All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fixed cve net.minidev:json-smart CVE-2024-57699
- Update Spring Boot to version 3.4.0
- Update tomcat to 11.0.2
- Change documentation folder structure
- Update Spring Boot to version 3.3.5
- Update Spring Boot to version 3.3.4
- Update lombok to version 1.18.34
- Implemented mandatory changes in licensing and legal documentation
- updated spring boot version to 3.3.1
- security fix spring-web:6.1.5.jar
- Update Springboot to version 3.2.4
- new timeToLive field added to Endpoints
- Spring Boot version updated to 3.1.6 to fix CVE-2023-46589 and CVE-2023-34053
- update logback version to fix CVE-2023-6378
- Introduced versioning of the APIs of the Discovery Finder.First version of this API is 1.0
- Add new workflow for testing Helm chart
- Resource Management has been adjusted in Helm chart
- Add legal information for distributions in jar
- Fix CVE-2023-34035 (update springboot to version 3.1.2)
- added functionality to create initial endpoints on application start
- fix CVE-2023-20862
- fix CVE-2023-20873
- Provide APIs to create, delete and update discovery-endpoints