The demo programs consist of Visual Studio 2019 projects and a Delphi (Lazarus) project.
The projects are C and C++ projects, with an additional C#, Visual Basic, and Delphi project. The Delphi project was tested with the Lazarus Delphi environment.
If you wish to build the C and C++ demo applications, the demos\AllDemos.sln file can be loaded into Visual Studio 2019 or 2022. Please note that you must build the base libraries first (by building using the dtwain_5_vs2019.sln project, mentioned above) before building the demos. The demos consist of C and C++ language demos, plus C++ demos based on an experimental C++ wrapper library that is currently being developed.
Please note that the C++ wrapper by default uses C++17 as the language setting, since the wrapper uses various types and classes that only exist in C++17 or higher.
It is possible to use C++14, however this requires an installation of the Boost library (version 1.70 or higher). The environment variable BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR should be defined before starting Visual Studio. This environment variable should point to the root directory where the Boost header files are located. For example:
SET BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR = c:\boost_installation
and the directory c:\boost_installation should have a folder called boost which would be the root of the header files.
The C# demo is demos\csharp\Examples\FullDemo\CSharp_FullDemo.csproj This project is by default, setup for 32-bit Unicode (the dtwain32u.cs is part of the projects). If you want to try 64-bit builds, please replace the dtwain32u.cs with one of the 64-bit .cs files (for example dtwain64u.cs).
The Visual Basic demo is demos\VisualBasic\Examples\FullDemo\VB_FullDemo.vbproj This project is by default, setup for 32-bit Unicode (the dtwain32u.vb is part of the projects). If you want to try a 64-bit builds, please replace the dtwain32u.vb with one of the 64-bit .cs files (for example dtwain64u.vb).
Make sure that the DTWAIN DLL's are available (system PATH, your exe directory, etc.) when the demo program you are running starts. A missing DLL will result in a "Dynamic Link Library not found" error at runtime.
Make sure the files found in text_resources are available in the same directory as the DTWAIN DLL's. Missing text resources will result in a "DTWAIN Resources not found" error.
It has come to our attention that some of the executables, if prebuilt, generate false positive warnings on a select few virus checkers. The reason why you should rebuild the demo applications yourself is to be assured that you are not running a virus (even though it is a false positive).
The DTWAIN libraries themselves, dtwain32.dll, dtwain32u.dll, etc. are always checked for false positives on all the major virus checkers (using Virus Total as the baseline). If any of the following DLL's produce any issues containing false positives, we resolve these issues before we make the DLL's available on the master branch.
- dtwain32.dll
- dtwain32u.dll
- dtwain32d.dll
- dtwain32ud.dll
- dtwain64.dll
- dtwain64u.dll
- dtwain64d.dll
- dtwain64ud.dll
The files that end with d, for example, dtwain32d.dll, are special debug versions of the DLL, and are available in the twain_library_source repo.