Releases: e-gov/RIHA-Browser
Releases · e-gov/RIHA-Browser
RIHA release 7.5
Main changes covered in this release
- Registering as a user of a standard solution and describing distinctions
- Overview of other RIHA users and approvers of my organisation
- Better distinction of automatically registered information systems that do not require approval
- Viewing data object files
- Searching within data object files using data object parameters
- Decision deadlines
- Types for documents and links
- Notification e-mails
- Latest issues and comments
- UI updates (less horisontal scrolling)
Completed user stories
- As an information system owner I am able to register under a standard solution (keyword: STANDARDLAHENDUS) that I am using as a base for my system
- As an information system owner I am able to describe distinctions between my system and the standard solution I am using as a base
- As an information system owner I am able to ask for approval for a standard solution (keyword: STANDARDLAHENDUS)
- As a developer I am able to see the RIHA users of a an information system
- As an information system owner I am able to see my organisation RIHA users
- As a RIHA user the status "kooskõlastamata" ("not approved") in red is not displayed for objects thad do not require approval
- As a RIHA user I am shown the status "registreeritud" (registered) for the information systems that do not require approval
- As a RIHA approver I do not want to have objects for approval that are not databases in legal terms
- As a RIHA user I am able to see what kind of data objects are managed within information systems
- As a RIHA user I am able to search within data object files using data object parameters
- As a RIHA user I am able to see the decision deadline in the approver feedback section
- As a developer I am able to use a code list system
- As a developer I am able to use key-value pairs for document types
- As an information system owner I am able to set a type for documents and links
- As a RIHA user I am able to see the type of documents and links
- As a RIHA user I want to see all of the columns without having to scroll horisontally
- As a RIHA user I want to have a seamless user experience when navigating between RIHA catalogue, Assets and Help pages
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where a RIHA user would be redirected to the home page and not the corresponding page when logging in to RIHA via a URL link
- Fixed a bug where a RIHA approver or an issue participant was not redirected to the detail view of an issue when logging in via the link in the notification e-mail
- Fixed a bug where an information system owner was not shown the latest issues and comments first but vice versa in the "Minu arutelud" ("My issues") view
- Fixed a bug where the indexing of data object files would fail if an error was detected in the structure of a file or special characters were used
- Fixed a bug where sending notifications e-mails would fail if a single e-mail was missing from LDAP
- Fixed a bug within the Spring configuration removing a redundant job from RIHA-browser code
- Fixed a bug where a RIHA approver would not receive e-mail notifications when an issue with a type got new comments and/or decisions
RIHA release 7.4.1
Main changes covered in this release
- Continuing on the same page after logging in via TARA or switching roles
- Data transfer
- Security update
Completed user stories
- As a RIHA user I wish to continue from the same page I was on after logging in via TARA or switching roles
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where a user was redirected to RIHA opening page after logging in via TARA or switching roles
- Fixed a bug where the information systems that had not been updated since the old RIHA displayed empty
- Updated jackson-databind library
RIHA release 7.4
Main changes covered in the release
- RIHA is now interfaced with TARA authentication - users can log in via several methods
- Data about classificators used by information systems and their implemented security is now transferred in case it was not previously input manually
- Date and time of upload or update is now displayed for web links and files
- The option to search from within information system data files is now added
- RIHA now displays an overview of active discussions
- When a user submits an information system for evaluation RIHA now performs a preliminary check to make sure all required information is presented and also warns about possible hindrances
Completed user stories
- As a RIHA user I wish to authenticate myself using the TARA authentication service
- As a RIHA user I am able to search from within information system data files
- As a developer I am able to perform a search from within information system data files
- As an information system owner I can see an overview of active issues
- As an information system owner I wish that a check would be performed to see if I have provided all the necessary data before asking for approval
- As a developer I am able to ask RIHA API for a list of issues added to a specific organisation
- As a RIHA user I can see the dates and times of when files and web links were added or modified
- As a RIHA user I can search from within information system xls, xlsx and csv files
- AS a RIHA user a notification window is shown after login if I have no organisations associated with me
- As an information system owner I do not have to manually transfer data about the classificators my information system uses
- As a developer I am able to assign documents a type
Bug fixes
- Fixed RIHA-Storage update script
- Updated Java library
- Fixed an issue with UTF encoding
- Fixed a bug with issues pertaining to my organisation where RIHA did not display the new ones first
- Fixed a bug where an incorrect default date was generated when adding files with access restriction
- Fixed a bug where an information field was shown too early when adding files with access restriction
RIHA release 7.3
Main changes covered in the release
- Dashboard view for RIHA approvers
- Now files can be added with access restriction
- Security panel on infosystem detail view
Completed user stories
- As a RIHA approver I can see all pending approvals on my dashboard
- As a RIHA approver I can see issues that either me or my organisation has taken part of
- As an infosystem owner I can modify document names
- As an infosystem owner I can add access restriction to documents that have been uploaded
- As an infosystem owner I can add security info to my infosystem
- As a RIHA approver I can see all the security information on a infosystem
- As a RIHA user I cannot see the auditing info on the security panel
RIHA release 7.2.1
Main changes covered in the release
- Fixes bug that didn't allow the user to search by null values in extended search panel
- Adds the option of 'kõik' in extended search panel
- Fixes typo in issue detail view
RIHA release 7.2
Main changes covered in the release
- Application is optimized to improve loading time
- Extended search panel to allow filtering with different values
- Quick search
- Stay on the same page after logging in
- Approval decisions from the old RIHA are now transferred
- A new infosystem relation type: 'standardlahendus' (used system / user system)
- Relations of 'user system' type have been transferred from the old RIHA
- Showing infosystem's legal status based on approval decisions
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug that was showing incorrect time for issues
- Shortname with an extension ending (e.g .pdf, .md) no longer gives an error
- While making a new search from any page in the search results the user is now transferred to the first results page
Completed user stories
Developer / API user
- As a developer I can relationships between infosystems with a new type
- As a developer I can add a decision under issues that have a type
- As a developer I can get info regarding different approvals from /api/v1/systems service as an object before the infosystem details
- As a developer I can get all issues across the application by using /api/v1/issues service
- As a developer I can close issues with a positive or a negative outcome if the issues have a type
- As a developer I can request infosystem details by UUID in addition to shortname
- As a developer I cannot add a new infosystem with a shortname that matches the UUID format
- As a developer I will receive a HTTP 404 error whenever I request by a reference that does not match any infosystems
Infosystem owner
- As an infosystem owner I can add a new relationship type to my infosystems (used system/ user system)
- As an infosystem owner I cannot add or change my system's shortname to something that matches the UUID format
RIHA approver
- As a RIHA approver I can choose my decision and give an approval for an infosystem under the issue detail view
- As an approver from Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet (code 70006317) I can close issues with a positive or negative resolution
Multiple roles
- As a RIHA approver and infosystem owner I can use the URL of the issue detail view and share it with others
- As a RIHA approver and infosystem owner I get notifications to my email whenever someone closes the issue I have taken part in
- As a RIHA approver and infosystem owner I receive email notifications that do not disclose the emails of other recipients
- As an end user I can use quick search in RIHA that searches for the key word from all over the infosystem's description
- As an end user I can use the extended search to filter my search
- As an end user I can see the page same I was before after logging in
- As an end user I can see the opening date of an issue
- As an end user I can see the approval status of an infosystem from the catalogue view
- As an end user I can see the approval status based on an infosystems real status on its detail page: e.g if the infosystem is in use, but hasn't received the approval for this, it will be displayed red.
- As an end user I can see both open and closed issues in one list
- As an end user I can refer to an infosystem using both the shortname and UUID (in the URL)
- As an end user I can see the catalogue sorting info in the URL
- As an end user I can see the number of search results
- As an end user I can see the infosystem tags in the catalogue view
RIHA release 7.1.1
Main changes covered in the release
- Fixed bug: Infosystem contacts cannot be modified on migrated systems that have either stored_items or data_files
RIHA release 7.1
Main changes covered in the release
- New infosystem relations feature
- Issues can now have types
- New API filter function to run full text search
- Notifications to issue participants and approvers
- Small bugfixes in the UI (e.g while using IE11)
Completed user stories
Developer / API user
- As a developer I can filter infosystems using topics
- As a developer I can search for text across the whole infosystem description
- As a developer I can add new issues with types
- As a developer I can add relations between infosystems
POST /api/v1/systems/{shortName}/relations
- As a developer I can get infosystem relations
GET /api/v1/systems/{shortName}/relations
Infosystem owner
- As an infosystem owner I can add relations to my infosystems
- subsystem / supersystem
- As an infosystem owner I can request for an evaluation (approval) in different phases
- As an infosystem contact I get an email when a new issue has been added to my system
RIHA approver
- As a RIHA approver I get an email when an evaluation has been requested
Multiple roles
- As a RIHA approver and infosystem owner I get an email when a comment has been added to an issue in which I partake
- As an end user I get a notification when my session is about to expire
- As an end user I can see my search filter in the URL
- As an end user I can see infosystem relations
- As an end user I can search using keywords/topics
- As an end user I can search for topics by clicking on the keyword
RIHA release 7.0.2
Main changes covered in the release:
- Small bug fixes
- Optimized images
- Rewording of a few fields
RIHA release 7.0.1
Main changes covered in the release:
- Bug fixes for IE11 users