This page describes the noteworthy improvements provided by each release of Eclipse Tycho.
- Include smartbuilder (but disabled by default), can be enabled with
) - tycho-bnd-plugin support
- Version Mojo Bugfixes
This release includes some dependency upgrades and a fix to run Tycho 3 with Maven 3.9.0.
The parameters of the tycho-apitools-plugin:generate
goal have been completed and improved.
The generated source feature now properly includes the source bundles.
The argLine
and appArgLine
options have long been deprecated and were removed in Tycho 3.0.0.
They are generally inferior to the list-based jvmArgs
and applicationArgs
However there are use cases where the arguments need to be extensible via property expansion, in which case the list-based approach is not always a suitable alternative.
As such, these two options have been re-introduced for Tycho 3.0.2 and are no longer marked deprecated though jvmArgs
and applicationArgs
remain the preferred mechanism.
- Maven Loockup can become really slow and should cache previous requests #1969
- Provide a "verify-pom-resolves" mojo #1451
- JUnit 5.9 support in Tycho 3.0.x #1943
- Consumer-POM should use packaging-type jar instead of eclipse-plugin #2005
- Mirroring of packed artifacts must be disabled
- Target platform resolved multiple times
- Support resolving of target projects from the reactor
- Upgrade to 2022-03 release
Previously forking was not supported, now forking is possible and will be used if a custom java home is specified.
The tycho-consumer-pom
mojo has a new option to resolve p2 introduced dependencies to 'real' maven coordinates now, when enabled it queries maven-central with the SHA1 of the file to find out what are the actual maven central coordinates
and place them in the generated pom consumer-pom.
Sometimes it is useful to find out how dependencies of a project are actually pulled in. Tycho now supports a new tycho-p2-plugin:dependency-tree
mojo that outputs a tree view of the P2 dependecies of a tycho project.
Example with Tycho integration test project:
tycho-its/projects/reactor.makeBehaviour$ mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:3.0.0:dependency-tree
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT:dependency-tree (default-cli) @ feature2 ---
[INFO] tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:feature2:eclipse-feature:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] +- (1.0.0.qualifier) --> [tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:feature2:eclipse-feature:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] +- bundle2 (1.0.0.qualifier) satisfies org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; bundle2 0.0.0 --> [tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:bundle2:eclipse-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] +- (1.0.0.qualifier) satisfies org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; 0.0.0 --> [tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:feature1:eclipse-feature:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] +- bundle1 (1.0.0.qualifier) satisfies org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; bundle1 0.0.0 --> [tycho-its-project.reactor.makeBehaviour:bundle1:eclipse-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT]
The tycho-p2-repository-plugin:2.7.0:assemble-repository now support a new property includeAllSources
when enabled, includes any available source bundle in the resulting repository.
Tycho now supports building mixed Products. In mixed Products both the listed features and listed plug-ins are installed.
Therefore the Product attribute type
is now supported, which can have the values bundles
, features
and mixed
and takes precedence over the boolean-valued useFeatures
Tycho now provides a new API Tools Mojo, see for an example how to use it.
The new sisu-osgi-connect provides an implementation for plexus according to the Connect Specification that allows to run an embedded OSGi Framework from the classpath of a maven-plugin. As both, the maven plugin and the embedded framework, share the same classlaoder you can use the best of both worlds and interact seamless with them.
This can be used in the following way:
@Component(role = MyPlexusComponent.class)
public class MyPlexusComponent {
@Requirement(hint = "connect")
private EquinoxServiceFactory serviceFactory;
public void helloConnect() {
For the setup you need to do the following:
- include any bundle you like to make up your plexus-osgi-connect framework as a dependency of your maven plugin
- include a file
that list all your bundles you like to have installed in the formatbsn[,true]
, wherebsn
is the symbolid name and optionally you can control if your bundle has to be started or not - include the following additional dependency
The tycho-compiler:compile
and tycho-compiler:testCompile
option requireJREPackageImports
is deprecated now and will produce a warning when used, bundles currently rely on this option should migrate to proper importing packages from the non java.* namespace.
The tycho-compiler:compile
and tycho-compiler:testCompile
has a new option requireJavaPackageImports
(defaults to false
) that allows to assert importing of packages from the java.*
This is allowed since OSGi R7 and considered ǵood practice since the evolving of modular VMs there is no guarantee what packages a JVM offers,
All Tycho plugins are now shipped with embedded M2E lifecycle-mapping-metadata files.
Therefore M2E now knows by default how to handle them and it is not necessary anymore to install any connector (usually org.sonatype.tycho.m2e
was used) for them.
The Tycho Build Extension (aka pomless build) now detects bnd.bnd files in the root of a pomless bundle and automatically generates an appropriate maven execution automatically. This can be used to generate any content by the BND plugin, e.g. declarative service xml or JPMS infos see here for an example:
Because of modular VMs the profiles shipped by Tycho has never been complete and actually are already partly generated in regards to available packages. From now on, Tycho do not ship any profiles and thus you can use any VM in the toolchains or as a running VM and Tycho will generate a profile for it.
Starting with Maven 3.8.5 Tycho now supports an enhanced form of the Maven CI Friendly Versions beside the standard properties names one could also use:
- releaseVersion
- major
- minor
- micro
- qualifier
These uses the usual semantics that you can use them in a version string e.g. <version>${releaseVersion}${qualifier}</version>
and pass them on the commandline.
Beside this, Tycho supports some useful default calculation for qualifier
if you give a format on the commandline with -Dtycho.buildqualifier.format=yyyyMMddHHmm
(or any other format supported). Tycho will also make the build qualifier available in your Maven model!
That way you can configure your pom in the following way:
<!-- Defines the default Qualifier if no format is given-->
What will result in the usual 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
for a regular mvn clean install
, if you want to do a release, you can now simply call mvn -Dtycho.buildqualifier.format=yyyyMMddHHmm clean deploy
and your artifact will get the 1.0.0-<formatted qualifier>
version when published! This also is supported if you use pomless build.
To use this new feature you need to enable the tycho-build extension with the .mvn/extensions.xml
file in the root of your project directory:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- possibly other extensions here -->
Please note that we use another new feature from Maven 3.8.5 here, where you can use properties from the file .mvn/maven.config
in your .mvn/extensions.xml
file, so if you put in this:
# probably add more here ..
You can now control your Tycho version for .mvn/extensions.xml
and your pom.xml
in one place and still override it on the commandline with -Dtycho-version=...
Support for compilation for pre-Java 11 JVMs bytecode is no longer considered first class nor tested. Actual support is not removed but people facing issues with it will have to come with fixes on their own.
One can enable either global or per project the generation of component xmls in PDE. Until now it was required for Tycho to still import the annotation package even though classpath=true
was set, beside that one needs to check in the generated xmls.
Tycho now has improved support for this with the following:
- if there is a
in the project, tycho adapts the settings there and ifclasspath=true
is set no more imports are required. - one can enable a new
where global default settings can be configured if project settings are not present, the below shows an example with default values:
If the tycho-ds-plugin
is enabled for a project it generates the necessary xml files if not already present in the project.
P2 default transport is more designed as a weak cache that assumes the user is always online. While for an IDE that might be sufficient as target resolution is only performed once in a while and updates are triggered by explicit user request, for Tycho this does not work well:
- Builds are often trigger on each code change, requiring repeated target resolution.
- Builds might be asked to run in an offline mode.
- If there is a temporary server outage one might want to fall back to the previous state for this build instead of failing completely.
- Build times are often a rare resource one doesn't want to waste waiting for servers, bandwidth might even be limited or you have to pay for it.
Because of this, Tycho now includes a brand new caching P2 transport that allows advanced caching, offline handling and fallback to cache in case of server failures. The transport is enabled by default so nothing has to be done, just in case you want the old behavior you can set -D=tycho.p2.transport=ecf
beside that the following properties might be interesting:
If you run maven with the -U
switch Tycho revalidates the cache.
This is useful if you have changed an updatesite in an unusual way (e.g. adding new index files) as tycho now also caches not found items to speed-up certain scenarios where many non existing files are queried.
Some servers don't provide you with sufficient caching information. For this purpose, Tycho by default assumes a minimum caching age of one hour. You can switch this off, or configure a longer delay by using -Dtycho.p2.transport.min-cache-minutes=<desired minimum in minutes>
Choosing a sensible value could greatly improve your build times and lower bandwith usage.
If your build contains a mixture of released and 'snapshot' sites you have the following options:
- Consider adding a mirror to your settings.xml for the snapshot page that points to a file-local copy (e.g. output of another build).
- Configure the webserver of your snapshot site with the
Cache-Control: must-revalidate
header in which case Tycho ignores any minimum age. - Use
. This will still improve the time to resolve the target.
PDE requires some special headers to detect a bundle as a "Source Bundle", there is now a new mojo tycho-source-plugin:generate-pde-source-header
that supports this, it requires the following configuration:
- Enable the generation of a source-jar with the
. Please note that it needs to be bound to theprepare-package
phase explicitly!
- Enable the generation of the appropriate PDE header:
- Finally enable generation of P2 metadata so Tycho can use the source bundle in the build (you can omit this step if you don't want to reference the source bundle in a product, update-site or feature).
You can specify a <reactorConcurrencyLevel>
(default unlimited) for tycho-surefire:integration-test
and tycho-surefire:test
that limits the number of concurrently running tests.
This can be useful if you like to execute the build with multiple threads (e.g. -T1C
) but want to run the integration tests in a serial manner (e.g. because they are UI based).
From 3.x on Tycho requires Java 17 as a runtime VM, but you can still compile code for older releases.
Previously Tycho uses zip
for all platforms when packaging a product, now .tar.gz
is used for linux+mac. If you want you can restore old behaviour by:
Remove tycho.pomless.testbundle
switch from
in favor of specification of project's packaging-type
The boolean property tycho.pomless.testbundle
, which allowed to specify in the
if a Plug-in is a Test-Plugin or not, has been removed.
Instead one can specify the packaging-type of that Maven-project directly. To migrate simply apply the following replacements in the
tycho.pomless.testbundle = true
-> pom.model.packaging = eclipse-test-plugin
tycho.pomless.testbundle = false
->pom.model.packaging = eclipse-plugin
This already works in the Tycho 2.7.x stream (but the generated artifactId does not yet have a 'test'-prefix).
The sisu-equinox module is now cleaned up and made more generic so it could be used in a wider area of use case, therefore the equinox part is stripped and some API enhancements are performed. As sisu-equinox is a separate module used inside Tycho, users of Tycho itself are usually not affected, but plugin developers might need to adjust there code to conform to the changed API contracts.
The publish-osgi-ee
previously has published a fixes list of "usefull" execution environments maintained by Tycho.
This is no longer true and Tycho do publish only those JavaSE profiles that are available to the build and have a version larger than 11 if not configured explicitly.
The tycho-buildtimestamp-jgit
plugin has moved to the org.eclipse.tycho
group id.
These packaging types have been deprecated since a long time and there is the replacement eclipse-repository
The tycho-pomgenerator:generate-poms
mojo is no longer supported as it was useful only in the days where tycho-pomless was incomplete.
Today its usage is very limited and tycho-pomless is a much better (and supported) alternative now.
This mojo is replaced by the tycho-source-plugin
with execution feature-source
which offers equivalent and even enhanced functionality.
Pack200 technology is obsolete and no longer supported after Java 13. Tycho removed all support for dealing with pack.gz files including pack200 specific plugins, various options in Mojos and support for resolving fetching in core.
Omit any pack200 specific plugins, options and in any other way dealing with *.pack.gz files. The following are removed:
- Plugins
- tycho-pack200a-plugin
- tycho-pack200b-plugin
- Mojo options
- TargetPlatformConfigurationMojo'
- MirrorMojo's
- PublishFeaturesAndBundlesMojo
- TargetPlatformConfigurationMojo'
It was totally ignored in all latest versions.
It was hardcoded to "tooling" always and had no practical meaning to change.
and appArgLine
have been replaced by list-based jvmArgs
and applicationArgs
(previously known as applicationsArgs
) has been corrected to not perform any
interpretation of whitepace and quotes anymore. Individual arguments are now used literally (just like jvmArgs
Note that argLine
and appArgLine
have been resurrected in Tycho 3.0.2.
- Tycho reports wrong type in case of maven GAV restored from UI
- Support bnd processing in pomless builds
- The official maven keyserver is just to slow use ubuntu as an alternative mirror first
- [Maven-Target] Consider extra-repositories when fetching source-jars
- DS generation fails with latest eclipse release for UI bundles
- PomDependencyCollector uses a wrong type for pom declared feature dependencies
- Not all (direct) requirements of a feature are considered when building an update-site
- Fix Mojo Configuration of DS Plugin is ignored
- Check that components declared in the manifest exits
All Tycho plugins are now shipped with embedded M2E lifecycle-mapping-metadata files.
Therefore M2E now knows by default how to handle them and it is not necessary anymore to install any connector (usually org.sonatype.tycho.m2e
was used) for them.
- p2-maven-site includes bundles in the repository #932
- [2.7.1][regression] Neither raw version nor format was specified #876
- [2.7.1] 'includePackedArtifacts' must be automatically disabled when running with an incompatible vm #885
- Resolve DS classpath entry and generate component xmls #406
- Access to the Tycho .cache directory is not properly synchronized #663
- compare-versions-with-baseline failing (since 2.7) when executionEnvironment=none #707
- JGit packaging build fails with Tycho 2.7.0 #723
- Backport of #767
- Maven artifacts deployed with Tycho 2.7 are resolved without transitive dependencies by Maven #781
- Slicer warnings are too verboose #728
- Performance regression in classpath resolution #719
- If multiple fragments match a bundle all items are added to the classpath while only the one with the highest version should match #822
- Check Hashsums for local cached artifacts #692
- JAVA_HOME check is not OS independent #849
- Bug 571533 - tycho-compiler-plugin with useJDK=BREE and BREE==JavaSE-1.8 fails to find some EE packages #51
- Failed to resolve dependencies with Tycho 2.7.0 for custom repositories #697
- Feature restrictions are not taken into account when using emptyVersion #845
Tycho pomless has started as a small experiment in tycho-extras. Over time it has grown to a fully-fledged solution to build pde-based artifacts with less effort and nearly zero additional configuration.
Neverless, the name "pomless" was always a bit misleading, as actually we have reduced the number required poms to one 'main-pom' it is still not pomless and actually allows poms to be used where suitable. Because of this, and to not limit the usage to "pomless" with this version a new core-extension is available name 'tycho-build', that effectively does what tycho-extras-pomless does but in the context of 'core' and is open to further improvements (maybe at some time offering an option to not needing a pom at all).
All that needs to be done is to replace the old
Notice the changed artifactId.
The tycho-build
extension (see above) was updated with a custom org.apache.maven.graph.GraphBuilder
Without this, the Maven options --also-make
) and --also-make-dependents
) were not supported in a Tycho-based build, since only pom-dependencies were considered by Maven.
Using the custom GraphBuilder
Tycho is able to perform P2 dependency resolution early-on and supply Maven with an updated set of projects required for the build.
Previously Tycho has resolved pom considered dependencies as part of the initial Maven setup (before the actual build starts). This has led to the fact that it was not possible to mix projects that e.g. dynamically generate a manifest.
This was now changed and Tycho can now build mixed project setups. See this integration test as an example:
This slightly changes some of the behavior of previous pomDependencies=consider
- dependencies of pom considered items always have to be declared on the Maven level (either by the project using it or the dependency declaring it)
- pom considered items do not participate in the build-order computation as of the previous statement already ensure this
- if enabled, builds might fail later as projects are allowed to have incomplete requirements up until the
There is one restriction for such mixed setups, see: #479
Tycho 2.7 changed how it handles bad p2 maven meta-data. When you run builds with Tycho 2.7+ and then run builds with older Tycho versions, the meta-data written to your local Maven repository (e.g. ~/.m2/repository/.meta/ by Tycho 2.7 confuses older Tycho versions, so using different local Maven repositories or deleting that file between builds is recommended when switching between builds with current Tycho and older versions.
Previously the classpath of a project was computed in the maven-setup phase, this has several restrictions.
Tycho now delays the classpath computation to a later stage (initialize
If you want to perform the classpath validation in the validate
phase of your build you can force classpath computation with the following snippet:
Tycho now supports the m2e feature to generate a feature from a maven target location.
Tycho now supports nested target locations.
An example can be found here.
Tycho now supports pom dependencies inside maven target locations.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde version="3.8"?>
<target name="with-pom-dependency">
<location includeSource="true" missingManifest="generate" type="Maven">
The default for this mojo has been flipped from true to false as pack200 artifacts are irrelevant nowadays. If you want to restore previous behavior put the following into your mojo configuration:
Plain JUnit 5 tests now work fine without an extra dependency on JUnit 4.
Previously, Tycho Surefire would only execute one test plugin at the same time, even with parallel Maven builds enabled. Now Tycho Surefire runs multiple tests in parallel. If you have parallel Maven builds enabled and run SWTBot UI tests (or other tests that don't work well during parallel execution), then you may need to re-configure your build to avoid the parallel test execution.
The Tycho Extras document-bundle-plugin now supports looking up the javadoc executable in the path defined by the JAVA_HOME environment variable, in addition to other supported locations.
The assemble-maven-repository
mojo now supports embedding the PGP signature of maven artifacts to allow additional verifications and trust decisions.
Tycho supports the new m2e-pde features regarding multiple dependencies per target and specifying extra repositories in the target.
Previously Tycho failed if the remote update-site server was not available even if the file is already downloaded. Now, it uses the local file instead and issues a warning instead.
Tycho now supports M2_REPO variable from .classpath
It is now possible to resolve the JDT 'JUnit Classpath Container' (this is meant only for eclipse-plugin
projects, NOT for eclipse-test-plugin
), for this do the following:
- add the 'JUnit Classpath Container' to the classpath of your eclipse project
- make sure you check in the .classpath file
- Now you can use the Junit classes without explcitly adding them to your bundle via require-bundle/import package
For an example take a look at the integration tests
Previously, unit-tests were only executed for eclipse-test-plugin
packaging types. Besides that, it was only possible to execute them as part of the tycho-surefire:test goal (which executes them inside an OSGi runtime) in the integration-test
phase (making them actually some kind of integration tests).
From now on, this restriction is no longer true and one is able to execute unit-tests with maven-surefire as well as integration-tests with the tycho-surefire:integration-test goal (which still executes them inside an OSGi runtime, see below). This works the following way:
- create a source-folder in your
packaged project and marks it as "Contains test sources" in the classpath settings: - Create a unit-test inside that folder, either name it with any of the default-pattern maven-surefire plugin or configure the include pattern explicitly.
- Include maven-surefire plugin configuration in your pom to select the appropriate test-providers
- run your it with
mvn test
As said above, Tycho also includes a new tycho-surefire:integration-test goal, that is similar to the tycho-surefire:test one:
- it executes in the
phase, but does not fail the build if a test fails, instead a summary file is written - the outcome of the tests are checked in the
phase (and the build fails at that point, if necessary) - this allows to hook some setup/teardown mojos (e.g. start webservers, ...) in the
phase and to safely tear them down in thepost-integration
phase (thus the name 'failsafe' see maven-failsafe-plugin FAQ for some more details.
Given you have the above setup you create an integration-test (executed in an OSGi runtime like the traditional tycho-surefire:test goal) as following:
- create a new test that matches the pattern
(or configure a different pattern that does not intersects with the surefire test pattern) - run the build with
mvn verify
- tycho-surefire:test works as before: it is automatically activated in projects with packaging type
(which are meant to contain only tests), it runs in the phaseintegration-test
and makes the build fail if a test fails. - tycho-surefire:integration-test is meant to be used in projects with packaging type
(which are meant to contain both production code and tests, in a separate source folder) and it is meant to be bound to the phaseintegration-test
, but following themaven-failsafe
paradigm: if a test fails, the build does not fail in the phaseintegration-test
, but in the phaseverify
on the root level of your build tree it might now be necessary to also include -Dsurefire.failIfNoSpecifiedTests=false
as maven-surefire might otherwise complain about
No tests were executed! (Set -DfailIfNoTests=false to ignore this error.)
for your eclipse-plugin packaged project if they do not match anything (the error message is a bit misleading, this is tracked in SUREFIRE-1910).
tycho-surefire now support to set .options files for debugging through the new debugOptions parameter, example:
Tycho now correctly supports repository references in category.xml
: in the previous versions, the content
XML generated by Tycho only contained a reference to the metadata referred repository, but not to the artifacts referred repository, resulting in failures in installations (the verification phase went fine, but the actual installation could not be performed by p2).
A new mojo tycho-gpg-plugin:sign-p2-artifacts-mojo was added to add GPG signatures to artifacts metadata. Those GPG signatures are later expected to be used by p2 during installation to verify integrity and build trust in installed components.
Tycho now understands the additional.bundles
directive in the
file and properly resolves them during dependency resolution.
A new mojo tycho-p2-repository-plugin:assemble-maven-repository was added to enable creation of p2 repositories directly from Maven artifact references. This removes the usual need to create a target definition and a category.xml for this task.
To speed up Maven clean
-only builds, Tycho's dependency resolution is now skipped, if the only phase specified is one from the clean lifecycle, namely clean
Previously one had to specify the property -Dtycho.mode=maven
to skip dependency resolution.
If your pom contains license information, Tycho automatically creates (if not already present) OSGi Bundle-License
header for you. This behavior can be controlled with deriveHeaderFromProject setting.
Official Equinox Resolver used for dependency resolution (stricter and can produce errors for split packages)
Bug 570189 Tycho now uses the same resolver as Equinox uses at runtime. This resolver is stricter and more correct than the previous one, and as a result should provide resolution results that are much more consistent with actual dependency resolution at runtime.
However, this change makes bug 403196 more visible in some cases with split package, for example
Unresolved requirement: Require-Bundle: -> Bundle-SymbolicName:; bundle-version="1.3.600.v20210126-1005"; singleton:="true" [1] Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.core.runtime; registry="split"
which means that the p2 resolution succeeds while it actually failed at providing the Import-Package: org.eclipse.core.runtime; registry="split" and later OSGi resolution will find it's missing and complain.
In such case, the workaround/solution is to ensure that the bundle that provides Import-Package: org.eclipse.core.runtime; registry="split" gets added as part of p2 resolution despite bug 403196, typically by adding org.eclipse.equinox.registry to the Required-Bundle of the bundles being built, or by adding it to target-platform-configuration as described in .
Bug 570477, The tycho-eclipserun-plugin now has a configuration-parameter named clearWorkspaceBeforeLaunch to specify if the workspace should be cleared before running eclipse or not (default is true, matching the behavior until now). If the value is false, the workspace of the previous run is reused (if present), if the value is true the workspace-directory (i.e. the 'data' directory within the work-directory) and its content is deleted.
A mojo to "fix" modified metadata in artifact repository (artifacts modified after after aggregation)
The [ org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin:fix-artifacts-metadata] was added. It updates the artifact repository metadata checksums and size of modified artifacts in the given folder. This can be used if some other mojo (e.g. jar-signer) modifies the repository artifacts after the assemble-repository step. An example could be found in the [ jar-signing-extra] integration test
The [ org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-repository-plugin:remap-artifacts-to-m2-repo] was added. It modifies the artifact metadata of the provided p2 repository by adding extra mapping rules for artifacts the can be resolved to Maven repositories so the URL under Maven repository is used for fetching and artifact is not duplicated inside this repo. See [ this example].
Bug 571520 allow to specify a target file as an alternative to a target artifact
Bug 572082, allow applications to use bundle pools in order to have a "cross platform" installation structure without duplicating the bundles. To activate the multi-platform package, simply add true to the product definition in the pom.xml file.
Bug 568729, bug 569481 m2e includes a new feature that allows the usage of regular maven artifacts to be used in PDE target platforms. Support for this new location type was also added to tycho, you could read more about this new feature in the following article.
Bug 568446 When using parallel builds the initial dependency resolution is now also executed in parallel.
Bug 567760 Tycho now stops downloading p2 artifacts from remote sources too early and relies mostly on p2 metadata to compute target platform and build order without downloading the artifacts. Downloads are then instead delayed to when the artifact files are really necessary (to compute compilation build path, to generate a p2 repository...). As a result performance will be improved as less artifacts may be downloaded, and some steps like mvn clean
or mvn validate
can avoid downloading artifacts to process, and the most probable build failures will be reported faster.
Note that this is specifically visible for eclipse-feature and eclipse-repository modules; other module types like eclipse-plugin or eclipse-test-plugin do still require to download artifacts early to create the build path. Further improvements remain possible on that topic.
Bug 568359 Historically the tycho-source-feature-plugin was located in tycho extras but could be confusing because they often are used in conjunction with to each other because a source-bundle is hardly useful without corresponding source-feature. With the merge of tycho-core and tycho-extras these separation becomes even more obsolete.
From now on, the tycho-source-plugin also includes the tycho-source-feature-plugin, the old one is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.
Migration is rather simple, just add a new execution to the tycho-source-plugin
<source lang="xml">
<!-- put your configuration here -->
Beside this, the new mojo does support one additional configuration option 'missingSourcesAction' that can have one of the following two values:
- FAIL: this is like the old mojo works, any missing source bundle that is not excluded will fail the build
- WARN: this is the default, a warning will be omitted listing all missing plugins/features that are not excluded
Bug 398238 Tycho now supports in target files and in elements URLs of the form mvn:groupId:artifactId:version[:packaging[:classifier]] to be used for a repository.
For example
Bug 568623 Tycho now supports in build properties files to exclude files in library.
For example
output.mycodelib.jar = bin/
bin.includes = META-INF/,\
source.mycodelib.jar = src/
exclude.mycodelib.jar = **/*.txt