  • Bug fix for player Scavs not spawning on Shoreline
  • Bug fix for rare condition in which PMC's will spawn in areas not normally accessible to players


  • If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!**
  • config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.
  • Please continue using the SAIN pre-release DLL (attached below) until a new version is released.
  • Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later is required for looting interop commands to work

Known Issues:

  • Streets quests have not been updated yet
  • Bots still open the stupid 3rd-floor office doors on Factory when they're supposed to be hiding in there.

Things to test:

  • If you encounter a solo bot ambushing you, how convincing is it?
  • How does the flow of PMC's and PScavs feel (besides Streets)? Are they traversing the map in a realistic manner?
  • How realistic is the PScav spawning system (on all maps)? Does the amount of PScavs on each map seem reasonable vs. raid time?
  • Is the amount of PScavs vs. raid time reasonable when using mods like DONUTS?

Questing Bots 0.4.0 (Alpha 5)

13 Feb 04:59
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This pre-release is for demonstration purposes only. A lot of quest rework is still being done for the final 0.4.0 release.

New features from the 0.4.0 Alpha 4 release:

  • Updated Labs to use the new questing system and features
  • Removed boss's "IsDead" value in debugging overlays
  • Bug fix for the maxBots limit of a quest being exceeded if multiple bots select it in a short period of time
  • Bug fix for bosses trying to regroup with dead followers (for real this time)
  • Bug fix for bots sometimes stuck in ambush or hold-position quest steps


  • If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!**
  • config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.
  • Please continue using the SAIN pre-release DLL (attached below) until a new version is released.
  • Looting Bots 1.2.0 or later is required for looting interop commands to work

Known Issues:

  • Only Factory, Customs, Woods, Labs, and Interchange quests have been updated. Quests for all other maps still need to be revised.
  • Bots still open the stupid 3rd-floor office doors on Factory when they're supposed to be hiding in there.

Things to test:

  • Is performance comparable to the 0.3.5 and 0.4.0 alpha releases? If not, in what conditions is lag now occurring?
  • If you encounter a solo bot ambushing you, how convincing is it?
  • How does the flow of PMC's and PScavs feel on Factory, Customs, Woods, Labs, and Interchange? Are they traversing the map in a realistic manner?
  • How realistic is the PScav spawning system (on all maps)? Does the amount of PScavs on each map seem reasonable vs. raid time?
  • Is the amount of PScavs vs. raid time reasonable when using mods like DONUTS?

Questing Bots 0.4.0 (Alpha 4)

11 Feb 04:52
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This pre-release is for demonstration purposes only. A lot of quest rework is still being done for the final 0.4.0 release.

New features from the 0.4.0 Alpha 3 release:

  • Implemented experimental advanced spawning system with the following features:
    • PMC's and player Scavs will no longer count toward the maximum bots on the map, so the bot cap no longer needs to be increased to accommodate them
    • EFT will now consider PMC's and player Scavs to be non-AI players when determining spawn points and spawn timing for bots
    • PMC's can now be spawned immediately when the raid starts instead of waiting for initial bosses to spawn
    • This system can be disabled in config.json
    • This system is only used for Questing Bots' spawns. Is it NOT used for other mods with spawning systems like SWAG + DONUTS.
  • Added system to wait for all PMC's and player Scavs to be generated before the raid starts. Without doing this, there can sometimes be long delays when generating bots after the raid starts and lag when starting raids, especially when using mods like Algorithmic Level Progression. This system can be disabled in config.json.
  • Added a configurable chance for bots to be initially hostile toward all bosses. Currently, there is an 80% chance this will be applied to PMC's and a 20% chance this will be applied to player Scavs. This makes USEC PMC's engage Rogues in the water treatment plant instead of allowing them to roam around freely there.
  • When forcing bots to extract, first check if an exfil position can be selected via the pre-release build of SAIN before disabling questing for them
  • Added a configurable parameter to define the minimum time bots must be alive before they're allowed to extract (separate from the minimum survival time for the raid)
  • Updated interop commands for pre-release build of Looting Bots
  • Stop changing the pose and speed of bots after forcing them to search for loot because Looting Bots already does this, and it doesn't seem to work in all cases anyway.
  • Increased the maximum number of alive PMC's that can be on Lighthouse at any time from 6 to 7
  • Refactored bot-generator code to slightly improve performance and make new generators easier to add
  • Added config option for waiting until initial bosses have spawned before allowing initial PMC's to spawn
  • Added config option to enable bot-cap modifications
  • Added config options for limiting initial boss spawns and removing the delay SPT applies to Rogue spawns on Lighthouse
  • Adjusted position of "Killa's Stash" quest on Interchange to be inside of the container
  • Bug fix for PMC's spawning at player-Scav spawn points (i.e. in the train yard behind the water treatment plant on Lighthouse)
  • Bug fix for player Scavs not being generated at the correct time. This resulted in the first group of player Scavs being normal Scavs and the first group of normal Scavs being player Scavs.
  • Bug fix for dead followers being instructed to extract
  • Bug fix for bosses trying to regroup with dead followers
  • Removed some debugging messages that are no longer needed


  • If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!**
  • config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.
  • Please continue using the SAIN and Looting Bots pre-release DLL's (attached below) until new versions of them are released. These have both been updated since the alpha 3 release.

Known Issues:

  • Only Factory, Customs, Woods, and Interchange quests have been updated. Quests for all other maps still need to be revised.
  • Bots still open the stupid 3rd-floor office doors on Factory when they're supposed to be hiding in there.

Things to test:

  • Is performance comparable to the 0.3.5 and 0.4.0 alpha releases? If not, in what conditions is lag now occurring?
  • Are there any new errors in the game console for Questing Bots, Looting Bots, or SAIN? Are any recurring?
  • Did you find any brain-dead bots that don't react even if you shoot them (but don't kill them)? If so, where were they, and what did they seem to be doing?
  • If you encounter a solo bot ambushing you, how convincing is it?
  • How does the flow of PMC's and PScavs feel on Customs, Woods, and Interchange? Are they traversing the map in a realistic manner?
  • How realistic is the PScav spawning system (on all maps)? Does the amount of PScavs on each map seem reasonable vs. raid time?
  • Is the amount of PScavs vs. raid time reasonable when using mods like DONUTS?

Questing Bots 0.4.0 (Alpha 3)

28 Jan 04:17
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This pre-release is for demonstration purposes only. A lot of quest rework is still being done for the final 0.4.0 release.

New features from the 0.4.0 Alpha 2 release:

  • Added more quests to Factory
  • Updated Interchange to use the new questing system and features
  • Reverted the desirability of the spawn-rush quest back from 200 to 100
  • Adjusted the ambush position in the "Marked Room Rush" quest for Customs so bots can actually see the door
  • Improved the player-Scav spawn schedule to make it more realistic
  • Reduce the size of PMC groups in Scav raids based on bot_spawns.pmcs.fraction_of_max_players_vs_raidET
  • Added feature to instruct bots to watch a specific location when they're waiting to ambush you
  • Added maxBotsInGroup limit for quests. This was added to prevent bot groups from selecting ambush/sniper quests.
  • Made the amount of randomness applied to player-Scav spawn times into a config option (bot_spawns.player_scavs.time_randomness)
  • Made the default value of waitTimeAfterCompleting for objective steps into a config option and reduced it from 10s to 5s
  • Improved error handling for server requests. Up to 5 retry attempts will be made before giving up, and more details about errors will be added to logs.
  • Write the logging path in the server console when it's requested by the client
  • Bug fix for the client failing to retrieve the logging path from the server (which prevents quests from loading)
  • Bug fix for constant exceptions if bots cannot select any quests. If this happens, now the mod will first try instructing them to do repeatable quests again (disregarding questing.bot_questing_requirements.repeat_quest_delay), and then it will try instructing the bot to extract.
  • Bug fix for constant exceptions when trying to initialize a bot that cannot get an objective assignment
  • Bug fix for PMC's sometimes also being registered as bosses
  • Bug fix for bots ignoring waitTimeAfterCompleting if bot debug overlays are enabled
  • Bug fix for boss followers sometimes having active quests if there's a delay before they're assigned a boss
  • Bug fix for rare condition causing a constant initialization loop for bots that have unknown types or were not registered properly


  • If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!**
  • config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.
  • Please continue using the SAIN and Looting Bots pre-release DLL's (attached below) until new versions of them are released.

Known Issues:

  • Only Factory, Customs, Woods, and Interchange quests have been updated. Quests for all other maps still need to be revised.
  • Bots still open the stupid 3rd-floor office doors on Factory when they're supposed to be hiding in there.

Things to test:

  • Is performance comparable to the 0.3.5 and 0.4.0 alpha releases? If not, in what conditions is lag now occurring?
  • Are there any new errors in the game console for Questing Bots, Looting Bots, or SAIN? Are any recurring?
  • Did you find any brain-dead bots that don't react even if you shoot them (but don't kill them)? If so, where were they, and what did they seem to be doing?
  • If you encounter a solo bot ambushing you, how convincing is it?
  • How does the flow of PMC's and PScavs feel on Customs, Woods, and Interchange? Are they traversing the map in a realistic manner?
  • How realistic is the PScav spawning system (on all maps)? Does the amount of PScavs on each map seem reasonable vs. raid time?
  • Is the amount of PScavs vs. raid time reasonable when using mods like DONUTS?

Questing Bots 0.4.0 (Alpha 2)

24 Jan 03:42
Choose a tag to compare

This pre-release is for demonstration purposes only. A lot of quest rework is still being done for the final 0.4.0 release.

New features from the 0.4.0 Alpha 1 release:

  • Implemented player-Scav spawning system
    • Player Scav spawn times are selected by the reductionPercentWeights settings for each map in the server's ILocationConfig config with some randomness applied. Player Scavs will not be allowed to spawn outside of the ranges defined for each map.
    • Player Scavs will only begin spawning after all PMC's have spawned and max_alive_bots for the map won't be exceeded
    • The maximum number of player Scavs that can spawn in total during the raid is limited to approximately 1.5-2X the maximum player count for the map
    • Player Scavs are more likely to spawn and traverse the map solo compared to PMC's, but there is still a small chance of player-Scav group spawns (with up to 5 members).
    • Added debug option in config.json to always spawn player Scavs even if the bot amount is changed to "None" in the raid settings.
  • If the player-Scav spawning system is disabled, the SPT player-Scav-conversion chance will adjust throughout the raid. For the first few minutes it will be 0%, and by the last 30% of the raid, it will be 50% (configurable). This system can also be disabled if desired.
  • If either the PMC or Player-scav spawning systems are enabled, disable all SPT custom Scav spawns (namely for Factory).
  • Allow player Scavs to quest without making all Scavs to quest. This allows most Scavs to spawn and behave as they would in base EFT, but player Scavs will traverse the map like PMC's. However, some quests are marked as PMC-only including all EFT quests. As a result, player Scavs will mostly quest to locations with high loot density, not to EFT quest locations.
  • Added option to allow player Scavs to unlock doors while questing, but this is disabled by default.
  • Many updates to quests on Factory, Customs, and Woods
  • Added quests inside the cinema on Streets
  • Increased the desirability of the spawn-rush quest from 100 to 200, which means bots are almost guaranteed to select it during your Factory PMC raids. However, this will likely be reduced before the next alpha release.
  • Reduced the desirability of the spawn-wander quest to 0, which disables it.
  • Added F12 debug option thanks to DrakiaXYZ to display markers and overlays for all quest locations on the map. Only quest markers/overlays within a certain distance of you will be shown (configurable).
  • Added F12 debug option thanks to DrakiaXYZ to display overlays above each bot to show what they're doing, what quest (if applicable) they're performing, and who their boss is (if applicable).
  • Cache processed quest data like minimum player level to improve performance when loading into a raid
  • Attached most components to GameWorld instead of the plugin to limit when they're active. This provides a small performance improvement by eliminating unnecessary checks every frame.
  • Abstracted bot-generator code so it can be used to create other types of bot spawns throughout the raid
  • If a timeout exception is thrown when trying to select a quest for a bot, something is wrong so disabled questing for it entirely
  • Check if config data cannot be retrieved from the server when starting EFT. If not, disable the mod and display an error message in the main menu.
  • Bug fix for some bots not realizing when their boss has died
  • Bug fix for some bots not realizing they're stuck and constantly selecting new quests for the rest of the raid
  • Bug fix for remaining members of a Scav group becoming hostile toward you if another bot kills their "boss" even if you're a Scav and haven't attacked any Scavs
  • Bug fix for exceptions when trying to write logging information for a null bot
  • Lots of refactoring


  • If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!**
  • config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.
  • Please continue using the SAIN and Looting Bots pre-release DLL's (attached below) until new versions of them are released.

Known Issues:

  • Only Factory, Customs, and Woods quests have been updated. Quests for all other maps still need to be revised.
  • Bot camping/ambushes aren't going to fool you with bot groups because the followers continue running around the boss.
  • Bots still open the stupid 3rd-floor office doors on Factory when they're supposed to be hiding in there.

Things to test:

  • Is performance comparable to the 0.3.5 and 0.4.0-alpha1 releases? If not, in what conditions is lag now occurring?
  • Are there any new errors in the game console for Questing Bots, Looting Bots, or SAIN? Are any recurring?
  • Did you find any brain-dead bots that don't react even if you shoot them (but don't kill them)? If so, where were they, and what did they seem to be doing?
  • If you encounter a solo bot extract-camping or ambushing you on Factory, how convincing is it?
  • How does the flow of PMC's and PScavs feel on Customs and Woods? Are they traversing the map in a realistic manner?
  • How realistic is the PScav spawning system (on all maps)? Does the amount of PScavs on each map seem reasonable vs. raid time?
  • Is the amount of PScavs vs. raid time reasonable when using mods like DONUTS?