- /api/login?username=&password=
- /api/signup?username=&password= returns : { "token": [token] } note: for now, user token is unique but consistent, and should always be passed in the Authorization Header as follow.
"Authorization: Token <credentials>"
curl -H "Authorization: Token mytoken12345" <ShariHost>/api/search
Note the space betwwen Token and mytoken12345
- POST: Create user profile for exist user (Optinal)
- sent body: {"firstname","lastname", "pic", "number", <"password"> }
- recived body: New user profile object if success
- GET: get user profile object for logged user (based on the token)
- recived body: {"firstname","lastname", "pic", "number", "user": ID }
- PUT: Edit exist user profile
- sent body: {"firstname","lastname", "pic", "number", <"password"> }
- recived body: Changed user profile object if success
- DELETE: Delete exist user profile
- recived body: Success message or error
- POST: Create user profile for exist user (Optinal)
- GET: get user profile object (based on the id)
- recived body: {"firstname","lastname", "pic", <"number"> }
- GET: get user profile object (based on the id)
- POST: Create Market profile for exist user (Optinal)
- sent body: {"name","bio", "pic", "number", "location", <"wall_pic">, "mclass" : Array }
- recived body: New market profile object if success
- GET: get Market profile object for logged user (based on the token)
- recived body: { "id", "name","bio", "pic", "number", "location", "rating", "layout", "user" : ID , <"wall_pic">, "mclass" : Array }
- PUT: Edit exist market profile
- sent body: {"firstname","lastname", "pic", "number", <"password"> }
- recived body: Changed user profile object if success
- DELETE: Delete exist user profile
- recived body: Success message or error
- POST: Create Market profile for exist user (Optinal)
- GET: get user profile object (based on the id)
- recived body: { "id", "name","bio", "pic", "number", "location", "rating", "layout", "user" : ID , <"wall_pic">, "mclass" : Array of categories }
- GET: get user profile object (based on the id)
- POST: Create new product (based on the token of the user having a market profile)
- sent body: {"title", "description", "price", "pics", "wall_pic" : Featured img , "mclass" : category , "sclass" : sub-category , "tags"}
- recived body: Created product object if success
- POST: Create new product (based on the token of the user having a market profile)
- GET: Get product object (based on the id)
- recived body: {"title", "description", "price", "pics", "wall_pic" : Featured img , "mclass" : category , "sclass" : sub-category , "tags", "rating", "market": ID }
- PUT: Edit exist product
- sent body: {"title", "description", "price", "pics", "wall_pic" : Featured img , "mclass" : category , "sclass" : sub-category , "tags"}
- recived body: Changed product object if success
- DELETE: Delete exist product object
- recived body: Success message or error
- GET: Get product object (based on the id)
created_at: date of object creation in form of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
updated_at: date of object last modified in form of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
This will search for "shawrma" in amman ordered by higher rating
Note that the minus in -rating indicates ordering from higher to lower