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Version: 0.5.1 Type: application AppVersion: 0.6.1

Tractus-X BPN Discovery Helm Chart
This Helm Chart installs the BPN Discovery and its dependencies.

Source Code


Repository Name Version postgresql 12.2.3


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.2.0+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure


helm dep up charts/bpndiscovery
kubectl create namespace discovery
helm install bpndiscovery -n discovery charts/bpndiscovery


BPN Discovery parameters

Key Type Default Description
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.allowedTypes string "oen,wmi" allowed types for deployed application. (oen,...)
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.description string "" Bpn discovery endpoint (description) informationen for the self registration on discoveryfinder
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.endpointAddress string "" Bpn discovery endpoint (host of bpn discovery) informationen for the self registration on discoveryfinder
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.documentation string "" Bpn discovery endpoint (documentation) informationen for the self registration on discoveryfinder
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.timeToLive integer min = 1, max = 31536000 The timeToLive value of the endpoint. This is needed for the selfregistration of bpn discovery
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.baseUrl string "" The host of discoveryfinder. This is needed for the selfregistration of bpn discovery
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.registration.clientId string "" Discovery finder client information (clientId) to the selfregistration.
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.registration.clientSecret string "" Discovery finder client information (clientSecret) to the self registration.
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.registration.authorizationGrantType string "client_credentials" Discovery finder client information (authorizationGrantType) to the self registration.
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.provider.tokenUri string "" Discovery finder client information (tokenUri) to the self registration.
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpointallowedTypes string "oen,bpid" allowed types for deployed application. (oen,...)
bpndiscovery.authentication bool true Enables OAuth2 based authentication/authorization
bpndiscovery.containerPort int 4243 Containerport
bpndiscovery.dataSource.driverClassName string "org.postgresql.Driver" The driver class name for the database connection
bpndiscovery.dataSource.password string "password" Datasource password
bpndiscovery.dataSource.sqlInitPlatform string "pg" Datasource InitPlatform
bpndiscovery.dataSource.url string "jdbc:postgresql://database:5432" Datasource URL
bpndiscovery.dataSource.user string "user" Datasource user string "localhost" This value is used by the Ingress object (if enabled) to route traffic
bpndiscovery.idp.bpnIdClaimName string "bpn" bpnId claim Name
bpndiscovery.idp.issuerUri string "" The issuer URI of the OAuth2 identity provider
bpndiscovery.idp.publicClientId string "default-cleint" ClientId
bpndiscovery.image.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" ImagepullPolicy
bpndiscovery.image.registry string "" Image registry
bpndiscovery.image.repository string "sldt-bpn-discovery" Image repository
bpndiscovery.image.version string "" ersion of image. By default the app Version from Chart.yml is used. You can overwrite the version to use an other version of sldt-bpn-discovery
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."" string "selfsigned-cluster-issuer"
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."" string "true"
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."" string "true"
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."" string "/$2"
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."" string "true"
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."" string "/bpndiscovery"
bpndiscovery.ingress.className string "nginx" The Ingress class name
bpndiscovery.ingress.enabled bool false Configures if an Ingress resource is created
bpndiscovery.ingress.tls bool false Configures whether the Ingress should include TLS configuration. In that case, a separate Secret (as defined by registry.ingress.tlsSecretName) needs to be provided manually or by using cert-manager
bpndiscovery.ingress.urlPrefix string "/bpndiscovery" The url prefix that is used by the Ingress resource to route traffic
bpndiscovery.replicaCount int 1 Replica count
bpndiscovery.resources.limits.memory string "1024Mi" Resources limit memory
bpndiscovery.resources.requests.memory string "512Mi" Resources request memory
bpndiscovery.service.port int 8080 Service port
bpndiscovery.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
bpndiscovery.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 100
bpndiscovery.livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
bpndiscovery.livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 3
bpndiscovery.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 100
bpndiscovery.readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
bpndiscovery.readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 3

PostgreSQL parameters

Key Type Default Description
enablePostgres bool true If enabled, the postgreSQL instance will be run. Disable if you use your own hosted postgreSQL.
postgresql.auth.database string "bpndiscovery" Database name
postgresql.auth.password string "password" Password for authentication at the database
postgresql.auth.username string "default-user" Username that is used to authenticate at the database
postgresql.auth.existingSecret string "secret-bpndiscovery-postgres-init"
postgresql.primary.persistence.enabled bool true Persistence enabled
postgresql.primary.persistence.size string "50Gi" Size of persistence
postgresql.service.ports.postgresql int 5432 Size of the PersistentVolume that persists the data

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0