Trying to get the DistributedHashtable sample working with a Trinity GE cluster.
This is what came out of the discussion in microsoft/GraphEngine#285. Thanks to TaviTruman for most of the code to get this working.
This example does not utilize a config. In a production environment you'll probably want to use a proper XML config and load it with TrinityConfig.Load().
Here are the steps to setup a Trinity GE cluster with three nodes, listening on[0-2]. The last step runs a simple client and connects to the cluster.
- Clone GraphEngine:
git clone
- Build GraphEngine:
- Build the client:
dotnet build DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Client
- Build the server:
dotnet build DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Server
- Run 1st node:
dotnet run --project DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Server --no-build --
- Run 2nd node:
dotnet run --project DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Server --no-build --
- Run head node:
dotnet run --project DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Server --no-build --,,
- Run client:
dotnet run --project DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Client --no-build --
You can build the docker image locally with docker build -t trinity .
Then you can fire up a trinity instance like this:
docker run --rm -it -p 7000:7000 trinity dotnet run --no-build --project DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Server --
This assumes you want to run a server node and host the service on port 7000.
Another option is to use docker-compose:
- Start the cluster:
docker-compose up
- Connect with a client (directly with
dotnet run
or using docker):dotnet run --no-build --project DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Client --
ORdocker run -it --rm trinity1 dotnet run --no-build --project DistributedHashtable/DHT.GE.Client -- <docker-bridge-ip>:7000