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Linear View

A powerful android library coded in kotlin. It's like recyclerview but eliminated some steps of implementation.


  1. No more adapter implemantation
  2. Act like single widget
  3. Support muli-layout
  4. Add, insert, edit, remove by Item id (recommended) and item position without headache
  5. Support Load more
  6. Support custom pages like empty, preload, errors, ...
  7. Support vertical & horizontal orientation

Add library to your project

  • Add it in your root build.gradle (app level) at the end of repositories:
    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }
  • Add the dependency:
    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.ebdulrehmandemya:LinearView:v5.2'

For other build files, see here

How to use

#1: Implementation of Item

    class Note(val id: Long, val title: String) : Item {
        companion object {
            const val TYPE_ID = 1
            fun bind(item: ItemText, view: View, position: Int) {
                view.title.text = item.title
        override fun type(): Int = TYPE_ID  // required, must be unique per classe
        override fun id(): Long = id        // optional, should be unique per instance in the same type

Repeat this action for other classes that you want to use them in LinearView

#2: In layout and code

  • Add org.dahatu.libs.linearview.LinearView in layout
    <!-- activity_main.xml -->
  • Somewhere in your code like onCreate(...)
    // MainActivity class
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        dlv.onManageListener(this)  // set a listener, see next section
        dlv.addItem(Note.createMock(id=1))  // add an item to LinearView

        val items = listOf(Note.createMock(id=2), Note.createMock(id=3))
        dlv.addItems(items)  // add a list of items to LinearView

#3: Implementation of OnManageListener

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), OnManageListener {
  • Override OnManageListener Methods
Method Required arguments retrun Description
layout Yes type : Int @LayoutRes Int determines the item's layout per type
onBind Yes item: Item, view: View, position: Int determines how to bind item's view and item's data together
preloadLayout No @LayoutRes Int? = null determines a layout to show first time at once
emptyLayout No @LayoutRes Int? = null determines a layout to show when LinearView goes empty (has no items)
loadMoreLayout No @LayoutRes Int? = null determines a layout when the 'loadmore' action happens
hasMore No Boolean = false determines if there is any more items to add ( loadmore's looping condition)
onMore No determines what action must be done when the loadmore calls
onPageLayout No code: Int @LayoutRes Int? = null determines custom layouts such as showing error pages when working with Restful Api,...
onPageBind No code: Int, view: View determines any changes in custom page view