2546 commits
to jetty-10.0.x
since this release
- This release resolves CVE-2021-28169 and CVE-2021-34428
- #3764 DeprecationWarning Decorator
- #5684 Review disabled tests
- #5798 jetty-runner startup error with jetty-10
- #5817 Provide more filtering for CustomRequestLog
- #6049 Default provider [files] section always executed
- #6084 GzipHandler: NPE in setDeflaterPoolCapacity and setInflaterPoolCapacity
- #6098 jetty-cdi is missing from jetty-bom
- #6099 Cipher preference may break SNI if certificates have different key types
- #6105 HttpConnection.getBytesIn() incorrect for requests with chunked content
- #6106 WebSocket/CDI integration is broken in Jetty 10
- #6132 Ambiguous segment in URI in DELETE /a/projects/foo/branches/refs%2Fheads%2Ftest request after upgrade from 10.0.0 to 10.0.2
- #6153 jetty-maven-plugin does not correctly pass JVM arguments for external deployMode
- #6159 Jetty with Conscrypt unable to handle any HTTPS requests when connected by IP rather than hostname.
- #6166 WebSocket MessageInputStream.read() spends a lot of time in ByteBuffer.compact()
- #6205 OpenIdAuthenticator may use incorrect redirect
- #6208 HTTP/2 max local stream count exceeded
- #6224 make jetty-jspc-maven-plugin
- #6227 Better resolve race between
- #6238 jetty-keystore Invalid manifest header Bundle-SymbolicName: ""
- #6250 Lazily allocate HTTP2Stream data queue
- #6251 Use CyclicTimeout for HTTP2Streams
- #6254 Total timeout not enforced for queued requests
- #6263 Review URI encoding in ConcatServlet & WelcomeFilter
- #6277 Better handle exceptions thrown from session destroy listener
- #6280 Copy ServletHolder class/instance properly during startWebapp
- #6287 Class loading broken for WebSocketClient used inside webapp